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Chapter 0190 love will disappear


People stare


� steal steal �

language says

Two people

what relationship

�But when Lu Feng came back�


Everyone shut up

time has passed

Two years closer

�The weather is a bit hot

�Air conditioning behind the scenes�

Full power

�The car just�

�at the door


�Fengxia hits�

car door talk


�Everything is ready


All here



�You can do this�


�Lu Feng got out of the car�


�Have you ever organized such a big occasion?

�Add your academic qualifications

�Go out and do it�

No problem


� Director �

�Where is it?


�Stay in the room�

Woolen cloth

�I am so tired from working

�No salary



�Give you a salary

�Lu Feng stepped forward�

walk inside



�Slightly fat�

The middle-aged *** stood in front of Lu Feng




His temperament doesn't quite fit


�Lu Feng said a few polite words�

�Took out his hand and shook it

Everything that needs to be discussed has been discussed

�Today is�

Field work

It’s time to go on stage soon

�Lu Feng asked�



�There won’t be any TV interviews today, right?


�And the photos reported do not have to be

too clear


�He doesn't want to be in public�

�Showing too much in front of others



The head said everything was arranged




People came on stage and introduced for a few minutes.

�Shen Sheng�


�Next, let us welcome the Dong Fanhua group with warm applause�

Responsible person

�Jia Feng Electronic Technology�

Chairman of a limited liability company

�Mr. Lu Feng�

�The scene burst into warm applause

�Lu Feng stepped out and walked out

�North Korea�

people waving

�Go on stage�

Dong �

�shaked hands

The other party obviously didn't

Overcome this situation

�My palms are all sweaty

�My face is stiff

�I’d like to invite you next�

�Let me tell you a few words


Talk about acquiring directors



�Lu Feng took the topic and sat down.

�Indicates to Dong Fanhua�


�The other person sat down and whispered�



�Let’s say a few words less

�Just sign it

�Lu Feng ignored him

�I burned so much money

�Putting such a big stage

�Sign and leave


It's a shame I can't sleep tonight


�Probably many memories�

�My friend doesn’t know me very well

�I am a northerner

�Returned from studying abroad last year

�Majored in electronic engineering

�In fact, there is�

A heart to serve the motherland

�But I found that not�

Talk about large-scale electronic engineering



Taiwan color TV station

Rushing to buy foreign products


�I am heartbroken, my friends.

�I was in the country last year�


A lot


�but can�






With me

Buy Mr. Dong



Tell people in the country

Martial Arts Group

and own patents

technology company

�I am not short of money


The thing is that all Chinese people use our own TV

�Lu Feng's words are still very...


�The scene burst into applause

�Even Dong�

�They all slowly sat up straight.

�Bringing on the face�

A bit of glory

It is now the country’s No. 1

Sub-industry upgrading

�So the television


Mainly made of fine steel, etc.

�Home Appliance Core�

art and steel

Production capacity is soaring in this era


From abroad



rampant in the country

�To domestic home appliances�

Lu Hengtui

�And then in 1996/97

�Fifth of the world�

of cheap home appliances are produced domestically

It's from here




Year old


Sub-industry upgrading


Great changes occurred in the first four to five years


From early 1990s to 1990s

late s

�From the beginning of the second millennium to 2010

�Looking at the first few years in early 2010�

Comparison after the year



Only then did Lu Feng finish speaking.

�Even a few little girls cried when they heard it

�Two rows�

Miss Yi came over



�Put it inside

document contract

Lu Feng sat down and signed the words

�Stand up and the two exchange contracts

�The sound of snapping photos was constantly taking place at the scene


Continued for two minutes


Thank you for remembering

�The arrival of friends

�Next is�

Field to land

�’s exclusive interview



Please contact the newspaper

I'll come


�Fengxia stood on the stage�


�Lu Feng Changshu�


�Took the water and drank�


�North Korea�

�Fengxia Question�





"You are a genius at lying"



Come just by mouth

�Returned from studying abroad

�But what you said�

An experience of being discriminated against in the United States

�It's quite�


�Where did you hear it?





�Fengxia doesn’t believe it

�She even has�

an illusion

�Lu Feng�

in the United States




The same experience and about...

Methods of discrimination on the border


�is common�

No one has a channel


�I'm just curious

�Why did you use the name of the new company?

�No need for Camry�

Activities in the name of Chairman



Let’s cut it

�Say no more

There is no Camry here.

Sales channel



�It doesn't make any sense whether it's Jiamei or Jiafeng.

�At the same time�

Just tell yourself


Focus on work

Turn this way to Jiafeng

�Lu Feng found a seat and wanted to sit down.

�Dong Fanhua came over


�Money when�



�According to the contract


Within working days

�Created to your designated account



�It’s nothing to do with me, right?

�I'm leaving


�Not that even we�



�Isn't it�

go to work


�No need


hammer sale

�You will sign in a few days

�Just transfer the patent to our company’s name


�Thank you Lu�


�is a good person


�Make a fortune

�Dong Fanhua himself felt that the money was too easy to come by.

After being polite for a long time, I left.

�Fengxia sat down and said�


�for him


It's like something falling from the sky.



�this world�

�There is a lucky person


My goal can be achieved

�Don’t say two million

�Twenty million is no problem

�Lu Feng looked at the time�


�Exclusive interview


Finished breakfast

�Go back and wait for the call


so-called exclusive interview

�But there is �

blow each other

�Lu Feng�

show to


kind of condition


�It's people�

�Money a lot�


�Only this



There is


Only those who are capable


suspicious morning

He rushed over

There is a record

It was almost 5pm when they dispersed


Hou �


�Call over



speak out


Please give Lu Feng a good night

Eat together

�on the phone�



�He helped Lu Feng find out�

A color TV with fluorescent screen

Technology patent group



�You can win it with five to six million

Lu Feng refused directly

�He can give it to everyone

�Show out�


image of wife


treat him as

The wife has it



�Two million dollars to buy such a useless group�

� Already made Su Yourong miserable

Changed clothes

�As soon as Lu Feng walked out of the door, he saw Su Yourong standing at the door.


�Fengxia was stunned when she saw her�


�raised head and asked�


"When did this bitch"





�Why did you provoke her again?


�I didn't mess with her

�Lu Feng was a little speechless

�On Su Yourong

�He did make some mistakes


�Didn’t eat


� offended �


I originally wanted to rely on her connections and power to help me install the TV set.

The main theme

Problem solved


It looks like this


�I’m done

�Su Yourong walked forward with a smile


�It's very hot here these days


Don't go back

�I'm looking for you when I'm done



�People just�

stay with you

Are you tired?

�Let's go to dinner

�I just read a lot of notes�


�Is it too high-profile�


Go back to the hotel to eat

Just mouth

�Lu Feng patted her�



�Let’s talk about it when we get back


�Take my car


No need

�We have a car


�Fengxia said�



�Sit in the driver's seat

on the way back


�Fengxia pressure�

The voice says




�still dear




The woman is cooing

�I am even worse�



Can bear it




Mention it again


�What are you planning?

Have you taken advantage of others?


�Fengxia pine�

The steering wheel gestures with both hands in front of the chest...




�Is it just this place?


�How are you�


�Lu Feng kneaded it with his hands�


�for this woman


Some heads

�Breathe deeply�



�We are chess�


�This woman can develop to this day

�Absolutely not�


�Not only�

�Ability to follow momentum

�more important�


�She is a person with no bottom line


�People are like vines

�Just want to be tightly bound�

You big tree

�Even thinking�

you sleep




woman gets you


Take advantage of it all

�As for�

A profit of 100 million

�I don’t think you can get it



Not planning to take it

�Don’t think about it now

�Working step by step

�Lu Feng puts the seat back�

Adjusted later


�Lean on it, close your eyes and relax

Su Yourong came after him because he didn't want Lu Feng

�She heard�

�a rubbish ball�

sold for two million


�And yet�


Lots of notes




�she already�

Something feels wrong


�At the hotel�


�Su Yourong stood at the gate�


�Lu Feng just got off the car

�on her face�

Walk forward with a smile


Hold �

Lu Feng's arm said


�Live here�

The night must be expensive, right?



�Hundreds of dollars


�So expensive




Do you live

Just get up



Even my

That’s it


�It's a suite

�I sleep on the bed


�Sleeping on the ground

�You sleep on the sofa outside

All done


�Fengxia's proposal�

�You are everywhere

You should be busy as you should

�This is�


Your subordinate

Too bad



�Okay, okay

�eat first

�Lu Fengchao�

Go to the hotel door

�Su Yourong�


Come up


Hold the line

his hand

�small voice�


�You haven’t told me yet




�What are you doing?

noisy and noisy


�It's okay


It's okay for you


�You don’t love me anymore



�Lu Feng�

�Step down and see�



�Love is�



Let's go our separate ways

�Su Yourong never expected him to be so straightforward

�I screamed for a long time�


�It doesn't matter

�As long as I love you

�Let's have dinner first

�eating time�

�Lu Feng�

A question about side-attacking

Su Yourong

�Can you provide yourself with more things?

�Su Yourong didn't answer this



Ask directly


What time

�can put the goods in�


�she already�




The project has been completed

This chapter has been completed!
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