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Chapter 905 Chaos-level secret documents!

After Huang Di finished speaking, not to mention all the senior leaders of the human race, even Zhou Zhou was shocked.

Why did you make this decision suddenly?

Now that the human race has a little help of its own, shouldn't the most important thing to do at this time be to work hard to improve its strength and expand and develop the territory of the human race?

Why should we shrink our strength instead, or even retreat into the prehistoric world with all our members?

Isn’t that cutting off the future?


Lu Zhen couldn't help but speak.

As the leader of the strongest empire among the five major human empires, he was also very confused at this time.

He looked at Lu Zu and saw Lu Zu silently shaking his head.

Lu Zhen was stunned.

It has already been discussed?

This is not a discussion, this is a notice without any suspense!?

Others also asked one after another.

Zhou Zhou originally wanted to ask, after all, he is now the sixth speaker of the human race.

But he hesitated and finally sat silently in his seat.

He believed that Huang Di and others would take the initiative to tell the reason.



They saw Huang Di Mian stood up from the seat next to Emperor Pangu, and then looked at many senior human race officials with deep and calm eyes.

Seeing his gesture, all the senior human race officials stopped talking and waited for Huang Di's explanation.

Seeing this, Huang Di suddenly sighed softly, then waved his right hand, and saw dozens of streams of light flying out of his sleeves, falling in front of the senior human race officials, forming a black illusory paper document.

The black illusory paper document was filled with the aura of chaos and nothingness, and had the words 'Chaos Level' written on it.

"This is a 'chaos-level secret document' that represents the top secret of our human race."

"After you have read it, you are strictly prohibited from leaking it, otherwise it will be punished as a clan crime!"

When Huang Di spoke to the end, he said with murderous intent in his tone.

All the senior human race officials were secretly shocked.

Especially Zhou Zhou.

This was the first time that he saw Huang Di's temperament, which suddenly became so fierce and murderous.

"We will never reveal it."

All the senior human race officials said one after another.

The orders of the Yellow Emperor were supreme in the era when Emperor Pangu was not respected, and no one of the senior human race officials present, including Zhou Zhou, had the right to refute him.

Then all the senior human race officials opened the Chaos-level secret documents in front of them.

As they watched, the faces of all the senior human race officials showed horror. At the same time, many people secretly looked at Zhou Zhou, wanting to see what the Sixth Speaker's reaction would be.

Then I saw Zhou Zhou closing this Chaos-level secret file and shaking his head calmly:

"I didn't expect that this catastrophe to the human race would come because of me."

At the end of the story, although he didn't show anything on the surface, he sighed quietly in his heart.

According to the records in this Chaos-level secret document.

Not long ago, the Human Race's Sentinel Corps suddenly sent an urgent joint intelligence notification.

The intelligence notice said that not long ago, at least two hundred racial forces were going to gather on the Supreme Continent with a huge army to destroy the human forces existing on the Supreme Continent together!

Among the more than two hundred racial forces, most of them are of middle and lower bloodline.

But there are also advanced blood races such as the Titan Clan, the Purple Moon Clan, the High Demon Clan, and the Elemental Clan participating.

The total number of gods they brought here is at least five to six thousand!

In terms of military strength, at least it is estimated to be nearly 500 billion!

Not to mention the other war machines and other trump cards they carry.

Such terrifying forces cannot be resisted by Zhou Zhou or even all the human forces in the Supreme Continent together!

Even if all the human lord forces in the world were tied up, it would probably not be enough to defeat these foreign forces in one round.

As for the reason why these alien forces suddenly want to unite to eliminate the human forces in the Supreme Continent, it is also very simple.

Everything stems from the battle the night before.

At that time, after he led the gods and the soldiers of the Sun Kingdom to defeat the Scarlet Legion coalition forces, this incident was learned by the lords of all races and the racial civilization forces behind the lords of all races after only one night.

They immediately judged that, at least at the current stage, no lords of all races should be able to restrain the sudden rise of Zhou Zhou, a 'behemoth'.

Including the true lords of the original Eldar clan, they are the same.

And the racial civilization forces behind the lords of all races were limited by the Supreme Agreement and could not take action against Zhou Zhou.

In addition, there is a true god-level existence, and he cannot come to the Supreme Continent in his true form, and use perfunctory reasons such as hatred of the country to destroy the Sun Lord himself.

Ever since.

Their eyes fell on the human forces behind Lord Sun.

We can't do anything to you, Sun King.

Is there still no way to attack your human race?

You, the Sun King, are protected by the Supreme Agreement, but the human race is not protected by the Supreme Agreement!

As long as it is a normal attack between local lords.

Even if a god-level lord forces led a trillion-dollar army to wipe out a small village with only a hundred ordinary creatures, it would not violate the supreme agreement, and the supreme will would not say anything.

Because that is within the rules of the fight for the Supreme Lord!

In reality, I won’t tell you such ridiculous things as not to bully the weak.

The law of the jungle is the eternal and supreme rule within the power of the local lords!

The Supreme Agreement only protects the lords of all races from being invaded by local forces!

But how the lords of all races and the local lords fight against each other within their own forces does not care about the supreme agreement.

Then the catastrophe for the human race came.

This match involves more than two hundred hostile racial forces and five to six thousand hostile racial gods. With the current strength of the human race, it is naturally impossible to defeat it!

Even if the human race's strength were increased tenfold, they would not be able to defeat enemies of this level.

Think of this.

Zhou Zhou and other senior human race officials understood why Huang Di made such a decision.

Where there is life, there is hope.

This is indeed the decision that is most likely to preserve the vitality of the human race to the greatest extent under the current circumstances.

Even if this decision requires sacrificing the vast majority of the human race's territory, interests and even the future.

But at least it can survive at this stage.

"I will notify my Divine Sword Empire soon to abandon the territory of the Divine Sword Empire, and all the people will move to the prehistoric world through the teleportation array."

After Lu Zhen was silent for a long time, he spoke bitterly.

I don’t know how much effort it took for the human race to build the huge Divine Sword Empire into its current scale. But now, just because they heard that the enemy was coming, they had to abandon the empire that their ancestors had sacrificed their lives and blood to build. Lu

It would be a lie to say that I am not heartbroken.

But no matter how distressed He was, He had no other choice.

He must do this, otherwise his empire and its people will be completely wiped out by the enemy in the near future!

"I will also give an order after the meeting to lead all the subjects of the Knight Empire to move to the prehistoric world."

Ji Yun also lost his mind and said.

Suddenly losing his knight empire, at this time, he was also filled with confusion.

Later, the Bodhisattva of Light Tomorrow, Loyana, who was in charge of the Saha Empire, also said calmly that he would lead all the Buddhist people to move to the prehistoric world.

This chapter has been completed!
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