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Chapter 93

Chapter 93 Climbing the In-Laws

Jiang Dalang and Jiang Erlang next to them were a little helpless. They stood beside Wang Hao on the left and right, and patted his shoulders at the same time.

The two sighed in a low voice: "Hey, we are brothers in distress."

Jiang Dalang and Jiang Erlang were not as opposed to getting married as Wang Hao was.

They are not young anymore. They originally wanted to be a scholar before getting married, but now their plans have been disrupted, so they will naturally adapt to changes.

The three women were having a lively chat outside, while others walked into the house.

Now that the house has just been built, it is still empty. They have also made a lot of scattered items such as furniture in recent days.

The tables and benches are all ready, but as for the large beds and wardrobes, I still have to go to town.

There is a family named Zhu in the village who does carpentry and helps everyone make small items on weekdays.

Jiang Zhiyue and the others went to see the family's craftsmanship. The Zhu family and his son were very good at carpentry.

Mr. Wang and the others added everything they could.

The Jiang family built a lot of houses, so they naturally needed more furniture. Large items were time-consuming, so they simply ordered a lot of furniture for the Zhu family to prepare in advance, so that they could live in it just after the house was built.

After waiting for another five days, the Zhu family and his son finished all the Wang family's furniture.

The Jiang family helped Mr. Zhang and the others carry the things into the house and put them away.

Huang Huaihua couldn't hide her excitement and asked: "When will we move the things here?"

Mr. Wang clapped his hands and said, "We'll move today. It's not far away. I can pull the things here in two trips."

Everyone made another trip and pulled over everything belonging to the Wang family.

They have finally settled down.

That night, the Jiang family and four members of the Wang family set up two tables in the yard of the new house to celebrate.

Mr. Jiang also specially took out a can of monkey wine for everyone to taste.

Jiang Zhiyue came back late because she had something to do. She was not there when the wine was poured, and she didn't even take a sip. Smelling the aroma of the wine, she felt anxious and angry.

Jiang Zhiyue smelled the aroma of wine and wanted to try a glass.

But Mr. Jiang was afraid that the wine would be wasted by them after just one meal, so he sealed the wine jar and took it away.

Jiang Zhiyue could only give up.

The meal was a joyful one, and after the meal, Mr. Wang and the others stayed here.

The Jiang family and others continued to return to the rented yard.

The Jiang family's house has not been built yet, so they need to live here for a few more days.

On the way back, Jiang Erlang walked beside Bai Yifeng and asked doubtfully: "Didn't you say your home is here? Why haven't you gone back yet?"

Bai Yifeng felt like he had been stabbed hard in the heart.

His 'home' is indeed in the south.

But this home is not that home.

He was originally an orphan, and his master picked him up while passing by the south when he was traveling.

The master said that it was the fate between the two of them, so he kept him by his side and let him inherit his mantle.

And now that his master has wandered to nowhere after leaving Kyoto, he naturally has nowhere to go.

Since there is nowhere to go, we can only stay at the Jiang family.

After all, the person Master asked him to find is still here. Master, he will definitely come back.

He chuckled awkwardly.

Bai Yifeng said: "It is indeed here, but my master has not come back from traveling all over the world. I can leave when my master comes back."

Jiang Erlang didn't care when he would leave.

He said: "Well, it's okay to live here."

Just when Bai Yifeng was moved, Erlang spoke again.

He said quietly: "Then don't forget the protection fees along the way and the food expenses these days. To be honest, you eat quite a lot."

And what Bai Yifeng just blurted out: "Erlang, you are so kind to me." was a bit funny.

Everyone laughed unceremoniously.

Jiang Ming smiled naively and said: "Yes, Feng boy, you have eaten more than me along the way. I didn't expect that you look so polite and polite, but you have such a big belly when you eat."

Bai Yifeng was a little helpless. He didn't eat much. It must be because the food was too fragrant.

He now felt that he desperately needed to establish his authority.

He knocked Jiang Erlang, straightened his body and took out Master Yan's stand.

"Ahem, then I haven't made any achievements along the way. Why do you think I'm half your wife? How dare you say that to me?"

Everyone started to play around and joked with each other without restraint.

The days passed like this, and the Jiang family and the Wang family have slowly integrated into the village.

The Jiang family's house is also slowly coming to an end.

On the last day, Jiang Zhiyue paid wages to the villagers who came to help build houses.

It took more than 20 days to build the Jiang family's house from start to finish, and the wages paid to each person were nearly 500 cash.

Jiang Zhiyue calculated the number of days that each person would have to work in advance and then strung together the copper plates.

Every time Jiang Dalang called someone's name, someone would come forward and take the string of money from Jiang Zhiyue's hand.

"Hey, I may have a good year this year. When the twelfth lunar month comes, I will go to town and buy more meat. I will have a bright new year."

Li Daniu held a large string of money in his hand and expressed what everyone was thinking.

They all looked at the Jiang family with gratitude. If it weren't for them, they wouldn't have the money.

On the last day of completion, these people helped the Jiang family go to Zhu's house to move the finished furniture back.

With more people and greater strength, it didn’t take long for all the furniture in more than a dozen rooms to be moved back.

Jiang Zhiyue and Mrs. Jiang went to Zhu's house to pay the remaining money. Zhu's father and son were also very happy.

When Jiang Zhiyue and Mrs. Jiang left, the Zhu family members were still smiling and said: "Auntie, if you need anything, come back. We will make something beautiful for you."

Mrs. Jiang also smiled and said: "Don't worry, I will definitely come to trouble you if I need to buy anything."

After the two of them left, the Zhu family's daughter-in-law said with envy: "These two families who came from famine are really wealthy. I don't think anyone in town can compare to that big yard."

Father Zhu also lamented that these people who spend money generously are not like people who are fleeing from poverty.

He said: "It's other people's fault that they have a good financial background. Let's live our lives well."

During this period of time, their family has been making furniture for Jiang and Wang's family. They need a lot of things, so they have been very busy these past two days.

Accordingly, they have made a lot of money during this period, more than they have made in the past few months.

After all, everyone came from poor times. If the bed board or cabinet is broken, it can still be used if it is repaired.

This year is a good year!

The Zhu family's daughter-in-law laughed twice and said, "That's what dad said."

But she changed her topic and talked about the Jiang family and the Wang family.

"It's just that I heard that both of them were in the village looking for suitable girls. I've seen those boys, and they all look good."

"I wonder if my sister-in-law is old enough. If she can get married with them, her life will definitely be better in the future."

(End of chapter)

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