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Chapter 507 The Angry Red Devil

"Brothers, what do you think of the war ahead?"

In the hinterland of the camp behind the Holy Night Army, in a magic tent that supplies energy for the defensive barrier, a skinny magician sits on the floor, using his hands as palms to continuously supply magic power to the crystal suspended in front of him, while being bored.


Beside him, there were nine other magicians sitting together, all making the same movements.

Judging from the aura circulating in the tent, the strength of these magicians is above the level of second-level five-star senior experts, and several have even reached the second-level peak.

Moreover, the chests of most magicians' robes are embroidered with different styles of family crests, indicating that most of these magicians are of noble origin.

In addition, the most eye-catching part of the tent is the light blue fluorescent magic lines on the ground.

With the crystal stone suspended in the middle as the core, these magical lines of different shapes continued to expand around and extended outside the tent.

This undoubtedly shows that this place is only part of the energy supply for the defense barrier of the camp.

"I, Shengye, went out in full force and dispatched eight legions to deal with Lengyan's three legions. Isn't that something that can be easily captured?"

On the other side, a middle-aged magician with a mustache said with a stern smile: "Coupled with the ace combat power of the Griffin Knight Squadron, the Cold Flame Army must have been killed by me, Holy Night, with corpses everywhere.


After finishing speaking, the moustache magician looked like he was beating his chest again, and sighed: "It's a pity that we were assigned the task of watching the camp, and this time the credit will be taken away by others.


"That's right, Lord Red Devil is indeed a little too cautious. Does the other party still dare to attack my camp in Shengye?"

The skinny magician sneered and echoed: "Even if I lend those guys some more courage, they don't have the ability. They are just a bunch of cowards."

"That's right. When we reach the hinterland of Cold Flame, everything owned by those cowards will be ours, hahaha!"

Hearing this, the other magicians also started to sneer obscenely.

However, not long after the disdainful laughter sounded in the tent.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Accompanied by a series of deafening explosions.

The bodies of this team of magicians couldn't help but shake.

Immediately afterwards, a large amount of magic power began to be peeled out of their bodies and continuously transported to the crystal stone in the middle.

For a moment, everyone's ridicule stopped abruptly, and was replaced by looks of shock and astonishment.

There is only one possibility for this sudden and unexpected situation.

That was the defensive barrier they provided, which suffered an unexpected attack!

"What's going on? Someone is actually attacking the barrier?!"

In surprise, the skinny magician who had laughed the most joyfully just now blurted out while increasing the output of his magic power.

"According to my perception, the attack location is in the upper part of the barrier, and there are continuous high-intensity explosions!"

The face of the mustache magician suddenly became extremely ugly, and he said in surprise: "It seems to be an alchemy bomb!"

"Alchemy bomb?! Isn't that the standard weapon of my Holy Night Griffin Knight Squadron?"

The skinny magician was stunned for a moment, then said in confusion.

Just as the two of them were talking, the earth-shattering explosions outside became more intense.

In the mid-air outside the tent, magic bombs were seen pouring down from the sky one after another.

They all fell on a translucent barrier that was filled with light, and then transformed into waves of violent explosions.

The huge fireball soared into the sky, setting off waves of hot air at the same time.

The defensive barrier that was originally like a quiet lake suddenly became turbulent.

The madness stirred up violent waves one after another, like the sea surface being ravaged by a violent storm.

In the high sky directly above the barrier, you can vaguely see ten figures that are constantly vibrating their wings and circling back and forth.

These figures are naturally Sean and other pterodactyl knights who are bombing according to Lei Xiao's instructions.

Under the barrier, in addition to the magicians in the energy supply tent, there were already crowds of melee troops and archers.

Looking up at the shocking explosions that continued to explode above his head, blocked by the defensive barrier.

These elite soldiers of the Holy Night Army who stayed behind could not believe their eyes.

They were supposed to absolutely crush their opponents and wield their sharp blades, but why did they end up having their hometown stolen by their opponents?

As the explosion further intensified, the faces of the team of Holy Night Army magicians in the tent just now began to look paler.

In order to maintain the normal operation of the defensive barrier, they no longer had the ease and wretched smiles they had just now, and everyone has also swallowed potions that can speed up the recovery of magic power.

However, judging from the current situation.

The rate of magic consumption in their bodies is obviously much higher than the rate of recovery of magic power.

"What is going on? There is no way the Lengyan Army will appear here. So, who is attacking us?!"

In addition to being horrified, the look of horror on the skinny magician's face became even more obvious.

You know, such a bombardment with alchemical bombs that can only be described as crazy without worrying about consumption, even their squadron of gryphon knights can't do it!

At this time, the magicians of the Holy Night Army clearly understood.

The defensive barrier of this Holy Night Army camp is jointly powered by three squadrons of second-level elite magicians.

It stands to reason that resisting the attack of this second-level alchemical bomb is no longer a problem.

However, it is naturally no problem to resist one, ten, or even a hundred...

And what is falling from the sky is nothing more than hundreds or even thousands of explosions!

The most frightening thing is that the bombing has no tendency to weaken at all. This continuous quantitative change is enough to cause a qualitative change, until the supply of magic power is insufficient, causing the defensive barrier to completely collapse!

As expected, just when all the magicians realized this.

Among the team, there were some weaker Holy Night Army magicians at first. Because the magic power in their bodies was exhausted, they collapsed to the ground and passed out directly.

And this situation, just like forming a chain reaction, began to appear continuously in various energy supply tents.

At the same time, under the unabated explosive offensive.

The defensive barrier in mid-air, the magic flow on it began to become darker and darker, and faintly visible cracks began to appear, and it was already in a shaky state.

Click, click, clatter...

Finally, there was a crisp sound of glass breaking.

The absolute defensive barrier covering the hinterland of the Holy Night Army camp and the nearby granary was shattered by the continuous bombardment of the pterodactyl knights.

In the next second, a large number of alchemy bombs landed all over the hinterland of the camp and on the granaries without any obstruction.

In an instant, rocks flew everywhere, flames shot into the sky, and the entire Holy Night Army camp was engulfed in a sea of ​​fire.

When the violent explosions subsided, under the leadership of Huzhang, the ground attack team arranged by Lei Xiao rushed into the camp and began the final mopping up work.

Not long ago, next to the mountain fortress and under the forest edge fortress halfway up the mountain.

At this time, the shouts of killing and the sound of magical artillery fire were loud, and the battle had entered a fierce stage.

Groups of blazing flames continued to explode from inside and outside the fortress, creating waves of violent energy waves.

Under the fierce siege from three sides by two legions of the Holy Night Army.

Although the walls of this Cold Flame Fortress are covered with a thick anti-magic coating, there are still many places where holes of varying sizes have been blown out.

The Holy Night Army also spotted this opportunity and began to fight against the Lengyan defenders on the city wall while sending light and heavy infantry to attack the city.

However, under the calm command of Bai Lao, although the Holy Night Army's offensive was fierce, it never reached the city wall.

"What the hell is going on?!"

In a corner behind the Holy Night Army, I saw the one-eyed old man in red armor. He no longer had the calmness before, and his face was full of anger. He roared: "Where are the legions that attacked from the underground? Where are those three?

What are the powerful people from the Dark Devouring Society who were hired with huge sums of money doing?!"

Hearing the sound, the middle-aged deputy general and several staff officers who were waiting beside the one-eyed old man began to look at each other, but no one dared to come forward to answer.

Logically speaking, there shouldn't be any problems with this final double trump card.

After a long while, the middle-aged deputy general replied cautiously: "Lord Red Devil, you cannot use the secret communication method to communicate underground. In addition, the armory is blocked by magic. Therefore, we have not yet gone deep underground.

Get in touch with the Eighth Army Corps."

After a pause, the middle-aged deputy general added: "And because of the hateful Leng Yan Army, many of our communication strongholds have been secretly destroyed, and new strongholds have not been completely built yet..."

"A bunch of losers! I have a good hand and will beat you to pieces!"

He snorted heavily, and the one-eyed old man was filled with murderous aura. He said coldly to the middle-aged deputy general: "If the communication function of each communication base is not restored within a quarter of an hour, all of them will be punished by military law!"

"As you command!"

Hearing the sound, the middle-aged deputy general immediately rolled away with several staff officers.

Not long after, the middle-aged lieutenant general who was tired of work rushed back with a worried look on his face, bowed to the one-eyed old man and reported: "For the information to Lord Red Devil, the communication has been restored, and the villain has also gained insights.

The whereabouts of the Eighth Legion underground..."


Glancing at the middle-aged deputy general, the Red Devil turned his head slightly and asked lightly: "Tell me, what is going on?"

"The Eighth Legion that goes deep underground..."

The words that came to the middle-aged deputy general's mouth were brewing for a moment, and then he gritted his teeth and blurted out: "They have been repelled by the opponent! At present, the remaining troops are moving closer here!"

"What?! There are two fourth-level lieutenants in that legion, and more than twenty third-level strong men are stationed there. How could they be repelled by the opponent?!"

Hearing the sound, the Red Devil took the head of the middle-aged deputy general in front of him into his arms, and said: "You tell me again?!"

"Qi... report to Lord Red Devil... that the Eighth Legion has indeed been repulsed by the enemy..."

Because he was pulled into the arms of the one-eyed old man, the middle-aged deputy general, who was about to suffocate, turned red in the face and responded intermittently.

"What about the three powerful men from the Dark Devouring Society?"

Noticing the pain of the middle-aged deputy general, the Red Devil loosened his thick arms and continued to ask sharply: "What are they doing again?"

"Back to Lord Red Devil, because the vanguard of the underground legion has been completely wiped out by the opponent, no one of our soldiers who escaped saw what happened at that time..."

After being let go by the one-eyed old man, the middle-aged lieutenant was seen half-kneeling on the ground, panting heavily, and responded: "It is said that they have also been wiped out by the other party."

"Nonsense! Five Tier 4 warriors went into battle together, and three of them are the leading cold-blooded killers of Holy Night. How did the other party wipe out all of them with such powerful combat power?!"

The middle-aged deputy general was lifted up from the ground. The red devil's eyes were red on his old face, and he said with a murderous look on his face: "Hurry up and tell me clearly!"

"Back to Lord Red Devil, according to the soldiers who escaped, the opponent... was guarded by a fifth-level strongman who could release terrifying flame magic. He pursued them all the way to the entrance of the tunnel. Only then... did he give up."

Looking at the murderous and oppressive one-eyed old man in front of him, the middle-aged deputy general who was already sweating profusely responded quickly.

"Fifth-level powerhouses? Leng Yan's fifth-level powerhouses, but there are only two of them. There are no fire-type magic powerhouses at all! In my opinion, they are just an excuse for those deserters to fail!"

Having said this angrily, the Red Devil looked stern and ordered to the middle-aged deputy general: "Go down and let the two legions here press forward. I want to see if there are any fifth-level strong men in this fortress!"


"Lord Red Devil, after the defeat of the Eighth Army, we no longer have any trump cards. Even if we storm this fortress now, I'm afraid the gains outweigh the losses!"

On the other side, the middle-aged lieutenant knelt down on one knee and said quickly: "It is better to choose to preserve your strength and wait for the opportunity..."

"What?! Do you want me to retreat in despair?!"

Hearing the sound, the red devil, who was already blinded by anger, kicked the middle-aged deputy general to the ground and said angrily: "What is your intention to disturb the morale of the army in this way?"

"I don't dare, I'm just thinking about Lord Red Devil!"

After getting up again, the middle-aged deputy general said quickly: "After all, judging from the current situation, that mysterious helping hand is obviously more terrifying than we expected..."

"Needless to say, I will definitely capture this fortress today."

Hearing this, the Red Devil seemed to calm down a little. He took a deep breath first, and then said calmly: "Give me my order and give me full pressure..."

However, before the Red Devil finished speaking, he suddenly discovered to his surprise.

In the direction of his own camp, there was already a continuous stream of thick smoke.

This chapter has been completed!
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