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Chapter 62 Hero Skill - Stabilize Morale! Instigate Rebellion Again!

Chapter 62 Hero Skill-Stabilize morale! Instigate rebellion again!

On the desert.

Zhou Zhou and all the soldiers looked at the sand people's territory in the distance.

I saw that there was a big hole in the huge desert pyramid that Neltharion melted with the magma dragon breath last time.

There are about one or two hundred sandmen repairing the pyramid.

The remaining Sandmen patrol around the pyramid.

The other part is not shown and should be inside the pyramid.

Zhou Zhou's mouth curled up slightly when he saw this.

Then he looked at Neltharion beside him.

Neltharion instantly understood Zhou Zhou's thoughts.

It slowly flapped its wings, flew into the sky, and then flew straight to the pyramid.

"Prepare for battle!"

Seeing this, Zhou Zhou ordered in a deep voice.


Bai Yun and Zhang Cang responded immediately, and then asked all soldiers to prepare for battle.

the other side.

Neltharion, who was flying rapidly towards the pyramid, quickly attracted the attention of all the sand people with its huge size.

When these sand people discovered that the visitor was actually the evil dragon that destroyed their pyramid last time, they immediately became angry.

Bullying us once is not enough, you have to bully us a second time, right?

It’s endless, right?

These sandmen roared one after another, then picked up everything they could throw and threw them at Neltharion in the air.

But Neltharion's height meant that anything they threw couldn't hit it at all.

The next second.

Accompanied by a dragon roar.

The overwhelming dragon power descended instantly!

All the sand people were immediately frightened and unable to move.

The entire Sandman Lord's territory suddenly became quiet.

Neltharion seized the opportunity and swooped down. When he was still forty or fifty meters away from the top of the pyramid, he suddenly opened the dragon's mouth.

Magma Dragon Breath!


The hot flame magma spit out from Neltharion's mouth like a torrent, and instantly covered the top of the pyramid again.

Originally, the sand people had already repaired most of the pyramid.

But under the blow of the magma dragon's breath.

The sand people found that not only the repair work was in vain, but the damaged area of ​​the pyramid this time was even larger than last time.

At this moment.

There are many sand people, sand people elites and sand people leaders.

Because Long Wei has disappeared at this time, he has got rid of the state of being unable to move.

In anger, they threw their weapons at Neltharion with all their strength.

This time Neltharion was hit.

But the thick layer of lava armor on its body cannot be broken even if their lord comes.

The attacks of these black iron and bronze-level sandmen at this time were not even scratching an itch for Neltharion.

Neltharion just glanced at these sandman monsters who dared to offend him, and their bodies burst into flames out of thin air, and then they quickly died under the flames.

When the surrounding sandman monsters saw this scene, no one immediately dared to take action.

Neltharion glanced at these cowardly sand people, sand people elites and sand people leaders indifferently.

Then he suddenly flapped his wings and flew into the sky again.

As a dragon with noble blood.

He is not interested in these weaklings with low strength.

What I did just now was, firstly, following the orders of my master, and secondly, because I thought it was fun.

Now that the command is complete, I've had enough fun.

He must be prepared now to deal with the regional scarlet lord.

Although it thinks it will definitely win!

However, similar to the principle of a lion fighting a rabbit and trying its best, it is still passed down in its dragon bloodline inheritance.

So it won't underestimate any enemy!

at the same time.

Just when Neltharion dissolved the pyramid again, nearly a hundred kill messages immediately appeared in front of Zhou Zhou's eyes.

There are many monsters at the level of Sandman Elites and Sandman Leaders.

"The attack can begin!"

Zhou Zhou ordered with a calm expression.

Now that the opponent is in chaos, it's a good time to take advantage of it.

Bai Yun immediately carried out Zhou Zhou's order.


More than 3,800 soldiers immediately roared and charged towards the chaotic Sand People.

They move forward like a torrent!

Not afraid of enemies from afar.

Even if they are under the command of the regional scarlet lord!

The reason why you are so fearless.

One is because Zhou Zhou's soldiers have won all the battles they have fought so far.

These victories increased their confidence and courage to face the enemy to a certain extent.

On the other hand, it is because of the heroic skill of Blood Rocket Spirit-Bai Yun.

Hero Skill-Stabilize Morale!

[Hero Skill: Stabilize Morale]

[Level: Bronze Intermediate·Can grow]

[Skill Effect 1: On the battlefield where the Blood Rocket Spirit is located, the Blood Rocket Spirit allows the soldiers of your own camp to still launch attacks fearlessly and maintain strong morale when facing powerful enemies!]

[Skill Effect 2: If the forces of your own camp are defeated by the forces of the enemy camp, the Blood Rocket Spirit can allow the remaining soldiers of your own camp to maintain the basic morale that allows them to fight again!]

[Skill Effect 3: Blood Rocket Spirit can allow soldiers in your own camp to be exempted from or weaken some of the negative effects of blood pressure, mental shock, soul control and other will-level negative effects from the outside world.]

[Note: Currently, it can affect a total of 7,000 units of soldiers from your own camp. The scope and effect of the influence will increase with the growth of the Blood Rocket Spirit!]

This hero skill is very powerful.

But what Zhou Zhou values ​​most is its skill effect 3.

Because after seeing the astonishing effects of Neltharion's Dragon Power, Zhou Zhou had been worried that his soldiers would encounter similar situations in the future.

By the time.

Without corresponding defense means, it would be difficult for them to resist when faced with the pressure of a powerful bloodline.

It's very possible that, like the monsters in Monster Ranch, they will be reduced to lambs to be slaughtered.

But now I have Bai Yun’s morale-stabilizing skill.

At least they have some means to save themselves when faced with such situations.

far away.

The sand people soon saw more than 3,000 human soldiers rushing over from a distance.

It was as if he had received some order.

They no longer care about the lava dragon in the sky.

Some sand people picked up weapons and rushed towards these enemies who dared to offend them.

The other part of the sand people stood there and started to summon the sand people.

As a large number of sand people began to summon.

I saw that the number of sand people in front of me began to increase at a terrifying speed visible to the naked eye.

In an instant.

From more than 1,000 sand people to more than 2,500 sand people!

Zhou Zhou was not surprised to see this scene.

This is how the Sand People fight.

The lowest level Black Iron subordinate Sandman is responsible for stepping forward to block the enemy!

Black Iron Intermediate and Black Iron Intermediate and above Sandmen are responsible for summoning Sandmen from the rear to increase the number of their own troops!

Although these summoned sand people only exist temporarily.

But it’s easy to use!

After you use up one batch, you can summon another batch!

As long as there is enough energy in the body.

A steady stream of sandmen will defeat the enemy sooner or later.

This is also the reason why the Sandman Lord can rely on this group of subordinates to become a regional Scarlet Lord force!

When Zhou Zhou thought of this, he suddenly felt inexplicably familiar.

Isn’t this my human wave tactic?

He shook his head and stopped thinking.

Then he stretched out his right hand and pointed it at these sand people.

The talent for instigating rebellion that had already cooled down was suddenly activated!


Invisible fluctuations instantly covered all the fighting sandmen and the sandmen in the pyramid.

[Tip: You have activated your lord’s exclusive talent ‘Instigating Rebellion’!]

[Instigation of rebellion has taken effect!]

[Lord talent tip: There are 10 black iron lower-level sand people, 6 black iron intermediate sand people, and 2 bronze lower-level sand people leaders who betrayed their lords and became your loyal subordinates!]

at this moment.

Zhou Zhou could feel that within these sand people, there were 18 more sand people monsters who had become his loyal subordinates.

I can sense their presence myself.

And it can also issue some commands remotely.


Zhou Zhou gave a direct order to all the sand people who were instigated to rebel.

In the Sandman camp.

A sand man who was fighting a sword and shield soldier was stunned.

Then he turned around and draped his knife on the sandman companion next to him.

This sandman companion looked at it with a confused expression.

The sword and shield soldiers on the opposite side were also stunned.

What situation is this?

Split crooked?

Your crookedness is a little outrageous!

Behind the Sandman.

The two lower-level bronze sandman leaders who had just summoned sandmen suddenly trembled, and then the expressions in their eyes became much clearer.

They looked at each other.

Instantly understand the deep meaning in the other person's eyes.

I checked their eyes and saw that they are all insiders.

The two sandman leaders quietly retracted their gazes, then controlled the summoned sandmen and began to sneak attack the summoned sandman 'compatriots' around them.


It starts at this moment!

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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