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Chapter 1,481 The last ten talents of the Lord of Divine Blessing! Easter eggs?

Inside the Holy Palace of Samsara.

Zhou Zhou was feeling the lower limit of human race's potential.

The potential of the human race has already reached the epic upper level before, and only thirty-four new human race main gods are needed to be officially promoted to the lower limit of the potential of the legendary lower level.

Today, 392 new main gods were directly added. Although there are only 176 new main gods of the human race, they far meet the needs of the human race for promotion at the lower limit of their potential.

"Sure enough, a breakthrough has been achieved."

"The lower limit of the human race's potential today is... intermediate legendary level?"

Zhou Zhou was very surprised when he felt this.

What is the lower limit of the potential of the legendary mid-level?

Normally speaking, there are so many new main gods of this race, which is enough to raise the lower limit of potential to the lower god level.

This is what the Primordial Eldar, Chaos Gods and Shepherds are like.

But when it comes to their human race, why are they still only at the lower limit of the potential of the legendary intermediate level.

Various thoughts flashed through Zhou Zhou's mind. Soon, a look of surprise flashed across his face, and then he couldn't help but shake his head and smile bitterly.

He knows why.

The reason why the three top bloodline races can use more than a hundred main gods of their own race to raise their lower limit of potential to the level of gods and promote themselves to the top bloodline race is because their lower limit of initial potential is already very high!

It is recorded in Zhou Zhou’s original spirit clan bloodline inheritance.

The oldest and most primitive primitive spiritual tribe in the world, their lowest potential has already reached the epic lower level potential!

The most primitive people of the Chaos God Clan and the Shepherd God Clan, their potential has reached the level of extraordinary superiors!

And what about the human race?

Before Zhou Zhou came, their potential was at the lower level of Black Iron...

It can be called the lowest among all races!

The reason why the human race is rated as a middle-lower blood race by all races is because of this.

As for why it is not the lowest race, it is because the people of some races cannot even reach the lower limit of the potential of Black Iron subordinates, and will not be able to become extraordinary in their lifetime.

The high potential starting point of the three top bloodline races also means that they do not need many main gods to be promoted to the god-level bloodline.

For example, in order for the human race to move from the lower limit of epic upper-level potential to the lower limit of legendary lower-level bloodline, it would take fifty new human race chief gods.

However, it may only take twenty, or even less, for the original Eldar to advance to the lower limit of legendary lower-level potential!

The same is true for the Chaos Gods and Shepherds.

It's like a 100-meter race.

The human race needs to start running from the starting point, run 100 meters to reach the end point, and be exhausted in the end.

As for the three top blood races, they stood at 70 meters or even 80 meters from the beginning. They only need to run the rest of the distance to reach the finish line, and they are not very tired.

This is the difference between the two sides!

After understanding this, Zhou Zhou felt a little uncomfortable at first.

No wonder it’s so difficult to raise the lower limit of the human race’s potential.

But soon.

His expression returned to calm.

So what if promotion is difficult?

Hasn't He now forcibly raised the lower limit of human race's potential to the legendary intermediate level?

Now that the human race has the lowest potential, it is only the last two steps away from being promoted to the lower level of a lower god and becoming a top bloodline race!

Upgrade from Legendary Intermediate Level to Legendary Advanced Level!

Finally, promoted to a lower level god!

This will allow the human race to become the top bloodline race!

Think of this.

Zhou Zhou felt how many new human race chief gods it would take to raise the lower limit of legendary intermediate potential to the lower limit of legendary upper-level potential.


He felt it.

"The lower limit of legendary intermediate potential has been raised to the lower limit of legendary upper-level potential to 200 new main gods."

"Not much."

Zhou Zhou nodded slightly.

He now has 142 new human race main gods, and with another 58 new human race main gods, the potential of the human race can be upgraded to the legendary upper level.

"There is a high probability that this condition will be achieved tomorrow."

He smiled to himself.

Just then.

Zhou Eleven came over and told Zhou Zhou what happened to Thanatos.

After Zhou Zhou heard this, he clicked his tongue and said, "Thanatos was so unlucky that he discovered the secret of the will of the underworld. No wonder he died quietly."

"Besides, you did a good job."

"Maybe we can bring a new supreme god helper to our Kingdom of the Sun."

Zhou Yiyi waved his hand, not really paying attention.

Then he threw it with his right hand and saw the lord's talent ball emitting black mist being thrown towards him and caught by Zhou Zhou.

After Zhou Zhou took it, he glanced at it and then absorbed it directly.


Then He opened his eyes.

He opened his lord talent interface and saw that there was a new mythical and unique lord talent in his lord talent interface.

He looked carefully.

More talent information emerges.

[Ten Divine Blessings-The Protection of Thanatos, the Lord God of Death:]

[Specific talent effect 1 - Thanatos's Supreme Blessing: Thanatos, the Lord God of Death, one of the ten main gods under the Supreme Will, has given you and the combat professionals under your command a supreme blessing.

After you and the combat professionals under your command die in battle, you will not die immediately, but will continue to fight in the world as the dead until 24 hours later, your soul will completely return to the underworld!]

[Specific talent effect 2 - Resurrection from the dead: After you and your combat professionals die in battle, you will continue to survive in the form of the dead for 24 hours. During these 24 hours, if you or your subordinates fight back

By killing the enemy, you or your subordinates can absorb the enemy's life essence to resurrect them from the dead.]

[Specific talent effect 3 - Lord God's Protection: The development process of you and your lord's force will not be maliciously hindered by other strong men of the Lord God level. Thanatos, the Lord God of Death, will secretly protect you and your lord's force.

Block or kill all the powerful master gods who dare to come and have malicious intentions.]

[Specific talent effect 4-Guardian of the Kingdom of God: When your lord force is promoted to the primary lord force of the Kingdom of God, Thanatos, the Lord God of Death, will automatically join your lord force camp and become the main god loyal to you.

.But you must also promise the other party that you will help Thanatos, the Lord God of Death, to be promoted to the level of the supreme god in the future.]

[Note: Since Thanatos, the Lord God of Death, has fallen, specific talent effects 3 and 4 have become invalid.]

After Zhou Zhou read it, his eyes suddenly lit up.

The Ten Divine Blessing Lord talents of Death God Thanatos are very good.

Unexpectedly, you can continue fighting in the state of the dead after death, and if you kill the killer during this period, you can even be resurrected by absorbing the life essence of the killer.

The most terrifying thing is that this natural ability has no death limit.

In other words, if he can use this talent well, he can use it to create a terrifying undead army!

And just then.

Another new line of text prompt appears.

[Supreme Will Reminder: Congratulations to Emperor Cangsheng (the fourth reserve of the Supreme Lord), for gathering all the ten divine blessing lord talents. You have obtained a supreme and only lord talent - the protection of the Supreme Will!]

After Zhou Zhou saw this line of text prompts, his eyes suddenly lit up and he felt a little excited.

Can the 'Easter Egg' be triggered by gathering the talents of the Ten Divine Blessing Lords?

This chapter has been completed!
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