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Chapter 953: Journey to the Dark Universe! 80 seconds!

"Your Majesty, we must immediately escort this true artifact fragment back to the Imperial Capital and hand it over to Your Majesty Octavier."

"We will discuss it in detail after we return to the Imperial Capital."

Elf Queen Alisael whispered.


Zhou Zhou nodded.

He has already sensed that there is some undisclosed malice and greed hiding around him, targeting Queen Alisal and the fragments of the Spirit-nurturing Stone Seed in his hands.

At this time, he did not take action, probably because of the existence of his true god-level combat power.

As soon as I leave, these malicious and greedy guys will probably tear off their pretense and take action.

"How about this."

"I will send you back. My Yinhe is here and I will send you back very quickly."

Zhou Zhou thought for a while and said.


Alyssa was overjoyed immediately after hearing this.

If this common people emperor can be with them, then their safety will definitely be no problem.

Even if Fubolius comes in person, he may not be able to get this true artifact fragment from his hands.


Zhou Zhou nodded.

When He took over the task of this camp and handed the soul-nurturing stone seed into the hands of Alisal, He had already forged a deadly feud with the Fubolius pantheon.

Not to mention that the other party also tried to trap him and eliminate the soldiers he had worked so hard to train. This was something Zhou Zhou could not tolerate.

This is the situation now.

It is no longer a question of whether Fubolius wants to have a grudge against Zhou Zhou.

But the question is whether Zhou Zhou is willing to let him go!

The answer is definitely no!

They had already blatantly dealt with him, how could Zhou Zhou kindly let him go?

He is not that big-minded.

'When I advance to the middle level god in the future, I will go talk to this old boy Fubolius.'

Zhou Zhou thought silently.

Then without saying much, He directly took out a Galaxy ship from the world inside his own body, and then boarded it first himself and the gods, and then asked Alisal and his ministers to board it.

Inside the main cabin of the Galaxy.

Zhou Zhou stood in front of the control desk and said to Wen Ya:

"Wen Ya, target the capital of the Elf Empire - Alanlos."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Wen Ya said respectfully.

[Galaxy 1 is setting sail...]

[The destination of this trip is: the imperial capital of the Elf Empire - Alanlos.]

[Distance: approximately 6.4 light days.]

[Normal sailing time: approximately 3 hours and 18 minutes.]

[Time required for navigation after entering the dark universe: about 80 seconds]

[The dark universe engine has been started and is entering the dark universe... Galaxy 1 has officially entered the dark universe!]

[Your Majesty, and all guests, please wait patiently.]

"Everyone, please wait for 80 seconds."

"In 80 seconds, we will arrive at Alanlos."

After Zhou Zhou heard this, he looked at the elves and chuckled.

All the elves were shocked when they heard this.

It only takes 80 seconds to fly a distance of 6.4 light days???

When they got here, even with the help of the teleportation array, it took them more than three hours!

Isn’t this common people emperor a lord of all races who has just emerged?

Why is this feeling of taking action no less inferior to those racial forces with strong foundations?

Alyssaer is well-informed, and after hearing this, she sighed with emotion and was a little curious:

"The technological civilization of the mechanical race is incredible every time I see it."

"This Galaxy spaceship must have been manufactured by the top spacecraft manufacturing group of the mechanical race, right?"

Ordinary lower god level spaceships cannot achieve this speed.

This is already comparable to the speed of a true god-level existence.

"The Galaxy spaceship is a series of spaceships personally built by the Mechanical Lord God Crown for our Kingdom of the Sun."

"So the performance is a little bit better than the ordinary lower-level god lower-level spacecraft."

Zhou Zhoudao.

The Galaxy spaceship flies around every day, so it is not something that can be hidden.

Therefore, Zhou Zhou did not hesitate to tell this matter.

It just happened to tie up the banner of the mechanical race and the mechanical master god, making other races fearful of itself.

Alyssa was really shocked when she heard this.

It was actually made by the God of Machinery himself?

They looked outside into the dark universe.

The dark universe is extremely dark, like a bottomless abyss, which is daunting.

Everyone just took one look and didn't dare to look any further.

"Those enemies who tried to rob us along the way probably wouldn't have imagined that we could leave so quickly, right?"

Alyssa smiled.

"Unless the true god is chasing him personally, there will basically be no enemies chasing him."

Zhou Zhou also nodded and then asked:


"Why didn't you see Her Majesty Octavia coming?"

After all, this is also his true artifact fragment. Why did you send this junior here? Aren't you afraid of being snatched away by other forces?

"His Majesty Octavian went to explore the secret realm of another world with another true god a few days ago, and he will not be able to come back for the time being."

Alyssa said.

Zhou Zhou was stunned when he heard this.

True gods also need resources, and at their level, even the entire world may not be able to assemble the resources they need.

Therefore, most true gods spend most of their time traveling around the world, trying their luck to find a world or a high-level secret realm that can produce the resources they need.

If Octavian and other true gods went to the secret realm to hunt for treasure, there is really nothing they can do.

But if this is the case, it means that the other party did not think that his true artifact fragments could be taken out from the secret realm this time, even with the help of the Emperor of the Living World, so he was not even interested in staying and waiting for news.

He smiled inwardly, didn't care, and then threw a leaf to Alisael.

This leaf is called the 'Leaf of Fertility', and it contains a magical spell specially customized by Octavier for the spirit girl.

Originally, Alisaer was given to Zhou Zhou because he wanted Zhou Zhou to use the leaf of abundance to suppress the spirit girl's strength, thereby increasing the probability of recovering the fragments of the true artifact.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Zhou didn't use it at all.

Zhou Zhou had no intention of keeping this leaf. It was just a leaf treasure that carried the intermediate power of the true god. To Zhou Zhou, his holy power of chaos was not much weaker than this thing.

Alisael couldn't help but be a little surprised when she saw the intact Leaf of Fertility. She didn't expect that the other party was useless.

But when he thought about this man's past achievements, he suddenly felt that this was normal.

So after complimenting Zhou Zhou sincerely, he accepted it without asking.


79 seconds passed.

Everyone felt the spacecraft beneath their feet shake slightly, and then the scenery outside the virtual exterior mode suddenly changed.

The huge stars of the Kingdom of God and the elven mother tree that looked like a canopy made from heaven caught everyone's eyes immediately.

"Alanros has arrived."

A reassuring smile appeared on Alisael's face.

Only after arriving at his own territory did he feel truly safe.

at this time.

Then I saw the fragment of the spiritual nurturing stone in Alisal's hand suddenly lit up with a bright emerald green light.

The next second.

This fragment of a true artifact actually came out of the hand, flew directly through the bulkhead of the Galaxy and flew to the outside world. Finally, it fell into a statue with long emerald green hair, a fair face, delicate and graceful features, and a gorgeous and huge dress.

Female hands holding green dress with white trim.

This chapter has been completed!
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