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Chapter 329 Box Office Split Account Valuation Skyrockets Cross Shareholdings

Chapter 329 Box office division, skyrocketing valuation, cross-shareholdings

A dark horse appeared during the National Day holiday. With 5% of the film schedule, it counterattacked and became the box office champion.

After "Spirited Away" surpassed "Spirited Away" in total box office, it attracted many netizens to discuss it on Weibo and other online platforms.

What melon-eaters like to see the most is unusual and unexpected things.

If any of "The Legend of God of War" and "Rock and Roll 2" wins the National Day box office championship, the public will think it is normal, and there will be no need for much discussion.

However, one month after the release of the National Day movies, "The Legend of God of War" and "Rock Detective 2" were released one after another.

"Rock Detective 2" has a box office of 1.77 billion, and it was once thought that it would be the box office champion during the National Day holiday.

However, among the many movies released during the National Day holiday, there was a dark horse, and it was very dark.

This made the melon-eating netizens discuss with great enthusiasm:

[Delayed! Postponed! "Spirited Away" has been postponed. Looking at the box office trend, it is going to cost 2.5 billion. 】

[It has been released for one month, and it has grossed more than 10 million at the box office on weekdays. It has really strong stamina.]

[At first, I thought it would be great if this crappy cartoon had a box office of over 100 million, but now my face is swollen.]

[Fortunately, I am smart. When I was watching "Wulin Gaiden", my face was swollen, but I have a better memory this time. It's not strange for Fang Xing to come up with anything. 】

["Spirited Away" is indeed good-looking. I checked and the animation studio that produced it is called Liangjing Studio. Does this studio have other works? 】

[Such a strong film only had 5% of the box office at its opening. The film industry is really not easy to deal with. If Fang Xing hadn’t spent 100 million to promote it, I would have been buried among the special effects blockbusters during the National Day holiday.]

[I have never been star-struck, but I will be the first to watch Fang Xing’s songs, TV series, and movies in the future. "Wulin Gaiden" YYDS and "Spirited Away" will also be included in the history of animated films. 】

"Spirited Away" is still in theaters and the box office is still growing. According to the stability of the box office, the final box office after one month's delay should be around 2.5 billion.

This 2.5 billion is the total box office, not money that Ark Culture can get.

From this 2.5 billion, we must first deduct business tax, theater accounts and theater chain accounts.

In the end, the amount that will go to Ark Culture and Penguin Pictures will probably be about 40%, which is 1 billion.

Among the 1 billion, 100 million will be deducted first as publicity and distribution expenses, and then Penguin Pictures will share 10% of the box office distribution agency fee.

Liangjing Studio is the producer, but they have already received money for animation production.

The production cost of "Spirited Away" was 30 million.

These 30 million are used to produce animations, most of which are wages for animation production at Liangjing Studio, including painting fees, coloring fees, etc.

Therefore, Liang Jing Studio did not split accounts for this project, only an additional three points reward from Fang Xing.

After deducting all the shares, the final amount that Ark Culture can get will be about 600 million.

An animated film earns 600 million, with an investment of 30 million, a return rate of 20 times.

This is simply a super case in the field of film and television investment.

Before the release of "Spirited Away", many capital companies valued Ark Culture at only 3.5 billion.

However, Fang Xing first used an album to achieve sales of 120 million.

Then he used an animated movie to create the myth of a box office of 2.5 billion.

A movie can earn 600 million yuan, but before the movie was released, the investment company only gave it a valuation of 500 million yuan.

As the general manager of the investment department of Penguin Group, Xu Guangyi finally understood what Fang Xing meant when he said at the beginning that he would not discuss capital injection until after the movie was released after seeing the box office counterattack of "Spirited Away".

Two months ago.

When Fang Xing, Zhang Changfeng and Xu Guangyi were discussing issuance and investment cooperation, Fang Xing insisted on spending 100 million for publicity.

According to estimates at the time, it would be difficult for Ark Culture to earn back the 100 million promotional cost.

According to the investment strategy, when a company is about to suffer a project loss, the best strategy is to wait until the loss occurs and the company's valuation drops before investing.

Therefore, Xu Guangyi also felt that it would be better to wait until the release of "Spirited Away" is over before talking about investment.

However, the situation now does not develop according to the script they expected.

"Spirited Away" counterattacked and became the box office champion during the National Day period, and the final box office is expected to exceed 2.5 billion.

This also means that the valuation of Ark Culture will skyrocket, and will increase several times.

The time has entered November.

Penguin Group hopes to complete its capital injection into Ark Culture this year and stabilize this content production company.

As long as you count the content Ark Culture has produced along the way, you will know how valuable this company is.

The song dominates the charts unreasonably, and there is no need to discuss with other record companies. It can dominate the charts as it wants.

Fang Xing’s new album sales reached 120 million within one month of its release, and even the king of Mailin Records was dethroned.

Now, the songs produced and performed by Fang Xing have occupied half of the charts on Penguin Music Platform.

Moreover, the long-term benefits of songs are very high.

After the song becomes popular, there will be stable income from KTV on-demand singing, music platform listening, singer covers, etc.

In addition to songs, Ark Culture also has two TV series, one of which is still ranked first in the comedy category.

It has been airing for a year and a half, and it still ranks first in the comedy category. It doesn't make sense at all.

Now, another animated movie has been released, grossing 2.5 billion at the box office.

The value of such a content output company can be imagined.


"Spirited Away" has not yet been released, Xu Guangyi personally led his team to the Ark Culture headquarters to discuss the capital injection and proposed a new capital injection plan.

Two months ago, the investment plan given by Penguin Investment Department was to inject 100 million yuan, accounting for 20% of the shares of Ark Culture.

At that time, the investment industry valued Ark Culture at 500 million.

However, after "Spirited Away" was released, things changed.

Xu Guangyi took the initiative to increase the valuation and proposed a new capital injection plan. He wanted to inject 200 million to acquire 20% of the shares of Ark Culture.

Fang Xing did not agree to this plan.

After several rounds of negotiations, Fang Xing and Penguin Pictures finally reached a cooperation and cross-shareholding.

Penguin Pictures became the second largest shareholder of Ark Culture, holding 9.6% of the shares.

Ark Culture holds 1% of Penguin Pictures’ shares, becoming the fourth largest shareholder.

There are additional clauses in the contract that Penguin Group will not participate in the management of Ark Culture.

After this investment was completed, Ark Culture was labeled Penguin.

This makes capital companies in the investment industry dare not resort to tricks easily.

Capital companies such as Pengcheng Capital and Dingsheng Capital know that it is difficult to invest in Ark Culture.

However, they found a new target, which was Liang Jing Studio.

Liang Jing Studio, which produced "Spirited Away", is an independent studio founded by Liang Jing and several animators. It does not belong to any film and television company.

"Spirited Away" became popular, and the value of Liang Jing Studio also increased.

Therefore, a lot of capital wants to acquire Liang Jing Studio, and the price offered is not low.

After all, it is a studio that has produced animated movies with a box office of 2.5 billion, so its value has naturally skyrocketed.

Although Liang Jing Studio is named after Liang Jing, the studio was founded by five people.

Therefore, if the other founders disagree, Liang Jing cannot insist on his own way.

Two months ago.

Fang Xing had talked with Liang Jing, hoping to inject 50 million to acquire 80% of the shares of Liang Jing Studio, and then develop Liang Jing Studio into an animation company.

At that time, Liang Jing was willing, but the other founders of the studio did not agree.

Therefore, the matter was shelved.

One month after the release of "Spirited Away", Liang Jing Studio also became a hot topic with this movie.

Many investment companies have approached several founders of Liang Jing Studio to discuss cooperation through various channels.

However, Liang Jing still hopes to continue to cooperate with Fang Xing.

He cares more about the animation itself, and the script for "Spirited Away" was given by Fang Xing.

He knows how important Fang Xing is to the success of "Spirited Away".

The other four founders of Liang Jing Studio certainly did not exclude cooperation with Fang Xing. After all, they successfully collaborated on "Spirited Away".

If we have successful projects ahead of us, it would of course be the best if we can continue to cooperate.

Of course, there is a prerequisite, that is, the money must be in place.

After talking to several founders of Liang Jing Studio in several capital companies such as Pengcheng Capital and Dingsheng Capital.

It’s November 3rd.

The five founders of Liang Jing Studio came to see Fang Xing together and wanted to discuss further cooperation.

Fang Xing is still interested in Liang Jing Studio, let's see how the negotiation can go.

"Mr. Fang, we have discussed it several times. This time we are here together. We want to talk to Mr. Fang about the acquisition." Liang Jing took the initiative to initiate the topic.

"Tell me what you think." Fang Xing asked them to talk first.

One of the animators, who was mainly responsible for coloring, said first: "Well, in the past month, more than a dozen companies have talked to me, and the purchase price offered has exceeded 100 million."

Another founder added: "Of course, we still hope to cooperate with Ark Culture."

Liang Jing saw that several colleagues talked about money too directly when they opened their mouths, so he quickly explained: "Mr. Fang, we want to produce good animations more. We can discuss the acquisition plan later. If it is the acquisition of Ark Culture, it will be better than

Other capital companies are much lower."

Fang Xing had a smile on his lips and nodded noncommittally: "What else?"

The colorist named Wang Hongyuan immediately answered: "Actually, the purchase price of 100 million is not much, and the few of us only share 10 to 20 million.

"Given the performance of "Spirited Away", most investment companies are willing to pay this price, and those investment companies also promised to give us options after the acquisition.

"So, if Ark Culture wants to acquire our studio, it should be more sincere."

In fact.

Two months ago, Liang Jing Studio was broke.

At that time, Liang Jing Studio was said to be valued at 30 million, because the investment in "Spirited Away" was 30 million.

At that time, Fang Xing was preparing to acquire Liang Jing Studio, and offered double the price to 50 million for 80% of the shares.

The price offered at that time was already a very high premium.

When talking to Liang Jing, Liang Jing was willing.

But the other founders of Liangjing Studio were unwilling, thinking the price was too low, and wanted to bet that the studio's valuation would rise after "Spirited Away" was released.

In fact.

Fang Xing knew very well that after the release of "Spirited Away", the valuation of Liang Jing Studio would definitely increase.

There are already investment companies offering hundreds of millions to Liang Jing Studio.

Before the release of "Spirited Away", Ark Culture's valuation was only 500 million, and this was despite having two hit TV series and dozens of chart-topping songs.

Such a comparison makes Liangjing Studio’s valuation more like a bubble.

After listening to their requests, Fang Xing already understood what they were thinking.

After all, the other founders of Liangjing Studio want to get more money.

Because "Spirited Away" became the box office champion during the National Day season, the money received by Liang Jing Studio was actually not much.

Although Liang Jing Studio is the producer of "Spirited Away", the investor and producer are both Fang Xing.

Not only that, the script was also given by Fang Xing.

Liangjing Studio is only responsible for producing animations, and the 30 million investment in the early production of animations is the remuneration of the studio employees.

In other words, Liang Jing Studio was paid.

As for whether the animated movie produced will be a hit or a blockbuster, it has nothing to do with them.

If "Spirited Away" fails at the box office after its release, Fang Xing will lose more than 100 million.

If we really lost that much money, Liang Jing Studio does not need to pay any money.

Similarly, "Spirited Away" made money, and Liang Jing Studio naturally did not get a share of the box office.

Of course, Fang Xing still gave them a three-point reward, which amounted to tens of millions.

A few founders and employees can get millions if they share a cent.

Now, there is capital coming in, and they want to acquire Liang Jing Studio, and the asking price has already exceeded 100 million. If the acquisition is completed, then the founders of the studio can each get another 20 million.

Of course they don't want to let go of this much money.

After hearing their request, Fang Xing smiled and said, "Actually, two months ago, I offered 50 million, and I had already calculated the premium after the release of "Spirited Away."

"So, my current plan is still the same, 50 million, 80% of the shares, and the remaining 20% ​​for you."

Colorist Wang Hongyuan frowned and said: "Mr. Fang, that's not what happened. Other investment companies have already offered a price of 100 million, and you just cut it in half. This is too cruel."

Fang Xing spread his hands and said, "I'm sorry, I decided this matter long ago. I also believe that someone is willing to give you 100 million, and I also wish you better development in the future."

At this point, it is obvious that there is nothing left to talk about.

The founders of Liang Jing Studio did not have other options, so they politely said goodbye and left.

Although the acquisition was not negotiated, the two parties successfully collaborated on "Spirited Away" and still have a good relationship, so their attitudes are very friendly.

After several founders of Liang Jing Studio left, Fang Xing sent a WeChat message to Liang Jing, asking him to come back in the afternoon.

In the afternoon.

Fang Xing saw Liang Jing and asked a question: "Are your thoughts still the same as they were two months ago?"

"Yes, I still hope to continue to cooperate with Mr. Fang." Liang Jing nodded.

"Okay, I've asked people to inspect several animation companies. Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, you and the person in charge of the company's investment department will go to look at those animation companies, and then decide which one to buy. Then you are going to take the team to the new company

Go to work." Fang Xing arranged his work directly.

"Okay!" Liang Jing knew that it would be difficult for his studio's entrepreneurial team to continue, so he made a decisive decision.

(End of chapter)

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