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Chapter 470: A few things about magic cannons and magic light crystals

Thinking of this, Lei Xiao did not hesitate, and immediately told Lin who was talking across from him: "Ask Ariel to wait for me in the lobby of the City Lord's Mansion. I will arrive at Kongqing Town in a moment."

"As you command! Lord!"

On the other side, Lin Sa's crisp response reached Lei Xiao's ears again.

Next, after turning off his words, Lei Xiao first prepared the resources to build five half-elf round-vaulted longhouses and placed them in the large canteen area in the southeast corner of the territory.

Afterwards, he stopped by the nearby warehouse and counted the magic cannons of the Eternal Ship that Chaoyan had repaired.

"A total of 10 more doors have been repaired? It seems that this girl has consciously worked overtime."

Raising his eyebrows slightly, Lei Xiao casually opened the attribute bar of a magic cannon.

[Name: Ancient magic cannon "Fire"]

[Grade: Second level? Excellent (green)]

[Attack Magic: Rapid Fireball MAX]

[Additional effect: Lengthen the barrel and "increase the range by 50%"]

[Remarks: This is a fire-based magic cannon refined using ancient magic technology. The lengthened magic cannon barrel not only ensures the magic power, but also increases the original range of the magic cannon.

In addition, the shooting angle that can be adjusted at will makes it multifunctional.】

"There are 60 magic cannons to be repaired obtained from the Eternal Ship. Among them, there are two kinds of sealed fire attribute attack magic, 30 of each type."

Looking at the text on the attribute column, Lei Xiao nodded thoughtfully: "One of them is the rapid-fire fireball technique. I have already displayed its power in Red Arrow Town before. It can be said to be extremely unsightly.


Thinking of this, Lei Xiao closed the interface in front of him, came to another magic cannon with deeper red lines on the surface, and opened the attribute bar again.

[Name: Ancient magic cannon "Fire"]

[Grade: Second level? Excellent (green)]

[Attack Magic: Pyroblast MAX]

[Additional effect: Lengthen the barrel and "increase the range by 50%"]

[Remarks: A fire-based magic cannon refined using ancient magic technology. The lengthened magic cannon barrel increases the original range of the magic cannon.

Compared with the rapid-fire fireball technique, pyroblast bombs have the obvious advantages and disadvantages of being more powerful, but having a longer cooldown time.】

"One has a shorter cooling time, and the other is more powerful. These two fire-based magic cannons have their own merits."

Seeing this, Lei Xiao closed the attribute bar and at the same time, with a wave of his hand, he put all the magic cannons that had restored their former glory into the space bracelet.

"Four magic cannons sealed with rapid-fire fireballs, and six magic cannons sealed with pyroblast bombs?"

After a brief inspection, Lei Xiao started upgrading without hesitation.

The next second, a familiar prompt sounded in his ears.

[Congratulations, your "Second-Level Magic Cannon: Fire (Rapid Fireball MAX)" has been upgraded to "Second-Level Magic Cannon: Fire (Rapid Fireball MAX)" 105 units! 】

[Congratulations, your "Level 2 Magic Cannon: Fire (Rapid Fireball MAX)" has been upgraded to "Level 3 Magic Cannon: Fire (Advanced Rapid Fire MAX)"! 】

[Congratulations, your "Second-order Magic Cannon: Fire (Pyroblast MAX)" has been upgraded to "Second-order Magic Cannon: Fire (Pyroblast MAX)" 107 units! 】

[Congratulations, your "Second-Level Magic Cannon: Fire (Pyroblast MAX)" has been upgraded to "Third-Level Magic Cannon: Fire (Advanced Pyroblast MAX)"! 】

In the end, Lei Xiao obtained 105 second-order magic cannons with rapid-fire fireball skills, 3 third-order magic cannons with advanced rapid-fire fireball skills, 320 second-order magic cannons with fire bombs, and 3 third-order magic cannons with advanced fireballs.

Explosive bomb.

"Coupled with the 215 second-order magic cannons that were upgraded with rapid-fire fireball skills, my second-order fire magic cannons have reached 640, and the third-order magic cannon is 6? Not bad, not bad."

After some inventory, Lei Xiao nodded with satisfaction and said: "In addition, I have 75 second-order space magic cannon black holes on my body, and Kongqing Town has deployed an additional 20 of the same type."

Thinking of this, Lei Xiao couldn't help but have a hint of joy on his face, and he said excitedly in his heart: "In short, with the number of magic cannons increasing significantly, not only the territory, but also other territories can also choose the opportunity to deploy.

Such a big killer!"

"In this way, the comprehensive defense capabilities of various places will undoubtedly be greatly improved!"

Nodding happily, Lei Xiao first left 100 second-order magic cannon rapid-fire fireballs in a conspicuous position in the warehouse as backup.

Then, while walking towards the exit of the warehouse, he continued to think: "Furthermore, the number of magic light crystals I own has reached 1,000, of which 20 are still in Kongqing Town."

"Thus, even if there is not a large-scale magician squadron in the territory, the magic cannon can be charged in real time and the magic power stored in the magic light crystal can be used to successfully launch the magic cannon!"

Realizing this, besides being excited, a thoughtful look appeared on Lei Xiao's face.

As he stepped out of the warehouse door, he murmured to himself: "By the way, the number of magic light crystals has been greatly increased, but the number of charging bases inside the guardian defense mechanism is limited.


"I have considered this issue before. If this is the case, then I will ask Zhuqi and Finley later if they have any plans to further increase the charging efficiency."

After making up his mind, Lei Xiao passed the nearby soldier fortress and climbed onto the city wall. At the same time, he called Zhuqi and Fenli over by talking.

"Subordinates, please see your lord!"

In a moment, the two commanders of the magician squadron appeared in front of Lei Xiao and spoke respectfully in unison.

"No need to be polite."

Nodding slightly, Lei Xiao's mind immediately moved, and a brand new second-order fire-based magic cannon appeared on the nearby fort.

At this time, Lei Xiao was seen standing on the towering city wall. While looking down at everything in the territory, he said: "There are 25 magic turrets on each city wall. Therefore, a total of 100 can be deployed.

Magic Cannon."

Slowly retracting his gaze, Lei Xiao first waved his hands to the two of them, making a "Follow me" gesture, and then slowly took his own steps.

After walking a few steps, Lei Xiao's mind moved again, and another brand-new fire magic cannon appeared on the fort that was just next to it.

"The magic sealed in this second-level fire magic cannon is an enhanced version of the pyroblast bomb, and the special lengthened barrel also increases the range of the magic cannon itself."

Lowering his waist slightly, caressing the shiny black magic cannon covered with red lines, Lei Xiao raised his eyebrows and said: "The powerful and enhanced version of the pyroblast bomb is naturally perfect as a force to intimidate the opponent.


Gu Shen

Hearing this, Zhuqi and Fenli nodded quickly.

There is no doubt that compared to the spells released by the magician personally.

The power and killing range of the same kind of magic sealed in the magic cannon can often be easily amplified by more than ten times, and even the range can be greatly increased. These are the terrifying aspects of the magic cannon.

Next, as Lei Xiao continues to move forward.

It didn't take long for all 25 second-order fire blast magic cannons on the entire city wall to be deployed.

At this time, looking back at the row of cannons neatly arranged on the city wall they had just passed, Zhuqi and Fenli couldn't help but feel their throats rolling, and unconsciously cast admiring glances at Lei Xiao.


You must know that the cost of making magic cannons is extremely expensive, and the cheapest ones cost more than 100,000 golden dragons.

Therefore, an elite second-level magician squadron equipped with 1 to 2 doors is already extremely good.

Usually, I treat it like a baby, for fear of being damaged by bumps and bumps.

But the lord, obviously could not see this concern, as if the magic cannon was just an extremely ordinary item.

Realizing this, and remembering Lei Xiao's previous aura, Zhuqi and Fenli swallowed again, and suddenly there were thousands of thoughts in their hearts.

A territory full of powerful men and miraculous buildings. As soon as you join, you will be given a third-level staff worth more than a luxury villa, as well as an even rarer third-level robe, as well as a storage ring and expensive magic potion...

Coupled with the abilities of Senior Magic Tower and Zhu Sha, who have risen to terrifying levels, what kind of fairyland have they arrived at?

Thinking of this, Zhuqi and Fenli were so shocked that everything in front of them felt like double images, and they almost fainted on the spot.

Just like that, one magic cannon after another appeared steadily on the fort, and it took a while for the two of them to react.

A total of 100 second-order magic cannons were all deployed on the walls surrounding the territory by Lei Xiao with just a few movements.

At this time, Lei Xiao first waved his hand to indicate that the other soldiers standing guard around the city wall did not need to be polite.

Then, he turned around and said to Finley and Zhuqi: "Okay, then these 100 magic cannons sealed with pyroblast bombs will be handed over to you. I hope they can be used in your hands."

Expose the greatest power."

After finishing speaking, Lei Xiao seemed to have remembered something, and continued to add: "By the way, I have reserved 100 magic cannons with rapid-fire fireball seals in the warehouse, and I have also given them to you for maintenance in case of

Just in case of emergencies.”

"I obey! Lord, please rest assured!"

On the other side, the two young and steady commanders of the magician squadron were already so excited that they didn't know what to say.

He had no choice but to lower his head to Lei Xiao, showing his awe and loyalty with actions.

"Forgive me. Come with me to the Guardian Defense Agency to have a look."

Lei Xiao smiled slightly and said to the two of them while he was in a good mood and began to take steps through the entrance and exit at the top of the fortress and towards the bottom of the city wall.

At this point, with the blessing of 100 second-order magic cannons, the defense in the territory can undoubtedly be greatly improved again!

Next, surrounded by Zhuqi and Fenli, Lei Xiao moved forward and went straight to the guardian defense mechanism.

"Ward has brought you here just now, right?"

Lei Xiao, who nodded slightly to the two of them and stood beside the light blue patterned wall of the miracle building, asked again.

"Back to Lord, Senior Ward has already guided his subordinates and others to familiarize themselves with the process of charging and replacing magic energy light crystals."

On the other side, Zhuqi, whose fair face was rosy due to excitement, quickly bowed and responded.

"very good."

Nodding slightly, Lei Xiao looked at the rows of bases emitting light blue light in the center of the hall, and continued: "Currently, there are only 32 charging bases here. Plus the ones used by the guardians themselves, it will undoubtedly be even more stretched.


Having said this, Lei Xiao turned his gaze to Zhuqi's fair face dotted with a few freckles again, and continued: "Do you have any good suggestions about this?"

"Back to the lord, my subordinates discussed this issue with Finley just now."

Nodding thoughtfully, Zhuqi responded: "While we were in the Magic Tower, we happened to have been researching a specially charged ancient small magic circle for many years. It might be able to work."


Hearing this, Lei Xiao nodded slightly and motioned for the other party to continue speaking.

"Lord, my subordinates have checked before. Senior Ye Cang and Senior Sister Chao Yan used the magic power of three miracle buildings to run the "Eye of Insight" barrier perfectly. It can be said to be extremely exquisite."

At this moment, Zhuqi was seen tucking a strand of black silk scattered on her forehead behind her ears.

While continuing: "Thus, if the surplus magic power of the three miracle buildings can be used and connected to the charging magic array, theoretically, it will naturally be possible to charge more magic light crystals."

"I see, how feasible is this?"

After nodding in thought, Lei Xiao asked again.

"Back to the lord, with the strength of my subordinates and others, we can only build these small charging magic arrays first. As for the connection, we have to ask Senior Ye Cang and Senior Sister Chaoyan for help."

Zhuqi smiled sheepishly and replied.

"It doesn't matter, just go ahead and do it. Of course, in this procedure, we can't delay the matter of decentralizing some earth magicians to assist other squadrons in digging trenches."

After patting Zhuqi and Fenli on the shoulders respectively, Lei Xiao immediately spoke.

"I obey! Lord, please rest assured!"

Hearing this, Zhuqi and Fenli both bowed and said in unison.

Next, he told the two of them to go about their business, and Lei Xiao, who walked out of the guardian defense mechanism, first put the space bracelets back into the ice knights and the patrolling guardians who had repaired themselves.

Then, through chanting, all the main force and subordinates were gathered in front of the city gate on the west side of the territory.

For a moment, Lei Xiao, who was standing under the city gate, looked at the nine people Huangzhang, Hongye, Yecang, Chaoyan, Nanxing, Nanyue, Baiwei, Aling, and Abing standing respectfully beside him.

Then he smiled faintly and said to the strong men on his side: "Okay, let's go to Kongqing Town first to meet the long-lost fifth princess Leng Yan."

"As you command! Lord!"

On the other side, all the subordinates bowed and responded in unison.

This chapter has been completed!
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