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Chapter 1249 The ongoing banquet

In the splendid banquet hall, pairs of surprised and unexpected eyes were constantly cast towards Fei'er.

Regarding the history of the Silver Moon Era before the Blank Age, although most of it has been annihilated along with the Blank Age, through the fragments left by a few remaining ancient books and the exploration of ancient ruins, the outline of an ancient human overlord has been sketched out.


It is the Silver Fire Kingdom that was the guardian of the ancient human race.

Over the past three thousand years, according to the research and textual research of generations of historical scholars, this ancient human kingdom covered an extremely wide area and had countless subsidiary races.

Whether it is forging technology, magic craftsmanship, artistic achievements, or the huge number of powerful people, they are far from being comparable to the current human world, and they have firmly occupied the first echelon of all races.

Even powerful immortal races such as the elves and dwarves that respect strength must treat each other with courtesy without any slight.

It is no exaggeration to say that the heyday of the Silver Fire Kingdom was the heyday of the entire human world, so that no race would despise the human race.

However, it is a pity that the current understanding of the ancient human race is limited to this.

As for how powerful the Silver Fire Kingdom was at that time, and how it led the human race to the pinnacle of all races, no one knows.

Naturally, various schools of speculation and research about the Kingdom of Silver Fire sprang up, and they argued endlessly with each other for three thousand years, adding a rich sense of mystery to this ancient human kingdom.

All in all, the unearthed historical knowledge is well understood by every prince and noble present, and even the noble children who are maids and waiters are no strangers to it.

You know, standing in front of everyone is the royal family of the Silver Fire Kingdom, the most mysterious overlord of the ancient human race!

After seeing this scene, Lei Xiao looked as he expected, with no emotion on his expression.

Among the people present, the only ones who knew Fei'er's true identity were the monarchs of the seven countries, the leaders of the three neutral organizations, and a small number of high-level experts who personally participated in the execution battle deep in the main hall.

Therefore, it is not surprising that this happened after I introduced Feier.

"Everyone, it is precisely because of the timely appearance of Her Royal Highness Princess Pelican, who extended a helping hand regardless of her own safety, that I and the robes present were able to finally dispel the darkness and let the brilliant dawn shine on the land of humanity again."

Lei Xiao's steady and powerful voice sounded again, solemnly saying: "Let us give our most sincere respect to this princess!"

After Lei Xiao finished speaking, thunderous applause broke out and lasted for a long time in the huge banquet hall.

"Thank you for your praise. In fact, I am far from being as powerful and important as His Highness the Prince said."

As Mayfair's clear and sassy voice sounded, the entire banquet hall became quiet again.

She took a step forward, a look of solemnity appeared on her fair face, and continued: "The one who really played a decisive role is your Highness the Holy Lion Prince. His courage and tenacity surprised me."

"Facing an invincible and powerful enemy, he did not retreat. Instead, he became more and more courageous as he fought. Even in the Silver Moon Era, when the human race was the most dazzling, it was difficult for anyone to be able to do this, including me."

"To be more precise, it was because I was moved by his bravery that I made up my mind to continue to fulfill my mission as a guardian with this broken body and contribute a small amount to the current human world. That's all.

That’s all.”

After looking at Lei Xiao with respect, Fei'er's fair face became more solemn and said: "Not just the Holy Lion Prince, in that almost desperate battle, every strong man who participated in the battle...

It makes me amazed.”

"Especially after the Holy Lion Prince destroyed the energy conversion circle in the roots of the forbidden tree, it took the concerted efforts of every strong man and soldier in the entire human world to allow the source of evil to finally reap its consequences."

"So, compared to the Holy Lion Prince who dominates the battle, and compared to everyone present, what I did is simply nothing."

Mayfair's starry eyes flickered, passing over everyone in the audience one by one, and she burst out with a touch of heartfelt respect and gratification: "Seeing that today's human race world can work so hard together, as an ancient human race, I, for everyone present,

Feel proud and proud.”

After Fei'er finished speaking, warm applause rang out again, as well as uncontrollable cheers and excitement, which made the atmosphere in the entire venue even higher.

While people were rejoicing, an uncontrollable curiosity could not help but emerge from their high-spirited faces.

When the applause died down, Fei'er, who noticed this, looked a little sad and said, "I know that you are all very curious about the ancient human race and the Silver Fire Kingdom of the Silver Moon Era."

"But unfortunately, just like other people who have experienced the blank era, I have forgotten too many things. I don't even know what I was facing at that time and why I was destroyed."

"Those inexplicably lost memories are like puzzle pieces that have been smashed into pieces, unable to form a concrete image in my mind, so please forgive me for not being able to bring you more ancient stories."

At this point, Fei'er's gloomy expression became high again, and her voice gradually became louder.

"However, what I can tell you is that although the human race today is no longer glorious, it has been squeezed out of the first echelon of all races, and is despised and disdained by those immortal races. It has suffered in many aspects such as alchemy, forging, and magic crafts.

When it reaches extreme limits, even those barbarians are extremely unrestrained."

"However, in the life-and-death battle that just ended not long ago, I saw in you all the beautiful qualities possessed by the ancient human race. Your bravery and tenacity are the most precious wealth in the human world!"

"What's more, today's human race still has an extraordinary leader. It was he who awakened me from my slumber. It was he who personally crushed the source of evil that attempted to destroy everything. It was also he who completely brought the human world together."

Fei'er took a step back, let Lei Xiao out again, and said seriously: "I believe that under his leadership and guidance, the return of the human race to its peak will no longer be an unattainable dream!"

As Fei'er finished speaking, the entire venue was filled with excitement, and pairs of uncontrollable eyes of admiration once again fell on Lei Xiao, who was standing in the center of the high platform.

"Thank you, Princess Pelican, for your recognition of me and the recognition of today's human world."

Lei Xiao's eyes were piercing and his voice was sonorous and powerful.

"It is imperative for the human world to rebuild its past glory. I and everyone present will surely become the experiencers, creators and witnesses of turning dreams into reality!"

"The names of each of us will surely become an indispensable part of the glorious monument of the human race!"

After Lei Xiao said this, the atmosphere in the venue reached its climax in an instant, and warm applause and cheers resounded throughout the banquet hall.

Looking at the excited eyes in the audience, Lei Xiao nodded with satisfaction and announced: "Then, let the banquet officially begin."

After that, it goes without saying how high the atmosphere of the banquet was. Whether it was the kings and ministers who attended the meeting, or the leaders and senior officials of neutral organizations, everyone looked high-spirited and talked happily with each other.

Of course, there are also followers led by Louise, Hong Ye, Chaoyan, Bai Wei, Mia, Xiaoya and other subordinates who are active throughout the hall.

With the same hobbies, Louise quickly became completely involved with Chaoyan and others. After being promoted successfully, although she had not yet had a chance to show off, Chaoyan's appetite has greatly increased.

The strength exceeds that of a fifth-level warrior.

Lei Xiao, on the other hand, brought Fei'er, Qin Qian and other lord representatives to the table. The monarchs from various countries and the leaders of neutral organizations were at the table, which was very lively.

In the process, Lei Xiao also introduced Qin Qian and others to the powerful people, which made Qin Qian and others feel flattered, especially the timid Feng Ling, who became even more timid.

It's no wonder that although for Lei Xiao, the monarchs of the seven countries are all his subordinates, so he has no scruples, but for Qin Qian and others, these are big figures standing at the pinnacle of power, so how can they not

Walking on thin ice?

There are three main reasons why Lei Xiao did this.

One is to quickly lay out the lord network that connects the entire human race.

The second is to prepare for the comprehensive promotion of Lord technology, which has already begun to bear fruit in many aspects, to the human world.

The third is to prepare for further cooperation between lord talents and elites from various countries, each using their strengths to establish more lord R&D bases.

"Some time ago, an airship internal combustion engine that mixes steam power and magic power and was developed based on dwarf technology has entered the experimental stage. If everything goes well, it will soon be put into mass production."

Lei Xiao swayed the champagne glass, looking at Qin Qian who was introducing the Lord's research and development results to everyone, and thought in his heart.

"This new type of internal combustion engine has greatly improved its power, and can use more ordinary ores and even weapons and equipment as fuel. This undoubtedly means that the development of airships will make leaps and bounds."

"Although the cargo value of airships will drop significantly after the convenient lord network is established, larger, faster, and lower-cost airships will not only become a new means of travel, but will also play an important role in air combat.

It has a greater role and has become an important force that cannot be ignored."

"This is just the tip of the iceberg. With the emergence of more lord technologies, the human world will undergo tremendous changes in all aspects."

"It is not difficult to see that the role of Lord Technology is self-evident."

Thinking of this, Lei Xiao's eyes moved and fell on other people around him.

There were many old acquaintances attending the meeting. Not far away, accompanied by Saint Teresa of the Moon Temple, Willy, the new king of Holy Night, was having a pleasant conversation with Phil, the new speaker of the Canlan Federation.

And following Phil was the old Speaker Sewell, who was grateful to Lei Xiao, also with a smile on his face.

It is not difficult to see from the scene that these two rivals, who once fought fiercely, have long lost their defenses and intrigues against each other. They are also discussing how to open the border and further strengthen mutual cooperation and exchanges.

Further back, there are two other slender female figures. These two are very similar in terms of temperament and tall figure. It is the new Queen of Pars, Cecilia, and the third princess of Leng Yan.


I saw these two people who had been rivals on the battlefield, although they still looked like they refused to admit defeat, they were tasting the cake rolls handed to each other, making Lei Xiao dumbfounded.

What is even more ridiculous is that the old magician Antonio is just like a magic apprentice, following Bing Lao all the time, looking extremely happy.

Generals such as Burt, Orange White, Barnett, White Knight, Jared, Alger and other generals also gathered together in twos and threes to exchange experiences and share their own troop formations and training methods.

In addition, whether it is Hui Lao, the three dragon-slaying heroes Yoniel and Kido who are gathering together to reminisce about the past, Sophia who is sharing the results of reconstruction during this period with the other cold flame kings, or Orr and others.

The Three Sages of Alchemy mingled with the civil servants, or Diana also joined the team of cooks. There was a peaceful scene everywhere.

"Young man, it seems that this banquet was very successful. Everyone treated each other with sincerity and trust each other, and the relationship became more and more familiar. This is an essential prerequisite for full cooperation."

Fei'er, who was standing beside Lei Xiao, smiled, and a look of expectation appeared on her fair face: "I really look forward to what heights the human world will reach under your leadership."

"Even I don't know this."

Lei Xiao shrugged and said bluntly: "But what I can be sure of is that I will never stop, even if there are thorns ahead."

"These are really reassuring words."

Fei'er smiled and said sincerely: "I feel more and more that it is an honor to be awakened by you."

"Your Highness Princess, thank you very much. I look forward to walking side by side with you."

Lei Xiao smiled faintly, and then said seriously: "Don't worry, I will find a way to get Her Royal Highness the Princess to leave here as soon as possible, as well as His Majesty Oliver, and then you can be reunited."

Not long ago, Lei Xiao had returned to Huangyao City and informed the last monarch of the Silver Fire Kingdom what had happened.

Needless to say, the old king was very excited after receiving the news about Feier. He also solemnly promised Lei Xiao that he would do his best to protect Huangyao City.

After hearing Lei Xiao's words, Feier didn't say anything else. She just nodded heavily to the former and expressed her indescribable gratitude with actions.

The lively banquet continued like this, until it was almost time, Lei Xiao reconvened the participating monarchs and leaders, and walked together towards the prepared conference hall.

What the group of people will discuss next will undoubtedly determine the future of the human world.

This chapter has been completed!
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