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Chapter 862: Get rich suddenly! Massive lord talent crystal fragments!

"Forget the myths and legends of my hometown for now."

"For the time being, the actual situation in the Supreme Continent shall prevail."

"When I have time, let's see if we can go to Emperor Pangu's prehistoric realm."

Zhou Zhou thought silently.

"His Majesty."

"The commander of the Baiyun Army just came over and said that all the lords from the kingdom area where the Sixteen Kings Alliance was located have come over."

"They are now waiting for His Majesty in Conference Hall 1 of the Executive Hall."

at this time.

Aniya's voice came from outside the door.

"Prime Minister, let's go and see it together."

Hearing this, Zhou Zhou looked at Zheng Yuanqi and smiled.

"Of course I will listen to your Majesty."

Zheng Yuanqi chuckled.

Zhou Zhou nodded, and then the two of them walked out of the Senior Lord's Blessed Land and came to the No. 1 Conference Hall of the Administration Hall.

As soon as Zhou Zhou arrived here, he saw more than 200,000 lords of various races gathered here.

If the administrative hall hadn't been expanded a lot after many territorial upgrades, it really wouldn't be able to accommodate so many lords gathering here.

But even so.

It's also very crowded here.

"I have met His Majesty!"

As soon as they entered the conference hall No. 1, they heard an overwhelming voice. All the foreign lords were shouting for Zhou Zhou.

Zhou Zhou raised his right hand and pressed it down slightly, and heard the voices of the lords gradually getting lower.


This is the prestige of the Sun King among the lords now.

Even if they have never met before.

"Welcome to join the Kingdom of the Sun!"

Zhou Zhou opened his mouth and said.

Upon hearing this, all the lords responded one after another.

"His Majesty."

"This is a specific list of all the lords in the original Sixteen-Nation Alliance this time. It records their abilities, strength and previous experience as lords."

at this time.

Bai Yun walked over from the side, sent Zhou Zhou a list of information to his personal terminal, and whispered.

Zhou Zhou glanced briefly, and then a smile appeared on his face.

There are actually 253,681 foreign lords who came from the original territory of the Sixteen Kings Alliance!

How many lord talent crystal fragments will this provide him with?

Zhou Zhou's eyes shone slightly.

Then he took a deep breath, suppressed the excitement in his heart, looked at the lords, and said:

"Since you are able to come here, most of you should know the purpose of my king calling all the lords here."

"I will explain it to the lords who don't understand it yet."

"The first purpose of this king calling you here is:"

"First, I want to see how qualified you are. If your qualifications are good, I will not be stingy with rewards."

"The second purpose."

"This is for your future appointment to official positions in the Kingdom of the Sun."

"Through today's parliament, we will make arrangements for where you will take office in the future."


"In order for you to quickly adapt to the employment environment in the future and to be able to fully demonstrate your strengths and talents in your position, our official staff will also give priority to arranging you to work in your home country, and based on your ability direction and level,

To arrange specific official positions."

"In terms of treatment."

"You may have heard about the treatment of officials in our Kingdom of the Sun, so you don't need to worry about this."

When Zhou Zhou said the previous words, the foreign lords had no reaction.

But when it came to treatment, all the alien lords nodded their heads.

Isn't the biggest reason why they are willing to continue serving under the Kingdom of the Sun because the Kingdom of the Sun has given them too much?

Zhou Zhou saw that the foreign lords had no objections to his words, so he gave the staff next to him a look.

The staff are understanding.

He opened his personal terminal and sent a detailed set of rules and regulations on treatment and rewards and punishments to the personal terminals of all the alien lords present.

Small items such as personal terminals are now on sale throughout the Kingdom of the Sun, and the lords present have already had one, so they all received the content of this specific rule and regulations at this time.

Zhou Zhou didn't say anything at this time, leaving them time to read and understand.

After a while.

All foreign lords have read these specific rules and regulations.

They looked at each other and saw the surprise in each other's eyes that could not be concealed.

I had heard about it before, but they actually didn’t know the specific treatment of Sun Kingdom. They only knew the information about Sangualiangzao.

But now, after understanding it in detail, they know how amazing the treatment in Sun Kingdom is!

"This treatment... is ten times better than what I received in Maple Moon Kingdom!"

"I realized it! It turns out that at the end of the Supreme Continent, there is a civil servant from the Kingdom of Sun!"

"This treatment! I feel so good!"

"Although it is said that certain performance requirements must be fulfilled in order to secure an official position in the Kingdom of the Sun, for this benefit... I have no problem being a dog to the citizens of the Kingdom of the Sun!"

"...Take me one!"

"I was born as a member of the Kingdom of the Sun, and when I die, I am a ghost of the Kingdom of the Sun!"

The foreign lords were very excited when they saw this official treatment.

Zhou Zhou looked at this scene with a calm expression, and the reminders of increasing loyalty rang frequently in his ears.

In addition, Zhou Zhou's various titles, lord talents, ancestral buffs, racial artifacts and other bonuses can increase loyalty.

After a while.

The loyalty of more than 250,000 lords actually increased to 90 points or higher in just a few minutes!

"This is the charm of talent and benefit."

Zhou Zhou sighed in his heart.

After the mood of these foreign lords gradually calmed down, Zhou Zhou stood up, looked at them and said:


"Next, in order to verify your loyalty to the Kingdom of the Sun, I will conduct a test on you."

"The test is harmless. After the test, you will be your true own. At that time, I will give you some rewards."


"During the test, you must not have any thoughts of resistance, otherwise the test will fail. At that time, I will have to do it again for the failed lord, which will be very troublesome."

Zhou Zhou opened his mouth and said.

When the foreign lords heard this, they didn't look surprised at all.

They had heard about this before coming and were already prepared.

Seeing that the lords showed no objection, Zhou Zhou didn't waste any time and directly poured the holy power of chaos in his body into the God Thief's magic-stealing gloves that he had already worn on his right arm.

Immediately afterwards.

He used the God Thief's Magic Stealing Glove to steal all the lord talent crystal fragments of the 253,681 foreign lords in front of him into his King's Treasure Box.

He glanced at it, and then a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

In his King's Treasure Box, a hill made of various lord talent crystal fragments piled up suddenly appeared.

There are a total of 1,509,875 black iron-level lord talent crystal fragments placed in this hill, 16,121 bronze-level lord talent crystal fragments, 6,350 silver-level lord talent crystal fragments, 3,750 gold-level lord talent crystal fragments, 1,560

Platinum level lord talent crystal fragments, 321 diamond level lord talent crystal fragments, 60 extraordinary level lord talent crystal fragments, 12 epic level lord talent crystal fragments, 7 legendary level lord talent crystal fragments!

"Suddenly rich!"

Zhou Zhou was excited.

This time you can upgrade your lord talents!

This chapter has been completed!
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