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Chapter 689: Massive lord talent crystal fragments!

After Zhou Zhou and Lord Xuantian discussed some specific details of tomorrow's cooperation, they ended the chat.

"The camp mission of the Knight Empire, the invasion of the Yan Yan Scarlet Legion, and the attack on the Black Martial Lord..."

"There are a lot of things to do tomorrow."

After Zhou Zhou thought about tomorrow's itinerary, he couldn't help but sigh.

Then he thought about it and felt that he should have enough time.

After all, it shouldn't take long to attack the Black Martial Lord.

The remaining time should be more than enough to do the first two things.

"The worst case scenario is that I'll stop doing the Knight Empire's camp missions for the time being. I'll just let it go for a day. After finishing the Black Martial Lord, I can then concentrate on dealing with the invasion of the Lianyan Scarlet Legion!"

Zhou Zhou thought.

at this time.

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in."

Zhou Zhou said casually.


Aniya opened the door and walked over quickly.

"His Majesty."

"Prime Minister Zheng just came over and said that all the lords of the Ice Ghost Kingdom have arrived at the Capital of the Sun Kingdom and are currently waiting in Conference Hall 1 of the Administration Hall."

Aniya said respectfully.

"I almost forgot about this."

Zhou Zhou stood up, walked out of the room, and walked toward the administrative hall.

Administrative hall.

Conference Hall 1.

When Zhou Zhou arrived here, he saw more than 100,000 ice ghost clan lords gathered here.

"I have met His Majesty!"xn

When Zhou Zhou first came in, the sharp-eyed Ice Ghost clan lords immediately spotted him, and then whoever took the lead was unknown. The whole conference hall No. 1 suddenly erupted into earth-shaking fanatical shouts.

Zhou Zhou walked to the stage with a smile.

He looked at the more than 100,000 ice ghost clan lords who were shouting enthusiastically in front of him, and felt a little emotional in his heart.

This is the foundation of an intermediate kingdom.

Last time he gathered all the lords from the two primary kingdoms, the Aurora Kingdom and the Giant Roar Kingdom, there were only more than 10,000 lords.

Now the number of lords from an intermediate kingdom in the Ice Ghost Kingdom has reached more than 100,000.

It can be seen that there is a huge gap between the primary kingdom and the intermediate kingdom.

But the more lords come, the more lord talent crystal fragments he can get, and the more he can harvest, and he will naturally be happier.

"Everyone, please stop shouting."

"I can already feel your enthusiasm."

Zhou Zhou smiled and reassured.

All the ice ghost clan lords burst into laughter upon hearing this, and then gradually became quiet.

at this time.

"Your Majesty, it's the same as last time."

"This is a specific list of all the ice ghost lords this time. It records their abilities, strength and previous lord experiences."

Zheng Yuanqi walked over and handed Zhou Zhou a list of names while whispering.

Zhou Zhou nodded, took it, glanced at it briefly, and then a smile appeared on his face.

There are actually 116,255 ice ghost lords!

How many lord talent crystal fragments will this provide him with?

He was looking forward to it very much.

Then he suppressed the excitement in his heart and raised his head to look at the ice ghost clan lords in front of him.

"Since you can come here, you should also know the purpose of why I asked you to come here."

"Let me explain to those who are unclear."


"I want to see your qualifications. If your qualifications are good, I will not be stingy with rewards."


"As the Kingdom of the Sun expands, its territories expand."

"Local areas are increasingly in need of capable officials to take up their posts and take care of the people's livelihood and development."

"I'm calling you all here just to facilitate the arrangement of your respective positions in the future."


"You are all from the Ice Ghost State. When our officials arrange positions, they will naturally give priority to you to work in the Ice Ghost State. You can rest assured about this."

"In terms of treatment."

"Our Sun Kingdom is famous for its good treatment of officials."

"Everyone should have heard of this, right?"

Zhou Zhoudao.

Upon hearing this, all the ice ghosts nodded in agreement.

Before they came to the Capital of the Sun Kingdom, they naturally went through some investigation.

In particular, they know the reason why they came, so the focus of their investigation is how they will be treated after becoming local officials.

We don’t know the result without investigation.

I was shocked when I investigated!

Good guy!

Are the officials of Sun Kingdom treated so well?

The regional master of a gold-level regional territory, the minimum fixed monthly salary is 500 gold-level fog hearts???

If you make outstanding political achievements, you will be rewarded with a minimum of 100 silver-level fog hearts and a maximum of unlimited political achievements???

Every time the average loyalty of the territory’s citizens increases by 1 point, 10,000 diamond-level Mist Hearts will be awarded???

After they learned about the performance reward mechanism for these officials, they were all deceived.

What's going on in the Kingdom of the Sun?

They looked at the Heart of the Mist like dirt... Do they have a grudge against the Heart of the Mist?

As for the regulations that do not allow bullying the weak without reason, although they are a little uncomfortable with it, for the sake of the Heart of the Mist, they suddenly feel...

What kind of problem is this?

As long as the heart of the fog is in place.

It doesn’t matter if the race is changed!

Zhou Zhou saw that the ice ghost tribe showed no objection, so he asked people to distribute the specific reward and punishment system.

After all the ice ghosts have read it and expressed no objections.

Zhou Zhou then put forward the main purpose of his coming here.

"Next, I will do some actions to verify your loyalty. Please don't resist."

"After the verification is completed, you will be your true self, and I will give you some rewards at that time."

he said.

Upon hearing this, the ice ghost clan lords suddenly looked expectant.

They thought of a statement they had heard about this matter before they came.

It is said that as long as the lord who has gone through this step will be rewarded by the Sun King with a minimum of 1,000 copies of the "Golden King's Class Transfer Certificate" for the special unit!

That's a special unit!

Even in the Ice Ghost Kingdom, special troops were considered top-notch troops.

It is not accessible to ordinary ice ghost lords.

Now that they are under the command of the Sun King, they have the opportunity to obtain this coveted top-level military unit. How can they not look forward to it?

On stage.

Zhou Zhou was also looking forward to it.

He took a deep breath, and the chaotic source energy in his body poured into the God Thief's magic-stealing gloves that he had already worn on his right arm.

The next second.

He used the God Thief's magic-stealing gloves to steal all the lord talent crystal fragments of the more than 100,000 ice ghost lords in front of him into his own king's treasure box.

He took a look, and then he was surprised to find that these 116,255 lords actually provided him with 601,125 black iron-level lord talent crystal fragments, 6,514 bronze-level lord talent crystal fragments, and 2,690 silver-level lord talent crystal fragments.

, 1550 gold level lord talent crystal fragments, 620 platinum level lord talent crystal fragments, 133 diamond level lord talent crystal fragments, 21 extraordinary level lord talent crystal fragments, 5 epic level lord talent crystal fragments, 3 legendary level

Lord Talent Crystal Fragments!

Zhou Zhou took a deep breath and barely suppressed the excitement in his heart.

Compared with the treasure house of the Ice Ghost Kingdom.

These lord talent crystal fragments in front of him are the greatest treasure he has obtained!

This chapter has been completed!
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