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Chapter 383 Weird Place

"Sir, you have asked the right person about this!"

Hearing this, Eya smiled, then patted his rather tall chest and said, "This little girl is a famous informant in Shanjing Principality!"

Having said this, Aiya's long eyelashes flickered, and he leaned forward slightly, rubbing his fingers towards Lei Xiao.

He continued to smile and said: "However, you must also know.

Our Shanjing Principality rarely has contact with the outside world and is rarely known to the outside world. As the saying goes, rare things are valuable, and information is even more so.

Therefore, it is natural to pay a small price."

On the other side, Lei Xiao smiled lightly and immediately understood what the other party meant.

There is no doubt that for our side, the problem that can be solved with the golden dragon is obviously not a problem.

Immediately afterwards, Lei Xiao's mind moved, and ten golden dragons flashed in the palm of his hand, and then were handed to the petite businesswoman.

"As expected of a friend introduced by Uncle Kunbu, he is indeed very generous!"

Directly opposite, Aiya's eyes lit up, he raised his eyebrows at Lei Xiao, and said: "Since I was introduced by a friend, I'll give you a 20% discount."

After saying this, she took away eight golden dragons from Lei Xiao's hand with a face full of joy.

"He is quite a principled guy."

Seeing this, Lei Xiao shrugged slightly, and then put the remaining two golden dragons back into the space bracelet.

"So, may I ask this new friend, who in the Shanjing Principality do you want to inquire about?"

After accepting Lei Xiao's golden dragon, Aiya's expression became obviously much more enthusiastic.

I saw her greeting Lei Xiao and Lin, sitting down at the simple square table next to the container, and asking with a smile.

That expression looked like he had just negotiated a big deal.

"This person's name is Bert, and he currently serves as the general of the Kingdom of Cold Flame."

With a slight smile, Lei Xiao, who had just sat down on the wooden chair, went straight to the point: "General Bert, is not only a long-established fourth-level veteran.

Moreover, in the Lengyan royal family, commanding the strength of a legion is considered to be in a high position.

In Shanjing Principality, such an outstanding person has appeared, so everyone must have known about it, right?"

"You mean him?" Hearing this, a strange look suddenly appeared on Eya's delicate face.

Immediately afterwards, she put the golden dragon in her hand back on the table in front of Lei Xiao without hesitation.

He quickly shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, Sir, this little girl has never heard of this name.

If what you want to inquire about is just this person, then please leave as soon as possible, the little girl doesn’t know anything."

"Oh?" Seeing the sudden change in the other person's face, Lei Xiao pushed the gold coin in front of the other person again, and then said calmly: "It doesn't matter, I'm just asking casually.

There is another reason for our coming this time, and that is that we need a large amount of white jade ore. I wonder if you still have it in stock here?"

"If it's just white jade ore, the little girl can provide some help."

On the other side, a forced smile appeared again on Eya's fair face.

Then he said: "To be honest with you, recently, a large white jade ore vein was discovered in the mining area of ​​our Shanjing Principality.

Currently, mining is intensifying, and the little girl happens to have the exclusive right to sell this vein.

If you are in need, I will give you priority in the future."

"Then let's do it."

Hearing this, Lei Xiao nodded slightly, then with a thought, he took out another bag of gold coins and handed it to the other party's hand.

He smiled and said: "This can be regarded as a deposit. I will find someone to contact you later."

"Thank you for your trust!"

Seeing the bag full of shiny golden dragons, Eya's starry eyes lit up again and he quickly put the gold coins into his arms.

"Okay, let's get here first."

Nodding to the petite Shanjing Principality businessman in front of him, Lei Xiao smiled faintly, stood up from the wooden chair, and walked out of the store with Lin.

"Sir, please go slowly!" Aiya also quickly stood up and sent Lei Xiao and the two to the door of the store, saying goodbye in a warm tone.

Just like that, I waited until I came to the bustling street again.

Seeing Lin following closely beside Lei Xiao, she couldn't help but frown slightly and said: "Lord.

The businesswoman just now obviously knows something about Bert, but she has been keeping silent."

At this time, under the influence of the illusion cloak, although Lin's clothes were very ordinary, her appearance was also much ordinary.

But the heroic spirit on his face has been reduced by most, and instead there is an unexpected hint of charm.

It attracted some passers-by around him to look slightly sideways.

"Indeed, otherwise.

She wouldn't have blurted out "You mean him?" at the beginning, which is a response that obviously knows something."

Smiling slightly, Lei Xiao casually observed the busy shops around him and said, "Moreover.

It can make a very shrewd businessman spit out the golden dragon in his mouth again.

It can be seen that there is obviously an unknown past behind this giant ax general Burt."

"Your Lordship's analysis is very reasonable."

A rustling voice sounded, and Lin was still seen with her long hair tied behind her head, leaving only two strands of hair hanging down in front of her left and right ears.

He asked again: "Then what should we do next?"

"At this stage, the three goals we came here for, among which the issues regarding the Sky Pterosaur and the White Jade Ore, have been resolved.

There is only one last thing left, which is to learn more about the Great Ax General Burt.

Just like Jubai did before, make sufficient preparations to finally conquer the opponent."

Nodding slightly to Lin, Lei Xiao slowly withdrew his gaze and responded: "But, it's just like what you and Kunbu said before.

This small country located in the mountains is quite mysterious and has many things that are not consistent with common sense.

Moreover, we are not sure whether these things are related to the great ax general Burt.

Therefore, the next action will naturally revolve around Bert.

Let’s investigate these strange places by the way.”

"What the lord said is true. When my subordinates lived here temporarily, they didn't realize that there was any significant difference between this place and other areas.

Judging from the current situation, it is indeed quite strange.”

At this time, Lin's long eyebrows on her fair face were almost knit together, and she said thoughtfully: "In that case.

So, let's go back to the hotel we just visited to investigate.

After all, this is where my subordinates encountered strange things before, so we may find some new clues, but we still don’t know.”

"That's what I meant." Nodding slightly, Lei Xiao's dark eyes moved and he continued to observe the lively street scene around him.

At this moment, there was a sudden commotion at the street corner ahead.

Looking along the crowded crowd, Lei Xiao noticed.

I saw a young mercenary who had been in the caravan that went into the city with him, looking at a loss.

He was surrounded by a group of local residents. Judging from the expressions of these local residents, they were obviously very angry.

Immediately afterwards, the short and fat businessman who had brought him into the city squeezed into the crowd and smiled playfully.

Only then did he pull the young mercenary, who was still confused, from the angry crowd to the hotel gate not far away.

However, the location of the incident was far away from us, and the environment on the street was very noisy.

Therefore, our group could not tell what they actually said.

"Lord, it seems that this young mercenary has done something that aroused the resentment of the local residents."

When the flow of people returned to normal again, Lin couldn't help but look thoughtful and thoughtful.

"That's what it looks like."

With a slight nod, Lei Xiao immediately faced Lin and was hidden under the invisibility cloak.

The six people of Huzhang, Ye Cang, Chao Yan, Bai Wei, A Bing, and A Ling who were scattered around said: "Okay, let's go back to the hotel and have a look."

In this way, I walked straight back to the hotel, and saw in the rather spacious hall, the short and fat businessman was saying these things to the young mercenary just now with a serious face.

On the other side, when Lei Xiao and others were seen entering the door, the short and fat businessman came forward and said with a smile on his face: "Your Excellency, you are back.

I have already booked a room for you. It is located at the very back of the second floor of the hotel. It is the most luxurious large suite in the hotel.

Not to mention the two of you, even ten people can easily stay here!"

After finishing speaking, the short and fat businessman handed a simple brass door key into Lei Xiao's hand.

"Good job." He nodded slightly, took the key from the other party, and Lei Xiao pulled the pudgy businessman aside.

Then he asked: "What happened on the street just now?"

"It turns out that your Excellency has also seen it." I saw helplessness on the greasy face of the short and fat businessman, and he responded: "They are all new mercenaries who don't understand the rules here.

We were almost besieged by these local residents. You know, the folk customs here are very tough."

"Oh?" Hearing this, Lei Xiao couldn't help but raised his eyebrows slightly and asked: "Actually, this is our first time to come to this country in the mountains.

I heard that outsiders are not liked here, so I temporarily joined your caravan. I wonder what are the taboos here?"

"Sir, you have asked the right person."

I saw the short and fat businessman drag Lei Xiao into the hotel lobby and sit down on the sofa in a secluded corner.

Then he responded: "I am different from most traveling businessmen who come here occasionally.

He is one of the few professional businessmen who only runs the route between Shanjing Principality and Leng Yan.

Therefore, I really know more about things here than others.”

Having said this, the middle-aged, short, fat, and greasy face couldn't help but reveal a hint of caution. He first looked left, back, and around.

Then he lowered his voice and said, "I have to say, compared with the outside, this place is indeed a little unusual."

"Oh?" Upon hearing this, Lei Xiao raised his eyebrows slightly and continued to listen.

“Let’s take the rookie mercenary just now.

This guy was besieged by the local residents just because he took out a silver dragon and prepared to pay when he was buying local specialties."

At this time, I saw the short and fat businessman half covering his mouth with his hand, and then he spoke.

"I see."

Hearing this, Lei Xiao couldn't help but reveal a look of deep thought, and thought to himself: "Kunbu did mention it before.

The residents here only use golden dragons for transactions.

Externally, I would rather give more than accept silver dragons and bronze dragons.

Internally, the gold coins were divided into several parts and used as silver coins and copper coins.

I have to say that this way of using currency is indeed very unique."

Thinking of this, Lei Xiao thought for a moment and then asked: "Then why do the residents here do this?"

"That's one of the weird things about this place."

I saw the short and fat businessman lowered his voice to the extreme again, and responded quietly: "I have also asked many local partners about this issue.

Not only did I get nothing, I was greeted warmly twice.

If there weren't so few outside businessmen here and the competition wasn't so fierce, I would have given up my career long ago."

Having said this, the pudgy businessman seemed to recall some bad experience and shuddered involuntarily.

Then he continued: "Besides, I don't know if you have noticed it.

The architectural style here is also very unique, almost all are right angles, there are no arched structures or rounded structures, and it looks very stiff.

When I was young, I traveled to many countries, but I had never seen such a square and square architectural style."

"I've also noticed this." Lei Xiao nodded slightly, and couldn't help but look thoughtful.

It has to be said that even in the ruins of the elves and the boundaries of the winged people, we have never seen this kind of architectural style.

"It seems there are quite a few weird places.

It can be seen that it is indeed very possible that there is an unknown secret hidden here.

I have to say that this mysterious country located in the mountains is really becoming more and more interesting."

Realizing this, Lei Xiao pondered for a moment while rubbing his chin.

At the same time, he said to the middle-aged businessman: "Apart from this, is there anything else worth noting here?"

On the other side, I saw a middle-aged short and fat businessman rubbing the back of his head and thinking for a long time, then shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, sir, I don't know about the others."

Having said this, the middle-aged pudgy businessman seemed to suddenly remember something, and then his eyes lit up and he said: "By the way, Sir, when I came here in the early days.

I have also talked to some local partners about the Great Ax General Burt.

However, I discovered something unusual."

"Oh?" Upon hearing this, Lei Xiao suddenly showed a look of interest and continued to listen.

This chapter has been completed!
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