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Chapter 924: The path to promotion to the Lords Law God!

"Open your mouth."

at this time.

Zhou Zhou's voice rang in Neltharion's ears.

Neltharion subconsciously opened his mouth, and then he felt something being thrown into his mouth, exuding a rich aroma of heavenly materials and earthly treasures.

"Eat them."

Zhou Zhoudao.

Neltharion obeyed and ate it.

As these treasures of heaven and earth were eaten by him and turned into majestic energy to nourish his soul, Neltharion immediately became energetic. Not only did he feel that the fatigue in his soul disappeared quickly, but even his soul level

He was improved so much by these treasures of heaven and earth that he felt a strange feeling of being "full" deep in his soul.

"I just gave you three magical medicines that are at the lower level of the True God."

"Specially used to restore and enhance the soul level."

"If you weren't already a legendary dragon, and your body and soul have undergone qualitative changes, I really wouldn't dare feed you like this."

Zhou Zhou smiled.

"Thank you, Master!"

Neltharion said excitedly and respectfully.

Zhou Zhou nodded.

Then he had a thought in his mind. No need to say anything or send any message, Neltharion immediately understood what Zhou Zhou meant.

I saw his body shrinking rapidly, and in the blink of an eye he turned into a palm-sized black dragon, flying to Zhou Zhou's side, following Zhou Zhou like a pet.

Then the man and the dragon flew to the ground of the Capital of the Sun Kingdom.

"Let's all disperse."

"Get ready."

"After daybreak, I'm afraid we still have a battle to fight."

Zhou Zhou looked at the ministers who had not left yet and said.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Upon hearing this, all the ministers immediately said respectfully, and then dispersed one after another to make preparations.

Zhou Zhou looked in the direction of Nadiya, conveyed a few words with his spiritual thoughts, then turned around, waved his right hand, and saw a new space transmission channel appearing next to the space transmission channel in the Kingdom of God.

He and Neltharion flew straight into it, and then arrived at an extremely empty island in the blink of an eye.

I saw white clouds in the sky here, a gentle breeze in the air, and green grass and trees growing full of vitality on the island land.

Gophers, ants, seagulls, crocodiles...

All kinds of creatures fill this small world, forming a perfect independent ecological cycle.

The island is surrounded by endless ocean, and there are also a variety of marine life in the sea.

Zhou Zhou looked at the island space, touched his chin, and said to himself:

"This can be considered the first world I created."

"No, it can't be called a world. At best, it can be called a small island space. Even the volume of this small island space is not as large as the internal space of the mysterious businessman's mysterious business ring."


Zhou Zhou couldn't help but have a look of amazement in his eyes: "This space is more like a complete world than the Zhongqian World of the True God of Chaos Law."

"This should also be one of the benefits of the Lord's Law."

"Able to create a world that is closer to the real world"

"Otherwise, the world created by gods other than the Lord's Law will never be as real and perfect as my world."

Zhou Zhou thinks.

The worlds created by non-Lord Law gods all have one characteristic.

That is, the created world will contain the characteristics of the legal path followed by this god.

For example, the world created by the God of Fire Law is a world of flames filled with flames.

For example, the world created by the gods of the law of life will be filled with all kinds of perfect or imperfect strange lives.

For example, the world created by the gods of the law of swords may even have no land, sea, or life, but only various sword energies that fill the heaven and earth.

Even if it is the god of the law of chaos, the world he created at the beginning was a chaotic world filled with the energy of chaos.

Such a comparison.

Zhou Zhou's world seems extremely normal, and it can even be said that there is no "characteristic".

And it is this lack of characteristics that is the biggest feature of Lord's Law.

"If I hadn't experienced the rain of laws in the supreme realm, allowing me to control thousands of laws and collect them in my palm of the stars, I would never have been able to create such a perfect one.


Zhou Zhou said to himself.

That Rain of Laws was indeed a great blessing for Him. It can be said that it laid the most important foundation of all laws for His Lord's Law path.

From then on, he only needs to continue to absorb various laws, continuously improve the power of his Ten Thousand Laws Star Palm, and then train his subordinates with all his strength, so that more of his subordinates can enter the stage of beginning to understand the laws. Then with the help of

With the Lord's Law and the ability to control all laws, his understanding of the Lord's Law will continue to improve.

If you replenish the corresponding promotion energy and continuously improve your lord's power level, your spiritual realm will continue to improve.

It sounds simple, but is actually extremely difficult to do.

Especially in terms of the improvement of the lord's power.

Zhou Zhou, who had ascended to the throne at this time, already had a premonition in his heart.

If you want to advance to the middle god level, in addition to meeting the needs for law understanding, you must also upgrade your lord power to the advanced kingdom level.

If you want to be promoted to a high-level god, you must upgrade your lord power to the primary empire level!

If you want to be promoted to become a true god, you must upgrade your lord's power to the junior god kingdom level!

As for promotion to a higher level, there are naturally higher level requirements.

This is the law of lords: 'First ascend to the status of a country, then ascend to the status of a god!'


This aspect of law understanding is actually the easiest for Zhou Zhou.

After all, there are many hostile gods outside, allowing him to absorb the laws through battle, enhance the power of the Ten Thousand Magic Star Palm, and enhance the perception of this lord's law technique.

It contains the blessings of the war god and many treasures that assist in understanding the laws, allowing his subordinates to quickly improve their spiritual realm and help him increase the power of the two major lord law skills, King and Ten Thousand Laws Star Palm.

It is really not difficult for him to improve the legal realm of his Lord's Law.

Zhou Zhou stopped thinking about it, waved his right hand again, and saw a magnificent palace on the island.

Zhou Zhou also forgot which palace treasure this was seized from the enemy god. Although it was only an intermediate palace artifact of a superior god, it would still be no problem for him to use it as a palace for receiving visitors from the outside and holding court meetings in the kingdom.

"Let's call this palace the 'Scorching Sun Palace'."

An intermediate-level palace artifact of a superior god is naturally fully qualified to be his palace.

At this moment, he suddenly felt something, took a step forward, and his whole person disappeared into the air.

The next second.

He is already sitting on the throne in the palace.

He looked outside the palace.

I saw a figure emerging from the space passage in the distance and landing on this island.

It's Nadia.

After she arrived on the island, she had excellent eyesight and immediately saw the splendid palace and Zhou Zhou sitting on the throne of the palace.

"Nadia, come here."

Zhou Zhou's voice came.

Nadiya's expression was a little complicated, but she still flew over, landed on the main hall, and saluted respectfully:

"The Elf Empire - the sixth diplomatic envoy, the Blood Rocket Spirit - Nadia, has met the great Emperor of the Living World."

The gods have a well-known ability.

Anyone who has witnessed a god will naturally know the other person's name in his heart.

So when Nadiya opened her mouth, she addressed Zhou Zhou as the Emperor of the Living World.

Zhou Zhou nodded slightly, then looked at Nadiya and said with a smile:

"Although we are separated by less than half a month, it feels like we haven't seen each other for a long time."

Nadiya looked at Zhou Zhou blankly, then smiled bitterly and said:

“It does feel like we haven’t seen each other for a long time.”

"It's been so long...seeing Mianxia now, it feels like I'm dreaming."

Zhou Zhou laughed loudly.

This chapter has been completed!
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