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Chapter 409 The disturbance caused by local products

Chapter 409 The turmoil caused by local specialties

Author: Jianzoufeng

Chapter 409 The turmoil caused by local specialties

After HONOR's endorsement conference, the next few days were relatively leisurely.

Fang Xing finally had time to rest at home and check his WeChat Moments.

Normally when he is working, Fang Xing doesn’t necessarily check Moments once a week.

If your WeChat friends are only visible for three days, you will miss a lot of content in your circle of friends.

Fang Xing's WeChat account is divided into a work account and a private account. The work account is mostly managed by the management team.

Fang Xing manages the private account himself, and there are very few people added to it.

The second season of "Hurry Up" has finished airing. When I open my circle of friends, almost all the content of "Hurry Up" is flooding the screen.

Moreover, Fang Xing’s circle of friends was more popular than anyone else’s.

After all, he stars in this drama, and his family and friends all know about it, and they all gather together to watch the drama, and then post about it on WeChat Moments to discuss it passionately.

Scroll down the circle of friends and see an ID called "Cat on the Roof".

This is the account of my cousin Zhong Keke.

Zhong Keke posted a message on Moments with a screenshot of "An Xin":

【Are there really such good policemen in the world? 】

Fang Xing had seriously thought about this issue. There must be police officers like "An Xin", but there would not be many of them.

With a population of more than one billion, it means that it is difficult to meet a police officer like "An Xin" around you.

After all, most people are just ordinary people, and no one has the obligation to give up their lives and love just to fight criminals to the end like "An Xin" did.

Fang Xing saw his cousin's circle of friends, thought for a moment, and gave her a like.

After clicking the like, I noticed that there was an aggrieved expression on the back of my cousin’s circle of friends.

Fang Xing thought that this girl must be suffering from emotional ups and downs during adolescence, so he replied below: "I will buy you a gift during the summer vacation to make you happy."

Normally at times like this, when Zhong Keke sees this reply, she will definitely jump with joy, and then ask every day when she will redeem the gift.

However, there was no reply this time.

Fang Xing thought that maybe this girl had too much homework and didn't have time to look at Moments, so he didn't pay attention.

In the story of "Rush" Season 2.

The two brothers "Gao Qiqiang" and "Gao Qisheng" often gave gifts to the leaders of Jinghai City in order to obtain the resort project in Mangcun.

They say they are "local specialties", but they are actually just boxes of money.

Among them, the department leader named "Gong Kaijiang" accepted the most bribes and was very corrupt.

After seeing this plot, the audience felt deeply disgusted with the power groups and protective umbrellas in Jinghai City.

However, different people's reactions to this part of the content vary greatly.

Because "Rush" and "Operation Black Wind" are TV series with the same theme, and they almost collided with each other in schedule.

Therefore, the two dramas have always been viewed as competing products.

In this way, the investors of "Operation Black Wind", Dingsheng Capital and Pengcheng Capital, naturally pay attention to various data of "Hurricane".

Therefore, Feng Yunbin, executive director of Dingsheng Capital, and Chen Lipeng, chairman of Pengcheng Capital, watch "Hurricane" whenever they have time.

Plus "Hurry Up" is indeed very attractive.

Feng Yunbin and Chen Lipeng sometimes also watch dramas.

When I don’t have time, I will put it away for two days and save a few days to read it again.

Originally, the plot of the first season of "Crazy" was very exciting, but it did not arouse any feelings from Feng Yunbin and Chen Lipeng.

However, in the second season.

When Feng Yunbin saw the two brothers "Gao Qiqiang" and "Gao Qisheng" in the TV series giving "Gong Kaijiang" "local specialties", his heart skipped a beat.

Because of this plot, he felt inexplicably familiar.

When Feng Yunbin delivered "souvenirs" to the secretary of the mayor of Ningyun District in the VIP garage of the hotel, it was exactly like the situation in the drama.

The difference is that Feng Yunbin personally put two boxes of "local specialties" into Secretary Zhang's trunk.

In the TV series, "Gao Qisheng" put two boxes of "local specialties" into the back seat of "Gong Kaijiang"'s car.

Seeing this scene in the play, Feng Yunbin even suspected for a moment that he was caught by the surveillance camera while delivering "local specialties" in the VIP basement of the hotel.

Otherwise, why would there be such a similar scene in the play?

Feng Yunbin's first reaction was to be shocked.

Because, he did send "local specialties" to Hu Yuhai, the mayor of Ningyun District.

If this thing is exposed, the situation will be very bad.

The reason why he wants to give away "local specialties" is naturally for Willy Construction's 1.5 billion project in Ningyun Cultural Industrial Park.

This project has reached its most critical stage and only needs the final approval procedure to be approved.

For this project, Dingsheng Capital and Pengcheng Capital have been working together for more than two years.

Now, this sudden passage in the TV series "Hurry Up" makes Feng Yunbin a little creepy.

He even once doubted what Fang Xing was implying by taking this picture.

However, he changed his mind and felt that such a secret matter could not be leaked.

Because the VIP basement of the Face Hotel is a single-room garage, there are surveillance cameras in the passages outside, but not inside the garages.

In other words, the scene of giving away "souvenirs" at that time could not have been photographed.

As long as there is no evidence, there won't be any problems.

However, Feng Yunbin changed his mind and thought of another loophole.

That is Chen Lipeng.

At that time, Chen Lipeng was present when "local specialties" were given away to the VIP guests in the hotel.

Feng Yunbin narrowed his eyes slightly and began to consider whether Chen Lipeng would leak this matter.

No matter, after thinking about it, he felt that this was not possible.

Pengcheng Capital also has shares in Weili Construction Engineering.

Willy Construction's 1.5 billion project was jointly developed by Dingsheng Capital and Pengcheng Capital.

If there is a problem with Willie Construction's project, Pengcheng Capital will also suffer huge losses.

From a profit perspective, it is impossible for Chen Lipeng to reveal this secret.

Feng Yunbin thought about it and felt that the plot in the play could only be a coincidence.

Although he was very sure that the "souvenirs" gift would not be leaked, he was still a little worried.

the next day.

He took the initiative to call Hu Yuhai, the mayor of Ningyun District, but did not get through.

He put down the phone and called Hu Yuhai's secretary, Secretary Zhang.

The call was put through.

Feng Yunbin didn't say too many polite words and asked directly: "Secretary Zhang, when will the project approval for Willy Construction be released? Last week, it was said that only the last approval procedure was left."

On the other end, Secretary Zhang was silent for a while before replying: "Mr. Feng, this matter may need to be slowed down a bit."

"Why? Isn't there just one final approval procedure left?" Feng Yunbin suddenly frowned and raised his voice to ask.

"Mr. Feng, don't you feel it? To be on the safe side, let's take it slow for a while. If nothing happens after a while, we can continue the approval process." Secretary Zhang didn't say it clearly, but just said that the matter could not be handled.

"Isn't it because of the scenes in the TV series?" Feng Yunbin narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Mr. Feng, you'd better go back and check to see if any information has been leaked, otherwise you should know the consequences." Secretary Zhang snorted coldly, with a very unhappy tone.

"It's impossible for the news to be leaked. This must be a coincidence." Feng Yunbin sounded very sure.

"Don't talk on the phone. If you want to talk, just make an appointment to meet in person." After Secretary Zhang said this, he hung up the phone.

Fang Xing had no idea what was happening inside Dingsheng Capital and Pengcheng Capital.

Who would have thought that an anti-gang drama could have such an effect.

Even Ningyun District Secretary Liu Jian'an felt strange.

Originally, District Mayor Hu Yuhai had been fully supporting Weili Construction's 1.5 billion project, but had already made compromises elsewhere.

Originally, the game of power was like a chess game. If you want to advance in one place, you have to compromise in other places in exchange for the compromise of the players.

Liu Jian'an has always been opposed to the Weili construction project, and the approval has been stuck for more than a year.

At this level, it is difficult to continue to be stuck.

Originally, Liu Jianan wanted to let go and let Willy Construction's project pass.

Unexpectedly, Hu Yuhai suddenly made a 180-degree turn and did not continue to promote the Weili Construction Project, and began to hide his capabilities and bide his time.

Liu Jian'an couldn't figure out why Hu Yuhai suddenly behaved uncharacteristically.

He initially suspected that there was internal strife between Hu Yuhai and Dingsheng Capital and Pengcheng Capital, but he asked someone to inquire about the news and found out that it was not the case.

It's early June.

The third season of "Hurry Up" has started, and the story timeline has arrived in 2021.

The supervision team officially entered Jinghai City and began to contact "Anxin".

The supervision team sent by the province cannot be resisted by the protective umbrella of the city.

As soon as the supervision team entered Jinghai City, they began to investigate the power groups in Jinghai City and the protective umbrella behind them.

The plot begins in the third season, and the party representing justice begins to sound the clarion call for counterattack.

The first season of "Crazy" is the history of "Gao Qiqiang"'s fortune, from a fish seller to the boss of Bai Jinhan step by step.

In the second season, "Gao Qiqiang" gradually became the boss of a powerful group in Jinghai City from Bai Jinhan's boss.

In the first two seasons of the story, "An Xin" had a very difficult journey.

Along the way, he was lonely and could only choose to be alone.

He wrote materials and submitted them to superior departments again and again, but received no response.

It was not until 2021 that the country launched a special operation to crack down on gangs and evil, and the supervision team entered Jinghai City.

"An Xin" joined the task force and officially sounded the clarion call for counterattack.

Big and small leaders of powerful groups were arrested one by one. With the help of state power, no criminal could escape the punishment of the law.

In the story of the third season.

The audience who longed for justice was finally satisfied.

The audience likes "Gao Qiqiang" played by Xu Zhiwen very much, but when "Gao Qiqiang" is punished by the law, no one will feel innocent.

"Gao Qiqiang" was oppressed by the Longhu brothers in the first season. He is worthy of sympathy, but it does not mean that he can be exempted from legal sanctions when he becomes the biggest criminal behind Jinghai City.

At the end of the story, "Lao Mo"'s daughter "Huang Yao" grew up and entered the Qiangsheng Group.

Relying on her identity as the adopted daughter of "Gao Qiqiang", she obtained evidence of "Gao Qiqiang's" crime.

Finally, the plot ends with "Huang Yao" reporting "Gao Qiqiang"'s crime.

The plot is arranged in this way, which can be regarded as the ending of "Huang Yao", leaving a trace of light and kindness in this drama.


On Earth, the original script of "Rush" is darker and more cruel than the TV series.

In the original script, "Huang Yao" heard a phone call between "Chen Shuting" and "Gao Qiqiang", and learned at a young age that her father "Lao Mo" was arranged to die by "Gao Qiqiang".

"Huang Yao" grew up in this environment and has never forgotten this hatred in his heart.

Therefore, when she grew up, she killed "Chen Shuting" with her car, and finally reported "Gao Qiqiang" just to take revenge.

The original script was too dark.

From the perspective of the character's life experience, "Huang Yao" is pitiful.

Fang Xing was also willing to give this poor girl a little bit of humanity, so he didn't follow the darkest plot.

At the same time, it is also to pass the trial.

The value orientation of TV dramas should still give the audience light and hope.

The character "An Xin" is itself a collection of ideals.

With one more character that the audience can identify with, it may be more worthy of the audience's liking.

After the third season of "Hurry Up" was aired, the commercials used were commercials shot by Fang Xing for HONOR's new flagship phone.

Originally, the commercials for the second season were still Jia Haochen's commercials.

As a result, in the third season, it was replaced by Fang Xing's.

This made Jia Haochen's fans very dissatisfied.

However, Jia Haochen's studio and agency, Shengqi Entertainment, have been controlling fans.

Therefore, although Jia Haochen's fans were dissatisfied, they did not make trouble online again.

After all, it is the brand’s freedom who to sign as a spokesperson and how many spokespersons to sign.

And with the size of HONOR, it is not something that Jia Haochen and Shengqi Entertainment can offend.

Therefore, when the commercials for the third season of "Hurry Up" were replaced by Fang Xing's commercials, it only aroused resentment among Jia Haochen's fans, but did not cause any splash.

The ratings of the third season of "Crazy" continued to rise. At the finale, the ratings rose all the way to 3.13%, becoming the only TV series on CCTV's TV drama channel in recent years to have a ratings of more than 3.

After summarizing various data, "Crazy" broke multiple ratings records of the CCTV TV drama channel in the past ten years.

It’s not just the ratings numbers that are impressive.

The number of online views of "Cyclonus" is even more terrifying.

Because "Hurry Up" is not the kind of TV series that you feel is invincible at first sight.

There are so many details in this drama, and it becomes more and more interesting the more you watch it.

There are even many details that the audience may not be able to understand after watching it two or three times.

In order to understand the plot, many viewers even look for analysis videos from drama critics.

Therefore, "Cyclonus" has a very high degree of online discussion.

Many viewers feel that watching it once is not enough and want to watch it a second time.

This makes "Cyclonus" the number one TV series broadcast online in the first half of recent years, and it is also the fault champion.

After all three seasons of "Kick Up" were aired, the total number of views soared to 8 billion, which frightened many practitioners in the film and television industry.

Generally speaking, an S+ TV series has a passing rating if its ratings reach 2 billion, an excellent one if it reaches 3 billion, a hit if it reaches 4 billion, and a super hit if it reaches 5 billion.

However, the number of online views of "Cyclonus" has reached 8 billion.

Unless there is another super hit movie in the second half of the year, "Kurst" will be the drama king this year.

After "Hurry" ended, some viewers began to look forward to "Operation Black Wind".

With "Horse" off to a good start, many viewers feel that "Dark Sideways" should be able to ride on the wave of anti-crime dramas and become a big hit.

(End of chapter)

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