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Chapter 876

Chapter 876

Author: Doraemon

Chapter 876

As soon as Wei Xuanyuan's words came out, Ah Fu's face changed suddenly as he was lying in the snowdrift outside the window like a snowman, not daring to move.

He took money from Zhou Lenghui, the eldest lady in the mansion, and helped her spy on Prime Minister Zhou. He never wanted to hear such a shocking secret.

The master in the mouth of 'Prime Minister Zhou', 'Manager Huang', actually wants to be the emperor? What is his identity? How could He De dare to have such an idea?

His mind seemed to be exploding, but he didn't dare to breathe.

If he overheard such a big secret and let the people inside find out how many heads he had, Ah Fu suppressed the fear in his heart and tried his best not to tremble.

After the two people left the house, he squatted cautiously for a while before getting up, then shook off the snow from his body and hurried to Ziling Pavilion.

In Ziling Pavilion, Zhou Lenghui was wearing a purple jacket with fox fur and a deep red gold woven jacket with dark butterfly patterns. She was sitting in front of the dressing table and letting Xiaoduo paint her eyebrows.

During this period, with the nourishment of love, the whole person becomes youthful and unparalleled.

Today, her sweetheart, Ding Chengwei, invited her out of the city to enjoy the winter plum blossoms, and she was dressed up to go to Ding Chengwei's appointment.

At this time, Xiaomei opened the curtain and hurried in.

"Miss, Afu is outside asking for a meeting."

Zhou Lenghui raised her hand, told Xiaoduo to stop what she was doing, and told Xiaomei.

"Let him in, and you all go down."

"Yes, miss." Xiaoduo Xiaomei and the accompanying nanny bowed and retreated, and soon Afu came in covered with wind and snow.

"What happened? Why are you so panicked?" Zhou Lenghui glanced at Ah Fu.

Ah Fu hunched over and rubbed his hands uneasily, saying indifferently: "Big, big, big miss, come on, come on, something big has happened."

"Is something big happening? Is the sky falling?" Zhou Lenghui curled her lips and glanced at him, "It's not a big deal if the sky isn't falling. Speak slowly."

"Yes, yes, I, I said slowly." Ah Fu took a few deep breaths before his tone became calmer. He leaned closer to Zhou Lenghui and whispered, "I just came from the master's study. I just heard something big there."

, my master plans to ascend the throne as emperor."

"What?" Zhou Lenghui was not ordinary surprised, her jaw almost dropped, "Who is he? How dare he have such a delusion?"

"I don't know what his identity is." Ah Fu shook his head, "But I can guarantee that Lao Huang is not just a joke. He has already entered the palace with me.'

Zhou Lenghui stood there speechless for a long time.

In this case, it was impossible for her to cancel her marriage. His fake father would never agree to her canceling the engagement in order to win over the powerful officials. Thinking of this, Zhou Lenghui felt bad all over, and it was a bigger blow than the sky falling.

Although who becomes the emperor has nothing to do with her, and she doesn't have to be so serious about whether her father is real or fake, but she will never marry that unisex Duanxiu Song Yu'an!

Zhou Lenghui gritted her teeth, thought about it and decided to discuss it with her sweetheart Ding Chengwei to see if he had any good ideas.

Thinking of this, Zhou Lenghui took out a few banknotes and handed them to Ah Fu.

"I know about this, please go down first."

"Yes, thank you very much, Miss." Ah Fu bowed excitedly while holding the money, and hurriedly left.

After Ah Fu left, Zhou Lenghui looked in the mirror, then picked up the cloak on the hanger, put it on and rushed outside the house and said: "Xiao Duo, come with me out of the house."

"Yes." Xiaoduo responded hurriedly, helping his young lady to brave the wind and snow to the corner door of the mansion and leave the mansion.

A carriage had been waiting outside the house early. As soon as Zhou Lenghui came out of the corner door, Ding Chengwei greeted her and said with a smile.

"Ah Hui, you're here." As he said this, he helped Zhou Lenghui into his carriage and headed to the south of the city.

There is a plum garden ten miles south of the city. The winter plum blossoms are in full bloom and are golden. It is so beautiful that it attracts young ladies from the capital to come out of the city to admire it. There are endless carriages on the road.

"What's the matter, Ah Hui? Why do you look a little depressed today?" Ding Chengwei saw Zhou Lenghui's solemn expression, so he took her hand and asked with concern, "If you have any worries, tell me, maybe I can help you solve it."

"Chengwei, I'm afraid things between you and I can't work out." Zhou Lenghui looked at Ding Chengwei with a sad face, "You said before that there was a way for me to cancel our engagement, but I don't think that will work."

Ding Chengwei didn't quite understand what he said. He shook Zhou Lenghui's hand hard and asked curiously: "Why do you say that? How do you know that you can't cancel the engagement?"

"I, I, what should I say?" Zhou Lenghui grabbed her handkerchief uneasily and did not dare to say some words easily. She hesitated for a long time and said, "My father will not agree to my breaking off the engagement in order to win over the powerful officials.

Ding Chengwei said: "You said this before, but didn't I say it? I have a way to help you cancel this marriage."

"How do you want to retreat? You should make it clear." Zhou Lenghui looked at Ding Chengwei with tears in her eyes.

"This~~" Ding Chengwei also hesitated. He didn't dare to reveal the matter about Crown Prince Wei Yi. He rolled his eyes and said to Zhou Lenghui, "My father has already suspected that your father is a fake prime minister. He is sending his subordinates to investigate this matter.


"Really?" Zhou Lenghui's eyes widened.

Ding Chengwei nodded, "Of course it's true." Zhou Lenghui took the initiative to tell him before that he suspected that Prime Minister Zhou was fake, so he still had great trust in Zhou Lenghui, so he dared to say this.

After that, he added, "When the true identity of 'Prime Minister Zhou' is revealed, his group of officials will step down, including Song Shangshu, and your marriage to Song Yu'an will naturally not count."

"Reveal my father's true identity~~When?" The joy on Zhou Lenghui's face flashed across her face, and then became heavy again.

"It should be soon, just wait a few more days." He didn't know yet that Zhu Xiangyu had lost the battle. After all, Zhu Xiangyu only sent someone back to the Prime Minister's Mansion, and outsiders didn't know about it.

Zhou Lenghui looked very ugly after hearing this. She gritted her teeth and said, "If you wait a few more days, it will be too late. My father has decided to help his master become the emperor today.

Ding Chengwei was puzzled after hearing this: "Master? What master?" Prime Minister Zhou, "There is also a master? He has never heard of it."

"Yes, Master." Zhou Lenghui nodded affirmatively, "My eyes and ears heard it with my own ears in my father's study today. My fake father called the 'Huang Butler' in the house as the master, and 'Huang Butler' also said that he would come in immediately.

Gong tried his best to ascend to the throne without knowing his true identity."

Ding Chengwei heard this in confusion, but he knew that Zhou Lenghui would not lie, and he also knew that this matter was important and he had to go back and report it to his father immediately.

His sister Lu Xiaoshuang and his father Lu Anhe were determined to support the crown prince Wei Yi to become the emperor. They wanted to win wealth and wealth for generations. If someone else became the emperor first, wouldn't their dream be in vain?

Thinking of this, Ding Chengwei hurriedly stopped the carriage, got out of the car and said to Zhou Lenghui:

"I'm sorry, sister A Hui. I have something urgent and need to go back to my hometown. We will go back tomorrow to enjoy the plum blossoms. Coachman, take Miss Zhou back to her hometown."

(End of chapter)

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