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Chapter 937: Dont sleep too hard! Lord of the Wanling ClanLingzun!

After Zhou Zhou left.

Lord Taiyi still looked around with a horrified expression, fearing that the mysterious chaotic human race had not left.

It wasn't until the surrounding Chaos Gods were alarmed and came to ask what happened, that he concealed the panic in his heart and said with a gloomy face:

"A powerful enemy just attacked me."

"The other party is powerful and is suspected to be the chaotic human race recorded in the blood inheritance of our ancestors."

"We don't want to stay here any longer."

"Leave this battlefield of the God War."

At the end of the day, even though Lord Taiyi was extremely reluctant, he could only make this decision.

Although the fragments of the true artifact are rare, they are not as important as itself.

He wants to become the supreme lord, and he cannot be left here just because of a fragment of a true artifact.

And he also had a guess in his mind that he couldn't quite believe.

According to the information he received, the Lord of the Sun, the Emperor of the Common People, is suspected to be the owner of the bloodline of the Chaos Human Race.

If you make a bold guess, the unknown chaotic human race that just attacked him might be the Sun Lord himself.

If his bold guess is true, then he will leave here even more.

After all, even if the Chaos Human Race appears in this world, they don't necessarily have to kill him.

But if it is suspected to be the Chaos Human Race and it is the Common Emperor who is also the lord of all races, then the possibility of taking action against him will undoubtedly increase greatly.

Lord Taiyi is still self-aware of himself. He knows that he will definitely not be able to deal with the common emperor who already has the combat power of a true god.

So no matter what, He must leave here.

"Chaos human race!?"

When the Chaos Gods heard this, their expressions suddenly changed slightly.

Some Chaos Gods show fear on their faces, some show hatred on their faces, and some Chaos Gods are unconvinced and look aggressive...

The Age of Chaos has passed for too long.

Today's Chaos Gods still have a certain fear of the Chaos Humans even because of their blood inheritance.

But if you don’t experience that era of being hunted, you will never realize the true terror of the chaotic human race.

Lord Taiyi could see the thoughts of his tribesmen at a glance.

He snorted coldly, pointed at his broken foot that was slowly recovering, and said coldly:

"The opponent struck the Chaos Flying Spear and chopped off one of my feet."

"Do you think you are better than me?"

"He can cut off my feet with one strike of the Chaos Flying Spear, and he can cut off your Chaos Godhead with one strike!"

"Hurry up and retreat!"

At the end of the sentence, Lord Taiyi's voice was filled with anger.

After being the pinnacle race for so many years, these members of his tribe have no sense of awe in their hearts.

Lord Taiyi, who is familiar with the rise and fall of many races, naturally knows that this is the beginning of the race's decline.

As Lord Taiyi who aspires to lead the Chaos Gods to the top of the world, it is necessary for him to keep them awake.


After seeing His Majesty's severed foot and feeling His Majesty's anger, these Chaos Gods finally did not dare to neglect, quickly packed up their base, and prepared to leave the battlefield of the God War as quickly as possible.

"You have to ask within the clan when you get back."

"Is there any sign of the Chaos Human Race's comeback recently?"

"Oh, it's really troublesome."

"My ancestors should have driven out all these chaotic human races!"

Lord Taiyi murmured.

Although the top bloodline races, there are rumors that the Chaos Human Race has become extinct.

But as old opponents of the Chaos Human Race, they actually know that although the Chaos Human Race is almost extinct, there are still some direct blood descendants who survive in the world in another form.

They once tried to kill them all, but how could it be so easy to find and kill the chaotic human race that could survive the changes of the era?

They tried several times, but after all failed, they gradually gave up on this move.

Anyway, the Chaos human race has been extinct to the point where it is no longer a race, and it no longer poses a threat to them.

at the same time.

What Lord Taiyi failed to notice is:

Not far away, there were more than a dozen Chaos Gods pretending to clean up their base while listening to what He was saying.

After hearing Lord Taiyi's muttering, they all showed strange expressions in their eyes, and then continued to clean up their base.

More than 50,000 miles away in the sky.

Zhou Zhou, who was flying, looked at the text prompt in front of him.

[Tip: You have activated your lord’s exclusive talent ‘Instigating Rebellion’!]

[Instigation of rebellion has taken effect!]

[Lord Talent Tip: There are 8 Diamond-level Chaos Gods and 4 Extraordinary-level Chaos Gods who betrayed their lords and became your loyal subordinates!]

He nodded slightly in his heart.

Instigated the rebellion of 12 Chaos Gods at once!

Zhou Zhou remembered that there were only more than thirty Chaos Gods around Lord Taiyi.

This wave directly instigated the rebellion of less than half of the Chaos God Clan.

Lord Taiyi...

Don’t sleep too much in the future!

Zhou Zhou thought rather maliciously.

Just when he was about to find the next target, he suddenly heard something and raised his brows slightly.

"The Chaos human race is not extinct? Is there still blood left?"

He murmured.

Then a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

I didn't expect that these Chaos Gods would send me such important news just after I instigated the rebellion.

"When you have time in the future, you can ask Bodhi Lord where the bloodline of the chaotic human race is now."

"With my status as a chaotic human race, maybe I can bring them over and be my helpers."

Zhou Zhou thought.

He then continued to search for other higher bloodline races.

After a while.

Zhou Zhou, who was about to continue flying to explore areas that had not been searched before, was suddenly stunned and turned his head to look due east.

I saw a emerald green divine light rising into the sky, turning hundreds of kilometers around into a green light.

In the green light, there were hundreds of millions of living beings chirping faintly, as if they were angry about something...

"This is...the breath of a true artifact..."

"It seems that the spiritual stone seed has been discovered."

Zhou Zhou did not hesitate, changed direction directly, and flew quickly towards the emerald green light.

This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading!...

On a huge grassland.

A tall and beautiful creature with colorful colors all over its body that looks like a jellyfish is suspended in the air.

He is currently fifth in the rankings of the Ten Thousand Races Lords camp, second only to the three peak races and Zhou Zhou, the Lord of the All Spirits Clan - Lord Lingzun!

Behind Him, a group of strange creatures with strange shapes but each with their own unique charm followed respectfully behind Him.

Those are the people of the Wanling Tribe of Lord Lingzun.

Among them are the spirits of mountains and rivers, the spirits of vegetation, the spirits of totems, the spirits of stars...

The Spirit Clan can also be called the Wanling Clan.

They are conceived among thousands of substances and even illusory concepts in the world, and can only be born after endless years or various miracles.

For example, the mountain that has experienced thousands of years, the mountain spirit that is born...

For example, when the sun rises, the first ray of light shines on the world, and the spirit of light is born...

For example, the magnificent clouds and mist slowly gathering in the distance at dusk, the birth of the spirit of purple clouds...

For example, on the kendo battlefield, the sword and grass spirit was born after unintentionally absorbing the sword intent of countless kendo masters...

They have no father or mother. They are the spiritual gathering and precipitation of all things in the world and are conceived and born, so they call themselves the spiritual race.

When many spirit tribes gathered together, they became the Wanling Tribe.

And this spiritual lord is even more extraordinary.

If it is the other Ten Thousand Spirits clan, they are the respective representatives of various spiritualities between heaven and earth.

Then the spirit lord is a spirit race born from the concept of 'spirituality' itself, and his status is comparable to the son of the law!

Therefore, He took "Ling Zun" as his name from the time he was born.

He is even more protected and favored by the powerful men of the Wanling Clan. He was named the young leader of the Wanling Clan shortly after he was born, and was later designated as the future leader of the Wanling Clan very early!

At this time, the leader of the Wanling Clan was holding in his hands a girl wearing an emerald green dress, holding an emerald green fruit basket, and wearing an emerald green scarf on her head.

It is the pseudo-true god-level artifact, the intelligent creature - the spirit girl!

At this time, the spirit girl was actually made to fall into a deep sleep by some means used by the spirit lord.

This chapter has been completed!
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