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Chapter 543 The Friendship Association of the Two Countries, 'Baikal Lake' Conquers the Audience

The day after arriving in Moscow, Fang Xing went with the art troupe to meet with Ivanov, the head of the Asia Department of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs who was responsible for the reception.

After the reception, the art troupe began intense rehearsal work.

This is a fraternity meeting between the two countries. Not only the Chinese art troupe will perform, but also the art troupes of both sides will perform.


There are also many cooperative programs between the two countries.

For example, Lu Xiang'er and the Moscow Symphony Orchestra will collaborate on the violin concerto "Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai."

This program was communicated more than a month ago, and both parties have been rehearsing separately.

Now that the Huaxia Art Troupe has arrived in Moscow, it naturally has to rehearse in person to ensure that the performance is flawless.

The same goes for Fang Xing, who submitted "Lake Baikal" and after discussion between the heads of both art troupes, Russian female singer Ekaterina was invited to sing the song.

The third day in Moscow.

Fang Xing met the female singer Ekaterina.

The meeting was very friendly. Ekaterina spoke complimentary words in Russian, but Fang Xing only understood part of it.

Fang Xing can sing the Russian version of "By the Lake Baikal", but he is not particularly proficient in Russian, so he can only understand part of it.

Therefore, a translator is needed to explain on the side.

After meeting and chatting briefly, the two began to try singing together.

Fang Xing had already assigned the lyrics in advance. Both of them were professional singers. They just had to follow the melody and rhythm and finish singing their part of the lyrics. Basically, there would be no big problem.

The first time I sang together, I basically got the song in order.

There are just a few details that need adjusting.

After all, this is the first time to cooperate, and it is a cross-language cooperation, so there are still many details that are not tacitly understood.

Fang Xing sat down in front of the piano and played the piano repeatedly where there was a problem: "Here, on this note, don't use an accent. The ending note can be lengthened."

The translator was on hand to help explain.

If it is just a straightforward translation, communication may be more troublesome.

However, after Fang Xing played the melody several times, communication became more intuitive.

After hearing this, Ekaterina nodded, made an OK gesture, and rarely said in vague Chinese: "I understand."

"Then let's do it again, I'll play and sing at the same time." Fang Xing said, starting to play the intro.

Ekaterina began to sing along with the melody.

Fang Xing was not in a hurry, and slowly paid attention to the details, making improvements little by little to make the cooperation more natural and smooth.

After five days of rehearsals, the sorority meeting between the two countries officially began.

This time the friendship between the two countries was held at the Bolshoi Theater.

Art troupes from both countries came to the backstage of the Grand Theater early to prepare. The reception staff divided into two areas to facilitate the preparations of the two art troupes.

"Tonight's audience are all dignitaries from both countries. The performance must be stable. No need to be brilliant, as long as there are no mistakes, it will be a success." Song Yuntao warned the members of the art troupe one by one.

Most of the members of the art troupe are national team actors and singers, and they have seen many similar big scenes.

The only thing that worries Song Yuntao is the guests like Fang Xing invited from the entertainment industry.

Therefore, Song Yuntao inevitably gave a few more words of advice.

As for Zhu Yaoxing, he has no important performances scheduled and is responsible for singing harmony, so there is basically no chance for mistakes.

"Don't worry, Captain Song, I will try my best." Fang Xing promised.

"It's not about trying your best, it's about necessity. The audience in the audience are all important officials from both countries. What we represent is the face of the country, you know?" Song Yuntao was even more nervous than the people who were about to take the stage.

"Okay, I must." Fang Xing showed a smile.

In fact, this was the first time Fang Xing faced such a scene, so it was impossible to say he wasn't nervous.

Moderate tension is also necessary, but if you are too nervous, you will be more likely to make mistakes.

Fang Xing tried his best to adjust his emotions and stay in a low-tension state.

After putting on makeup, Fang woke up and went to see Lu Xiang'er.

Lu Xiang'er has already changed into her evening dress and her hair is being finalized.


She took a long breath, obviously very nervous.

Fang Xing pulled up a chair, sat next to her, and said with a smile, "Are you nervous?"

"It was fine at first, but then Captain Song came over and said a few words, which made me even more nervous." When Lu Xiang'er heard that the audience in the audience were all heavyweights, her nervousness skyrocketed.

"That's it for Old Song. Just leave him alone. Just get on stage, close your eyes and listen to the music, and get into the zone." Fang Xing said.

"Yeah." Lu Xiang'er nodded seriously. She did this in most of her performances.

As long as you listen to the music and enter the state of mind, you will slowly forget about the audience and enter a world where there is only music.

"I went to see you rehearse yesterday, and the cooperation was great." Fang Xing gave her a thumbs up, giving her a big encouragement.

Lu Xiang'er pursed her lips and smiled: "It's really rare that you can still praise others."

Fang Xing blinked: "Don't I always praise you?"

Lu Xiang'er shook her head like a rattle: "No, no, I don't remember. I definitely didn't praise it."

Seeing her coquettish look, Fang Xing knew that the tension had eased, so he started talking about other topics:

"I asked just now that there are some old artists in the music circle in the audience tonight, including the judges of the Tchaikovsky Competition."

"Really?" Lu Xiang'er had an expression of surprise on her face.

One of the purposes of coming to Moscow this time to participate in the performance at the Friendship Party between the two countries is to let the notes of "Butterfly Lovers" resound across the Moscow sky.

If the judges can hear this concerto in advance, it will be of great help to the competition.

"Perform well later and prepare for several years. Just treat tonight as a preview of the game." Fang Xing said.


Lu Xiang'er nodded vigorously. If it was an important party, she would be very nervous, but if it was a competition, she would be less nervous.

The performance at the sorority party began, and the first performer was the veteran artist from the national team, who sang national songs and got the ball rolling off to a solid start.

Art troupes from the two countries began to take turns performing on stage, one program after another.

After the six performances were completed, it was the turn of our own art troupe to perform.

The order of the program is arranged from the beginning.

"On the Shore of Lake Baikal" is scheduled for the seventh appearance.

Fang Xing received the notice five minutes in advance and came to the backstage to prepare.

Also coming with her was Ekaterina.

On the stage, the host introduced the seventh program in Russian: "The next song is called "Lake Baikal", with a beautiful melody, as quiet and beautiful as the water of Lake Baikal.

"Singer Fang Xinghuan from China collaborated with Chinese singer Ekaterina on this song. Let's listen to the notes of this song."

Fang Xing and Ekaterina smiled at each other, then gently held her hand on the stage.

After standing still, the prelude of "On the Lake Baikal" began to echo in the grand theater.

Amidst the melodious melody, Fang Xing held the microphone in his hand, closed his eyes, and listened to the music carefully. Every cell in his body was beating with the music.

However, tonight's performance was more serious, so Fang Xing stood up straight, as dignified and formal as possible.

After the prelude ended, Fang Xing raised the microphone and started singing:

"In my arms

"In your eyes

"The spring breeze there is intoxicating

"The grass is green there..."

After the first verse of the verse was sung, Ekaterina immediately sang in Russian.

While singing, the two looked at each other and smiled, as if they had collaborated many times and were full of tacit understanding.

The original draft of the music score for this song used some local instruments from Lake Baikal, so the musical style was very in line with the preferences of the Russian audience in the audience.

Therefore, when this song is sung, even if the audience does not understand the lyrics, they can still feel the tenderness and beauty in the melody.

Ekaterina's singing brought the lyrics into the song, allowing the audience to understand the meaning of the lyrics.

When singing for the second time, Fang Xing began to sing in Russian, with precise pronunciation, which made the audience show expressions of appreciation on their faces.

When he reached the last part of the chorus, Fang Xing sang the Chinese lyrics again, expressing the beauty and peace of the song vividly:

"Just one day

"You suddenly appeared

"You are clear and mysterious

"On the shores of Lake Baikal

"You are clear and mysterious

"Like the shores of Lake Baikal..."

The music follows the lyrics into the outro, gently ending.

When the song ended, the audience burst into neat applause, and then it ended neatly.

At a serious and formal party like the two-nation fraternity party, the audience will not burst into thunderous applause like at a concert or variety show.

The applause sounded neatly and then ended quickly.

Even so, you can still hear that this song has a very good effect.

There were even Russian audience members whispering to each other in the audience: "This singer sings very well. Is he a star in China?"

Since Fang Xing's makeup is more fashionable than that of the veteran artists of the national team, it can indeed be seen that he looks more like a star.

It is normal for the two fraternities to invite celebrities to perform.

In fact, Ekaterina is a Russian pop singer.

Of course, not just any star can participate in a performance of this level.

After all, if a scandal breaks out if a celebrity is invited to perform, it will become an accident.

Therefore, only artists who actively move closer to the organization are eligible to participate in a party of this level.

Fang Xing and Lu Xiang'er were not invited to join the art troupe from the beginning. They also had to go through the test of the military art gala before they got the opportunity to participate in the sorority of the two countries.

Moreover, during this process, the backgrounds of both people will be investigated. As long as there are bad deeds, they will never be admitted to the art troupe.

After Fang Xing finished singing, he and Ekaterina came down from the backstage.

Since Ekaterina was wearing very thin high heels, Fang Xing supported her in a gentlemanly manner just like when she was on stage.

The two of them worked together very happily, so Ekaterina talked and laughed all the way, mixing a few words in Russian with a sentence of newly learned Chinese, and she laughed very happily.

When the two of them arrived backstage, they happened to meet Lu Xiang'er and the Moscow Symphony Orchestra coming out to prepare.

Fang Xing let go of Ekaterina's hand, walked over and hugged Lu Xiang'er gently, clenched his fists and encouraged, "Come on!"

Ekaterina saw the two embracing and asked in English in surprise: "What is your relationship?"

"This is my girlfriend Lu Xiang'er." Fang Xing introduced her.

"Oh! Hello, hello." Yekaterina immediately reached out and shook hands with Lu Xiang'er.

Lu Xiang'er congratulated Ekaterina: "This is our first meeting. Thank you for your cooperation with Fang Xing. The performance was very successful."

After congratulating her, Lu Xiang'er whispered beside Fang Xing: "I'm ready to go on stage."

"Don't be nervous, I'll cheer you on down below." Fang Xing encouraged.

"You sing so well, I will definitely not give in." Lu Xiang'er started to compete, pursed her lips and smiled happily.

"My eyelashes fell off with laughter." Fang Xing teased her.

"Ah?" Lu Xiang'er was so frightened that she quickly reached out to brush her eyelashes.

Fang Xing quickly reached out and grabbed her hand and said, "I'm teasing you. She's very beautiful tonight. Just concentrate on your performance."

"Okay." Lu Xiang'er nodded and went to the backstage entrance together with the other musicians of the symphony orchestra, waiting to enter.

There are more than a hundred musicians in the symphony orchestra, filling a large area backstage.

Fang Xing and Ekaterina retreated to the very back, looking at the stage, planning to stand and watch later.

Ekaterina communicated in English on the side: "Your girlfriend is so beautiful."

There is no translator here now, so communication is more fluent in English.

Fang Xing thanked her: "Thank you, Miss Yekaterina is also very beautiful."

Ekaterina covered her mouth and smiled wildly: "Really? Thank you, "Lake Baikal" is really beautiful. Can I sing this song at the concert? I will pay the copyright royalties."

"Of course." Fang Xing agreed with a smile.

During the conversation.

The symphony orchestra began to take the stage, and after taking their seats, they began to adjust their instruments.

Lu Xiang'er stayed at the entrance to the backstage. As the first violinist and the main instrument of this concerto, she and the orchestra conductor were the last to appear.

Ekaterina was even more surprised when she saw Lu Xiang'er staying at the end with the violin in her hand: "Is your girlfriend still the concertmaster?"

"Yes, this concerto was prepared for her." Fang Xing replied.

Ekaterina read the program list, but she had a show to perform, so she didn't pay much attention to it.

She found a program sheet and said, "They are going to play "Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai". What kind of music is it?"

In her impression, the music played by the symphony orchestra is usually world-famous music such as "Concerto in B Minor" and "Concerto in D Major".

Fang Xing explained: "This is a violin concerto from China. Maybe Miss Ekaterina has never heard of it."

Catherine apologized quickly: "I have listened to too few symphonies. What does this concerto express?"

Fang Xing pointed to the name of the music on the program list and replied: "It's a love story between two people. The hero and heroine are classmates, but the heroine always pretends to be a man..."

Ekaterina listened to this story carefully, and when she heard the last two people turned into butterflies, her eyes were filled with tears.

at the same time.

The first movement of "Butterfly Lovers" played on the stage, formally using music to tell a poignant love story to the audiences of the two countries.

The melody of the first movement is light, graceful, lively and lively, just like the process of two young people getting to know each other and falling in love.

The audience in the audience felt very fresh and unexpectedly happy after listening to it.

(End of chapter)

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