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Chapter 239 'Golden Armor' Whose world is full of chrysanthemums

Chapter 239 "Golden Armor" The city is full of chrysanthemums, whose world is it?

"Golden Armor" is a song composed by Jay Chou, written by Fang Wenshan, arranged by Michael Lin, and sung by Jay Chou.

This song is the promotional song for the movie "A City of Gold" and is also one of the two theme songs.

The song "On Earth" became the best-selling debut single of mobile wireless music that year.

It was almost with the two songs "Golden Armor" and "Chrysanthemum Terrace" that we started the era of great songs from bad movies.

In fact, the reason why "The Golden Armor" is called a bad movie is mainly because the plot is embarrassing, but in other aspects it is at least passable.

It can be said to be a typical example of plot ruining everything.

Among them, the two theme songs are the best in the movie.

on the stage.

After Liu Silei handed over the stage to Fang Xing and the other two, the staff presented musical instruments.

Since this song is in a rock style, the accompaniment instruments are mainly electric guitar, electric bass, and drums.

The reason why I chose this rock-style song is because the audience at the scene is relatively young and more accepting of rock-style songs.

If it were on "Song", it would be difficult for rock-style songs to impress the audience in their 60s and 70s.

The wonderful thing is that although "Golden Armor" is rock style, it is also Chinese style. The two styles are combined very cleverly, creating a unique charm.

It can be said that in the field of Chinese rock and roll, this song is a supreme masterpiece.

Fang Xing carried the electric guitar, and Guo Keda carried the electric bass.

After the two were ready, they stood in front of the microphone stand, looked at each other, and then gave a thumbs up in the direction of the band.

The band began to play the prelude, and melodious and simple tunes sounded, giving a feeling of experiencing historical events across a long time and space.

Immediately afterwards, the drummer of the band joined in and beat the drums.

After the strong rhythmic drum beats were added, the intro began to turn into a rock style.

Fang Xing’s electric guitar and Guo Keda’s electric bass join in, and multiple instruments compete.

Just the prelude makes people feel a murderous aura coming towards them.

After the prelude ended, Fang Xing grabbed the microphone and started rapping along with the drum beat:

“The flags are like rainbows, and the mountains are stacked like peaks.

"This army is as winding as a dragon and murderous as the wind..."

The rap with a tight rhythm comes out like a barrage of cannons.

The audience and guests at the scene immediately raised their eyebrows and stared. The first feeling was surprise, while the second feeling of the music critic was surprise.

The style of this song is so unique. There are very few songs of the same type in the music world, and masterpieces are even rarer.

The musicians at the scene all felt the same way:

"This is a bold attempt. The combination of the two styles can easily go astray if not handled well."

"If this song is successful, then I will admire him even more. Music needs more attempts and exploration. Combining the two styles is a good direction."

"It's hard to say yet, I still have to keep listening and seeing."

To the surprise of the music critic, the song reached the chorus.

Fang Xing grabbed the microphone, his whole body moved to the tune, and sang the chorus in a high-pitched voice:

"Blood stains the armor, I kill with tears.

"A city full of chrysanthemums, who owns the world?"

"Above the palace, there is smoke and sand.

"Life or death is nothing but a scar from a knife..."

The sonorous and desolate singing swept the entire audience, as if the stage was a battlefield in the bleak autumn wind, with chrysanthemums falling and blood-stained armor.

This song is about a palace war, a war for royal power.

In the song of blood and killing, Fang Xing sang with a trace of unbearability.

It's like the state of mind at the moment when you swing the knife.

In the midst of the killing, he finally sang a free and easy and decisive voice that ignored life and death.

Originally, the musicians and music critics at the scene were just pleasantly surprised after hearing the fast-paced rap of the verse.

When the chorus came out, the song covered multiple emotions, including killing, unbearable, helpless, free and easy, and determination.

The expression on the musician's face, who has been deeply involved in music for many years, gradually changed from surprise to astonishment.

The well-known music critic Luo Siwei praised: "I originally thought that he was combining two styles and exploring a new musical field.

"I didn't expect that he would directly compose this new style of ceiling song. I really don't know whether to be happy or helpless."

The musician next to him agreed: "Yes, it is good to create a new trend and style. But if the pioneering work is too strong, the style will basically be perfected. Other musicians have no way to try this style, because

There is a huge mountain blocking it, and it is impossible to cross it."

Luo Siwei clicked his tongue and sighed: "Fang Xing is still ruthless. Every time he takes action, he has to sing to the extreme without leaving room for others. You have to admire him, but at the same time, you feel deeply helpless in front of him.


on the stage.

After the first chorus is sung.

The song enters the interlude.

Fang Xing and Guo Keda walked out from behind the microphone stand, stood together, and started playing instruments face to face.

The sound of electric guitar and electric bass is like two generals fighting under the roar of war drums.

The melodies of multiple instruments were intertwined and swept through the audience like a shock wave.

The audience, who had been watching all night and were already a little tired, were immediately shocked by this surging musical instrument show.

The drummer of the band was also in high spirits, beating the drums with strong rhythms, roaring like war drums.

The audience at the scene was so excited by the show of this musical instrument that some of them even couldn't help but say a curse word: "That's awesome!"

After the interlude.

Guo Keda threw away his electric bass, pulled out the microphone from the microphone stand, walked to the front of the stage, faced the audience, and started rapping:

"Hatred lasts like fire, and sorrow is like a frown.

"Emotions are wandering, wandering all my life, just like me.

"This life is as prosperous as yesterday, and the war is like breaking up.

"Thousands of troops and thousands of horses.

"Thousands of horses are galloping, and flesh and blood are fighting against each other..."

When rapping, the accompaniment also increases and the rhythm becomes more intense.

The audience at the scene was all ignited by the passionate drumming, nervous rapping, and lyrics that did not lose their connotation.

Especially in the direction Guo Keda was facing, the audience was so excited that they stood up, raised their hands and waved along with the rhythm.

Wave after wave of climaxes hit me, pushing up my emotional points again and again.

However, the song has not reached its peak yet.

Fang Xing also took off his electric guitar, pulled out the microphone, walked to the other side of the stage, and joined in the rap:

"The memory of the beacon fire is like rust, roaring, roaring...

"Then the killing is too heavy, ho ho ho ho ho...

"The memory of the beacon fire is like rust, roaring, roaring...

"The blood of the royal family seems to have been cut off..."

At the last line of the rap, a series of intensive drum beats burst out.

Fang Xing's high-pitched and passionate chorus swept over again like a wave: "The armor is stained with blood, and I kill with tears. The city is full of chrysanthemums, who owns the world..."

When it came to the last part of the chorus, Guo Keda started to harmonize. For this harmony, he practiced for a whole week, just so as not to hold back:

"Blood stains the armor, I kill with tears.

"Hand the sword at once to see who falls.

“Dialogue between love and hate leaves history.

"Who is shooting randomly, looking cool and unrestrained among them!"

When the last note fell, it was like closing the door to history, but it left people feeling unfinished.

After the song ended, the audience did not applaud immediately.

Because just before the last chorus, the music paused for a few beats before resuming. It felt like it was over, but suddenly there was a comeback, which made the audience gasp for breath several times.

Therefore, when the song actually ended, there was silence for several seconds, and then the audience remembered the warm applause.

This song completely stirred up the emotions of the audience.

The previous songs that the three groups of singers collaborated on were either heavy historical theme songs or graceful heroine-style songs.

The audience listened calmly, then thought it was good and started to applaud.

Only this song by Fang Xing and Guo Keda set off the atmosphere at the scene.

The high-pitched and passionate singing almost lifted the roof off.

By the last chorus, many audience members stood up and waved along.

The live effect of rock music has always been explosive, not to mention the Chinese-style rock music with content.

The applause lasted for a long time.

The guests and music critics at the scene all began to discuss among themselves.

A music critic said with admiration: "This song is so strong, and it is a masterpiece combining two styles. Almost all the audience stood up. Is this the first time?"

Luo Siwei: "Originally I thought it would be difficult for other musicians to try this style, but now I guess no one dares to try it. Fang Xing has just raised the ceiling in this field and blocked this road.


The music critic who knew the inside story of some of the shows looked like he was watching a good show: "It seems like the King of Merlin can't stand it anymore."

To those in the industry, the reason why Tan Chi Guan participated in "Sing Out Loud" is not a secret.

This was the capital behind it, allowing Puxiang Records and Mailin Records to cooperate, and sending Tan Zhiguan out to defeat Fang Xing.

Moreover, this is not a purely personal grudge.

This involves the structure of the recording industry and the status of the capital behind it.

Pengcheng Capital, the capital behind Puxiang Records and Mailin Records, is, to put it bluntly, the domain of the Chen family.

Puxiang Records is one of the three major record companies, while Mailin Records ranks among the top five, and after bringing in Tan Zhiguan, the king, it already has the strength to hit the top three.

As long as it has a deeper foundation, Merlin Records has the hope of becoming one of the new three major record companies.

By that time, Pengcheng Capital controlled two of the three major record companies.

In other words, the Chen family will control half of the recording industry.

However, the emergence of Fang Xing changed the pattern of the record industry.

Although Songshi Records, which originally had Liang Yusong as its producer, had a good background, Liang Yusong was old after all, so Songshi Records didn't have much potential.

However, the appearance of Fang Xing gave Songshi Records a terrifying potential.

Last year, Songshi Records dominated the music charts.

If this continues, Fang Xing is likely to catch up with Tan Zhiguan, threatening Mailin Records to become the new top three record labels.

Originally, the pie in the recording industry was divided, with the three major record companies taking the lion's share and other companies getting the smaller share.

This pattern has lasted for nearly ten years.

Now, an unreasonable devil suddenly appears and shakes up the music world as soon as he debuts.

Originally, each record company took turns to top the music charts every year. You would be at the top for a few weeks, and I would be at the top next month.

Several major record companies also have a tacit understanding. The first-line singers of each company release songs on staggered schedules, trying not to bump into the first-line singers of other companies.

In this way, everyone's first-line and super-first-line singers will have the opportunity to top the music charts.

However, starting from last year, things started to go wrong.

There is an evil star who will not tell you the pattern at all, and it will not open the schedule at all. The songs will be released completely based on the mood.

Moreover, as soon as the song was released, it reached the top of the music charts, leaving no chance for singers from other record companies to struggle.

When I release songs intensively, I even get into fights with my own songs.

At the most exaggerated time, Fang Xing had three songs competing with each other in the first, second and third place on the music charts.

The singer who released songs that month was really unlucky. Watching the three song gods fighting above him, he was pinned down and trembling.

It is precisely for this reason that this capital push was launched and the King of Heaven was sent to thwart Fang Xing's actions.

In terms of strength, Tan Zhiguan is much stronger than Liu Hongsheng.

Even Tong Fei didn't dare to think that she could invite Tan Zhiguan at first.

Therefore, when Donghai Satellite TV recommended Tan Zhiguan, Tong Fei had no reason to refuse.

If a powerful king joins the show, can it still be popular?

Moreover, the salary that Tan Zhiguan received for joining "Loud and Singing" was actually discounted.

Because the initial investment in the experience was 150 million, there was no budget for inviting the king.

After several discussions, Tan Zhiguan joined "Sing Out Loud" at a friendly price.

During those days, Tong Fei could wake up from her dreams laughing.

Of course, she also knew the reason behind this incident and knew that it was directed at Fang Xingxing.

When finalizing the singer, Tong Fei asked Fang Xing if any singer would be suitable.

Fang Xing replied at that time that any singer would be fine, leaving it all to Tong Fei to decide.

Puxiang Records and Mailin Records have sent out the king Tan Zhiguan, and of course they are not willing to suffer a loss, so they want to promote Deng Huiyun, a newcomer, in the program.

Deng Huiyun's singing skills are quite good and she does have great potential.

There is also the collaboration between Tan Zhiguan and Deng Huiyun. The songs they collaborated on performed very well live, and the audience applauded enthusiastically.

However, when "Golden Armor" came out, the Chinese rock and roll style that swept the entire audience and set the stage on fire was simply unstoppable.

Amid the warm applause of the audience, Liu Silei returned to the stage and began to interact:

"Viewers, is this song good?"

“Sounds great!”

The audience responded loudly.

"Blow it up or not!" Liu Silei asked again.


The audience shouted again.

At this moment.

Guo Keda seized the opportunity and interjected: "Do you want to vote?"


The mood of the audience has already reached that point. No matter what, if they are so high, they will not be able to survive tonight.


Liu Silei sighed and started to ask: "Teacher Fang Xing, what is the style of this song? It's like rock and roll, but also a bit ancient."

Fang Xing raised the microphone, thought for a moment and replied: "Actually, I don't like to call ancient songs, songs like "Blue and White Porcelain" and "Fireworks Easily Cold" should be called Chinese style.

"And this song "Golden Armor" is Chinese style rock. The category of Chinese style should be added to the classification of songs."

Liu Silei raised her eyebrows when she heard this: "So that's it, Chinese style rock and roll, it fits the feeling of this song very well.

"What you just sang in the song was 'The city is full of chrysanthemums, whose world belongs to whom?' Whose world do you think belongs to tonight?"

Fang Xing showed a rare shy smile and said: "The host wants to take me into the ditch again..."

At this point, the painting style suddenly changed, and he said seriously: "You don't need to guide me, I will jump in by myself. Yes, that's right, tonight is the world for me and Lao Guo."


There was an uproar at the scene.

(End of chapter)

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