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Chapter 499: Myth saves talents! Butcher-Guo Qiao!

Think of this.

Zhou Zhou suddenly felt ready to make a move and wanted to go to the Lord Mall to see what products were on sale today.

at this time.

Twelve figures walked over from a distance.

They were old and young, with different costumes and even different races, which surprised Zhou Zhou.


They came to Zhou Zhou.

"I've met the lord!"

The twelve people said respectfully.

"Are you the citizens who came to join me today?"

Zhou Zhou gave up the idea of ​​going to Lord Mall for the time being and asked.

"Yes, Lord."

"The territory of the Lord Lord is the territory of the strongest lord of all races! In the entire Supreme Continent, who doesn't know about it, and who doesn't know about it?"

"We are just the lucky ones who came here."

"In the future, there will definitely be more professionals from all over the Supreme Continent, and even from all over the world, who will come to seek refuge with the Lord."

The leader, a gray-haired old man, smiled.

Although this old man is old, he wears a damaged blood-red armor and carries two blood-red axes on his back.

He was lean and muscular, and his eyes were blood red.

Zhou Zhou's eyes fell on the old man, and he instantly felt an evil aura coming towards his face that seemed to threaten the world.

Zhou Zhou looked stern.

This old man is not simple.


at this time.

Suddenly there was a throbbing deep in his soul.

This kind of throbbing seemed to tell Zhou Zhou that the old man in front of him was his blood relative, but there were some differences.

This made him a little confused.


Where did he, a time traveler, have relatives on the Supreme Continent?

"you are?"

Zhou Zhou said politely.

"I'm Guo Qiao."

"Nicknamed The Butcher."

"Lord, just call me Lao Guo."

Guo Qiao laughed and said.

Zhou Zhou nodded.

at the same time.

Guo Qiao's attribute information also appeared in front of him.

[Leader: Guo Qiao (hero unit)]

[Hero title: Butcher]

[Person: Destiny of lower god-level heroes]

[Territory: Sun Territory]

[Strength level: Diamond lower level (seriously injured)]

[Ability Overview: The last descendant of the dragon slayer, a special being who kills noble blood with his humble blood. He has been living on the Supreme Continent since he was a child, making a living by killing high-level blood beings, and was promoted to the lower level with the potential of bronze.

Go to the epic level!

Not long ago, he killed a lower god with his own hands, but was seriously injured as a result, and his strength dropped to the lower level of diamond.

Today, Guo Qiao has been bathed in all the divine blood of that god and has become a hero through this opportunity. His future is already limitless.]

[Bloodline: Human Bloodline (Bronze Intermediate) (100%)]

[Skills: Talent - Dragon Slaying Will, Talent - Singing in Blood, Talent - Ignore Pain, Talent - Glorious Death, Heroic Skill - Dragon Slaying Ax Technique, Heroic Skill - Twilight of the Gods, Epic Lower Level Crazy Fight, Epic Lower Level Killing Intent Rising

, the epic lower level’s precise throwing axe, the epic lower level’s mad battle roar, the epic lower level’s death without being frozen, the epic lower level’s deadly battle...]

[Loyalty: 100 (die loyal people)]

[Potential: Bronze Intermediate]

[Hero’s Biography: 1 He is a dragon slayer! The hero’s personal legend level is 10, and the reputation of the Supreme Continent is 100! 2 As a lower-level dragon slayer in the epic, he kills a lower-level god and intermediate god by leaping two levels, and thus becomes a

A hero with the destiny of a lower-level god-level hero, making countless people of noble blood fear him! The hero's personal legend level is 50, and the highest continental reputation is 1000!]

Zhou Zhou looked at this old man who was full of anger but kept smiling on his face.

It finally dawned on me.

No wonder I had that special feeling with him.

It turned out to be a dragon slayer who was living abroad.

Zhou Zhou naturally did not forget that he also had a platinum level lord talent - the land of dragon slaying!

He also gained the identity of the Dragon Slayer King!

The old man in front of him was his natural leader when he acquired this talent.

this point.

It can be seen from the fact that he has been die-hardly loyal since he just joined the Sun Territory.

"Welcome home."

Zhou Zhou looked at him and smiled.

Hearing this, Guo Qiao was still looking at Zhou Zhou with a smile, but tears quietly appeared in his eyes.

Zhou Zhou did not comfort him, but his eyes fell on the other ten new citizens.

Among the ten new citizens, there are three foreigners and seven humans.

Zhou Zhou read their attribute information one by one.

It was found that they were: a platinum high-level blacksmith, a platinum high-level tailor, two diamond low-level musketeers, a diamond mid-level architect, a diamond high-level businessman, an extraordinary low-level cartographer, and an extraordinary low-level destroyer.

Knight, an extraordinary intermediate beast master!

Zhou Zhou nodded slightly.

They should be their own legendary talents.

Don't say anything else.

There are only three extraordinary legendary talents, which is a pretty good ratio.


The dragon-slaying old man in front of him, who possesses the destiny status of a lower-level god-level hero, should be his own mythological talent.

As an epic lower-level god, kill an intermediate-level god!

Then when he is promoted to the legendary level, or even the god level, how terrifying will his combat power be?

This legendary talent is well-deserved!

Then his eyes fell on the last person.

He wore a golden armor, held a golden sword and a golden shield, and had nine golden spears stuck on his back. He looked majestic.

It is a soldier who has just transferred to become the King of Gold!

[Leader: Xu Zheng]

[Territory: Sun City]

[Army occupation name: King of Gold]

[Strength realm: Extraordinary intermediate level]

[Ability overview: He was originally an ordinary citizen of a human kingdom. Due to his poverty, in order to help his family, he joined a gang since he was a child. He has been running around at the bottom since he was a child. Therefore, he is very aware of the hardships of the life of the people at the bottom. His dream is to follow

A great lord allows the lower class people to obtain their own food, clothing and stability.]

[Skills: Talent - Born Warrior, Talent - Hard-working, Extraordinary Intermediate Golden Sword and Shield Attack Combat Technique, Extraordinary Intermediate Nine Spear Flying Attack Technique, Extraordinary Intermediate Midas Turning into Gold, Extraordinary Intermediate Gold Blood, Extraordinary Intermediate Physical Strengthening, Extraordinary Intermediate Physics

Immunity, extraordinary intermediate element immunity, diamond inferior soul immunity, extraordinary intermediate flying...]


[Potential: epic lower level]

Zhou Zhou looked at his skill list and nodded slightly.

His skill list is very different from the skill list of the Golden King monster he saw before, and many new Golden King unit skills have been added.

But this is normal.

The Golden King monster he saw before was only the Golden Superior.

But the Golden King's soldiers in front of him were extraordinary mid-level.

When the Golden King reaches this level of strength, he will naturally have more unique skills for his troops.

Afterwards, Zhou Zhou briefly chatted with them and let them go about their business.

Only Zhou Zhou and Guo Qiao were left at the scene.

"follow me."

Zhou Zhoudao.

Then he walked towards the junior lord's blessed land.

Guo Qiao followed closely behind.


The two of them walked into the blessed land.

Wait for the moment the door closes.

Before Zhou Zhou could turn around, he heard the sound of someone kneeling on his knees.

"Dragon Slayer-Guo Qiao!"

"I've met the king!"

Zhou Zhou looked over.

Guo Qiao was seen kneeling before him, his shoulders were shaking, and tears were falling down.

That's not sadness, that's excitement.

It’s the excitement of returning home!

It’s also exciting to see our relatives and elders!

In a world where dragon slayers are regarded as noble enemies.

Guo Qiao, who had been alone for most of his life, saw for the first time a dragon slayer who had the same will as him.

And there are so many dragon slayers!

And the Dragon Slayer King they regard as their great king!

How could he not be excited?

This chapter has been completed!
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