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Chapter 391

Chapter 391

"Who are these people?" Shen Yuyu asked strangely, thinking that the village had some thugs or something, but when he got closer, he saw that the men blocking the road were so skinny that they looked more like hungry people!

After stopping the carriage, the men all knelt down and kowtowed to the carriage.

"Miss Young Master, please do well. We are not robbers. We are hungry people from Zaozhuang nearby. We really have no way to survive. We ask for some money from the passing carriage. The children and women at home are starving to death. Please give me some money, please give me a reward." Order something to eat.”

Shen Yuyu got out of the car and couldn't help but feel moved when he looked at these honest and honest farm men kneeling on the ground. Who would be willing to block the road and "rob" to find a way out if they weren't desperate?

At this time, Xiaoyi rushed down from the carriage and ran over to help the two leading men.

"Uncle Zeng and Uncle Wang, get up quickly. This is our Zaozhuang boss and he is here to save us. Get up quickly."

"Master? Really?" Uncle Zeng and Uncle Wang stood up with sticks in their hands, looking at Shen Yuyu and Ji Xun with tears in their eyes, "Miss Gongzi, are you really here to manage Zaozhuang? It's Zaozhuang. The boss?'

Others also gathered around excitedly, looking for help at Shen Yue and Ji Xun.

Ji Xun couldn't help but take a deep breath. He really wouldn't have been able to see this scene if he didn't go out among the people. Even if his father was a wise king, there would be places in the world where the light could not shine.

"Don't worry, everyone. Lanling Zaozhuang is the property of the royal family. You are the ones working for the royal family. How could the royal family abandon you?"

After hearing this, the men fell to their knees again, choked with sobs and shouted: "The emperor is wise, the emperor is the most wise king in the world, thank you for your great kindness."

"Get up." Ji Xun said with an emotional expression, "The family has been without food for a long time, right? Where can I buy food now? Go buy it quickly and fill your stomach first."

Before Ji Xun finished speaking, Shen Yuyu had already taken out three hundred taels of silver notes and said, "Who is usually in charge among you? Hurry up and take people to buy food. By the way, drive our carriage.'

Uncle Zeng and Uncle Wang burst into tears. Since ancient times, ordinary people have been like ants, and the big boss cares so much about their lives. They shed tears of emotion. They stepped forward and wanted to kneel down, but Shen Yuyu stopped them.

Uncle Zeng looked at so many banknotes and shook his head, "Big boss, we can't use so much money. Let's just buy the cheapest potatoes to satisfy our hunger. One hundred taels is enough.'

Ji Xun was deeply touched after hearing this. Even though they were desperate, these guys still kept their bottom line and refused to take more points than they should have.

"Take it first, there are so many people in the village who need a lot of rations." Shen Yuyu put the money into Uncle Zeng's hand, "Buy more fine grains, you have been hungry for so long and your body will collapse without fine grains."

"Yes, the boss." Uncle Zeng wiped his tears while holding the banknotes, and drove a few people back in the carriage to buy grain in a nearby village.

Others moved the stones blocking the way, and then everyone walked to the village.

Shen Yuyu took down the bag of Fuji cakes on the carriage, asked Xiaoyi and two uncles to carry it and ran back to the village, where he distributed it to those who were almost dying of hunger, saving as many as they could.

The main road is quite far from Zaozhuang. It took about twenty minutes to walk to the outside of the village. At this time, the carriage buying grain came back. The elders and the younger ones in the family had been hungry for a long time. Shen Yuhu asked them to gather everyone to share the grain first. She He and Jixun went to the Zhuangzhu Mansion.

"Mansion owner's mansion~~ Hehe, it seems that Manager Su regards himself as the owner of the village." Ji Xun held Shen Yuyu's hand and sneered as he looked at the high-walled courtyard in front of him.

"Isn't that right? Not only the owner of the village, I'm afraid he will become the local emperor."

With that said, the two of them came outside the courtyard and knocked on the door.

Someone opened the door, revealing a well-dressed fat woman.

"Who are you looking for? Why are you knocking on my door?" At noon, the woman was holding a bowl in her hand. There was no rice in the bowl, but two large chicken legs.

Looking into the courtyard, I saw a large family eating around a table. The table was full of chicken, duck and fish. Countless people in the village starved to death outside, but Manager Su and his family were feasting on meat and fish here. It was simply shameless!

"Call Manager Su out." Ji Xun said coldly.

"Who are you? What are you doing with Manager Su?" The fat lady glanced at Shen Yuyu and Ji Xun with her lips raised. Seeing that they were dressed simply and walking, she decided that they were relatives of a certain family in Zaozhuang and came here. He came out of spite and didn't take it seriously at all.

Ji Xun said in a cold tone: "Don't ask so many questions, just call him out."

"You just scream? Who do you think you are?"

This was the first time that Ji Xun's momentum did not scare anyone. Ignorant people are fearless.

He rolled up his sleeves and couldn't help but want to hit someone: "Madam, let Ah Xun take care of this matter today. This is the first time in his life that Ah Xun wants to deal with someone so much.

"Pfft~~" The fat woman almost spit out the rice after hearing this. The bowl tilted and a chicken leg fell out. The fat woman picked it up and threw it to the dog aside. She said proudly, "Do you know who we are? Dare you come here?" Are you running wild in front of our house? Master, these two bitches came from nowhere, come here quickly, woo, woo~~My heart

Before the fat lady finished speaking, the chicken drumstick in the bowl suddenly popped into her mouth, blocking her throat and making her unable to breathe. She rolled her eyes and fell to the ground.

Manager Su was furious when he saw this, and quickly asked his servants to drag his wife in, then picked up an ax and walked out aggressively.

"You bastard, you dare to run wild in my village. Grandpa will smash your head." After saying that, he struck at you with an axe. Ji Xun took out his sword and slashed at it, immediately cutting off Manager Su's hand up to his arm. The heavy ax fell down and struck him on the thigh again.

Manager Su fell to the ground with a look of horror on his face, howling ouch, ouch, ouch, and yelling curses while asking someone to stop the bleeding.

"You bitch, do you know who I am? My cousin is an official in the capital. Does Song Shangshu understand? If you dare to touch me, I will definitely ask him to chop off your heads.'

When Shen Yuyu heard the words "Song Shangshu", he immediately understood. It turned out that Manager Su was related to Wang Xiucai's family in Shenjia Village. Shen Yuyu was too lazy to deal with the relationship. In short, this person relied on some twists and turns to get there. As a local emperor in Zaozhuang, he should be killed if he doesn't care about the life and death of the villagers.

Manager Su's hand was broken and his mouth was fine, but he was still cursing. At this time, Uncle Zeng rushed over and shouted at the door, "Big Boss."

Hearing this, the big boss, Manager Su, shut up and his eyes were full of disbelief. He has been sending money to the capital a lot in these years, so he changed his boss?

Ji Xun was too lazy to talk nonsense with Manager Su. He directly pointed his sword at Manager Su and asked him to write down clearly the money he had embezzled over the years and how many bribes he had sent to the capital.

My right hand is broken and I use my left hand to write. If I dare not write, I will cut off one of my fingers with a sword.

Soon the big rat on the farm was dealt with. Manager Su's house was ransacked, and all the food and silver in the house were taken out and distributed to the farmers.

He also sent a letter to Lingzhou City, asking He Jin to come out of the city after such a long time to manage Zhuangzi.

In addition, Uncle Zeng was promoted to steward and Uncle Wang was promoted to deputy steward to take care of the affairs of the village.

After taking care of this, Shen Yuhu and Ji Xun got on the carriage, left Zaozhuang with the thanks of all the villagers, and continued to Daqi.

(End of chapter)

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