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Chapter 404: The Miraculous Dragon Mirage

Immediately afterwards, Lei Xiao pondered for a moment, and then asked Erhanizi, whose big eyes were twinkling at the side: "Chaoyan, are there any detailed records about dragon mirage in the ancient books?

How dangerous is this unusual illusion?"

"Back to my lord, as my subordinate just said, dragon mirage is the materialization of dragon's dream, and its content is ever-changing.

No, it will change accordingly according to the dragon's ongoing dream, and it is impossible to find its rules at all, which can be said to be extremely difficult to figure out."

Bowing slightly to Lei Xiao, Chaoyan rubbed his little nose with his hand, and then responded: "However, because this red dragon is currently in a sealed state, the power it can exert is minimal.

Therefore, the danger of this dragon mirage should not be much different from the previous mirage in the ancient battlefield ruins.

For those who are strong at level three or above, apart from the sensory effects, it is almost impossible to cause any substantial harm."

"It is indeed true. This can also be supported by the abnormal energy fluctuations emanating from it." On the other side, Ye Cang nodded and agreed.

"That's it." After hearing this, Lei Xiao's mind moved, and ten Fengmu Pills, which could enhance the resistance to illusions, appeared on his palm.

When entering this unknown fantasy, it is natural to be as prepared as possible, but it does not mean that there are no conditions.

Immediately afterwards, Lei Xiao was seen distributing Fengmu Dan to the subordinates and said: "Okay, let us go in and find out."

"Yes! Lord!" On the other side, all the subordinates clasped their fists together and immediately formed a battle formation, surrounding Lei Xiao in the middle.

"Let's go in." After lying on his back and taking the last Fengmu Pill in his hand, Lei Xiao felt that his eyesight had been greatly enhanced, and then he took his own steps.

Next, surrounded by a group of subordinates, Lei Xiao stepped directly into the half-open castle gate.

As soon as they entered it, a sudden thick white mist suddenly enveloped the entire group.

For a moment, Lei Xiao felt that the surroundings were surrounded by clouds and fog, and it was difficult to see the road under his feet clearly, which made his pace slow down a bit.

Fortunately, these fogs disappeared in an instant, until Lei Xiao's vision became clear again.

He found that he and his subordinates who were tightly surrounding him were already standing on a small island similar to the one in the Winged Human Clan's barrier.

The area of ​​this sky island is only about five square meters, which is just enough for a group of ten people to stand on it. It is like a high platform, floating alone in the sky.

The most critical thing is that the islands in the sky are moving at a neither fast nor slow speed.

In such a situation, and there is no fixed object around to hold on to, the pressure can be imagined.

Looking down from the edge of the sky island, in the distance is a continuous miniature version of the green mountains and green waters, constantly passing backwards at an even speed.

Nearby are scattered white clouds. At first glance, they are almost the same as what you see from an airplane.

At the same time, the suffocating feeling caused by the biting wind and thin air in the sky also rushed towards Lei Xiao's nose and eardrums like crazy.

At this moment, Lei Xiao understood clearly.

In the current state of being completely trapped in an illusion, if you accidentally fall from the sky island, the only thing waiting for you is death. This is the real horror of the illusion.

"I have to say that the feeling of having your front feet still on the ground and your back feet stepping into the sky is a bit difficult to adapt to."

At this time, Lei Xiao, who suddenly felt his legs were a little weak, immediately mobilized the energy in his belly to surge up, thus minimizing the impact of the illusion on his senses.

At the same time, in Lei Xiao's sight, some of the originally seamless illusions began to appear, and some of the original real outlines of the castle began to appear.

This feeling is like wearing VR glasses with some gaps exposed.

Seeing this, Lei Xiao breathed a sigh of relief and thought to himself: "Good guy, this is indeed an extremely rare dragon mirage. The sensory stimulation is much stronger than the previous mirage.

It is conceivable that if your strength has not reached the third level, you will probably faint on the spot after seeing this scene."

Just when Lei Xiao thought of this.

On the other side, after a moment of surprise, waves of decent energy also burst out from the bodies of the subordinates on our side.

At this point, our group of ten people, who had resisted some of the effects of the dragon mirage, focused their attention again.

"Lord, the current illusion seems to be the scene of the sealed dragon flying, or in other words, the dragon is flying in the dream."

At this time, Chaoyan, who was located in front of Lei Xiao on the right, was holding the five-level short staff Dance of Elements tightly.

He said with a face full of surprise: "I have to say, it is quite amazing to be able to experience the perspective of a giant dragon flying in an illusion."

Hearing this, the other subordinates on the side looked solemn and at the same time, a look of wonder appeared on their faces.

You know, this is a special treatment that only the legendary dragon knights can have.

"Okay, now is not the time to sigh, let's move on."

Looking at the vaguely recognizable outline of the castle around him, Lei Xiao immediately said: "Xue Ya and A Ling will lead the way and set off."

"I obey! Lord!" Hearing this, all the subordinates clasped their fists together and took their own steps.

At this time, Lei Xiao, who was in the middle of the team, noticed.

A group of people on our own side, after starting to take action.

At some point, the small island beneath my feet turned into a winding wooden plank road.

At a glance, the plank road leads straight to the sky, with no end in sight, and countless forks and cliffs along the way.

At the same time, the top and bottom of the plank road where everyone was sitting were already covered with other intricate wooden planks.

The tangled roots are like a huge spider web, completely covering the entire sky.

Noticing this, Lei Xiao moved his eyes to look at the ground thousands of feet below.

All I could see was that on the tiny ground, there were still green mountains and green waters that were constantly sweeping back.

However, the bright sunshine overhead completely casts the heavy shadows of the plank road in the sky on the ground.

That scene was like forcibly merging two unrelated worlds together. It was abrupt and had an indescribable sense of epicness and oppression.

"It is indeed an illusion materialized from a dream. This imaginative scene can indeed only appear in dreams."

Seeing this, Lei Xiao looked thoughtful while moving forward under the guidance of Xue Ya and A Ling.

Next, while moving forward, Lei Xiao noticed.

The surrounding scene has undergone many changes.

First of all, the originally clear and clear sky was sometimes filled with thunder and lightning, sometimes heavy rain, and sometimes wind and snow.

Whether it's pouring raindrops or numerous snowflakes, the feeling of falling on your body is the same as reality.

However, as long as the energy in the belly is mobilized to surge up and cover the whole body, this illusion can be shielded, which is quite miraculous.

Secondly, the scene on the ground also began to change.

From the original green mountains and green waters, it has transformed into snow-capped mountains, small cities, cruel battlefields, and even scorching areas of magma and flames, etc.

Finally, the plank road where the group of people are currently on has not changed significantly in appearance.

It's just that the scale has changed from the spider-web-shaped overpass structure at the beginning to a more intricately intertwined yarn ball structure.

Of course, Lei Xiao also saw a lot of guards and servants along the way, lying on the ground in twos and threes.

They were all in the same situation as at the gate of the castle just now. They were all in a state of unconsciousness. Some servants still had push plates and fruits scattered around them, and the guards' weapons were not unsheathed.

It can be seen that this dragon mirage obviously happened very suddenly.

"Lord, after passing through this castle hall, at the end of the front is the entrance to the underground dragon sealing land!"

Not long after, Xue Ya's clear voice reached Lei Xiao's ears.

"Understood, be careful in everything." Lei Xiao nodded slightly and responded immediately.

A moment later, at the end of the wooden plank road, a burning wooden door appeared in front of Lei Xiao.

At this time, it can be clearly observed.

The blazing door was covered with colorful four-leaf clovers that flashed brightly. Together with the wooden door, it was quickly dyed black by the fire.

However, whenever a wooden door is about to be completely engulfed by flames, it will glow with new vitality and return to the original color of the wood.

Even the blackened and fallen colorful four-leaf clovers will all grow back and emit dazzling light again, and so on again and again.

At the same time, waves of violent, hot breath hit his face, making it difficult to get close to him.

"As expected of a dream, it's really getting more and more interesting."

Seeing this, Lei Xiao raised his eyebrows slightly, and then mobilized the energy in his belly to the extreme.

As a result, the blazing flames on the wooden door all dissipated, and the outline of a thick metal door vaguely appeared in front of him.

"Is this the true face of the gate?" Lei Xiao nodded slightly, and while continuing to take steps, he said to the subordinates beside him: "Okay, let's move on."

Just like that, after the knotweed forcefully broke down the metal door, our group entered the door full of mist.

Just after entering the new space, when the fog dissipated, the wonderful sight in front of them once again made everyone's expressions become surprised.

This time, what caught the eyes of Lei Xiao and his party was a crystal clear mountain range and jungle.

Observe carefully, everything here, whether it is the emerald green trees or the green mountains, is made of dazzling crystals of various colors, even the blue sky and earthy yellow earth.

For a moment, Lei Xiao felt that he had walked into an abstract painting, and everything was so bright that it was almost difficult to open his eyes.

All the subordinates who were on top of him also looked surprised, and they were also shocked by the sight before them.

"I have long heard that dragons like shiny things. Thinking about it this way, there seems to be nothing wrong with making everything in the world your favorite thing in your dreams.

All in all, I can now confirm that the sealed dragon was obviously a sweet dream."

Realizing this, Lei Xiao couldn't help but curled his lips slightly, and then nodded to Xue Ya and A Ling beside him, signaling them to continue leading the way.

In this way, we passed through a crystal mountain road that continued to twist and turn downwards.

At the foot of the crystal clear mountain, in front of our group, the second door appeared.

This is a crystal door composed of red crystals, which is burning brightly.

However, the situation is completely opposite to the wooden door just now.

All around the burning red crystal door, crystals of various colors were constantly growing out, as if they wanted to swallow the door completely.

However, whenever a large number of colored crystals almost completely cover the red crystal door, the blazing flames will be particularly violent, and then burn all the remaining crystals.

"Are there elements of flames in front of the first two doors? Moreover, they start over and over again and will not go out. It seems that what is sealed underground is indeed a red dragon.

For red dragons, the eternal flame is undoubtedly their totem."

Lei Xiao just thought of this.

On the other side, Xue Ya's crisp voice rang out again: "Lord Qi, this is the second door leading to the Land of Dragon Sealing."

"Understood, it seems that we are getting closer to the source of the dragon mirage, or the sealed red dragon."

Nodding slightly, Lei Xiao took his own steps again according to the method just now.

According to Xue Ya’s previous introduction, Lei Xiao learned.

In the deepest part of the underground dragon sealing land, there are three gates blocking it.

It can be seen that everyone has walked more than half of the distance.

Next, Lei Xiao noticed.

This time, the heavy second door did not seem to be locked. The knotweed easily pushed it open completely and was the first to stride in.

Then, following Huzhang's footsteps and surrounded by other subordinates, Lei Xiao also entered directly.

The next second, the fog dissipated, and Lei Xiao's vision became clear again.

I found that I had arrived in a very strange black space.

Upon closer inspection, this space is very similar to the void space experienced in the final stage of the mirage at the ancient battlefield ruins.

Apart from the black color, only the silhouettes of our group are left.

Moreover, where the feet step on, gentle ripples of water will be produced, rippling slightly, as if they are stepping on the water.

The most important thing is that there is obviously no light around, but everything can be seen very clearly, which is extremely magical.

"Lord, there seems to be nothing special here. Is that dragon's dream coming to an end soon?"

At this time, I saw Bai Wei standing aside, her two fluffy white prick ears on top of her head twitching slightly, with a puzzled look on her face.

"No, the situation doesn't seem to be that simple."

"On the other side, Chao Yan's expression suddenly became serious. He pointed to a piece of void not far away and said, "Everyone, look there!"

This chapter has been completed!
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