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Chapter 148 Hosting a Banquet for the Whole Village

Chapter 148: Hold a banquet and entertain the whole village

"Hey, Miss Jiang, I'm just here to tell you this.

Jiang Zhiyue ran away in a hurry, and Li Wen didn't have time to finish what he said.

But it is always a good thing, let Miss Jiang go home and watch after she goes down the mountain.

At this time, at the bottom of the mountain, in front of the Jiang family and the Wang family behind Guhuai Village, there was a lively scene. There were officers in official uniforms playing gongs and drums as they entered Guhuai Village.

The people in the village saw these officials coming to the village like this, and they all gathered around to watch the fun.

Before the spectators gathered around him, one of the officials asked: "Where are the families of Jiang Sihai, Jiang Jinping, Wang Hao, Jiang Sixing and Jiang Yongping in your village?"

Jiang Sihai, Jiang Jinping, Jiang Sixing and Jiang Yongping are the names of the eldest son of the Jiang family to the fourth son of the Jiang family.

Looking at this high-profile scene, he thought about the time in early August when several boys from the Jiang family took part in the hospital examination. The villagers enthusiastically led the way. He asked, "Why did the official come to see them?"

"Of course I'm here to announce the good news. This time, your village was exposed to the smoke of our ancestors. Five scholars and a criminal leader suddenly appeared in your village."


Hearing what the official said, the villagers following behind were startled and almost fell to the ground.

Five talented people suddenly appeared?!!!

The officials, playing gongs and drums, followed the leader to the Jiang family and Wang family at the end of the village.

The people who announced the good news were divided into two groups. A small group went to the Wang family, and the others went to the Jiang family.

Knowing that the results would be released today, the Wang family and the Jiang family had already become anxious and couldn't bear it.

The calmest ones were the five people who took the exam.

Zhang and the others prepared to hitch an ox cart early in the morning and go to the county to wait for the results to be posted on the list.

But what Jiang Dalang and the others said, they have tried their best, and the results will not change whether they go or not.

If you do well in the exam, someone from the government will naturally notify you.

The Zhang family couldn't defeat Jiang Dalang and the others, so they just waited at home.

It's just that it's already noon and no one has come to announce the good news. Not to mention Mr. Zhang and the others, Sanlang is scratching his head anxiously.

God bless God bless!

Saburo could only keep praying in his heart.

Perhaps God heard his prayer, and the next moment there was the sound of gongs and drums outside.

A person from the village came forward to help knock on the door and shouted: "Aunt Jiang, your grandsons have been admitted as scholars, and the county officials have also announced the good news to you."

Old Mrs. Jiang grinned with big teeth, and happily ran out to open the door, and the others quickly followed.

When the door opened, there were more than a dozen officials and dozens of villagers standing outside.

Seeing the door open, several officials looked at the family with four talented people showing up at once.

He smiled and read: "Jiang Sihai won the first place in this court examination, Jiang Yongping came in seventh, Jiang Jinping came in eighth, and Jiang Sixing came in forty-ninth."

The top fifty candidates in the academy examination are considered to be scholars. Originally, the forty-ninth place like Jiang Sixing did not need to be notified. However, not only did this family have a case leader, but the other three people who took the examination also got the ranking.

These official duties were reported together.

Everyone only heard that a case had been committed in the Jiang family and heard nothing else.

Ranking is not important to them. Even if they are ranked last, they are not scholars. The Jiang family is the fifth scholar in the family!

Just like them, Jiang Sanlang also thought the same way.

When he heard that he also had a ranking, Saburo felt relieved.

Jiang Zhiyue came back at this time. As soon as she reached the foot of the mountain, she saw a crowd of people gathered in front of her house from a distance, and there was the sound of gongs and drums.

It seemed that the rankings for the college examination had come out, and Jiang Zhiyue walked towards her door with joy on her face.

Zhang's sharp eyes saw Jiang Zhiyue squeezing into the crowd at a glance.

She got into the crowd and pulled Jiang Zhiyue out. As she walked, she said: "Your eldest brother and the others have all been admitted to the scholar examination. Listening to the sound next to them, your cousin Hao has also been admitted."

Mrs. Zhang pulled Jiang Zhiyue in, and everyone greeted her warmly.

Calling me "Little Boss" is even more enthusiastic than looking at a few fresh talents.

The Jiang family is really the ancestors of the family. Both men and women in this family are capable.

Mr. Jiang’s face is full of wrinkles when he smiles. If his descendants are capable, his face will also shine!

He opened his mouth to invite: "Everyone, please come in and have a sip of tea. I'll let the old lady and the others cook. You, the officers, will have lunch before leaving."

The few officials who came to report the message waved their hands and said: "No, we are still waiting to go to other scholar's houses to deliver the message. Scholars, please do it yourself."

Seeing that they were about to leave, Mrs. Jiang quickly winked at Mrs. Zhang and Mrs. Sun, and they each stuffed four purses into the hands of the officials who came and went to announce the good news.

Their family has four talented people this time, and one of them is considered a red seal.

There were five people who came to report the news, and they were not polite about taking the money. It is always customary for the host family to give money after the announcement of the good news.

After they took the purse, they weighed it in their hands, and then said goodbye with a smile on their face.

The purses given by Mrs. Zhang and others contained five taels of silver each, so each official who came this time received twenty taels.

Twenty taels is nothing to the current Jiang family, but to these official servants who only receive more than 20 taels of silver per month, this is a year's salary.

This Jiang family is really generous. It would be great if the next few families are as generous.

And I heard that the rice paper that has become popular in bookstores recently came from this village? It seems that Guhuai Village has a prosperous Feng Shui!

What did that family add?

It seems that he also has the surname Jiang, which was given by the unmarried girl of the Jiang family!

The official happily stuffed his purse into his arms, then looked at Jiang Zhiyue who had just been dragged in, and a ridiculous idea came to his mind.

The girl named Jiang couldn't be the one in front of her. Just now those people called her the little boss.

But this has nothing to do with them. The most important thing is that they received a lot of rewards.

After saying a few more auspicious words, these officials took their leave, met with those who had gone to Wang's house, and left together.

The Wang family's side was also very lively. Many aunts from the village brought their daughters and sons to express their congratulations in front of the Wang family's door.

After all the official officials had left, Mr. Jiang looked at the people who gathered in front of his house to congratulate him. He waved his hand and said happily: "Let's put some wine in the morning. All the fellow villagers will show their respect and come to support us."

Everyone originally came to see the excitement and enjoy the good fortune, but who would have thought that they could even get a seat at the table.

Now everyone was even happier, and they spread out their congratulations without any money.

After a while, those people outside were sent away, and the four members of the Wang family also came to the Jiang family yard.

Ever since the messenger came, the smile on Huang Huaihua's face has dropped. Her son won the fifth place.

When she heard that the Jiang family had said that they would serve wine and invite people from the village to celebrate in the next two days, Huang Huaihua agreed with a slap in the face.

Serve the wine, this good thing must serve the wine, how can this matter be without her Wang family.

The two families discussed it and decided to set it up together. One of them would prepare the things, and the other would prepare the table.

After discussing the matter, everyone remembered Jiang Zhiyue, who had disappeared for several months, and asked her with concern where she had been these days.

There was nothing to say about the discovery of the iron ore, nor anything about the camp on the mountain. Jiang Zhiyue only said that she went to do something important.

As for what it is? Keep it secret!

Anyway, neither the Jiang family nor the Wang family will break the casserole and get to the bottom of the cross-examination, as long as Jiang Zhiyue comes back safely.

After asking, no one bothered to worry about Jiang Zhiyue's affairs, and everyone gathered together to discuss setting up the banquet the day after tomorrow.

Since the two families have arranged to hold the banquet on one day, the banquet cannot be shabby.

Mr. Wang, Mr. Jiang and Mr. Jiang Kangde gathered together with several men to discuss. Mrs. Jiang took Ms. Zhang and the others to discuss.

In the end, the two groups of people discussed it and roughly decided on the dishes for the day after tomorrow.

What the country people lack most is something rich in oil and water. Now that the two families have money in their hands, they will not skimp on this matter.

So in the end, we settled on six types of meat dishes: twice-cooked pork with black bean sauce, spicy chicken, braised pork, braised pork trotters, pickled fish, and pork stewed vermicelli.

There are seven or eight kinds of seasonal vegetables and vegetarian dishes, and finally there is a pork rib soup and egg soup.

After this banquet, even during the New Year and festivals, the villagers have never eaten so rich. You can imagine how surprised everyone will be when they see this banquet the day after tomorrow.

After deciding on the dishes, Mrs. Zhang became worried again. According to the old man's wishes, the whole village must be invited to the banquet at home.

No matter how small the population in Guhuai Village is, with only a few dozen households, there are still more than a hundred people in each household.

If they only relied on their own family members to do the work, it would be very tiring.

There are so many people in the village, so we can ask some aunts and daughters-in-law to help.

Thinking like this, Zhang also expressed his thoughts.

"Since we boasted about inviting everyone to come, there will definitely be a lot of people coming the day after tomorrow. I wonder how long we will be busy with so many people. Why don't we just spend money to invite a few aunts from the village to come?


Old Mrs. Jiang also said: "That's a good idea. Isn't it just to make yourself more relaxed by making money? Let's ask people to help. After a while, the old man's family and the second family's family will follow me to the village to ask if anyone is willing to help.


"When we hire people, we have to agree to the salary to them, otherwise they will think it is free help and they will be reluctant. In addition, after everyone has left, we will not give these people a share of the dishes that were laid out for the banquet.

They suffer."

"There are also tables, benches, etc. We definitely don't have enough, so we have to go door to door to borrow them. As long as the table is borrowed, it doesn't matter how many tables a family borrows, they will be paid at five cents each, but you have to agree in advance.

They moved it here by themselves, and then moved it back by themselves after the banquet was over.”

"Since we have paid for it, it's time to let them do the work themselves."

Mrs. Zhang took the words with a smile, "Mom is right, but we can do this for you when we go out. You can rest at home and rest. If you are bored, just tease your grandson and granddaughter.


(End of chapter)

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