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Chapter 312 Night Exploration of the Mine

Shopkeeper Bai's ancestors passed down the family for three generations, and he lost his children immediately. Although everyone in Baijia Village was named Bai, he and Shopkeeper Bai both came from the branch of Wufu, so Shopkeeper Bai was sick for so many days and almost no one came to see him. , the most you can ask is, "Are you feeling better?"

This time when Shen Yue and Ji Xun arrived, Aunt Bai seemed to have a backer. She was not even qualified to cry after she had been holding on for a long time, but now she hugged the body of shopkeeper Bai and cried loudly.

After the person was gone, the next step was to spend money. Shen Yue and Ji Xun almost gave Shopkeeper Bai a glorious burial according to the standards of a daughter and son-in-law.

It was already three days after the arrangements for shopkeeper Bai's funeral were taken care of. Shen Yuehu and Ji Xun sent Aunt Bai back to Fengming Restaurant.

Shen Xingwang also knew Shopkeeper Bai and Aunt Bai. He was deeply saddened by the news and helped Aunt Bai settle down.

After finishing all this, Shen Yuyu and Ji Xun went directly to Baijiacun. After investigating Baijiacun and several villages downstream, Shen Yuyu, who originally only wanted to kill the person who poisoned shopkeeper Bai, changed his mind. idea.

The water in the river was polluted by slag, making it undrinkable. The crops irrigated with the water were poisonous. Even bathing in the water would cause sores. People were almost desperate.

When I saw some people coming to investigate this matter, they all knelt down, kowtowed and cried, hoping that someone could help them.

After some investigation, it was getting late and the two were preparing to return to Dahe Town.

"Axun, we have to help them." Shen Yuyu's eyes were firm. She is not a virgin bitch. She comes from the modern countryside. She knows the hard work and helplessness of farmers, how small and humble they are, and how powerful they are when they are desperate. despair.

Therefore, she wanted to help them, just like helping her parents and her fellow villagers.

It may be difficult, because in this era, iron mines are all government-owned, and each iron mine represents a huge force, and not everyone can bring it down.

But Shen Yuyu wants to do it no matter what. How will he know if he can do it if he doesn't work hard?

"We can collect personal and material evidence, and then go to the inspector and ask him to help." Shen Yuyu said.

Ji Xun had already guessed that Shen Yuyu would make this move, but this iron mine was mined privately by the prince Wei Yuande without telling the emperor. Physical evidence is easy, as there are so many carriages transporting the ore, and the main thing is witness. , definitely not that easy to get.

"Don't worry, Yu Yu, leave this matter to your husband." Ji Xun drove the carriage, his voice was calm but full of determination, "I will take you back to Shenjia Village first."

"No, I want to go with Ah Xun." Shen Yuyu said firmly.

"It's too dangerous, I don't know kung fu."

"One of Ah Xun's kung fu can be worth ten, but can one be worth a hundred?" Shen Yuyu said, "Wouldn't it be good to discuss it with multiple people?" She would never let Ah Xun take risks alone, never.

"Okay." Ji Xun took a step back, "Let's go to the iron mine to explore first tonight."

"Yeah." Shen Yue responded.

The two took a carriage to Dahe Town, where they bought two pairs of night clothes and rented a horse. Then they went to the inn to get a room, ate something and waited until dark.

In the middle of the month, the moon was big and bright. Around eight or nine o'clock in the evening, the two of them put on night clothes and left Dahe Town, riding horses to Baijia Village.

It was about the middle of Haishi when we arrived at Baijia Village. We went to bed early in the countryside and the village was silent.

In order not to disturb the villagers, they rode horses to the river and bypassed the village to go to the iron mine.

The iron ore mine is located to the north of the village. From a distance, you can see the torches at the foot of the mountain, bright as day, and the tinkling sound of mining can be heard all the time.

He tied the horse in a hidden place by the river and walked towards the iron mine quietly under the moonlight. When he got close, Ji Xun climbed up a big tree and looked inside the iron mine.

In order to prevent the miners from escaping, the mine built a high wall and heavily guarded it. There were hundreds of miners wearing shackles and holding pickaxes to dig. If they slackened for a moment, the foreman would whip over and kill each one one by one. Ragged clothes, dirty hair and dirty face.

At the gate of the mine, the mine manager and several officers and soldiers were drinking and chatting.

"What kind of poison is contained in this iron ore? Is it so powerful? I put a small amount of it into Lao Baitou's tea that day, and he died in just seven or eight days.'

After hearing this, Shen Yuyu looked at the man fiercely. It turned out that he was the one who poisoned Uncle Bai. In the future, he must kill him with his own hands to avenge Uncle Bai.

The man had a big black mole on his chin, and Shen Yue remembered his appearance firmly.

The other two answered.

"Who knows? It's none of our business anyway. It doesn't matter how many people die under the orders given by the officials."

"Isn't that right? If this happens, the villages on both sides of the river will be wiped out. Come on, have a drink. It's none of our business.'

Shen Yuyu listened from a distance, clenching his fists. Who is the boss behind this iron mine? Having such a high official in the Zhou Dynasty is simply a disaster for the people.

In anger, Ji Xun came down from the tree.

She took Shen Yuyu's hand and quietly hid in the woods. After explaining the situation inside, she felt that there seemed to be no way to sneak in at the moment.

"You can wait until the guards inside go to sleep and then think of a solution." Shen Yuyu said.

"Well, that's all." Ji Xun shook Shen Yuyu's hand and held her in his arms to resist the chill of the spring night.

Not long after the two of them had been waiting, shouting and scolding suddenly came from the mine. It sounded like someone was resisting, and the two of them quickly pricked up their ears.

"You are eating worse than a pig, and you are not allowed to sleep at this time. Who can survive this?" As soon as this voice was raised, Ji Xun's face changed, and he clenched his fists fiercely.

This is one of his veteran generals named Wang Chang.

He Shaoyuan, this bitch, actually dismissed such a brave veteran and left him here to mine.

"That's right, if we don't give them food or sleep, if this continues, everyone will die from exhaustion."

"We must go to bed at the beginning of the twelfth hour and get up at the middle of the twelfth hour, otherwise we will all stop working."

One of these two voices is General Lin and the other is Deputy General Zhang!

These were once the most heroic and loyal soldiers under his Night King, but now they are all...

In the mine, there was the sound of whips and sticks being struck and angry yelling, even the eighteen generations of He Shaoyuan's ancestors were scolded, but they managed not to let out a single scream.

Ji Xun's expression changed again and again, no one knew his mood at the moment.

I don't know how much time had passed, but there was the sound of the iron door closing, and Shen Yuyu, who was dozing off, suddenly woke up.

Ji Xun climbed up the tree again and looked into the mine. Many of the torches inside were extinguished, only a few were left, and hundreds of guards had gone to sleep.

However, the door was locked, and there were four or five people standing there drinking tea and chatting inside. It seemed that they were on duty 24 hours a day. Ji Xun felt that it was a bit difficult to get in. He would bring a rope with him tomorrow and try to see if he could Can't sneak in.

Just as I was about to get off the tree, I suddenly saw a big fat pig appear out of nowhere, grunting and heading towards the gate.

The big fat pig weighed at least two hundred pounds, and the five people inside the door saw it at a glance.

"No way? How could such a big wild boar come from?" The eyes of the five guards were gleaming, and they all stood up without drinking any more tea.

"How about we catch it and we can have extra food tomorrow?" One of them took out a bunch of keys.

This chapter has been completed!
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