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Chapter 259 Magic God Flower

Chapter 259 Magic Flower

Snowy days are plain and boring.

Well, this is Ji Xun's inner voice, but Shen Yue is not like that.

As a southern child, she was excited to see snow falling. She was so excited when she heard the sound of snow falling outside her house at night that she peeked out of the window several times to see how thick the snow had fallen.

The next day at dawn, I got up from the bed. As soon as I opened the door and saw the ice and snow outside, I immediately jumped on it and rolled around a few times.

After playing in the snow for a long time, Shen Yugu returned to the house and let Ji Xun hold her ice-like hands in his arms to warm her up.

The snow kept falling for several days. Every day after breakfast, Shen Yuyu and Ji Feng would shovel the snow and sneak over to build a row of red-nosed snowmen. Aunt Zhou saw them and joked that they were a row of ice and snow guards.

The heavy snow fell tirelessly, and Shen Yuyu became accustomed to it after being fresh for a while.

I woke up from a lazy sleep in the morning and lay in bed with Ji Xunnui for a while. This guy had surgery and couldn't walk, so he felt deeply bored.

Guang Shen Yu's chess skills improved by leaps and bounds under Ji Xun's teaching, and she could even play chess with Ji Feng without regrets.

Considering that Ji Xun's foot needed to rest for at least a month to recover, Shen Yue made a drawing of a wheelchair and asked Uncle Shen and several brothers to work together to make a decent wheelchair for Ji Xun.

In addition, I knitted cashmere scarves for Ji Xun and myself, and made a velvet ear protection hat with bunny ears for Ji Feng, plus a pair of waterproof woolen gloves.

It took a full week to prepare these instructions. On this day, the wheelchair was ready. Shen Yuhu pushed Ji Xun and took Ji Feng to the lake for skating.

There is thick ice on the lake, which is white and smooth, making people want to roll on it.

Many children in the village were skating on the lake. They nailed two pieces of bamboo to a small bench and held a small stick in one hand for assistance. The simple skating equipment was completed.

Ji Feng, like other children, also owns such a simple ice car. The difference is that he wears a little rabbit cotton hat with ear protection on his head, and his little hands wear sheepskin gloves carefully made by Shen Yuhu, so he can play warmly in the snow. , but the children, whose ears and hands were red from the cold, were extremely envious. They all felt that Ji Feng had a good sister-in-law who was more loving than his mother.

Ji Feng and his friends went crazy. Shen Yuhu pushed Ji Xun around the ice and stopped.

"Axun, do you think snowy days are particularly fun?" Shen Yuyu also wore sheepskin gloves and made snowballs on the lake, her little nose turning red from the cold.

"Yu Yu likes snow so much? In the future, my husband must take you to the snow country. It is covered with ice and snow all year round. People live in igloos and sleep on snow beds. It is a very magical kingdom of ice and snow."

Shen Yuyu looked fascinated when he heard it: "Wow, isn't that a palace like water? Ah Xun must take Yuyu there, it's decided."

Ji Xun pinched Shen Yu's red little nose and said, "I'm sure, my husband will do what he says, and maybe he will take our child with him."

Shen Yuxi's face turned red: "Where are you thinking? Yuxi is still young and doesn't have children.'

"What? You don't want to give Ah Xun a child?"

"It's not that I don't want to give Ah Xun a child, it's that I'm afraid of the pain."

Ji Xun tapped her forehead: "This girl!"

Half a month after the heavy snow fell, the medicine field in Shen Yuyu's space had been upgraded to level 11, and magic flowers could be planted.

In the middle of the night, Shen Yuyu saw Ji Xun asleep, so he sneaked into the space and went to the medicine shop in the village.

The owner of the medicine shop was a charming young woman. Shen Yue asked her if she had any seeds of the magic flower for sale. The owner said yes, but it cost 5,000 gold coins each.

I'll go, it's really expensive!

Fortunately, Shen Yuyu was well prepared and saved five gold coins carefully, so he bought the seeds of the magic flower without hesitation and planted it.

Five days later, under the careful care of Shen Yue, the magic flower finally bloomed and bore fruit.

This is a crop with eight purple leaves and five white fruits with shining spots, like pearls, which glow with a wonderful medicinal fragrance when mature.

Now, with this magical fruit, the poison on Ah Xun's body can be protected from spreading. Shen Yuyu was so excited that he immediately picked all five fruits.

After the fruits are picked, the stems and leaves of the magic flower quickly wither at a speed visible to the naked eye. After all, in the real world, it is impossible to produce a second season like the game.

Five thousand gold coins per seed. I only exchanged five fruits of the magic flower. I don’t know how long the effect will last after eating it. I hope it will last longer, otherwise the gold coins will not be enough.

Shen Yuyu packed the five fruits of the magic flower in a brocade box and took them out of the portable space.

Early the next morning, Shen Yuyu couldn't wait to take Ji Xun's pulse.

Fortunately, the toxicity has not yet invaded the internal organs, but it will soon. If it were delayed for three or four days, it would be dangerous!

"Ah Xun, these fruits can protect your heart and organs from being poisoned. Take them quickly." Shen Yuyu helped Ji Xun up and brought the five fruits of the magic flower to Ji Xun's mouth. side.

Ji Xun only felt a strange fragrance that hit his nostrils and refreshed his heart. He sighed in his heart and swallowed five pearl-like fruits in succession.

After eating these fruits, I suddenly felt that all the candle gas accumulated in my heart was discharged, and my whole body felt refreshed.

He, the Night King, could take the medicine provided by a country girl without hesitation, and he was completely putting his life in her hands.

After taking the magic flower fruit, Shen Yuyu felt Ji Xun's pulse again, and felt that a barrier seemed to have formed in his body, blocking the incoming strange poison from his internal organs.

When the heavy snow fell for twenty days, the sky finally cleared up.

By the time the ice melts and the snow melts, it will already be the 23rd day of the twelfth lunar month, and the Chinese New Year will be celebrated in a few days.

In the countryside, the process of preparing for the New Year is cumbersome and grand. In modern times, there is such a jingle.

"On the twenty-fourth, clean the house; on the twenty-fifth, grind the tofu; on the twenty-sixth, cut the pork; on the twenty-nine, go drink wine; on the thirtieth night, stay up all night."

Ji Xun's foot had surgery and was put in a plaster, so he would not be able to exert force. When he got tired of lying down, he could only sit in a wheelchair and push it out for a walk. Shen Yuyu could only prepare the New Year's Eve matters alone.

Shen Yuyu also enjoyed it, and started working happily with Ji Feng.

On the twenty-fourth day of the twelfth lunar month, Shen Yuyu put on a scarf and an apron and carefully cleaned the inside and outside of the house, like a hard-working and capable little daughter-in-law.

Although it felt like a family atmosphere, Ji Xun actually didn't quite understand it. Shen Yue smiled and told him that it was to say goodbye to the old and welcome the new, and to get rid of bad luck.

Ji Xun thought it made sense when he heard it. Ordinary days were full of fireworks, warm and happy.

On the twenty-fifth day of the twelfth lunar month, Aunt Zhou and Shen Xingwang brought them a bucket of tofu. Shen Yue then sent them a basket of apples and a basket of pears, plus three cured chickens and four cured fish.

Shen Zuorong's daughter-in-law Yufen saw her on the road, and her eyes almost popped out of her head.

In the next few days, I put up window grilles, hung lanterns, and wrote couplets. By the way, the couplets were written by Ji Xun. His silver hooks and iron strokes had his own unique style. Shen Yuyu thought he was a great calligrapher.

Soon the thirtieth day came, and Shen Yuyu got up early to prepare for the New Year's Eve dinner.

(End of chapter)

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