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Chapter 423 The performance is successful, 'Blessed Lovers' is included in the textbook

Chapter 423 The performance was successful, "Butterfly Lovers" was included in the textbook

Author: Jianzoufeng

This song "Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai" was played to the end of the first movement. The melody changed from the light and sweet time of classmates to the reluctance when parting.

After three years of being classmates, it was finally time for the two to part ways.

The sound of the violin is still lingering, as if it is a girl full of thoughts.

The tune of thousands of twists and turns vividly expresses the reluctance of two people to look back three times when they part ways.

After the nostalgic and lingering melody, the drumming of the timpani suddenly rises, and the low and serious drumming is connected with the melody with strong pressure from the brass, which indicates that a storm is coming, and also indicates that the whole piece is about to take a major turning point.

The following deep and solemn tune tells the story of Zhu Yingtai's forced marriage.

Immediately afterwards, the melody shows the two protagonists' struggle against feudal forces. Zhu Yingtai resists marriage and swears to die, and the various tragic and joyous turns are vividly displayed.

The last violin solo seemed to be Zhu Yingtai pointing to the sky to express his will.

Next, the gongs, drums and orchestras sounded, Zhu Yingtai jumped into the grave, the two protagonists turned into colorful butterflies, flew together, and the whole band played in harmony, pushing the song to a climax.

When the last piano sound fell, the whole audience felt very happy.

This is a symphonic feast, an expression of stories and life.

The more musically literate a person is, the more they can feel the lofty and lofty realm.

Several doctoral supervisors from Dongyin listened to the entire song in shock and felt that the pores in their bodies were opened. It was a sense of transparency that blended with the soul of the music, which was so beautiful.

After the "Butterfly Lovers" was played, a few seconds passed before thunderous applause erupted.

Bang bang bang...

The applause lasted for a long time.

He Zhaolin closed the score, turned around, and bowed to the audience together with all the musicians.

Then, the curtains of the stage were closed from both sides to the middle.

However, the audience's applause never stopped.

Even the two hosts walked to the stage and wanted to speak, but the sound of the microphones was buried in the roar of applause.

No one tried to stop the audience, because this performance deserved such applause.

The host kept smiling and waited quietly, waiting for the applause to stop.

at the same time.

Backstage in the auditorium, Chen Wenhan stayed in the dressing room from beginning to end.

Even in the dressing room, the distant melody of "Butterfly Lovers" can still be heard clearly.

From the moment he came off the stage, his face looked very ugly.

Because when he played "Song of the Wanderer" before, he made a big mistake and made a "killing chicken sound".

This situation occurs because of excessive force.

The violin is an instrument that is easier for children to learn than for adults.

Because when playing the violin, the force needs to be gentle. If you use too much force, a "killing chicken sound" will occur.

Originally, given his violin skills, it would have been impossible for him to make such a mistake.

However, there was too little rehearsal time, and I didn’t practice piano seriously for more than half a year, resulting in some rusty skills.

If it were just like this, this kind of mistake would not occur.

After all, he has played the piano since he was a child and has a good level of playing.

The reason for such a big mistake was that seeing Fang Xing supporting An Xuanyu as he walked under the stage made him angry for a moment, which led to the mistake.

This mistake is really big, but if you are a layman, you won’t hear it very clearly, and even if you hear it, you won’t know whose mistake it is.

It's a pity that the school leaders, professors, and even students at the scene are all music students and all of them are experts.

This made his mistakes invisible.

Therefore, he knew that tonight's performance would bring great disgrace.

However, he still held on to a bit of luck.

If he is the only one who loses face, it will indeed be a big loss.

However, if another person makes a mistake and loses face even more, it will become his backing, and it will not be so uncomfortable.

After he came off the stage, he didn't leave immediately, just because he wanted to wait for the second unlucky guy to appear.

When "Butterfly Lovers" was playing, he kept waiting, waiting for an unpleasant piano sound to soothe his injured soul.

It's a pity that he has been listening carefully, but he still can't hear the mistake.

Not to mention mistakes, this song "Butterfly Lovers" was performed almost perfectly, even surpassing the one played in the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games.

Tonight's "Butterfly Lovers" is an artistic symphony.

No other show can compare.

In order to wait for a mistake, Chen Wenhan listened to the entire violin concerto note by note, and the more he listened, the angrier he became.

The person who made the second mistake did not show up, which made him the only clown tonight.

When the last note of "Butterfly Lovers" fell, he stood up and shouted, kicked over the chair, turned around and slammed the door to leave.

After the school anniversary party.

Li Weidong, the vice president of the Donghai Conservatory of Music, and Chen Chaonan, the Ph.D. director of Donghai Conservatory of Music, came backstage, shook hands with Fang Xing, and thanked Fang Xing for returning to the school to perform.

Afterwards, several people came to the reception room of Dongyin Administration Building, sat down and drank tea, saying that they had something to discuss.

After being polite, Li Weidong got to the point: "Fang Xing, the school hopes to use the song "Butterfly Lovers" as a lesson plan for the school, so we need to get your permission first."

"This is a good thing, of course." Fang Xing agreed without even thinking about it.

In fact, Dongyin's instrumental music class is already teaching the song "Butterfly Lovers".

However, there is no paper teaching material yet.

If it is to be made into a paper textbook, it will involve publishing.

Of course, if Dongyin wants to publish teaching materials, it will not only include the music score of "Butterfly Lovers", but also include the background story of the piece, artistic analysis and evaluation, performance techniques, etc.

In other words, music scores are only part of the content in this textbook, and more content needs to be compiled by school professors.

"If you agree, the school will arrange for a professor to compile the teaching materials, and the music score of "Butterfly Lovers" will be included in the teaching materials. You can rest assured that the royalties from the publication will be paid to you according to the proportion of the music score."

Li Weidong explained this matter clearly.

"No. I think this is good. I can donate my part to the school. I will donate a teaching building to the school. If it is not enough, I will fill in more." Fang Xing proposed another plan.

The royalties for publishing textbooks, the other party woke up and said, they were actually not much, only a few hundred thousand was enough.

It would be better to donate it directly to the school, add another 20 million and donate a teaching building.

Li Weidong was even more happy after hearing this, and the admiration towards Fang Xing could no longer be hidden on his face.

Chatted for a while.

The three of them talked about tonight's performance.

Li Weidong asked casually, asking if there was any room for improvement in the party's arrangements, etc.

Fang Xing was silent for a while, and his expression became serious.

Just this expression makes me feel profound.

Chen Chaonan also felt it, something was obviously going on.

"Is there something wrong? Tell me." Li Weidong asked directly.

"How should I put it? In fact, when I tried the piano just before the performance, I found that the piano had been tampered with, but it is impossible for outsiders to touch the piano in the school. Fortunately, it was discovered in time, so no performance accident occurred. This

The impact of this incident on the school is not good, so the major issue has been reduced to a minor issue." Fang Xing sighed after finishing speaking.

After listening to this, Li Weidong's expression became very serious.

If someone really sabotages the school's 95th anniversary party, it will really be a disgrace to the school.

Li Weidong asked uncertainly: "Could it be that the staff who adjusted the piano were negligent?"

"Maybe." Fang Xing spread his hands, showing no intention of pursuing the matter.

In fact, nothing can be investigated.

Because there are no cameras in the room where the piano is stored, there are only cameras in the corridor outside the door.

This means that even if the camera captures something, it can only capture who has entered the piano room, but it does not know who moved the hands or feet.

There were so many musical instruments used in the party that day, and there were dozens of students in and out of the piano room and classrooms, so it was basically impossible to identify them.

Fang Xing said it out just to express his dissatisfaction.

It depends on how the school handles it.

After Fang Xing left, Li Weidong thought for a few minutes, then called the teacher in charge of organizing the party that night, and went to the monitoring room to watch the video surveillance together.

At the same time, they also called the sophomore student in charge of the piano student union over for questioning.

The student didn't know what happened specifically. He only knew that Fang Xing found out there was a problem with the piano and then adjusted it himself.

After watching the surveillance video, it was found that a total of six students and four teachers entered the piano room that night before the piano used in "Butterfly Lovers" was moved out.

The president of the student union personally came to identify the person, and then discovered that among the six students who had entered the piano room, one was not a student union cadre and should not have appeared in the background.

Li Weidong and several other teachers talked to the student.

The fate of students in school is in the hands of the school.

Any punishment will be a stain that the student will never be able to shake off for the rest of his life.

Therefore, after the conversation, the student asked the truth.

It was Chen Wenhan who asked him to mess with the hammers of the piano.

The truth was indeed revealed, but that was the end of the matter.

Because there was no performance accident at the party that night, it was impossible to call the police to hold Chen Wenhan legally responsible.

Even if it can be proven that Chen Wenhan instructed the student to deliberately mess with the hammers of the piano, it can only be a moral issue.

Moreover, Chen Wenhan has already graduated with a master's degree and is not a current student.

The school basically has nothing to do with him.

More importantly, this kind of thing cannot be publicized yet.

A student who graduated from Dongyin ruined the anniversary party of his alma mater.

When this kind of news spreads, it will hurt the reputation of the school.

Although Chen Wenhan cannot be held accountable, Chen Wenhan's reputation is basically tarnished in the eyes of school leaders.

"Why haven't I heard that this person is so miserable before? Even if he makes a mistake in his performance, he actually ruins other performances. Don't invite this kind of person back to parties in the future. It will be embarrassing if you tell him!"

Li Weidong severely criticized Chen Wenhan at the meeting to discuss this incident.

After research by the school leaders, Chen Wenhan’s place in the Ph.D. examination was removed.

Originally, Chen Wenhan was an outstanding graduate of the Donghai Conservatory of Music, and he even won the third prize in the Paganini Violin Competition while in school.

Judging from past honors alone, the school leaders of Dongyin think highly of him.

Otherwise, I wouldn’t have invited him back to perform during the school anniversary.

Moreover, when Chen Wenhan graduated with a master's degree, the Chen family discussed the plan to study for a doctoral degree with the school leaders.

If Chen Wenhan was willing to study for a Ph.D. at that time, as long as he passed the written examination, the interview would be just a formality. Basically, he could study for a Ph.D. with his eyes closed.

It's just that Chen Wenhan didn't study for a Ph.D. if he wanted to join the entertainment industry.

Even so, Dongyin still gave him the opportunity to study for a doctorate. As long as he came back and took the exam, he would be 100% able to study.

However, after this incident, the leaders of Dongyin School studied and decided to remove his quota for PhD study. Even if he applies for the exam in the future, he will be screened out.

Chen Wenhan had no idea that his behavior at the school anniversary party cost him the opportunity to return to Dongyin to study for a Ph.D.

After the 95th anniversary party of Donghai Conservatory of Music ended, the official Weibo posted the success of the evening party on Weibo the next day.

This Weibo post @the alumni who returned to school to perform that night.

In the entertainment industry, especially the music industry, there are many singers and stars from Dongyin, so after @a string of names, alumni and graduates of Dongyin praised him one after another.

Soon, this Weibo post became a hot search topic.

Later, the official account of Donghai Conservatory of Music also released photos of the performance of "Butterfly Lovers" that night, in which Fang Xing and Lu Xiang'er can be clearly seen.

[Fang Xing and Lu Xiang'er showed off their affection on the stage again. It's so annoying! Why didn't anyone tell me in advance so that I could sneak into the Dongyin District and listen to the scene. 】

[Isn't it "Butterfly Lovers"? It seems like no one has heard of it. "Butterfly Lovers" at the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games has been played on a loop a hundred times. Who cares? 】

【That's right, who cares? (Tears bursting from my face.jpg)】

[You just have to be tough. The live version and listening to digital audio are two completely different experiences. Yes, I listened to it live last night, and it was so fun for the freshman at Dongyin University!]

[Take out the showy goods upstairs!]

[Fang Xing, when will you have a concert? It’s not too demanding, just give me a live version of "Butterfly Lovers", I want to hear it live too.]

[If I had known that I would also take the Dongyin exam, Dongyin students would have such benefits.]

[Don’t mention it, Fang Xing has been out for so long without even holding a concert. Are you still a singer? You’re not doing anything serious day by day. 】

【What kind of concert are you holding? I want to watch his TV series.】

[Why can’t you have both? Fang Xing, you are already a mature star, you should learn to hold concerts and act in TV series at the same time.]

After the hot search on Dongyin’s school anniversary Weibo, another hot search followed.

[The Violin Prince returned to his alma mater to perform to celebrate its 95th birthday.]

When this hot search came out, it was accompanied by countless press releases from self-media.

For a time, the Internet was full of articles about Chen Wenhan returning to his alma mater to perform.

These articles recount Chen Wenhan's experience in Dongyin from the beginning, emphasizing the value of the Paganini Violin Competition.


There are many sharp-eyed netizens who have discovered a blind spot.

[Hey! Hasn’t anyone noticed? Dongyin’s official WeChat account has been @Fang Xing, @Lu Xiang’er, dozens of Dongyin alumni, and even some singers who don’t have time to go back to Dongyin to attend the school anniversary party are all @. Only

No @陈文汉.】

[Really, there is no @陈文汉 on Dongyin’s official WeChat account. Is this because the employee in charge of the account forgot about it? 】

Many netizens went to Dongyin’s official account to help @陈文汉.

However, the official Weibo of Donghai Conservatory of Music has never given any response.

Immediately afterwards, netizens also discovered that Chen Wenhan did not appear in any of the photos of the anniversary party released by Donghai Conservatory of Music.

The only trace of Chen Wenhan is the name of a program.

Except for this program list, it seems that Chen Wenhan has never appeared at the school anniversary party.

Soon, some Dongyin students told the truth.

[No need to guess. On the night of the party, a certain violin prince made a "chicken sound" on the stage. It was probably too embarrassing, so the school leaders deleted his photo. 】

[Holy shit! Is this true? Paganini won third prize. Can this also kill a chicken? 】

[Awesome, single-handedly lowering the value of the Paganini Competition.]

This chapter has been completed!
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