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Chapter 209 Battle to the top! Lord of the Gods

Chapter 209 The battle to reach the top! Lord of the God race! (Please subscribe)

In the next two hours.

Zhou Zhou experienced two more diamond-level rankings.

These two diamond-level alien lord opponents.

One is the lord of the sacred Unicorn clan.

The other one is the leader of the four-armed snake demon clan.

These two foreign lords are divided according to their bloodline levels:

One is a race from heaven with extraordinary intermediate bloodline!

The other is a race from the abyss with superior diamond bloodline!

These two alien lords are both very powerful.

Zhou Zhou paid a full 11,242 resurrection quotas to defeat them and win.

These two victories not only raised his rank to Diamond level.

Moreover, each qualifying match gave him a full 5,000 battlefield points, and two wins in the qualifying match were a full 10,000 battlefield points!

Only then did Zhou Zhou suddenly realize.

Although these lords of Diamond and above ranks can only queue solo.

But they can also get the battlefield points that can be obtained by platooning.

And not only can you get it, but you can get more.

In addition to these two gains.

When he was promoted to Diamond Superior.

A line of text prompts that Zhou Zhou had been waiting for also appeared.

[Lord Battlefield Tips: You still need to win 1 Ten Thousand Races Lords Battlefield Ranking Match to temporarily become the 'Strongest Lord' among the Blue Star Human Race Lords and temporarily obtain the title of 'Strongest Lord'!]

Zhou Zhou took a deep breath.

Is it just one game?

He didn't hesitate and directly chose to rank.

[Matching your ranked opponents...]

[Match successful!]

[Entering the battlefield!]

[You have entered the diamond advanced battlefield!]

[You and your opponent are randomly assigned to the diamond advanced battlefield - Demigod Death Ruins!]

[Your opponent is: Lord of the Divine Tribe - Lord Uncle Feng (Diamond Advanced Rank)!]

[Conditions for defeating the enemy: Kill all enemy units within 24 hours!]

[If the time exceeds, both parties will be judged to have a negative record and their rank will be -1!]

[You have the next ten minutes to deploy your faction units!]

[Countdown: 9 minutes: 59 seconds]

Lord of the God race?

Zhou Zhou frowned slightly.

This name suggests that it is not an easy race to deal with.

"Illustrated Book of All Races in All Realms (Volume 5)" seems to have sensed his thoughts.

It flew out automatically and opened in front of Zhou Zhou.


Picture book information about the God tribe appears.

[God descendants: descendants of gods from all over the world. They are born with supernatural powers. Their bloodline contains the laws and abilities mastered by the gods. They are constantly awakening as they grow. However, they can become gods or lose gods. God descendants cannot

To follow the path of becoming a god contained in your bloodline, you can only find another path or kill the person who gave you your bloodline, but the success rate is extremely low, and most of them end up dying at the legendary level or lower...]

"He is actually a descendant of the gods."

"I didn't expect to encounter it at such a critical time."

Zhou Zhou frowned slightly.

But he didn't have time to think too much and took the time to start deploying.

Wait until the deployment is completed.

He looked at his surroundings.

The farthest place from his Sun City is a city with an azure castle as its center.

This is naturally the territory of the Goddess lord - Lord Uncle Feng.

In the center of the two cities was a battlefield filled with bloody smoke.

In this battlefield.

Various corpses can be seen everywhere.

The one closest to Zhou Zhou was a huge head that was more than twenty meters high.

The head was pale and had two dark eye holes, but the eyes inside could not be seen, as if it was staring at Zhou Zhou strangely.

He has no nose, but a mouth without lips.

The whole thing exudes an inexplicable sense of power and oppression.

Zhou Zhou once vaguely felt this sense of power and oppression in the temple of Thanatos, the God of Death.

However, it is far less powerful and oppressive than the God of Death, Thanatos.

"Demigod Death Ruins..."

"Did the owner of this head once be a demigod?"

Zhou Zhou made a guess in his mind.

He looked to other parts of the battlefield.

There were quite a lot of corpses found that looked like demigods like this.

They seemed to be charging towards one place, but were eventually killed on the way.

"I don't know who killed him."

"The one who can kill so many demigods must be gods."

Zhou Zhou made a guess in his mind.

Then his expression changed slightly.

There are so many demigod corpses on the battlefield.

Will it bring additional battlefield advantages to the god clan lord opposite?

If that's the case.

That's not good news for him.

Zhou Zhou frowned slightly.

This is what random battlefields look like.

Ranked lords can never know whether the environment of the next lord battlefield will be favorable or unfavorable to them.

For example, he himself once encountered a fire elemental creature named Fire Cloud Bird.

At that time, he and the other party were randomly sent to an ice and snow battlefield.

As a result, in that Lord's Battlefield, Huoyunniao's fire element ability was mostly suppressed by the environment, and he easily won that ranked victory.

Zhou Zhou naturally had nothing to do about the current situation.

You can only choose to accept it.

at the same time.

Uncle Feng City.

A two-headed, four-armed creature with cyan air flowing all over its body was suspended above the azure castle, looking at this lord battlefield with a surprised expression.

"What a rich, masterless divine power..."

"It's a pity that because of too long time, the nature of divine power has become somewhat corrupted."

"Otherwise, for me, it is simply the best place to practice."

He shook his head sadly.

Then a smile appeared on his face.


"In this lord war, my side's advantage is simply too great."

"With so much godless power."

"My strength can be increased at least ten times!"

"It's really rare to be able to defeat the opponent as a human lord until now."


ten minutes later.

[Deployment time has ended!]

[The war of lords begins!]

"Everyone is guarding Sun City."

"In this lord war, we focus on defending the city."

Wu Xin had obtained racial information about the opposing lord from Zhou Zhou, and after discussion, he decisively chose the strategy of defending the city.

Then Zhou Zhou and the others saw that the people on the other side were unable to defend the city.

"With such a huge advantage on the battlefield, Lord Uncle Feng is actually so cautious..."

Bai Yun felt helpless seeing this.

"Let's not rush."

"They have a huge advantage."

"It won't do them any good to drag it out."

Wu Xin said in a deep voice.

Bai Yun nodded.

Zhou Zhou naturally had no objection.


After a while.

They saw Lord Uncle Feng walking out of the city gate with more than 1,000 wind elemental creatures that resembled tornadoes.

Zhou Zhou looked at the leader, Lord Feng Uncle.


Property information appears.

[Alien name: Lord of the Divine Race-Lord Uncle Feng]

[Strength Level: Silver Intermediate (Sealed)]

[Introduction to the Alien Race: The lord of the God race from the elemental world. The blood of the gods flowing in his body comes from the God of Wind Erosion, Joe Basel (the middle god). As the God of Wind Erosion, the bloodline of the sixth generation God is quite popular due to his high talent.

Loved by his ancestors and gods. Lord Feng's original strength was at the lower level of diamond. After becoming a lord, his strength was sealed to the lower level of black iron. Now with the improvement of his strength, part of the seal has been lifted, and his strength has returned to the intermediate level of silver.]

[Loot explosion rate: none]

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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