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Chapter 950: I am the only one in heaven and on earth! The name of the Dharma is Tathagata!

But this not only did not add any ferocity to him, but instead gave him a cold sense of beauty that he dared not approach.

"Haha, so what, if we don't kill them, where will we get food from? Do we want it from them? They don't have enough to eat themselves, so why don't they give food to dozens of my brothers on their way?"

The bandit leader laughed loudly, looking completely unrepentant.

"You don't deserve to be in this world, go to the underworld and experience the punishment of hell."

The Tathagata.

Unexpectedly, after he said this, the vicious bandit leader not only did not feel scared, but actually laughed even more arrogantly.

"Hahaha, brothers, did you all hear this? This thin-skinned little monk actually said that he would send me to hell?"

"Looking at the tenderness of his hands, let alone sending me to hell, I'm afraid you haven't even killed a chicken."

"Don't think that just because you are good at martial arts, you can kill people."

"Killing and beating are two different things."

Kassapa opened his eyes.

He looked at this new reincarnation of Lord Buddha.

Lord Buddha, do you want to kill him?

Buddhism also has a saying about Vajra's glaring eyes, so it does not exclude this.

Not to mention that Lord Buddha killed countless enemies and scarlet monsters by the trillions on the Supreme Continent.

So when he heard that the Buddha wanted to kill people, his heart didn't waver at all.

He also felt that this man should be killed.

"Killing you would be too cheap for you."

"I will send you to hell in my own way."

The beautiful monk said unexpectedly to Kasyapa.

I saw that after he finished speaking, he put his hand on the top of the bandit leader's head, then silently recited Buddhist scriptures, and slowly lifted it up.

A scene that made other gangsters horrified happened.

As his hand slowly lifted up, he forcefully pulled out a soul sutra filled with light scarlet aura.

Tathagata looked at the evil soul in his hand and said:

"Please ask the ox-headed horse-faced man from the prehistoric world to open the door to hell."

The words just fell.

I saw the hazy black-gray ghost mist quietly emerging, and then in the ghost mist, a huge black-gray divine door carved with countless evil ghosts, seemingly connected to the sky and the earth, slowly emerged from the endless ghost mist.

The door slowly opened, and a human ghost with a head like a cow and a human ghost with a head like a horse slowly walked out.

"You two masters, this is the soul of a guilty person."

"Please also ask the ghosts to take them back for a while and let them go through the punishments of the eighteen levels of hell until the sinful energy is eliminated from their bodies, and then send them back to the physical body."

Tathagata said.

"Okay, Tathagata, holy monk."

The two ghosts quickly said respectfully.

They didn't dare to offend this young monk.

After all, this young monk has been personally named by Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva for special care. If he has any requests, he will try his best to comply without making any mistakes.

"Excuse me, holy monk Tathagata, do you have anything else to tell me?"

The bull-headed horse-faced man said cautiously.

"Please wait here, both of you."

Although Tathagata didn't know why the two ghosts and gods in front of him and the big monk behind him were so respectful to him, he didn't have the habit of inquiring deeply about people's privacy, so he just let them go.

Then his eyes fell on the other two gangsters.

At this time, the two gangsters no longer looked as ferocious as before. They looked at Tathagata as if they were looking at some super terrifying existence.

I saw Tathagata's eyes falling on the tall and thin gangster on the right.

"You are a famous executioner among the gangsters in Black Wind Mountain. You personally killed one-tenth of the villagers in Qingtang Village."

"You should also go to hell."

Say it.

Without waiting for the other party to say anything, he used the same method to extract the other party's soul and handed it to the bull-headed horse noodles who were waiting respectfully.

Then he came to the last gangster.

"Please have mercy! Please have mercy!"

"I am willing to change my ways! Please give me a chance! I am willing to worship Buddhism, eat fast and chant Buddha's name from now on, and atone for the sins of the dead!"

"Although I also killed people from Qingtang Village, I only killed six, which is far less than them!"

"Please don't kill me, please, please!"

"Holy Tathagata, don't you Buddhists emphasize putting down the butcher's knife and becoming a Buddha immediately?"

"Give me a chance to become a Buddha!"

The last gangster knelt down in fear and begged for mercy.

"You are worthy of becoming a Buddha, so don't tarnish the Buddha in my heart."

The Tathagata sighed and said coldly: "And what are you trying to explain randomly? The 'butcher knife' that puts down the butcher knife does not refer to the real butcher knife, but refers to the delusions, persistence, confusion, confusion, and all kinds of evil words and evil words of living beings."

The bad karma of evil deeds, bad intentions, etc. means that as long as we can completely let go of these bad habits and troublesome habits, we can reveal our Buddha nature and achieve enlightenment."

"You did kill six people, but you killed six babies. How innocent they were. They had just been born and experienced such pain in the world!"

"Although you have killed fewer people than other gangsters, in my eyes, you are more cruel than other gangsters!"

"You have sinned deeply."

"There is no chance of becoming a Buddha in this life."

"Go to hell and then think about becoming a Buddha in your next life."

The gangster's face turned pale.

Tathagata didn't bother to say more and just threw his soul to the Minotaur Horse Face.

Afterwards, the two sides joked for a while, and then left.

"Lord Buddha, you are very different from before..."

Kasyapa suddenly said.

"I am not a Buddha."

As the Tathagata spoke, he placed the corpses of the three people in a posture of chanting sutras at their old places, facing the direction of the ruins of Qingtang Village, and then cast a small spell to make them recite the Sutra of Purity in a low voice.

After doing all this, a smile appeared on his face, then he looked in the direction of Qingtang Village and said softly:.

"Let them themselves pay for the sins they have committed."

Then he looked at Kasyapa.

chuckled softly:

"My dharma name is 'Tathagata'."

"Tathagata, your methods are a bit cruel." Kasyapa was quiet for two seconds, and then said, "You sent the souls of those three people to hell. Based on the sins of those three people, they will not be able to return to hell in a hundred years.

Come back from hell."

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! "After a hundred years, their bodies will have long since rotted into broken bones."

"Even if the souls are sent back, they won't survive."

"Although you didn't kill them, you ended their lives in a very cruel way."

"What you're doing is wrong."

Kasyapa dissuaded.

"That is their salvation, and it is also my understanding of Buddhism."

Tathagata said calmly.

"Which evil Buddha taught you Buddhism like this!"

Kasyapa said a little angry.

"The Dharma in my heart taught me to do this."

"You said I was cruel to them, what did the villagers of Qingtang Village do wrong? Why should they suffer such a catastrophe in life?"

"These gangsters are going to pay for this!"

"They killed the villagers in Qingtang Village, which was the 'cause' they planted. Then they met me and were sent to hell by me who knew about it. This is the 'effect' produced by the cause."

"I not only want to send their three souls to hell, but also let their corpses recite the Purana Sutra here."

"I will catch other escaped gangsters one by one and let them redeem themselves in the same way!"

"Amitabha!" Kasyapa clasped his hands together, "Tathagata, your Dharma has gone astray. If you continue, you will be in danger of becoming a demon."


"I am the only one in heaven and on earth!"

The Tathagata clasped his hands together and looked at Kassapa calmly, "There is a Buddha in my heart, so I am the Buddha. The path I take is the path the Buddha takes."

"I don't think it's biased, then it's the right path."

"You said what I did was too cruel, but you also had the idea of ​​killing them?"

"You had this idea in your mind, but you deceived yourself and criticized me for doing something wrong."

"Big man, you have violated the commandments."

Kasyapa was speechless for a moment.

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