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Chapter 155 In terms of thick skin, I would call you the strongest!

Chapter 155 In terms of thickness of skin, I would like to call you the strongest! (Please subscribe)

Zhou Zhou soon became confused again.

How did their ranks improve so quickly?

Logically speaking.

Don't these lords who have just joined the battlefield of the lords of all races only have one chance to rank?

The fact that this true lord of the original spiritual tribe was able to be promoted to a golden superior lord in such a short period of time means that the other party has completed 12 rankings in less than two hours!

Where did its remaining 11 ranking chances come from?

He thought for a while.

I had a guess in my mind.

The opponent may have launched attacks on the territories of multiple foreign lords or scarlet lords before the Lords of All Races took part in the battlefield.

Wait until the event starts.

These attacked lord territories were quickly conquered, giving these top lords multiple ranking opportunities.

That's why the ranks of these top lords were raised so high in such a short period of time.

"I'm afraid it won't be long."

"The first lord of the mythical lord rank is about to be born."

Zhou Zhou thought.

to be honest.

Although he had thought that he might be far behind these top lords.

But I never expected it to be so big.

I am still only an intermediate black iron player.

Others are already golden superiors.

Shaked his head.

Zhou Zhou stopped thinking about it.

Although it was a bit of a shock.

But he possesses the talent of a mythical lord.

I am still very confident about my future.

Then he opened the friends bar, clicked on Ling'er's friends, and started typing.

[Lord of the Sun: Are you ranked?]

[Elixir Lord: Brother, I just finished here, wow! I met a group of cute slimes!]

[Elixir Lord: But later I asked the soldiers to kill them.]

[Lord Sun: Well done, don’t show mercy to your enemies. Being kind to them is cruelty to yourself and your people.]

[Elixir Lord: Hmm, brother, how is your side doing? You must have won, right?]

[Lord of the Sun: Well, the victory went smoothly.]

When Zhou Zhou wrote this, he suddenly thought for a few seconds and then typed:

[Lord of the Sun: Let’s queue up together in the future. With two people together, we will have greater confidence.]

[Elixir Lord: But...my side is relatively weak and may drag you down.]

[Lord of the Sun: You’ve already called me brother, why are you talking about this? Just listen to brother.]

[Elixir Lord: Thank you, brother! Brother is the best!]

[Sun Lord: Yeah.]

Zhou Zhou made this decision not without reason.

During this time.

Ling'er continued to send herself various medicinal materials every day.

And the number is increasing.

Originally, his soldiers grew at an extremely fast rate.

But even in this case.

He has never worried about the shortage of medicine.

The most important reason is that the quantity of medicinal materials provided by Ling'er has never let him down.

And now the Lords of Ten Thousand Races Battlefield event has started.

Not only do their Blue Star lords need internal competition, but the pressure from external alien lords is also beginning to increase.

He still understands the principle of being alone.

Among the Blue Star Lords, I cannot be the only one who is strong!

He also needs more allies.

He couldn't count on other lords, and he had never expected to count on them.

But this person Ling'er.

Zhou Zhou is quite familiar with it by now.

As a legendary lord talent holder, she is also his sister.

He currently feels that he is someone who can be cultivated as an ally.

That's why he proposed to help the opponent in a double queue.

After all, the opponent's support ability is very strong.

But it is weak in terms of combat power.

When both sides are ranked together, they can complement each other perfectly.

Then he started typing again:

[Lord of the Sun: During this period, you should try your best to have your soldiers conquer several alien territories or scarlet territories and obtain some territory tokens, so that they can be exchanged for goods in the battlefield store.]

[Lord of the Sun: I’ve read the stuff in it, and it’s quite good.]

[Elixir Lord: Yeah, brother, I know, I have captured the territories of three scarlet lords, and I am currently planning to defeat the regional lords in my area.]

Zhou Zhou was stunned.

Then he couldn't help but shake his head.

I seem to treat the other person as a child too much and want to tell the other person everything.

But I never thought about it.

Linger herself is a very smart girl.

What I can think of.

The other party can also think of it.

[Lord Sun: I seem to have never heard about you on the World Channel. Didn’t you sell the medicinal materials you cultivated in the exchange?]

[Elixir Lord: The medicinal materials in my medicine garden are enough for you alone.]

[Lord of the Sun: ...You don’t have to do this. Your lord talent is very strong. Without exposing it, you can gain a little fame in the exchange. This way you can earn more Mist Hearts and make you better.

development of.]

[Lord of the Sun: If possible, you can collect some more pharmaceutical formulas and medicinal seeds on the World Channel. If you don’t use them now, you will need them one day in the future.]

[Elixir Lord: Okay, I’ll listen to my brother!]

Then the two chatted for a while before ending the conversation.

Zhou Zhou looked at the chat between the two and felt a little stressed.

Ling'er relies too much on herself.

Although he did not reject this dependence.

But he always felt that such dependence was not good for Ling'er.


"I can't ask a little girl what I ask of an adult."

"She's done a great job."

Zhou Zhou shook his head.

Then he opened the World Channel to see the reactions of the lords.

However, when Zhou Zhou saw the first sentence of the lord's speech, he was stunned.

[Why is the lord rank still minus 1 rank???]

[Is it unusual to lose 1 paragraph? I lost 2 paragraphs. (Crying)]

[If you lose 1 segment, lose 2 segments, etc., you won’t have to fight back segment by segment, right?]

[I guess so.]

[Holy crap! I thought that as long as I played a few more times, even if I lost a few games, as long as I was lucky, I could always reach the bronze rank. Once this kind of negative rank comes out, if I lose a few games in a row, why don’t I just GG?]

[How could the Supreme Will leave such a thing for us to take advantage of?]

[Why is this alien lord so perverted? In my friend list, there are many lord friends, but none of them can beat the alien lord, and they directly become negative ranks.]

[Although it is not very good, it is still recommended that lords who are not confident in their own strength go to the battlefield of lords of the same race. The battlefield of alien lords is not something ordinary lords can fight.]

[I will open the book directly!]

[Everyone roll up!]

[The top lords do have the courage and style of the top lords. I just looked at the battlefield rankings of the lords of the same race and found that most of the top lords are not on the list. They should have gone to fight the lords of all races battlefield.]

[I also watched it, and I didn’t expect that the Knight Lord would actually be ranked first in the battlefield rankings of the Lords of the same clan. The Knight Lord is really thick-skinned.]

[Hahahaha, Lord Knight really has the nerve to sit in this position. Has he asked Lord Sun, Lord Dragon God, Lord Overlord, and Lord Dragon Lady?]

[Lord Knight: I sit in this position because of my strength, why do you blame me? If you have the ability, come up and squeeze me out. Lord Sun is not sitting in this position, why can't I sit in it?]

[You have the nerve to say this.]

[In terms of thickness of skin, I would like to call you the strongest.]

"Lord Knight?"

Zhou Zhou thought for a while before he remembered this person.

When Lord Blue Star first came to the Supreme Continent, this man became popular for a few days because he revealed on the World Channel that he had the diamond-level lord talent "Hall of Knights" and could cultivate fighting spirit knights who could master fighting spirit.

Later, he and the Dragon Lady Lords rose up one after another.

This person gradually faded out of the sight of other lords.

Later, when the alliance of lords was just starting to emerge, this person seemed to have established a Knights Council and became a little popular again.

But Zhou Zhou didn't pay much attention.

Unexpectedly, he became popular again today.

It’s just the way of this fire…

Zhou Zhou shook his head.

He has diamond-level lord talents, but instead of showing off his skills among the lords of all races, he has to fight within his own clan. He doesn't agree with this approach very much.

But everyone has their own choice.

Zhou Zhou couldn't care less, and he wouldn't interfere if he had nothing to do.

at this time.

He saw several different lords speaking, which made him narrow his eyes.

[Storm Lord: The Knight Lord is thick-skinned, but not as ruthless as the Sun Lord. The Knight Lord only fights with his fellow lords on the battlefield, but the Sun Lord has actually attacked our fellow humans in reality, and he is not the first.

That’s it, let’s take a closer look.]


The other party also posted a screenshot of the friends list.

Displayed above are the names of ‘Thorn Lord’’s friends.

But the name has now faded.

[Storm Lord: Poor my brother of thorns, he died tragically at the hands of Lord Sun!]

There are many comments that echo his remarks below.

[I have known who Lord Sun is since the beginning of Lord Xiong. I am not surprised at all that he would do something like this now.]

[Although the battlefield of the lord is cruel, there is no need to be so cruel to the same race, right? Just kill when you say it?]


[Everyone must be careful of Lord Sun! He can attack Lord Overlord and Lord of Thorns today, but next time he can attack more fellow Blue Star lords?]

[Isn’t it? Isn’t it? There are still people trying to clear Lord Xiongba’s name now?]

Zhou Zhou looked at the name of this storm lord.

He knows this man.

When the Lord of Thorns first broke the news to him, he mentioned this person's name.

This man is said to be one of the founders of the Yang Slayer Society.

He has been deliberately trying to deal with himself.

"It seems that the Thorn Lord did not teach them enough lessons."

"Now you are still thinking of dealing with me."

Zhou Zhou thought.

As for the reason why the other party smeared themselves so much and spread the "scorching sun threat theory".

He can think of it with his toes.

He is just afraid that one day he will hit the opponent, so now he wants to use this method to attract more lords to join his Sun Slayer Society to increase their strength and alliance power.

In this way, after you have accumulated enough strength, you can take the initiative to deal with yourself.

Think of this.

Zhou Zhou's face looked slightly cold.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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