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Chapter 52 Enter the time relic! Time mission!

Chapter 52 Entering the ruins of time! Time mission!

"Wu Tu."

"Before you came to me."

"Are you also a citizen of the Aurora Kingdom?"

Zhou Zhou thought for a moment and suddenly asked.

Wu Tu was stunned.

Then he immediately stood up in a panic:

"Lord Lord!"

"Although my subordinate was a citizen of the Kingdom of Aurora before."

"But after joining the lord, my subordinates have become full-fledged citizens of Sun City, both physically and mentally!"

"Lord, please believe in the loyalty of your subordinates!"

"Sit down, sit down."

"I didn't mean that."

"I trust you."

Zhou Zhou saw his panic expression and immediately knew that the child had misunderstood, and immediately said in a dumbfounded voice.

Wu Tu's loyalty level has almost reached 90 points.

Naturally, he would not doubt the other party's loyalty.

He just suddenly thought of something.

He originally thought that the Summoning Gate's principle of summoning people was to randomly summon human beings to come to him on the Supreme Continent.

However, more and more people came from the Aurora Kingdom, which made Zhou Zhou gradually feel that his idea might be wrong.

The Gate of Summoning may not randomly summon the people from the Supreme Continent!

Instead, the people are summoned based on the principle of proximity.

This is true even for legendary talents.

Because his territory is close to the Kingdom of Aurora.

Therefore, whether it is the subjects summoned by the Summoning Gate or the talents attracted by the legend, most of them come from the Aurora Kingdom.

In this case.

It’s no surprise that Wu Tu’s map of Yuquan Town, Bao Xiuer’s master-disciple reunion mission, and Yuquan Town’s location near the Scorching Sun Desert are no surprise.

It's just a coincidence with a high probability.

After hearing Zhou Zhou's words, Wu Tu breathed a sigh of relief.

"Do you have a map of Yuquan Town with you now?"

Zhou Zhou asked.


"It's just what my subordinates drew before."

"There may be some deviations now."

"If necessary."

"Tomorrow, my subordinates will go to Yuquan Town and redraw the map there."

"It won't take long."

"One morning is enough."

As Wu Tu said this, he had already prepared a map and handed it to Zhou Zhou.

Zhou Zhou took it and looked at it.

[Regional map name: Yuquan Town Map (current exploration level: 2%)]

[Map quality: Bronze level]

[Total area of ​​area: 1011 square kilometers]

[Introduction to the map: This map depicts the general topography of Yuquan Town and related map information! It specifically includes regional area, geographical scale, terrain distribution, town scope and location, commercial streets, residential areas, military barracks, and scattered monster activity areas.

The scope and location of the Scarlet Lord’s territory.]

It is worthy of being a bronze-level area.

The total area of ​​the region alone is twice that of the Sun Desert!

Zhou Zhou clicked his tongue.

“Do you know the tailor ‘Zhang Li’?”

"She should be in Yuquan Town."

After briefly reading the contents of the map, he looked at Wu Tu and asked.

Zhang Li!

He is Bao Xiuer's teacher.

It is also the mission target of the Platinum subordinate’s hidden mission ‘Master and Disciple Reunion’!

"Zhang Li..."

"I think I've heard of it."

"I remembered!"

"There is a Shuofeng tailor shop in Yuquan Town, which is very famous in the town."

"When my subordinates went to Yuquan Town to draw maps, they heard many residents of Yuquan Town say that the master there was good at craftsmanship."

"Her name seems to be Zhang Li."

Wu Tudao.

Zhou Zhou was sure of it.

Shuofeng Tailor Shop!

That's right.

More than 80% may be Zhang Li!

"Tomorrow you will take the people with you and focus on sorting out the new area map of Yuquan Town!"

"In addition, investigate Zhang Li again."

"Pay attention to how you investigate and don't offend her."

Zhou Zhou warned.

"Yes! Lord Lord!"

Wu Tu said seriously.

Zhou Zhou nodded.

Then he was sent back.

More than half an hour later.

In front of the ruins of time.

Zhou Zhou, Neltharion, Bai Yun, Zhang Cang, 8 bronze lower-level soldiers, 62 black iron upper-level soldiers, 25 black iron intermediate soldiers and 2 doctors stood here.

This is the strongest one-hundred-man troop configuration in Sun City right now!

Some of these soldiers are the same soldiers who just broke through today.

"After entering."

"Everyone is on alert immediately!"

"When in danger, don't worry, just fight back!"

"Pay attention to protecting doctors."

Zhou Zhou ordered.



Zhou Zhou nodded.

Then he led everyone and Neltharion towards the gate of the ruins of time.

When they walked two or three meters to the gate of the time ruins, a suction force came from inside the gate. Although everyone was a little surprised, they did not resist and were sucked in one after another.

Neltharion walked at the end, curiously looking at the door in front of him.

Then it took a step forward, and the dragon body, which was more than six meters high, was sucked in.

Zhou Zhou endured the dizziness and opened his eyes.

Entry point.

It is a ruined city covered in smoke and flames.

The sound of burning flames, the sound of trees exploding, the faint roar of monsters...

All kinds of sounds came from all directions.

Zhou Zhou frowned slightly and began to observe the surrounding environment.

He was surrounded by 99 soldiers.

At this time, they were still closing their eyes and had not yet woken up from the dizziness caused by the time shift.

Zhou Zhou seemed to have some realization in his heart.

I'm afraid it's because I have elementary mental potential talent and relatively strong mental power that I can wake up so quickly.

At this time, they were on the roof of a four-story building.

This building is quite unique in its construction.

It is made entirely of plant vines and trees.

But at this moment.

It was also burned and blackened by the flames.

“The quality of this building is good.”

"It looks like it's been burned for a while."

"It hasn't collapsed yet."

Zhou Zhou clicked his tongue in surprise.

The words just fell.

Neltharion appeared in front of him out of thin air, stepping on the fragile house under his feet, and looked at Zhou Zhou with big eyes and small eyes.

Zhou Zhou:......



The small building could no longer bear the weight and began to collapse with a roar.

The moment Neltharion collapsed, he bit Zhou Zhou's clothes and flew into the air.

Zhou Zhou also responded quickly.

He aimed his palms at the ground where everyone fell.

The energy in the body suddenly surged and boiled.

Invisible energy quickly gathered on the ground.

The hard masonry land with a radius of three to four hundred square meters instantly turned into yellow sand, forming a huge pit of quicksand.

Bronze lower level spell-sand trap!

Bang bang bang bang...

The 99 soldiers fell to the ground like dumplings.

Fortunately, no one was injured because the ground had turned into a quicksand pit.

Not only that.

They also woke up one after another.

After waking up.

They didn't waste any time. They first paid attention to their surroundings. After confirming that there was no danger around them, they immediately jumped out of the quicksand pit and started to stand in line.


Zhou Zhou's face looked a little pale.

The large-scale sand trap just now drained 60% of the energy in his body in an instant.

But Zhou Zhou had no regrets.

If he hadn't done that, they would probably have lost staff in the first place.

Although he won't really die.

But it's not what Zhou Zhou wants to see.

Then he asked Neltharion to put him down, and after stepping on the ground, he immediately took out a bottle of black iron low-level energy potion and poured it into his mouth.

After drinking.

His complexion began to become normal at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the energy in his body began to recover quickly.

"Thank you Lord for taking action!"

Bai Yun walked over quickly and said.

As soon as she saw the state of herself and others, and the traces of the sand trap spell under her feet, she guessed what had just happened.

Zhou Zhou nodded slightly.

at this time.


A wolf roar came from far away.

Zhou Zhou and the others immediately looked over.

They saw a three-meter-tall wolf monster with flames all over its body standing on a tall building not far away, looking at them with its cruel scarlet eyes.

at the same time.

A mission interface also appeared in front of Zhou Zhou.

[Time negotiation has begun!]

[Time mission now released:]

[Time Mission 1: Destroy the enemy]

[Mission content: Destroy all the incoming Balrog Mist Wolves!]

[Mission objectives: ① Balrog Mist Wolf (0/1000), ② Balrog Mist Wolf Elite (0/300), ③ Balrog Mist Wolf Leader (10)]

[The gift of time: Killing the Balrog Mist Wolf at any level has a 25% chance of dropping a set of spare parts of the corresponding level. Killing the Black Iron Intermediate and Black Iron Intermediate or above Balrog Mist Wolf has a 0.1% chance of additional drops.

"Elemental Archer Recruitment Book"]

[Time Mission 2: Protect Allies]

[Task content: Protect the last 13 elven elemental archers in Andel Town!]

[Mission goal: 13 Elf elemental archers survive safely (13/13)]

[The gift of time: For every Elf Elemental Archer protected until the ruins of time are closed, an Elf Elemental Archer of the same level can be recruited in reality.]

[Note: Need to complete Time Mission 1!]

[Time Mission 3: Hidden]

[Task content: Hidden]

[Mission goal: hide]

[The gift of time: "The Secret Code of Heroic Inheritance"]

[Note: Need to complete time tasks 1 and 2!]

[Countdown to the ruins of time - 4 hours: 57 minutes: 35 seconds]

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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