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Chapter 712 The mysterious boss

"Didn't you listen to what your subordinates said?"

Bodhisattva's lazy voice sounded.

"I believe he ran away, but I don't think it's that simple."

Zhou Zhou said calmly.

"Your guess is correct, but if you want to ask the specific reason... the number of times a common question can be solved."

Bodhisattva said with a smile.


Zhou Zhou agreed without hesitation after hearing this.

This is just the number of answers to a common question.

If he gives the opponent more blood inheritance, he can create it once.


"But it's a bit troublesome for me to explain this problem to you in words."

"Just see it for yourself."

Lord Bodhi just finished speaking.

Then he saw an illusory video appear in front of Zhou Zhou.

The content of the illusory video played at this time was none other than the scene of Lord Heiwu watching the chat group alone.

Seeing this, Zhou Zhou raised his eyebrows and wanted to see what Lord Black Martial Lord's chat group was discussing.

As a result, the illusory video seemed to have heard his appeal, and actually followed his wishes and enlarged the chat group panel.

"The Yang Extinguishing Society?"

Zhou Zhou was stunned.

Wasn't this Blue Star Lord organization that targeted him long ago destroyed by him?

Why did it appear again?

He did not ask, but continued to watch patiently.


He saw the words typed by the [Second Sun Lord].

"It turned out that he was just using the name of Yang Miehui to deal with me."

Zhou Zhou looked calm.

I didn't have much reaction in my heart.

When he was weak and young, he didn't take too much interest in the Yang Mie Gui. With a little effort, he destroyed the Yang Mie Gui.

Now that he is in front of Lord Blue Star, it can be said that his wings are full.

Naturally, I am not afraid of this Yang-Destroying Society.

He continued to read.


He just let out a light sigh.

"Who is this boss?"

He continued to look down.

It didn’t take long to figure out what the boss’s instructions were to the Black Martial Lord.

[Boss: Now that you have more than 8 million troops and strong men to help you, what do you care about the Sun King?]

[Boss: I can provide you with a means of escape and a territory relocation order to allow you to come to my universe. You have so many soldiers and strong men, even if you capture a kingdom-level lord force alone, there will be no problem.]

[Boss: In this case, it is better to leave the Supreme Continent and seek other development.]

Zhou Zhou raised his eyebrows slightly when he saw this.

This idea is really good.

With more than 8 million soldiers, plus some high-end strong men, it is indeed possible to capture the lords of a junior kingdom.

After all, a normal primary kingdom only has 2 million to 3 million troops.

Even if there are many strong men above the platinum level in the junior kingdom lords' forces, in front of so many soldiers, the gap in strength can be filled with human lives.

He continued to read.

The Lord of Heiwu Tower quickly raised his concerns.

[Lord Black Martial: But these soldiers were all borrowed by me from other lords... How can I explain this to them...]

[Boss: Do you want me to tell you whether you step out with your left foot first or your right foot first?]

[Lord Heiwu: Don’t dare, don’t dare… I understand, don’t worry, boss, I will leave this matter to me. When I enter the boss’s world, I will only follow the boss’s lead in the future. Please take care of me when the time comes.


[Boss: As long as you do things well for me, I won’t treat you badly. Even in the future, as long as you don’t betray me and make more contributions, even if you become a god, you will have a chance. When the time comes, as a god, you

In front of you, in the world, what kind of powerful beauties can’t you experience?]

[Second Sun Lord: Envy!]

[Lord Linghua: Envy!]

[Lord Black Martial: The boss is right, then I will go and gather people right now!]

"Who is this boss? At this stage, he actually masters the method of traveling through the universe?"

Zhou Zhou murmured.

have to say.

He was a little surprised by the methods of the man codenamed Boss.

If the other party is really the Blue Star Lord, then Zhou Zhou has to say that he may have underestimated the Blue Star Lord's potential before.

"What's so weird about traveling through the universe?"

Just when Zhou Zhou was surprised by this person's methods.

Bodhi Lord said lazily again.

"The Galaxy you own now, as long as you ride it into the dark universe and fly for a period of time, no longer than one day and one night, you can encounter the world barrier of another world."

"It sounds difficult to open the world barrier, but in front of the gods, that's what it is. With the power of the gods to open the way, even Vicky who has just been promoted to a god in your territory can open the world barrier and enter another world.


"If this person who claims to be the boss discovers a cross-border teleportation array leading to the Supreme Continent in his world, it will be even simpler. As long as the energy to activate the array is enough, he can reach the Supreme Continent in the next second.


"The Supreme Continent is the core area of ​​the universe."

"There are many strong people in various small and medium-sized universes, continents, planets, secret realms of the universe, worlds of gods, and even low-dimensional worlds and demi-planes in the big universe. In order to travel back and forth to the Supreme Continent, they have set up bridges leading to the Supreme Continent.

The world teleportation array."

"It wouldn't be surprising if the other party is lucky enough to find one."

Zhou Zhou nodded after hearing this, and then continued to look at the virtual video in front of him.

After Lord Heiwu learned about [Boss]'s idea, he obtained the means of traveling across the universe and the territory relocation order mentioned by [Boss].

With these two methods in place, Lord Black Martial Arts has obviously become more confident.

He directly summoned the more than 8 million soldiers, and then released a toad.

This toad is more than half a person tall.

Its whole body is covered with dense special lines that exude silver light, and its eyes are as crystal clear as white crystals, giving it an exquisite and translucent beauty.

"This is... the formation-devouring clam?"

Zhou Zhou looked at the toad and searched for its origin for a long time in his bloodline inheritance.

"The Array Devouring Gu is a method of Gu cultivation among Qi Refiners. It is said that this kind of Gu can feed on formations, swallow the formations that exist in reality into the body, and turn them into a part of itself, and then it can be used as if it were a magical power.

Feel free to use it.”

"It can be said that he is a born formation master."

"And this method of refining the formation into the body is also the ultimate formation talent that many immortal world formation masters can only hope to obtain."

"Because of this, once the Array Devouring Gu appears, it will cause a bloody storm in the fairy world. Over time, the refining method of this Gu has long been forced to be lost due to the long-term bloody competition."

"Now he actually appears again?"

"Is this boss a lord in the immortal world who is on the path of Gu cultivation?"

Zhou Zhou guessed with some surprise.

This chapter has been completed!
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