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Chapter 203 The Wang Family Denies It

Chapter 203 The Wang family does not recognize it

It must have been that Wang Xiucai refused to marry Shen Xi as his wife, so he secretly raised her. Shen Yuyu guessed as she walked with the washed clothes.

After getting home and drying his clothes, Shen Yuyu remembered that the bullock cart had not yet been delivered to Aunt Zhou, so he picked up the pieces of bacon cut off by Mrs. Wang into a basket, put them on the bullock cart, and hurried to the village.

That night when she came back from Dahe Town, she didn't dare to sit in the back, so she squeezed in with Ji Xun and learned how to drive a bullock cart, and she was able to drive it well.

Someone laughed at her when she passed by the wellhead: "Oh, idiot Shen can still drive a car?"

"She has become smarter. Her mother said Ji Laizi teaches her in bed every night.'

"Ji Laizi is so powerful? Can he teach a fool to wisdom in bed?'

"What? You think you are not smart enough? Do you want Ji Laizi to teach you in bed?"

"Pfft~~ Look at what you said? Are you encouraging me to have an affair with Ji Laizi? But to be honest, Ji Laizi would be really good-looking if he didn't have scars on his face."

"So what if you are good-looking? If someone cuts your face like that, you must not be a kind person."

"I also think that foreigners don't know their roots, so it's better to be on guard against them."

Shen Yuyu drove the bullock cart through the village and arrived at the door of Aunt Zhou's house.

"Mom, are you at home?" Seeing that the door of the house was closed, Shen Yuhu drove the oxcart to the backyard, tied up the oxen, and went to the house and knocked on the door.

There is no one in the house. Usually the aunt is at home at this time. Where are you today?

Just when I was wondering, I heard Shen's cry from the southwest, would Aunt Zhou go to Wang's house to watch the excitement? Shen Yuhu walked towards Wang Xiucai's house.

Wang's House is located in the southwest corner of Shenjia Village. It is a very impressive blue brick house surrounded by a high courtyard wall.

At this time, the gate of the Wang family was crowded with people. Shen held a rope and rushed into the Wang family's house, crying and cursing.

"You, the Wang family, use your power to bully others. You hid my daughter and refused to recognize her. I won't live if I can't see my daughter. I must be hanged in your Wang family today.'

Two strong servants of the Wang family stood at the door to keep Shen out. Behind the servants stood Wang Xiucai and his mother Liu.

"You have already reported to the police, what is Aunt Shen still making trouble for? Whether Miss Shen Xi is in my Wang family, we will find out when the officers and soldiers come and search." Wang Xiucai looked sulky.

Shen didn't want to report to the official. She cried, made trouble, and hanged herself just to force the Wang family to come to propose marriage. She didn't know where Shen Xi was! But Wang Xiucai couldn't be so stupid in bringing Shen Xi back to Shenjia Village.

Thinking of this, Mrs. Shen sat down on the steps, slapped her thighs and howled again.

"Is it useful to search the house? Who knows where Wang Xiucai hid his people? It could be in the town or the county. Oh, it's too much to bully people! I can't survive!"

Wang Xiucai was so angry that his face turned green and white. If he was pretending to be like that, he was too pretending.

Shen Yuyu stood nearby and watched for a while, then he saw Aunt Zhou. He went over and tugged on her sleeve: "Auntie, I'm delivering a bullock cart to you. You're not at home.'

Aunt Zhou was watching the excitement attentively when she saw Shen Yuyu and hurriedly got out of the crowd with her.

"Are the oxcarts used up? Has the house been moved?" I mentioned the matter of moving when we were having dinner at Aunt Zhou's house the night before.

Aunt Zhou asked Shen Xingwang to go over and help, but Shen Yuyu said she didn't have much and refused to delay Shen Xingwang's time.

"It's moved, Aunt Lao is worried." Shen Yuyu held Aunt Zhou's hand and shook it like a daughter, which warmed Aunt Zhou's heart. If she wasn't afraid of Mrs. Wang knocking on the door, she would really want to recognize her as her daughter. .

Back at Aunt Zhou's house, Shen Yuyu carried the basket to the main room, "Auntie, Ji Xun hunted a wild boar before and baked bacon. I brought a few pieces for you to try." He took out the bacon as he spoke.

There are five pieces in total. They have been smoked for several days, and they are yellow and refreshing.

"Oh, how can this be done? Take it back quickly." Aunt Zhou didn't want to take it, so she quickly picked it up in the backpack. Shen Yuyu smiled and held Aunt Zhou's hand.

"My aunt treats Yu Yu like her daughter. Why can't Yu Yu send some pieces of bacon to my uncle, aunt and brothers to try?"

"Yu Yu was stupid before, and it was because of my step-grandmother's beatings. Now Yu Yu has a clear mind. He knows who treats Yu Yu well and who treats him badly. He won't give this bacon to anyone, but will only give it to him like his own mother. aunt."

After hearing this, Aunt Zhou wiped away her tears and said, "Yu Yu has always been a good and filial child, but I can't have this bacon. You can keep it and eat it slowly."

"The aunt doesn't want it, because she doesn't regard Yu Yu as her daughter. How can a daughter give her something delicious and she won't accept it?"

"Look at your little mouth, so I'll take it away." Aunt Zhou wiped the corners of her eyes and put the bra into the kitchen beautifully. It doesn't matter whether she eats it or not, the main thing is that this girl Yu Yu can have such thoughts. It moved her.

It seemed that Yu Yu had indeed become smarter, almost like a different person from before, which made her feel very relieved.

Aunt Zhou packed her things and chatted with Shen Yue for a while. The commotion at the Wang family became even more fierce. There were angry voices from men. It was estimated that even Mu Taiping came over.

"Auntie, when did Shen Xi disappear?"

It wasn't that Shen Yuyu was nosy, but this matter was really strange, and Shen Yuyu couldn't help but ask.

"The day before yesterday." Aunt Zhou poured a bowl of tea for Shen Yuyu, "The day you and Ji Xun went to town, you ran away secretly behind your family's back."

Shen Yuyu was secretly grateful. Fortunately, she didn't hit on her that day, otherwise anything that happened would have to be her fault.

"Then how does Shen know that Wang Xiucai took it away? What evidence does she have?"

Aunt Zhou looked at Shen Yuyu seriously and saw that she looked calm and normal, so she dared to mention this to her.

"Mr. Shen has a purse from Wang Xiucai in his hand. It has Wang Xiucai's name on it, which proves that it was embroidered by Wang Xiucai's mother, Liu. Shen Mister insists that the purse is a token of love given by Wang Xiucai to Shen Xi, and wants to force her to The Wang family came to propose marriage."

After taking a sip of tea, Aunt Zhou continued to speak. It seemed that she had been busy with other things these past two days.

"Wang Xiucai flatly denied that he gave Shen Xi the purse. He also said that he lost the purse the last time he returned to the village and that he had never met Shen Xi in person."

"Both families have their own opinions. I guess this matter won't be resolved unless Shen Xi is found, but..."

Aunt Zhou said and put her mouth to Shen Yu'an's ear: "You and Shen Xi took the oxcart into the town twice, but did you see anyone she met?"

Although she didn't want to get into this muddy water, Shen Yuyu answered truthfully as someone whom Aunt Zhou could trust.

"The day before yesterday, when Ji Xun and I came back from town, we saw Shen Xi on the road to Huayang Academy. She was indeed walking with a man."

"Really? But Wang Xiucai?"

"At that time, I only saw his back. Judging from the color of his clothes and his figure, he did look like Wang Xiucai."

Aunt Zhou let out a breath and straightened up, showing a puzzled expression.

"That's weird. I thought Wang Xiucai was innocent. He looks so calm and composed, and it doesn't look like he's lying!"

(End of chapter)

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