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Chapter 500: Battle at dawn

At this moment, looking at the gryphon knight falling continuously in the sky, after the initial daze.

Uncontrollable cheers suddenly erupted from the camp of Lengyan soldiers.

Even Bai Lao, who was sitting on the mountain fortress, couldn't help but exclaimed in wonder, with an excited look on his face.

"I have to say, that unpredictable and profound young man can always impress people."

Just when Bai Lao thought of this with excitement.

On the other side, the soldiers of the Holy Night Army all had their mouths wide open and expressions of disbelief on their faces.

Among them, the sneers and disdain on the lips of many Holy Night soldiers had not completely dissipated, but were instead covered by shock and surprise.

They never imagined that a squadron of elite gryphon knights that could easily destroy a second-order thousand-man brigade would be so vulnerable to a mere ten pterodactyl knights?!

At the same time, the one-sided battle in the sky continued.

I saw Sean and other pterodactyl knights under an increasingly fierce magic offensive.

The gryphon knights, who had been preparing to go on a killing spree just now, had already become frightened and could not even think about counterattack. They had almost only the energy left to dodge and began to run away in all directions.

However, due to the speed of the gryphon, it is not as fast as the sky pterosaur, plus it is wearing heavy armor.

Compared with the nimble Sean and others, they are just like extremely heavy living targets.

Then, a rather dramatic scene occurred.

In the sky where dawn had begun to break, facing the gryphon knights, Sean and other pterodactyl knights who were running away with their heads in their arms, they continued to engage in a one-on-one duel.

However, judging from the one-sided situation.

Calling it a one-on-one challenge is actually not accurate, but the word pursuit is more appropriate.

At a glance, I saw that every pterodactyl knight was following closely behind a griffin knight. No matter how the panicked opponent tried to avoid turning, it was of no use.

Once the pterodactyl knights saw the right moment, they would activate a magic scroll with their backhand, and then sweep out a powerful attack spell, directly knocking the opponent down on the spot.

Immediately afterwards, the pterodactyl knights pulled the reins and immediately began to look for the next target...

As this cycle continued, the number of gryphon masters in the sky began to decrease significantly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Good guy, this is just like a highly maneuverable fighter jet facing a bomber that is heavy and unable to fight in the air."

Seeing this scene, Lei Xiao raised his eyebrows slightly.

At this point, the outcome of the battle is naturally self-evident.

Beside Lei Xiao, Ariel, who had been questioning him just now, had changed from the initial surprise to a look of dumbfounded speechlessness.

A squadron of gryphon knights that could easily destroy an elite force of a thousand men was defeated by this guy with only ten pterodactyl knights. It was simply unbelievable!

Feeling the complex look from Ariel, Lei Xiao smiled faintly, and then reunited with Ye Cang and Chao Yan, and continued to surround the siege army, starting a new round of fighting and disappearing.

Magical bombardment.

For a time, whether it is above the sky or under the sky.

The cries of ghosts and howls of the soldiers of the Holy Night Army started to sound continuously.

"Lord Red Devil, this..."

Somewhere in the central legion of the Holy Night Army, they saw that the gryphon squadron that had been so aggressive just now had turned into embers. The face of the fourth-level middle-aged Holy Night Army deputy general was full of a look of bewilderment.

You know, in the past hundred years, the Griffin Knights, known as the Ace of Holy Night, have never suffered such a huge loss!

The most important thing is that this squadron of gryphon knights was originally played in advance as a trump card to enhance the combat morale of the soldiers.

But judging from the current situation, not only does the trump card itself not play any strategic role, it is already on the verge of collapse.

Moreover, the morale of the soldiers has become even lower... He has obviously never encountered such an unexpected situation before!

"It seems that I have underestimated the strength of that mysterious helping hand."

At this time, the calm face of the one-eyed old man in red armor finally showed a look of irritation and surprise, and he clenched his fists loudly.

A squadron of gryphon knights carrying a large number of alchemical bombs is no less intimidating and useful than an ordinary army.

In addition, training a griffin knight is extremely time-consuming and labor-intensive, and cannot be accomplished in a day.

Therefore, this is obviously an extremely heavy loss for our Holy Night side.

At this moment, looking at the gryphon knights in the sky who were unable to escape and avoid, the murderous aura around the one-eyed old man began to become more obvious and intense.

Not long ago, when he sensed something was wrong, he had already given the order to retreat to the Griffin Knight Squadron.

However, judging from the current situation, this precious squadron of gryphon knights is undoubtedly in danger.

"Lord Red Devil, what should I do now?"

Immediately afterwards, I saw the middle-aged deputy general who was still panic-stricken and asked quickly.

"Don't forget, the last two trump cards combined are still in my hands."

He waved his hand slightly to signal the middle-aged deputy general to calm down. The one-eyed old man's face began to become more gloomy, and he said solemnly: "This time, I must twist off the arm next to the mountain fortress first!"

After that, it didn't take long.

As the big sun gradually rises, the little sun also begins to emerge, and dawn has arrived.

Its daybreak.

I saw two rising suns, one large and one small, emitting orange-red light in the sky that had just dawned, dyeing the space between the sky and the earth blood red.

However, although the earth has been shrouded in glory, the dark clouds of war still cover this border battlefield.

At this time, the battle in the sky was coming to an end.

Under the fierce pursuit of our own pterosaur knights, the number of griffon knights has been greatly reduced, with only a few remaining, still making the final struggle.

Finally, another high-speed chase gradually subsided.

Sean and the other ten people have already surrounded the last and strongest Griffin Knight in mid-air.

"You cold-blooded bastards, can you fight me head-on?"

Panting, the only remaining griffon knight squadron leader, holding a lance, roared hysterically.

At this time, I saw that he had already thrown away the fully enclosed battle helmet, revealing a twisted face full of resentment and murderous intent.

"Everyone, please get out of the way first."

On the other side, after receiving Lei Xiao's approval, the pterodactyl knight captain Sean narrowed his eyes slightly, distanced himself from the opponent, and said calmly: "In the name of my master, I will grant you the final dignity of the knight."

Within a moment, the slightly sharp roar of the Sky Winged Dragon and the slightly deeper roar of the Griffin echoed through the sky.

On the orange-red sky, Sean, who was also holding a lance, had turned into a meteor and collided with the captain of the Griffin Knight who was galloping from the other side.

The next second, a cloud of blood mist burst into the sky.

The captain of the Griffin Knight, whose eyes were dull, had fallen straight down.

There is no doubt that although the opponent's own strength is almost the same as that of Sean, a third-level veteran powerhouse.

But the Sky Pterodactyl under Sean's crotch, after all, the leader of the Sky Pterodactyl clan, is inherently stronger than the ordinary Sky Pterodactyl.

Coupled with Sean's equipment advantage, defeating the opponent is naturally an easy task.

Just like that, with the fall of the last gryphon knight.

This sudden air battle ended with all ten of our own pterodactyl knights being unscathed and destroying a squadron of the opponent's gryphon knights.

For a time, the morale of the Lengyan Army was greatly boosted, and the cheers that could not be suppressed resounded throughout the entire land.

This undoubtedly means that the perfect myth created by the Holy Night Griffin Knights a hundred years ago has come to an end and has been covered by a new legendary chapter!

And the creators of the new legendary chapter are none other than Leng Yan!

"Unexpectedly, this guy really used a team of pterosaur knights to completely wipe out the opponent's gryphon squadron..."

Listening to the cheers and applause around her, Ariel, bathing in the morning sun, couldn't help but her long eyelashes flickered, and her face looked full of excitement.

At the same time, under the further magical bombardment by Lei Xiao, the Griffin Knight Squadron was destroyed.

The Holy Night Army attacking the city was only one step away from complete collapse.

However, everything on the battlefield was developing in a direction that was beneficial to the Lengyan Army and our own side.

However, the situation has once again undergone unexpected changes. The last two trump cards of the Holy Night Army are finally about to be launched.

At the same time, the furthest away from Lei Xiao and others, the small forest-side fortress at the other end of the mountain fortress, could be said to be in high morale.

On top of the stone fortress with a city wall about ten meters high, the shouts of killing shook the sky.

Facing the siege from three sides by another siege legion of the Holy Night Army, with deadly spells and sharp arrows interlaced, the soldiers of the Cold Flame Army here were not at a disadvantage at all.

On the contrary, it was because even the infantrymen picked up crossbows and stood on the city wall to shoot at each other. They also faintly suppressed one of the Holy Night Army attacking the city.

However, due to the rugged rocks surrounding this small fortress, a large number of attacks from within the fortress were offset.

In addition, the other Holy Night siege army here has not been ravaged by the Thunder Knights and Magic Cannons, so the military formation looks quite strict.

Moreover, in addition to being shocked by the defeat of the Griffin Knight just now, the offensive has somewhat slowed down.

Although it was besieged on three sides, the offensive of the Holy Night Army was still very good, and even seemed to be getting more and more intense.

For a time, this place seemed to be the most intense place on the entire battlefield.

The difference from the fierce battle outside this fortress is.

Inside the fortress, there were only a small number of soldiers patrolling and guarding, and it looked obviously much deserted.

"Brothers, do you think we can hold on to this battle?"

In front of a huge stone barn inside the fortress, a tall Cold Flame Army soldier was standing guard, speaking uneasily to several other soldiers on the side.

The sound of magic artillery fire and fierce shouts of killing could be heard not far away, which obviously made him a little uneasy.

"Of course there is no problem. After all, our princess has come with two generals from the kingdom to support us!"

On the other side, a shorter soldier responded with excitement: "Besides, did you see the Divine Winged Dragon Knight just now? It must be a secret weapon that only the royal family possesses!"

Immediately afterwards, the short soldier began to look more and more excited, and said: "By the way, I heard that Her Royal Highness the Princess is currently living in our Kongqing Town!"

"That's right. I heard about it when I received a letter from home a few days ago!"

Hearing this, the tall soldier's eyes lit up, and he continued: "Tell me, is our new city lord also with the princess?"

"Then we don't know, but I heard from my family that after the new city lord came to power, the entire Kongqing Town has become completely new!"

The short soldier straightened his light armor and continued happily: "According to what my father said, our family not only received a large soldier subsidy from the city lord's palace, but also renovated the family's old house for free!


"My family is the same! I heard from my brother who is still the captain of the garrison in the city. Now on the streets of Kongqing Town, there are no longer those evil mercenaries who oppress the civilians running rampant!"

Nodding excitedly, the tall soldier said with a look of admiration: "If it weren't for the fact that we had been recruited to this border battlefield, we would really want to see the heroic appearance of our new city lord!"

After the tall soldier finished speaking, the other soldiers also showed expressions of reverence.

Just when these soldiers from Kongqing Town were getting more and more excited as they talked.

A strange rustling sound suddenly came from the huge barn with the closed door behind them.

However, due to the extremely noisy surroundings, no one noticed this.

A moment later, there was a loud "boom" in the barn.

The soldiers all trembled and quickly looked back.

Among them, the short soldier was the most courageous. He quickly tiptoed to the door, quietly put one ear to the solid wooden door of the barn, then blocked the other ear and listened to what was going on inside.

Immediately afterwards, a large number of dense footsteps reached his ears.

After being stunned for a moment, the short soldier quickly reacted.

At present, the legion he is in, except for these few remaining troops.

The remaining soldiers are all on the city wall at the front. From this, combined with the explosion just now, the answer is self-evident.

The next second, the short soldier, who had a premonition that something bad was going to happen and turned pale, was about to turn around.

Several figures descending from the sky appeared behind him.

This chapter has been completed!
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