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Chapter 801

Chapter 801

Author: Doraemon

Chapter 801

"Are you too vicious? Don't give charity if you don't want to give charity? Why should you hurt others?" Shen Yue angrily scolded the young man when he saw this, and ran over to check the little beggar's injury.

The young man looked at Shen Yuyu and was surprised. Seeing that Shen Yuyu seemed to be a stranger, he sneered and taunted loudly. "You ungrateful girl, dare to pity such an unlucky thing? Be careful that he will bring you bad luck!" "

Seeing the dispute, many people gathered around.

"Girl, do you know who that child is? Do you dare to save him?"

"Isn't that right? Just because this little scourge is in our town, it hasn't rained here this year. What can we do to save him? Let him die."

"Girl, please stop bandaging him, let him be."

After hearing such indifferent words, Shen Yue couldn't help but shake his head, and roughly guessed the identity of this little boy.

Witch boy! An unlucky witch boy who brings disaster to the family when he is born. It turns out that not only the Great Zhou Dynasty, but also the entire Central Plains believed in the theory of witch boys.

This poor little boy must be the witch boy who was kicked out by his family. Otherwise, in such a dynasty that favors sons over women, such an older child would have been picked up or sold long ago, and it would be impossible to be so pitiful. Living outside.

Naturally, Shen Yuyu didn't believe this statement. Seeing the onlookers blaming her for not rescuing him, she could only say for fear of arousing public outrage, "Don't worry, everyone, I just happened here. After I rescued him, I will definitely bring him back." Let’s go.”

After hearing this, everyone stopped blaming and dispersed.

At this time, two kind-hearted ladies came over to advise Shen Yuyu.

"Girl, don't you recognize witch boys? They are the incarnation of the devil, and they specialize in bringing disaster to the people around them."

"That's right, girl. Not only will he not be grateful to you if you heal him, he will also bring bad luck to you. You must not pity him.'

"Thank you two ladies for reminding me, I understand." Shen Yue smiled gratefully at them and said nothing more.

He gave the child a magical fruit grown in his pocket to protect his heart and lungs, and took out a bottle of ointment that promotes bone rejoining and applied it to the child. He then ordered the secret guards to pick up the child and left here.

They brought a shaman boy with them but couldn't find a place to stay, so the few people had no choice but to find shelter in a ruined temple outside the town.

"Brother Sun, please go and fetch some water. Brother Li, go and collect some firewood." After spending so much time together along the way, Shen Yuyu became familiar with the secret guards such as Sun Da and Li Er, so he gave them casual orders.

"Yes, Master." The two of them separated.

"Brother Zhou and Brother Ang, you guys pick up some stones and come back to build a stove." Shen Yuyu looked at the other two secret guards.

"Yes, Master." Wednesday Wu Si responded respectfully and went too.

Shen Yuyu hurriedly removed the door panel of the ruined temple and placed it on the ground. He laid the unconscious child on it and covered him with some clothes.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, he entered the portable space, where the food box Ji Xun sent arrived. There happened to be chicken soup and porridge in the food box. Shen Yuxi poured some chicken soup into the porridge and took it out.

The little boy woke up not long after he came out, his clear eyes full of confusion, and soon his weak voice was filled with surprise.

"Sister Fairy? Are you here to save me and take me out of here?'

The child's accent sounds like he is not only three or four years old, but at least six or seven years old, and his speech is quite mellow.

She must have been stunted due to lack of food, which made her look no more than three or four years old. She looked at Shen Yuyu with eyes full of yearning, as if she were a real fairy.

"Sister is not a fairy, she came from the Great Zhou Kingdom." Shen Yue smiled gently at him.

Looking at the child's little face, which was covered with dirt and was so thin that there was only a piece of skin left, my nose couldn't help but feel sour. I pushed his dirty hair back and tied it carefully, and then I lifted the child up and leaned against it.

"Are you hungry? Drink the porridge quickly." Shen Yuyu held the porridge bowl in front of the child and said softly.

"Sister, you still say that you are not a god? If you are not a god, how could you be so kind to me? How could you give me such delicious food? You must be a god." The child said with tears like beans, falling down. .

He didn't dare to pick up the bowl of porridge, his eyes filled with tears filled with longing and longing.

Longing for Shen Yue to tell him that she is a god, only then will he believe that all this is true.

Perhaps since he came to this world, he has never experienced a trace of kindness and warmth. All he has experienced is contempt, beatings and insults, so he believes that only gods who save all living beings can be so kind to him.

Looking at this child, who was about the same age as Ah Ye and should have been protected by his relatives, Shen Yue almost burst into tears.

"Yes, my sister is a fairy." Shen Yuyu gently rubbed the child's head and nodded.

"From today on, my sister will protect you and help you escape from suffering forever. You will no longer be hungry, beaten or scolded, and you will be respected and loved. You will have everything that other children have.'

The child cried loudly, as if he had released all the grievances he had suffered in this short life.

"Really? Can the fairy sister really protect me like this? Don't you think I'm unlucky?'

"No, of course not." Shen Yuyu didn't think she was dirty. She held him in her arms and wiped away his tears. "My sister is protecting you. You must also be obedient and drink the porridge."

"Hmm." The child nodded. Unexpectedly, drinking the porridge was actually considered obedient, just like in a dream.

He stretched out his thin little hand to take the bowl of porridge. He didn't know how hungry he was, but Xilihulu drank the porridge quickly.

The child felt much better after eating.

"What's your name?" Shen Yue put him down and asked.

"I don't have a name." The child shook his head, "I grew up drinking dog milk and eating dog food~~~"

Shen Yuyu felt a sore nose after hearing this. She had heard before that some witch boys who had just given birth were thrown into the garbage and were breastfed by stray bitches.

So some people are really worse than dogs!

"You don't have a name? Then my sister will give you one~~ Shen Hong, good luck will come from heaven and Hongfu will come to you. From today on, my sister will change your destiny against the will of heaven, and you will be a little lucky star."

The boy's clear eyes were full of ecstasy, and he started to answer excitedly, "I~~I am Shen Hong, the Hong with great blessings. I am not a witch boy. My fairy sister changed my life. Thank you, fairy." elder sister."

Shen Yuyu rubbed the child's head and nodded silently.

This scene was witnessed by several secret guards who were out. The four of them silently looked at the entrance of the ruined temple, their eyes full of admiration and admiration.

Unexpectedly, their princess was so kind-hearted and full of great love. She was a perfect match for His Highness the Night King, who also had the same heart for benevolence and fraternity in the world. It is a pity that the world cannot be handed over to His Highness the Night King, otherwise there would be such an emperor. Isn’t the Queen a blessing to the people of the Zhou Kingdom?

He boiled water and ordered Sun Da to wipe the child's body clean, and asked Li Er to go to the town to buy some clothes for the child to put on, and the child seemed to be a different person.

She is thin, her facial features are particularly delicate, and her eyes are as clear as mountain spring water without any trace of hatred.

He experienced endless evil in this world, but he never hated this world at all.

Extremely valuable.

(End of chapter)

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