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Chapter 228 The Disappearance of Kunbu

After a while, Guan Zhong and other five garrison commanders reacted one after another.

A look of ecstasy suddenly appeared on the resolute faces. They quickly got down on one knee and said gratefully to Lei Xiao in unison: "I am extremely grateful to the lord, I am willing to go through fire and water for the lord!"

"No need to be polite, just get up." Lei Xiao smiled slightly, raised his hand, and continued: "Okay, now that the equipment is in place.

Then, all the major groups, including the Guards, must be trained, and we must not let down our vigilance. After all, we are still surrounded by powerful enemies."

"Yes! Lord!" The crisp sound of armor clashing sounded, and Guanzhong and the other five people clasped their fists together.

"By the way, there is one more important thing."

After pondering for a moment, Lei Xiao took a step forward and walked out of the equipment warehouse, while speaking again: "Although Kongqing Town has a complete city defense system, the city wall is only less than 3 meters high, which is a bit too thin.


Therefore, starting from today, the city wall should be built to a height of more than 5 meters as soon as possible.

Moreover, build more arrow towers and magic turrets to prepare for emergencies, and the required funds can be spent from the city lord's palace."

"Yes! Lord!" On the other side, Lin, Guan Zhong and others immediately bowed and accepted the order.

"By the way, Lin, how is the collection of potion materials going?" After walking out of the equipment warehouse, Lei Xiao turned his head slightly and continued to ask.

"Back to the lord, my subordinates have used all the authority they can use at the Phytoland Fair to collect them with all their strength.

Currently, a lot of rare potion materials are being transported to Kongqing Town."

On the other side, Lin, who was wearing white knight casual clothes, straightened her chest and responded: "Especially the star-patterned magic pill that the lord has given special instructions to, the current material collection progress has been more than half completed.


"Excellent, this is very important and must be treated as the top priority."

Nodding with satisfaction, Lei Xiao said to the burly old man with a red face beside him: "Mr. Fang Hai, how is the collection of equipment forging materials?"

"Back to Lord, the blueprint for the third-level bright silver and bright light armor that you gave to your subordinates before, and all the required materials will be shipped to Kongqing Town in the near future.

At that time, my subordinates can start forging!"

Speaking of this, Fang Hai's old face couldn't help but show a hint of excitement, and he said: "And, according to the Lord's previous instructions.

My subordinates have moved all their original forging shops to the inside of the city lord's mansion to ensure that no one will disturb them during the forging."

"Very good. If you have any difficulties, please tell me in time." As he spoke, Lei Xiao had already entered the main hall of the castle next to him and strode up to the throne at the top.

When Lei Xiao sat down on the throne, Lin, who took the first position, stepped forward and reported: "Lord, all the collections of the previous city lord have been dealt with.

A total of more than 1 million golden dragons have been obtained, and currently, all are stored in the castle's treasure house."

"Very good, just store this part of the funds here and use it to strengthen the city wall and other expenses.

I will give you some supplies to sell later.

All in all, any problem that can be solved with Golden Dragon is not a problem here."

After finishing speaking, Lei Xiao looked at the subordinates at the bottom and continued: "Okay, everyone, let's talk about our business today.

Regarding the disappearance of Kunbu, what is going on?"

"Back to Lord Lord, what happened is this..."

On the other side, Lin first cheered up and then began to describe.

It turned out that this morning, the young man who was traveling with Kunbu hurriedly found Lin and reported the situation in detail.

Back to a few days ago, a group of more than 50 people in Kunbu successfully purchased the white jade ore and rushed back non-stop.

However, because they passed by a small village that had business dealings with Khumbu before, the other party happened to be in need of goods.

Therefore, in order to save time, Kunbu left the young man alone to record the list of items needed by the village to facilitate the next supply.

Moreover, before leaving, Kunbu made an agreement with the young man to meet up at Mailan Town on the only way back.

However, when the young man finished his work and rushed to Mailan Town, he found that Kunbu and his party had never been here before.

In this way, after waiting for a day with no results, the impatient young man returned to Kongqing Town overnight and reported the matter to Lin in the morning.

"Lord, that guy has been with Kunbu for many years. There should be no doubt about its authenticity."

After giving a slight salute to Lei Xiao, Lin then added: "In short, Kunbu and his group of more than 50 people, together with their goods, seemed to have disappeared out of thin air on the way."

"So that's it." After thinking for a moment, Lei Xiao rubbed his chin and said thoughtfully, "Is it possible that he was stopped by bandits or robbers on the way?"

"Back to my lord, I think it's not unlikely."

Shaking her head slightly, Lin immediately responded: "First of all, there are no remote roads between the starting point of Kunbu and our Kongqing Town.

They are almost all flat plains, and there are frequent business trips.

Secondly, it is the golden signboard of the Phytolacca Trade Fair, plus an elite escort team of more than 50 people.

Among them, there are also more than a dozen second-level senior experts. Even the third-level experts who come here have no choice but to return in defeat, let alone those ordinary bandits and robbers."

"In this way, Kunbu really seems to have disappeared out of thin air." Nodding slightly, Lei Xiao pondered: "In short, what is certain at present is.

The area where Khumbu disappeared is between Mailan Town and the original small village.

Let’s simply start our investigation from the town of Mailan, since there are a lot of business trips.

Then, maybe someone there will have seen traces of Kombu, but we still don’t know.”

"Back to the lord, my subordinates have exactly the same thoughts as the lord."

On the other side, Lin bowed and clasped her fists again and said: "Mailan Town is located due south of Kongqing Town, and its size is almost the same as ours. It's about a day and a half's journey by carriage.

It is one of the nearest large towns around us.

As for the specific strength and military deployment, my subordinates have already investigated clearly, so let me lead the way for the lord."

"Very good, without further ado, let's set off now."

Nodding to Lin, Huzhang and other subordinates, Lei Xiao did not hesitate and said: "Let's go! The target is Mailan Town!"

This chapter has been completed!
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