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Chapter 1,377 You are me! I am you! Bodhi Lord’s guarantee!

Zhou Zhou looked at the scene created by his great prophecy in amazement.

Just see it in the screen.

A group of beings who looked exactly like themselves, but were essentially different from themselves, looked at the corpses of the Sun Army below with evil smiles.

The corpses of soldiers from more than ten capitals, the corpses of tens of millions of gods, the corpses of more than five thousand true gods, and the corpses of most of the main gods of the Sun Empire were now displayed like rags on the land of the Sun Empire.

And His divine corpse was also among them.

There was a downpour of blood from heaven to earth.

The rich aura of divine power and promotion energy directly transformed this battlefield into a blessed land comparable to the main god-level regional territory.

Although this blessed land was forged from the deaths of massive Sun Empire soldiers and gods.

Zhou Zhou looked at this scene, his heart was cold and at the same time he felt very angry.

Anger from the heart!


The undisputed first lord of all races!

Even those high-blooded races with overlord-level lords were severely injured or even exterminated by him.

His reputation is remembered by all the worlds, and all races regard Him as the opener and leader of a new era!

Such Him would actually fall in the battle to found a small Kingdom of God in the end?!

Are you kidding?!

He now even has the heart to scold the Supreme Will.

Is this really used to test the lords of all races?

I can't pass it, is it possible for other lords to pass it?

After a while, Zhou Zhou calmed down.

He looked at the picture of the great prophecy and tried to find the reason for his failure.

And just then.

The clone of Zhou Zhou in the picture suddenly turned his head and looked at Zhou Zhou.

"Hey, isn't this His Majesty the Emperor of the Living World, who makes all races in the world fear him?"

"Are you panicking when you see your future turning into this?"

"Hahaha, you can't defeat me."


"I am you!"

"I have everything you have. How can you beat yourself?"

After saying this, he waved his right hand and saw that the picture created by Zhou Zhou through the Great Prophecy was forcibly closed.

Zhou Zhou frowned.

This guy……

He actually knows how to master the great prophecy technique he just mastered?

"He is me..."

The subordinates summoned by the two Chaos Gods and Demons he killed flashed through Zhou Zhou's mind.

Those subordinates look exactly the same as the subordinates under his command, but their methods are different.

Now it seems that the enemies he encountered in the founding war should belong to the same source as the Chaos God and Demon. However, this Chaos God and Demon can not only summon himself and his subordinates who look exactly the same, but even completely copy their methods.


Including all the means at your disposal.

And this is why He said, "I am you" and "How can you defeat yourself?"

When Zhou Zhou thought of this, he frowned deeply and felt a little headache.

Will the founding war be fought against myself?

That's really hard to win.

After all, most of his troops are on the side of Blue Star. Unless he uses the gospel of the returnees to withdraw all his subordinates from the active universe and return to the Sun Empire, he can be on par with his own clones in terms of military strength.

Fair fight.

But it was currently in the active period, and unless there were extremely special circumstances, Zhou Zhou really didn't want to withdraw people from the active universe.

Although the current situation is considered a special situation...

Zhou Zhou fell into trouble.

He would rather deal with a supreme god who suddenly arrived than a copy of himself.

After all, even when facing the Supreme God, Zhou Zhou still has many Supreme God-level means in his hand that he can try to fight head-on, and the outcome is still uncertain.

But if you are facing yourself, and everyone knows everything, they will use supreme god-level methods on each other. In this way, apart from creating a large number of ineffective casualties and wasting supreme god-level treasures, it will have no effect on the outcome.

Too much impact.

"No matter what happens, establishing the Kingdom of God cannot be delayed."

"It's better to face it sooner than later."

"I have to find a way."

Zhou Zhou thinks.

The Supreme Holy Body not only brought him a strong physique and talent, but also raised his wisdom to a very high level.

So very quickly.

He thought of a key to breaking the situation.

"Since the clone is already sure of victory, why bother to forcibly interrupt my great prophecy? Wouldn't it make him feel better to activate the great prophecy and let him see the unwilling expression on my face?"


"He doesn't want me to see anything!"

Zhou Zhou murmured to himself.

Then he decisively took out the Bodhi statue.

Before he could ask, Bodhisattva spoke first.

"do not ask me."

"The Supreme Will has just told me personally that I cannot give you any advice or help in this battle to found the country."

"You can only rely on yourself."

Bodhisattva said helplessly and gloatingly.

Zhou Zhou was stunned for a moment, then helpless.

"Zhou Zhou."

Bodhisattva suddenly spoke, his tone unusually serious, "You have always been cautious, and you are extremely unwilling to do risky things without absolute certainty."

"If there is a 10% risk of doing something, you will most likely not do it, even if the remaining 90% is the benefit you want."

"This is an advantage."

"But it can also be a disadvantage in certain situations."

"There will come a time when you encounter a crisis that you cannot solve despite all your caution."

"At that time, the benefit you wanted might only have a 1% chance of getting it."

"The remaining 99% will be your failure."

"At that time, where will you go?"

"I know, you want to say that you are now the most powerful person in the Sun Empire. You have defeated countless powerful enemies and protected the entire empire and the entire human race. How can you be a person without courage?"

"I didn't say you didn't have courage."

"But you never seem to have experienced a big crisis where you risk your life and survive."

"You've had such a smooth journey."

"It's time to experience something like this."

"I can be honest with you."

"If it were other lords of all races, in the process of establishing the Kingdom of God, the founding battle they experienced would never be like this."

"The enemy they have to face is, at most, an attack from a regular junior god-level lord force."

"After surviving the attack, they can successfully become a kingdom-level lord force."

"They are different from you."

"As for why you are so special..."

Bodhisattva smiled and said meaningfully: "Of course it's because you are already a candidate for the Supreme Lord recognized by the Supreme Will."

"Precisely because you are a candidate, the test you have to go through is naturally different from those lords of all races who cannot enter the eyes of the Supreme Will."

"Believe me."

"Wait until you survive today's founding battle and establish your own Kingdom of God."

"The position of supreme lord is not far away from you."

"I promise you that."

It was rare for Bodhi Lord to say such words to Zhou Zhou.

This chapter has been completed!
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