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Chapter 1151 Lords Observation and New News

Under Jiang Lei's continuous teleportation, Lei Xiao just stood there for a while, and then quickly arrived near the next city that Saul and others were attacking.

The sun was blazing in the sky, and under the towering city walls, the lion flags of the cold flame monarchs of the past dynasties were flapping in the strong wind.

Thor and other kings and the strong men of the country stood in front of the formation with their swords drawn, each with majestic momentum.

Behind Thor and others, the golem puppet soldiers, who looked no different from real soldiers, were armored and formed neat giant square formations in legion units, exuding a vast and huge momentum.

A handful of brilliant and shining blades have been unsheathed, shining with a cold light under the bright sunlight.

These puppet soldiers, all of whom are at the peak of the second level of strength, have been equipped with more powerful fourth level equipment by Lei Xiao. They can be said to be the elite among the elite.

After upgrading equipment from the Cold Flame Kingdom, the Dark Green Kingdom, and some of the Iron Hand Islands and Grim Kingdom, Lei Xiao already had enough ability and foundation to replace all 30 heroic legions with fourth-level equipment.

Next, Lei Xiao is also planning to train several third-level legions that are unique in the human world, and all members will also be equipped with fourth-level equipment.

However, at this stage, since the amount of third-level potions obtained every day is still relatively limited, Lei Xiao still focuses on improving the third-level commanders of the main army.

After so many days of continuous potion upgrades, the number of main legions under Lei Xiao's command has been growing steadily.

Including the three giants, it has now reached a scale of more than 50, not counting the 30 more elite Legions of Heroic Spirits.

And these 50 main legions have basically all been invested in the battlefield of the Kingdom of Grim.

In all the main legions, the proportion of second-level elite soldiers has reached more than 50%. As for the equipment, it is the third-level soldier and the fourth-level commander. Lei Xiao is currently unable to meet the conditions for the fourth-level equipment for all members.

Lei Xiao stood on the top of the mountain on the outskirts of the city, thinking about the strength of the army during this period, while watching the powerful Thor and others summoning the army down the mountain, and nodded with satisfaction.

Since the puppet soldiers can be re-summoned, in order to preserve as much strength as possible before the decisive battle with Ganelon IX, I have always used these summoned legions as the main siege force.

In addition, Thor and other previous kings and strong men themselves are able to transform into weapons and armors comparable to the fifth level of strength, without the need to equip other equipment.

After all, although his equipment arsenal is becoming more abundant, he is still unable to obtain more powerful sixth-level equipment in large quantities due to the extremely rarity of the fifth-level divine weapons.

"Just like what I thought before, the fifth-level equipment is already the limit of the human world, and it cannot be obtained in batches. If you want to further increase your strength, you must go out of the human world."

"Before that, let's focus on dealing with King Ganelon IX. If I can successfully defeat him, other human nations will be in my possession sooner or later."

Lei Xiao had just thought of this in his mind, and after listening to Thor's order, all the powerful men flew out from their horses and shot straight towards the opponent's city gate tower.

This is a common siege method used by Thor and others. Under the collective charge of 20 fifth-level powerhouses with monstrous momentum, unless the opponent has equal combat power to compete, it will only take a matter of minutes to capture the city wall.

Sure enough, as soon as Thor and others made an attack, the soldiers on the other side, who knew they were outmatched, were frightened and chose to put down their weapons, without the courage to resist at all.

Not long after, with a rapid sound of iron chains, the gate blocking the city gate slowly rose, and the city gate opened.

Seeing that our side had captured another city without a single blow, there was no trace of emotion on Lei Xiao's face.

I have seen this kind of scene many times before, and I have long been used to it.

It won't take long for Lawrence to lead Grim's soldiers to take over the city, and then the scene like the one in Sturt City just now will appear again.

However, Lei Xiao also understood clearly.

Just as I had just thought, the calm before the storm was obviously too smooth and strange.

Just when Lei Xiao was about to turn around and leave, the sound of chanting rang out.

As soon as the connection was connected, Ariel's crisp voice came over: "Lord, Shirley just sent a letter saying that the energy-gathering array in "Ice Stone City" has been almost repaired!"

"Great, I'll rush there right away."

Lei Xiao's eyes lit up and he ordered Jiang Li to go to Buluo Fortress.

Not long after, Lei Xiao appeared on the streets of "Ice Stone City".

This place is still inhabited by the half-elves of the Zhuyue clan. On both sides of the spacious and neat streets, there are always handsome half-elves greeting Lei Xiao respectfully, while Lei Xiao smiles and nods in return.

In the previous defense battle of Buluo Fortress, the half-elves of the Zhuyue clan fought extremely bravely.

Even when the absolute defense barrier was shattered, he still fought tenaciously against the rain of arrows and spells flying in the sky from the Pars army, without letting the huge number of opponents take any advantage, leaving the opponent's corpses everywhere.

Of course, this also caused a lot of casualties to the half-elves. Fortunately, Lei Xiao provided a sufficient amount of healing potion healing scrolls in advance, and coupled with the blessing of high-quality third-level equipment, most of the soldiers were finally saved from death.

Come back.

After the battle, Lei Xiao also rewarded the half-elves of the Zhuyue clan many times, restoring all the glory they had lost in the Cold Flame Kingdom.

However, because the war was still going on, although Lei Xiao had carved out a large fiefdom in the central area of ​​Lengyan, the half-elves still insisted on fighting on the front line and did not choose to return to the fiefdom.

"Your Excellency, you are here!"

Lei Xiao had just walked on the quaint street for a while when Bing Lao, Wu and Shirley came up to him.

"After hearing the good news, I will not waste a single moment of time."

Lei Xiao smiled faintly and looked up at the almost transparent absolute defense barrier covering the sky above the city.

Compared with before, the radiance surging on the barrier was obviously much richer, and it looked extremely solid.

Then, Lei Xiao set his sights on the leader Bing Lao again. The energy fluctuations emanating from the latter's body were obviously much stronger, making people feel safe.

"Haha, I have finally lived up to your expectations."

Bing Lao's old face was also full of smiles. While guiding Lei Xiao forward, he began to introduce.

"To be honest with you, after fully analyzing the composition of the energy-gathering array with the help of two capable helpers, I didn't stop for a moment and immediately started repairing the damaged array."

"Currently, 60% of the energy gathering arrays in the city have completely returned to normal. This not only speeds up the overall energy recovery efficiency of the city, but also greatly increases the space for energy storage."

"As for other damaged magic circles, because the core storage crystals that make up the magic circle are damaged, there is currently no way to replenish them, so they cannot be repaired yet."

"However, compared with the previous ratio of less than 20%, this is already a huge improvement!"

After hearing what Bing Lao said, Lei Xiao did not hesitate and immediately asked: "Thank you for your hard work, old man. Is it possible to move to an area other than the extremely cold place now?"

"Your Excellency, according to my estimation, the energy-gathering array only needs to recover 50% to break through the restrictions and move outside the extremely cold place. It is obviously enough for now."

Bing Lao stroked his beard and smiled, his face full of confidence and said: "Next, it's time to witness the miracle."

"I can not wait any more."

Lei Xiao nodded slightly and quickened his pace. ()

This chapter has been completed!
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