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Chapter 701 Tourism crisis, 'The Wandering Earth 2' project launched

Summer vacation is coming, and the preparatory work for "The Wandering Earth 2" has begun.

When the computer is turned on, Fang Xing will be busy.

So, before the phone was turned on, Fang Xing took his family on a trip.

Go to the zoo to see giant pandas.

Qian Qian pointed at the giant panda and called it Xiong Da, even though the color was different.

There were other children nearby who corrected her cognitive error: "This is a giant panda, not a big bear."

Qianqian was very stubborn and argued with others: "It's the big bear. My father made the big bear. It's the prettiest."

Two children can argue about this issue for a long time.

Fang Xing and Lu Xiang'er looked on and found it very funny.

Since the two of them wore masks and hats when traveling, and wore only daily clothes, they were not recognized by anyone.

There are many tourists traveling during summer vacation, but they are not as crowded as during National Day.

After all, the summer vacation is long, but not all parents are on vacation, so there is no special group travel.

Wearing a mask, he was not recognized at first.

However, Qian Qian asked to take a photo with the giant panda and was not allowed to wear a mask.

The family took off their masks and took photos next to tourists, and they were immediately recognized.

As a result, the family photo turned into a group photo of tourists.

"Fang Xing, I know you. You are Jiangzuo Meilang. Come and take a photo with your aunt. Who is that? Come and help take the photo." An aunt took Fang Xing's arm with great enthusiasm.

Fang Xing could only be a tool and started taking pictures with tourists.

At first, everything was fine.

But after more than ten minutes of filming, the filming still hasn’t ended.

Qianqian started to feel unhappy, and reached out to grab the tourists taking the photo: "No photos allowed! No photos allowed!"

There were really too many tourists trying to steal her father, which made her very angry.

This has never happened before.

When I traveled in the past, it was mostly off-season, and Qianqian was still young and didn't have that many ideas.

Now four and a half years old, she is getting smarter and smarter, and has begun to object to tourists trying to steal her father.

Fang Xing quickly picked her up and coaxed: "I'm just taking a photo with my uncle and aunt, you can take it too."

As a result, one tool man became two tool men.

"The little girl is so cute, is this your dad? Auntie likes your dad very much, can you?" An aunt began to tease her.

"No!" Qian Qian's eyebrows almost stood up.

Generally, tourist aunties are more enthusiastic and ask for photos, while uncle-type tourists are more calm and ask for less photos.

There were also some students who were traveling during the summer vacation, and they were in small groups, covering their mouths and smiling shyly, while coming together to take photos.

This time I was recognized by tourists and took so many photos with me.

Qian Qian's photos are probably about to be exposed.

After getting out of the crowd of tourists and putting on his mask again, Fang Xing sent a WeChat message to Qiao Yinghong: Inform the entertainment media and self-media not to share photos of Qian Qian.

As expected.

That afternoon, photos and videos of Fang Xing’s family outing were uploaded to the Internet, and the trending searches were overwhelming.


Since Fang Xing has always prohibited entertainment media from publishing photos of Qian Qian, domestic entertainment media generally do not dare to violate the rules for the purpose of protecting children.

Ark Culture's public relations team proactively communicated with major online platforms to prohibit the dissemination of Qianqian's photos.


Although the hot search was on, you could still see Qian Qian's photos at first, but all of them were quickly deleted. The photos posted later, Qian Qian's photos were all coded, some posted a cat cartoon, and some

Posted a picture of a little yellow duck.

There is nothing I can do about the photos of Fang Xing and Lu Xiang'er.

The two are public figures and it is impossible to ask the entertainment media to delete the photos.


All day today.

Hot searches are full of photos of Fang Xing holding his daughter and taking photos with tourists, but Qian Qian has a rabbit avatar on her face.

Since this is the first time Qianqian has appeared in the public eye, almost all the entertainment media on the Internet have forwarded it.

It attracted many discussions among netizens:

[After raising a baby for more than four years, I finally see the results. 】

【Are you wearing something so ordinary? The clothes are even a bit tacky.】

[The person upstairs is a bit too much. He was traveling, not participating in an event, so he was wearing ordinary clothes. Moreover, he was wearing a mask at the beginning, but later took off the mask to take pictures, and was recognized by passers-by.]

[It’s a bit too much to say it’s vulgar. The clothes I’m wearing are considered decent among passers-by. However, daily clothes and stage clothes are different. Don’t compare them with some carefully prepared “street photos”.

This is a real simple travel.】

[Two days ago, didn't Ark Culture just announce the launch of the "Wandering Earth 2" project? Why did you go out to travel? 】

[Every time Fang Xing starts a new project, he takes his family out to play, which has become a routine. Now that he is traveling, it means that "The Wandering Earth 2" is not far away from the machine. 】

[Finally started filming "The Wandering Earth 2".]

[No, why are you starting filming now? "The Wandering Earth 1" has been released for more than half a year, shouldn't it be released immediately? 】

In the discussions among netizens, some strange behaviors occasionally appear:

[This bitch’s daughter from FX is still coded. Could it be that her daughter is ugly and afraid to see people? 】

Under normal circumstances, when certain groups criticize Fang Xing, music fans, fans, and movie fans are too lazy to respond.

Because most of Fang Xing's fans don't have the time to quarrel online every day, so they wait until the movie is released and express their attitude directly with movie tickets.

However, this time some groups are a little outrageous. Instead of attacking Fang Xing, they attack Qian Qian. This is insane to a level that is incomprehensible.

Therefore, the account that posted this Weibo post was criticized by many netizens:

[Fang Xing is a public figure, so if you scold him, he will scold him, even a four- or five-year-old child. Isn’t that too much?]

[The forest is really big and there are all kinds of weird things.]

[I checked the ingredients and found that this account supports a certain date, likes a certain rap variety show, and the idol I like abuses drugs. I have been very active in Jia Haochen’s super chat recently, and I understand everything.]

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! [It is really full of five poisons.]

[I was present at the scene and even took a photo with Fang Xing. Qianqian is very cute and has perfectly inherited the genes of her parents. She almost wanted to hug her away. 】

[Fellows are at the scene, here is a group photo. The ones on the right are the three of us in the dormitory. Fang Xing seems to be without makeup, but seeing it in real life and seeing it in the photo have completely different feelings. I have seen high-profile celebrities in the photo.

There are too many pictures, but when I see them in real life, I realize that I look handsome without makeup, and it’s more real.】

[Lu Xiang'er put on a little makeup and was really beautiful. They were wearing masks and hats at first, so they didn't recognize them at all. They thought they were an ordinary family traveling, but Qianqian asked to take off their masks for a photo, and then they were discovered.

[This is the first time in real life that I have such close contact with a star, and he is a movie star! I was so excited that I burst out laughing when we took the photo. The photo was so ugly. I cried!]

[My parents took me on a trip during the summer vacation, and I met them at the zoo. I just told my mother that someone scolded Qianqian on the Internet. Now my mother is very angry. She said that she needs to register an account to confront these NC fans.

Line. Finally, Qianqian is so cute, I really want to pinch her face, but I’m embarrassed. Moreover, the little girl’s breasts are so fierce that she won’t let anyone take a photo with her father. It’s so funny.]

The topic of tourism was debated for a whole day, and with Ark Culture taking the initiative to reduce the heat, the heat slowly subsided the next day.

For this reason, the news that "The Wandering Earth 2" is about to be launched is spreading more and more widely.

Ark Culture also publicly stated that it hopes the audience will not pay too much attention to the life of Fang Xing’s family and pay more attention to "The Wandering Earth 2".

"The Wandering Earth 2" has begun preparations, investment promotion, and casting. A series of preparatory work is going on at the same time.

In the preparation stage of a popular movie, investment promotion has already begun.

In fact, most movies will have advertising and investment promotion during the preparation stage.

Especially for movies where advertisements can be embedded, if the popularity is high enough, the investment in the initial advertising investment can be earned back.

However, Fang Xing has very high requirements for the quality of movies and does not allow advertisements that damage the plot of the movie, so the initial advertising investment is relatively restrained.

Even so, science fiction movies are set on the earth, and there are still many advertisements that can be placed.

For example, if one or two brand trademarks appear in a movie, these will not affect the plot of the movie.

Moreover, in the terms of advertising investment, Ark Culture has strict restrictions on the location of brand trademarks, and will not give close-ups of brand trademarks.

For example, a shot of a character holding a can of drink in his hand can be used for advertising, or it can be the logo of a vehicle, which can be used for advertising and investment.

However, the contracts are the same, there will be no close-ups, just normal filming.

Even so, "The Wandering Earth 2" has been frantically attracted by the advertising industry.

After all, this is the sequel to a movie with a box office of 4.7 billion, and it is a science fiction film, which started the first year of Chinese science fiction movies.

During the preparation stage, Ark Culture announced the investment scale of "The Wandering Earth 2".

600 million investment.

This is already a ceiling-level investment in the film industry.

There are only a handful of movies that can exceed an investment of over 600 million.

That is to say, the "Land of Monsters" claimed to have an investment of 700 million in the past two years.

Moreover, the crew of "The Wandering Earth 2" is still the same crew.

This gives the film a guarantee of quality.

In other words, as long as nothing unexpected happens, this movie will definitely be a hit.

It’s hard to say whether the box office can surpass the first one, but it will definitely be no less, and it has the strength to compete for the annual box office championship.

For a movie of this caliber, it would be absolutely insane to be able to embed advertisements in the movie.

Even though Ark Culture’s advertising placement contract is very demanding, brands are almost not allowed to make requests for lenses.

Anyway, Fang Xing's attitude is very clear. Brands that invest in advertising cannot interfere in the filming. If you don't agree with this clause, you don't have to sign it.

"The Wandering Earth 2" does not rely on advertising placement to make money, it just increases revenue without affecting the movie.

Even so, advertisers are flocking to it.

The preliminary preparation work is very complicated.

First, prepare the script, then polish the script to a satisfactory level, and then start making storyboards according to the script.

At the same time, the framework of the crew must be established.

Find the Fuhua Road team, talk to the film and television base about the recording studio, and then start making movie props and scenery.

Fortunately, with the experience of "The Wandering Earth 1", these tasks are done by the entire company and the crew together.

There is no need for Fang Xing to do it himself, which makes it much easier.

even so.

During the discussion stage of prop production, there are still many problems to be solved.

"I want to shoot a space elevator, it must be shot, and it must be shot with a sense of reality. It cannot be all special effects. All special effects cannot be absolutely real. The space elevator must be shot in real scenes. Yes, build one for me directly in the studio

Space elevator." Fang Xing was very insistent on the shooting method of the space elevator.

The crew and crew have been discussing how to film the space elevator.

Because no movie has actually filmed a space elevator before, even if it did, it would be a glimpse.

It does exist in animation, but animation and movies are completely different concepts.

Therefore, Fang Xing proposed to shoot a space elevator, which was also a challenge for the props team.

Especially the domestic props team has never produced anything like this.

At the beginning, Sun Jianqi proposed to shoot the space elevator scene directly with a green screen, and then use special effects to produce it.

This arrangement is very commonly used abroad.

Especially Hollywood movies, including superhero movies, are basically shot in a studio and later produced with special effects.

If you watch the behind-the-scenes of superhero movies, the scenes you see are basically big green screens, where actors perform one-man shows.

However, Fang Xing disagreed with this plan and insisted that the space elevator be shot in real locations and that a space elevator should be built in the studio.

In fact, this is not the first time Fang Xing has done this.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! In "The Wandering Earth 1", the space station was shot in a video studio.

However, this time the space elevator is a brand new challenge.


It is impossible to actually build a 36,000-kilometer space elevator.

The real-life shooting that Fang Xing requested was mainly for the close-up shots of the space elevator. When it came to the long shots, special effects had to be used.

Even so, the requirements for the props team are still very high.

The prop team for "The Wandering Earth 1" was made by He Youliang's team.

The cooperation last time was very pleasant, so Fang Xing mainly asked He Youliang for his opinion.

After careful consideration, He Youliang agreed: "Okay, let's build a space elevator. What other requirements does Director Fang have for a space elevator?"

Fang Xing thought about it and replied: "The space elevator needs a vibration device. When it lands and starts, it needs to create a real vibration feeling."

Generally speaking, if it is a movie that is not too demanding, this kind of vibration is also caused by the actors performing ground shaking, and then the camera shakes to create the vibration.

But this kind of vibration still lacks a sense of reality.

Therefore, Fang Xing directly requested that the space elevator come with its own vibration device.

He Youliang thought for a moment, nodded and agreed: "Yes, this can be done, but the budget may increase by half."

Fang Xing just received the good news from Qiao Yinghong, saying that the advertising investment has exceeded 300 million, so now the crew is not short of money: "Budget is not a problem, as long as the effect meets my requirements."

In fact, the wisdom of the Chinese people is first-rate. As long as they are given enough money, they can do many amazing things.

He Youliang felt reassured after receiving this promise: "That's no problem. I'll come up with a specific plan next week."

This chapter has been completed!
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