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Chapter 669 Competition between special effects companies, Satellite TV Spring Festival Gala recording

As the Spring Festival approaches, major film and television companies are promoting movies released during the Spring Festival.

It can be said that all kinds of publicity strategies have been implemented.

The most basic methods of publicity are: local promotion, road shows, online publicity, and television publicity.

This year's Spring Festival, there are two special effects blockbusters, "Land of Monsters" and "Blade Men".

Both movies are S-level productions, especially "Land of Demons", which can be regarded as the ceiling for domestic film investment.

We hired all the big movie stars and top traffic figures, and special effects shots were used almost throughout the entire movie. In order to show the world view of the Land of Monsters, the special effects were very expensive.

"Land of Demons" was produced by a foreign special effects company, so the price is very high.

During the promotion, "Land of Demons" claimed to have an investment of 700 million.

This is a very scary number. An investment of 700 million yuan means that the box office must reach at least 2 billion yuan in order to recover the money.

Moreover, this is just to return the capital, not to make money.

The film studio spent so much money on it, certainly not just to get back the money.

However, in the current domestic film market, the number of films that can reach 2 billion a year can be counted on no more than two hands. If there are few hits, they can be counted on one hand.

In the movie market, there are three relatively large schedules a year.

One is the Spring Festival stall, the other is the summer stall, and then the National Day stall.

In these three schedules, there is a relatively high chance that a movie will have a box office of 2 billion, and usually one of them can reach 2 billion.

As for the May Day and New Year's Day schedules, since the holidays are relatively short and they are not festivals where audiences gather to watch movies, it is difficult to produce movies with high box office.

Therefore, a box office of 2 billion is a very difficult achievement to achieve.

Once the reputation of "Land of Monsters" collapses, even the investment will not be recovered.

The investment in "Blade Men" is relatively small, but it is still 500 million.

In other words, the box office of "Blade Men" must reach 1.5 billion to recover the investment.

However, the special effects for "Blade Men" were produced domestically, and by a subsidiary of InBev Films, so a large part of the 500 million investment was earned by itself.

In fact.

According to the operating model of film and television companies, the producer of "Blade Men" is InBev Films, and the special effects producer is InBev Special Effects.

InBev Films used subsidiaries to produce special effects. It claimed that it spent 200 million on special effects, but this money was actually used for publicity.

InBev Special Effects is a subsidiary of InBev Film and Television, and the special effects are handled internally.

Of course, when settling the accounts, the money spent on producing special effects must be calculated according to the market price.

Therefore, "Blade Men" will have less pressure to recoup its investment.

However, it also needs to reach a box office of 1.314 billion to avoid losing money.

InBev Special Effects is currently one of the first echelon special effects companies in China, with very good special effects technology.

"Blade Men" has always used this as a slogan when promoting it. The best special effects company in the country produces special effects blockbusters, and it is the ceiling of domestic special effects films.

If you shout this slogan, it will really interest many viewers.

InBev Special Effects is a company that Sun Jianqi has come into contact with.

A year ago, Sun Jianqi's team was choosing between InBev special effects and Nebula special effects.

Fang Xing signed Sun Jianqi on a one-year, unlimited short contract.

Some time ago.

When Sun Jianqi was talking about renewing his contract, Yingbo Special Effects also talked to him.

Yingbo Special Effects is also very interested in Sun Jianqi, otherwise he would not have contacted him at the beginning.

After all, Sun Jianqi does have a very mature special effects team. Joining any domestic special effects company can improve the company's special effects technology.

Yingbo Film and Television also invests a lot in special effects, but of course there is no way to compare with Fang Xing's method of spending hundreds of millions every year.

After all, Yingbo Film and Television is not like Fang Xing, who has the Midas touch.

Some of the film and television works produced by Yingbo Film and Television are popular and some are blockbusters. The company's revenue is not bad, but unlike Ark Culture, as long as it is a film and television work produced by Fang Xing, the return on investment is above 5.

The total revenue of "Infernal Affairs" from the box office and online channels exceeded 1.2 billion.

Movies with such a high return on investment are rare for film and television companies in most industries.

Most film and television companies have only one goal when producing movies, which is to make as much profit as possible without losing money.

Therefore, although Yingbo Film and Television also spends money on special effects, it is not as ferocious as Fang Xing.

Yingbo Special Effects had several talks with Sun Jianqi some time ago.

In fact, business cooperation is naturally about business.

Sun Jianqi and Nebula Special Effects President Cheng Hongru are old friends, but this will not affect Sun Jianqi's search for a better way out.

The same goes for Cheng Hongru. When Sun Jianqi was not sure whether to stay, he kept contacting the top special effects artists in the country.

Everyone is looking for a better development space for themselves.

Fang Xing will not put all his eggs in Sun Jianqi's basket.

Sun Jianqi will also contact InBev Special Effects to see where the salary is higher and there is more room for development.

In terms of recruiting Sun Jianqi, Yingbo Special Effects is indeed sincere, because this year's opponent is a special effects blockbuster like "Land of Demons".

The special effects of "Land of Monsters" were produced by foreign special effects companies, and the level is indeed better than the special effects of InBev.

This makes "Blade Men" not the movie with the best special effects during this year's Spring Festival.

When the main selling point of a movie is its special effects, if the special effects are not as good as those of its competitors, the results will be very bad.

There were even rumors that "Blade Men" was going to be skipped.

For "Blade Men", it is actually possible to change the schedule.

"Land of Demons" indeed spent huge sums of money on special effects, and it has already dominated the Spring Festival special effects film market.

If "Blade Men" chooses to change its schedule, it can at least avoid "Land of Monsters."

However, in the end, InBev Films decided to squeeze in the Spring Festival schedule.

Also because Yingbo Film and Television felt the pressure of special effects technology, they offered Sun Jianqi very good conditions.

On the contrary, Nebula Special Effects opened a market standard contract.

In contrast, if Sun Jianqi chooses to go to InBev for special effects, he can get more in salary.

However, in Yingbo Special Effects, he has no autonomy and the space for development is relatively small.

more importantly.

Ark Culture used "Infernal Affairs" to tell him how the movie should be made.

Although the selling point of a special effects film is the special effects, if it only has special effects, this kind of movie can only deceive the audience once or twice, and no audience will be willing to enter the cinema in the future.

Therefore, Sun Jianqi has discovered that the movies made by Fang Xing can tell stories.

If we want to make special effects blockbusters that tell good stories in the future, Ark Culture will obviously have a better future.

Therefore, Sun Jianqi chose to renew his contract before the Chinese New Year.

Movie promotion is in full swing.

Fang Xing first took the creative team of "Nezha" and the dubbing actors to various David TV stations to record programs, and used various magical dubbing to conquer the program groups of major variety shows.


Fang Xing and the company's singers also have to start preparing for the Spring Festival galas held by major TV stations.

Spring Festival is approaching.

The top provincial satellite TV stations in the country all have to record the Spring Festival Gala.

Generally speaking, what audiences usually refer to as the Spring Festival Gala refers to CCTV’s Spring Festival Gala.

CCTV's Spring Festival Gala is broadcast live across the country every New Year's Eve, and is broadcast by all major provincial satellite TV stations.

In other words, the Spring Festival Gala on New Year’s Eve is exclusive to CCTV Spring Festival Gala.

However, other provincial satellite TV stations will also record the Spring Festival Gala and choose to broadcast it at other times during the Spring Festival. The times of each satellite TV station will also be staggered so that they will not affect each other.

The Spring Festival galas of various David TV stations are held almost every day starting from the New Year's Eve to the second and third days of the Lunar New Year.

These provincial satellite TV parties are all recorded and broadcast, and the recording starts one month in advance.

Since major TV stations have to record the show, many singers are invited.

Many singers who rarely appear on stage will also participate in the party recording at this time.

There are many singers under Ark Culture and Guangguang Entertainment, many of whom are regular guests at major TV shows.

Lu Ming, Shao Yu, Shen Jianjia, Shen Xiyin, and Li Caiwei will basically be invited.

Similarly, Fang Xing was also invited to the party, but in fact he did not record many parties.

However, this time is different because we have to promote "Nezha".

The quality of this animated film is very high, but if it wants to have a high box office, publicity is definitely needed.

Moreover, "Nezha" is suitable for the whole family to watch during the Spring Festival.

If this type of movie can be promoted at the Spring Festival Gala of provincial satellite TV, the effect will be very good.

Of course, provincial satellite TV cannot promote a movie casually.

It depends on how you talk about it.

Since Fang Xing took a break from getting married and having children a few years ago, he has only appeared on CCTV's Spring Festival Gala once since his comeback, and has not recorded any other provincial TV Spring Festival Gala.

However, Fang Xing receives invitations from major TV stations every year.

This year is no exception.

After the Ark Culture management met and discussed, they all hoped that Fang Xing could record the Spring Festival Gala of a satellite TV, and then discuss with the leaders of the satellite TV to promote the movie at the party.

Fang Xing agreed to this publicity plan.

However, it is more troublesome when talking about TV stations.

Even if a TV station with good friendship wants to promote a movie in the Spring Festival Gala of Satellite TV, the leaders of Satellite TV are not willing to agree.

Fang Xing personally chatted with the leaders of Xiangjiang TV and Donghai TV, and then asked Wei Shurong, the deputy director of Donghai TV, to meet for tea.

Afterwards, Wei Shurong took him to meet with the Donghai TV Spring Festival Gala program team.

Fang Xing has always been very straightforward in his work, and when we meet, he will immediately use his tricks: "I will release two songs and ask the divas to collaborate. I will personally invite any diva you want to record the show. If a diva feels dissatisfied, then I will invite two divas."


This sentence was so powerful that as soon as I started speaking, I asked the two divas to help record the party.

Major provincial satellite TV stations record evening shows with only one purpose, which is to compete for ratings during the Spring Festival.

This is a competition among provincial satellite TV stations, and the competition is very fierce.

What level of guests can be invited will directly affect the popularity of the party.

In this regard, Xiangjiang Satellite TV has an advantage.

Because Xiangjiang Satellite TV produced a talent show more than ten years ago and promoted many famous singers.

These singers have a relatively good relationship with Xiangjiang Satellite TV, so every time Xiangjiang Satellite TV records a party, there is no shortage of singers.

In comparison, Donghai Satellite TV is a bit stretched when it comes to inviting guest singers for evening shows.


As soon as Fang Xing opened his mouth, he would help invite two queens, and he would also bring along singers from Ark Culture.

Moreover, there was some information hidden in Fang Xing's words.

That is, if Donghai TV disagrees, then Fang Xing will turn around and go to Xiangjiang TV or Jiangnan TV.

Xiangjiang Satellite TV definitely wants two queens, and Fang Xing also released two songs and sang them himself. You don't have to think about how popular they will be.

Wei Shurong's eyes widened, he took a deep breath and asked, "Are you sure you can invite the Queen to sing?"

Fang Xing smiled and replied, "This is my business."

Wei Shurong and the director of Donghai TV Spring Festival Gala looked at each other and asked proactively: "What are the conditions?"

They have worked in the television industry for so long and this is not the first time they have worked with Fang Xing. They know Fang Xing very well.

In the past few years, when the invitees came to the party, they basically said they didn't have time.

I suddenly agreed to record a show this year, it’s impossible without conditions.

Fang Xing said directly: "Promote "Nezha" at the party."


In fact, Wei Shurong had already guessed it.

"Nezha: The Devil Boy Comes to the World" produced by Ark Culture and produced by Nebula Animation is currently in the promotion period and is preparing to be released during the Spring Festival.

This matter is not a secret. Wei Shurong has known about it for a long time, so he also guessed Fang Xing's purpose.

"What level of publicity?" Wei Shurong asked.

There are many ways to promote a movie, such as inserting a piece of movie information at a party. This is the simplest.

However, if that was the case, Fang Xing could just spend money to buy advertising space, and there was no need to talk about it like this.

"The publicity plan will be discussed in detail later. Of course it is not just a simple broadcast." Fang Xing said.

Wei Shurong thought for a moment and asked, "I heard that Xiangjiang TV and Jiangnan TV have sent you invitations."

Fang Xing smiled: "I should have received invitations from more than a dozen satellite TV stations."

Anyway, if Donghai Satellite TV doesn't agree, it's impossible for every one of the dozen or so satellite TVs to disagree.

Moreover, the conditions are already open to such an extent, including singing songs and helping to invite divas, two at a time. If other satellite TV stations hear this condition, they will snatch the person away without saying a word.

Fang Xing added: "The promotion period is tight, so we need to make a decision quickly. I have cooperated with Donghai TV the most, so I came to you first."

The implication is that if Donghai Satellite TV doesn't agree immediately, it will have to find another satellite TV. After all, the promotion schedule is very tight and there is no time to pull it off.

Wei Shurong made a decision and said: "I promise you first, but I have to go back to Taiwan for a meeting to make a final decision. In short, I will definitely help you convince other leaders in Taiwan, and you don't need to go to other satellite TV stations to talk."

Fang Xing smiled and said, "Wei Tai still has the guts, so it's settled. I'll go back and prepare the songs. I'll also have a chat with the two queens, and I'll leave other matters to Wei Tai."

"No problem, don't worry, I agree to this." Wei Shurong replied.

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