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Chapter 263 A brand new territory

Immediately afterwards, Chaoyan was seen slowly waving the short staff in his hand and silently reciting an obscure spell.

In an instant, a small dark red six-pointed star magic circle emerged from under her feet.

The next second, the empty wooden hut not far away was instantly dyed a fiery red, and began to quickly dissipate in the wind like a prairie fire.

What is even more surprising is that a small square translucent barrier appeared around the empty house, completely isolating it from the outside world.

Lei Xiao on the side couldn't feel the rolling heat waves at all, and this barrier also had the magical effect of filtering smoke.

After a while, until the last ray of fire dissipated, it became completely quiet.

As a breeze blew by, dust was everywhere.

Wherever his eyes went, there was already a flat land, as if nothing had appeared.

"This Erhan Nizi is really a demolition expert."

After lightly smelling the burning smell, Lei Xiao nodded with satisfaction and casually touched the other person's head to show encouragement.

In this way, Lei Xiao was responsible for collecting a large number of beds, wooden cabinets and other items that were carried by other subordinates, and then transferred them to wooden storage boxes with huge space.

Chaoyan, who was jumping up and down, was responsible for demolishing empty buildings at designated locations.

Not long after, within the huge territory.

Except for the towering lord's mansion in the middle, the two miracle buildings in the north, and the trickling stream that constantly emerges from the spring.

Only Huzhang and other powerful men who gathered around Lei Xiao, and the soldiers of the four squadrons were left.

In addition, there is a brown horse.

This horse was originally taken from the lost carriage in Kunbu and has been raised in the territory until now.

When Lei Xiao was fine before, he often went up to practice his riding skills.

"It's finally time for me to perform."

Looking at the clean territory, Lei Xiao nodded with satisfaction, then grabbed a large stack of architectural blueprints and came to the main entrance on the east side of the territory.

At this time, the wooden walls and watchtowers previously erected at this location had all been cleared away by Chaoyan.

Only some shallow burn marks remained on the ground, as well as wisps of smoke that had not completely dissipated.

"Then let's start from here."

Immediately afterwards, Lei Xiao's mind moved, and mountains of large stones appeared in piles in the open space in front of him.

No hesitation, just start building.

In an instant, curtains of rainbow-colored light flashed past.

Soon, towering cylindrical buildings began to rise one after another.

Moreover, all the doors are positioned inward, forming a solid city wall without any gaps.

For a moment, with the slight shaking of the ground underfoot, the scene of a whole row of tall buildings rising from the ground was quite spectacular.

Having said that, even though Lei Xiao demolished all the wooden walls.

But the large trench behind the wall has not been modified.

A row of newly completed stone buildings are still built inside the trench, perfectly replacing the original wooden walls.

Therefore, the three buffer areas outside our own wall have not been affected in any way.

There is no doubt that although Lei Xiao currently has the ability to continue to expand his territory.

However, after thinking twice, he did not do so.

First, according to the current territory planning, even if the population limit is reached again, there will not be any crowding in the territory.

Secondly, if you expand blindly, you can still use a large number of werewolf moisture-proof warehouses.

The territory was completely surrounded, but the length of the city wall was also increased.

In this way, once an enemy attacks, a longer defense line will undoubtedly disperse one's own strength, thereby increasing the difficulty of defense.

“If the population continues to expand in the future, it will be easy to solve.

This is the core inner city area, and we can continue to build the outer city outside."

Just when Lei Xiao thought of this.

Around the territory, a large circle of seamlessly connected city walls made of cylindrical stone buildings has been completed.

Moreover, Lei Xiao also reserved corresponding space at the original location of the front and rear gates to facilitate the construction of city gates later.

Looking around, it can be said that the entire territory has a completely new look, and it has become much neater and more uniform.

Moreover, the safety factor has obviously made a qualitative leap, which made the subordinates on the side couldn't help but marvel.

“A total of 50 werewolf moisture-proof warehouses were built?

There are 15 seats on the north and south sides, and 10 seats on the east and west sides, forming a perfect rectangle."

After a brief inspection, Lei Xiao nodded with satisfaction.

At this point, with the efforts of everyone, the main construction work of the territory has been completed perfectly.

"Then, let's start arranging the specific accommodation locations for each squadron."

Immediately afterwards, Lei Xiao pondered while calling the powerful men and commanders over.

Just like that, some arrangements were made.

Lei Xiao still divided the city wall area around the territory into four areas: southeast, northwest and northwest.

Among them, there are four fortresses next to the large and small city gates on the east and west sides.

The back entrance is stationed by the Werewolf Warrior Squadron, and the front entrance is stationed by the Heavy Guards Squadron.

At the same time, these two squadrons are also fully responsible for the defense of the two city gates and the city wall above the city gates.

Moreover, in the southwest corner of the relatively quiet back door area, Xue Ya and Faxia, who are alchemists, along with the maids A Ling and A Bing, are still assigned to a fortress each.

As for the northern city wall area, it is stationed by the Magician Squadron, the Great Swordsman Squadron and the Peasant Squadron.

It is close to two miracle buildings, which is convenient for the magician squadron to carry out maintenance work.

Finally, the southern city wall area was stationed by the Half-Elf Squadron and another Great Swordsman Squadron.

At this point, all the seven squadrons currently owned by our side have been arranged.

In addition, Lei Xiao also designated the fortresses located in the four corners of the four directions as four warehouses.

Among them, two are hoarding equipment and supplies, while the other two are hoarding grain and other food.

After hearing Lei Xiao's arrangement, the subordinates of each squadron lined up neatly and immediately began to take action, heading towards their new residences one after another.

Lei Xiao also rearranged the soldiers' beds and other items previously stored in the storage space to the new locations of each squadron.

A certain number of light crystals were also distributed for use as auxiliary lighting.

"A two-story fortress can accommodate 50 people.

Therefore, one squadron was assigned two buildings, a total of fourteen buildings for seven squadrons, two buildings for Xueya and Fasha, and four warehouses...

In other words, currently, of the 50 fortresses that make up the city wall, are there still 30 that are idle?"

While watching the subordinates carrying beds and other items to their new residences in full swing, Lei Xiao continued to think.

"In this way, the territory can accommodate up to 15 squadrons of soldiers. Not bad, not bad. It is completely enough at this stage."

Thinking of this, Lei Xiao's face couldn't help but reveal a look of anticipation and excitement.

There is no doubt that now that the territory has been re-planned, a large amount of accommodation space has been left idle.

So, next, it is naturally time to recruit new subordinates!

This chapter has been completed!
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