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Chapter 533 Orrs allegiance

"Your Highness the Princess, Your Excellency Chensha, the secret dungeon of Fanyin City is ahead of us, please come this way."

After bowing slightly to Ariel, Al immediately walked to the front again.

In this way, follow the slightly steep stone stairs all the way down.

It didn't take long before a dungeon filled with heavily armed and heavily guarded soldiers appeared in front of Lei Xiao and his party.

At a glance, under the illumination of the low-brightness magic light ball, whether it is the burly guard exuding an imposing manner or the shiny black metal force-relieving cage, it is clear that this is an unusual place.

With the night vision effect of Star Eyes, Lei Xiao could even see the Iron Maidens and Crosses erected in the first few empty cells.

"Damp environment, swaying weak light, light and shadow in the darkness, solid cage, complete torture instruments, fully armed guards...all the dungeon elements are gathered together."

As his eyes moved, Lei Xiao sniffed the moist air around him, and nodded thoughtfully.

Next, Lei Xiao noticed further.

There is no bloody smell in the air here.

A row of small torture instruments hung on the granite wall next to them were polished to a shine, and there was even a thin layer of floating dust on the surface.

As for most of the cells, they were empty and clean.

From this, it can be seen that the city lord Orr obviously does not have many enemies, nor does he have many important criminals who need to be secretly detained.

"Yes, the overall situation of Fanyin City is indeed as seen on the surface. Everything is thriving."

After noticing these details, Lei Xiao nodded with satisfaction.

Having said that, there are two main reasons why Lei Xiao signaled Ariel and asked Al to take him to the dungeon.

The first is to confirm the authenticity of Orr's words just now through messengers sent by several princes.

This is naturally easy for Ye Cang, who is good at spiritual attacks.

The second is to see if we can figure out the specific power distribution of the three princes in the eastern region of Leng Yan.

After all, the entire eastern region of Lengyan, except for the seven towns under his command including Kongqing Town, Mailan Town, Cishi Town, Chijian Town, Shuiyue City, Fenglong City, and Fanyin City where he is currently located.

There are seven out of ten other towns, large and small, not counting the villages attached to each city.

From this, if we can figure out the general distribution of power among the three princes.

Then, next, whether it is a small-scale beheading operation or a large-scale sword fight, I can also carry out the layout in a targeted and more efficient manner.

After all, that mysterious and terrifying catastrophe may come at any time, and there is not much time left for you.

"Warden, everyone who brought you back to guard the place above. No one is allowed to come in without the order of the Lord of the City."

Just when Lei Xiao thought of this, on the other side, Orr walked up to one of the strongest heavy-armored guards and gave him orders.

"As you command, Lord City Lord!"

The crisp sound of armor clashing sounded. The heavy-armored warden first bowed slightly, then commanded all the dungeon guards to line up in two rows, and then walked neatly towards the stairs.

"Your Highness the Princess, Your Excellency Chensha, and the envoys of the three princes are all imprisoned in the deepest part of the dungeon. Please follow me this way."

When all the heavily armored guards left, Al's fingertips moved slightly, and along with a faint wave of energy, he heard a "click" and the iron gate in front of him opened.

Next, surrounded by his subordinates, Lei Xiao followed Orr's footsteps and moved forward in this empty dungeon.

Finally, he stopped in front of three fully enclosed metal doors with magical light emitting from their surfaces.

"Her Royal Highness, the envoys of the three princes, are being held in these three single rooms respectively."

Bowing slightly again, Orr put one hand on his chest and said: "At that time, when I sent my confidants to secretly intercept these envoys, they did not leave any traces. In addition, the place where the incident occurred was not in the territory managed by me. Even if

It is the three princes who have suspicions, but they cannot conclude that it was my subordinates who did it."

With a rather proud smile, Orr continued: "In addition, the three princes' envoys are less than half a month apart, so my suspicion is even smaller."

"You are quite clever."

After pondering for a while, Ariel raised her eyebrows slightly and suddenly said: "In this way, my three royal brothers will naturally focus their main attention on each other, thinking that they are the ones among the other two.

A certain one intercepted and killed his own messenger."

"As expected of Her Majesty the Princess, she can see through my minister's thoughts at a glance."

Hehe smiled, and Orr flattered him appropriately.

Hearing this, Lei Xiao couldn't help but smile.

Judging from Orr's way of calling Ariel "His Royal Highness" and calling the three princes directly by their names, the meaning of flattery is very obvious.

"Okay, let's open the first cell door first."

Immediately afterwards, Ariel nodded slightly, and then when Al turned around to open the door, she blinked at Lei Xiao again.

At the same time, Al, who responded, took out a fist-sized crystal stone from his arms and lightly touched it on the metal door.

The next second, accompanied by a "click" sound of unlocking, the light on the metal door disappeared and slowly opened automatically.

"Ye Cang, I leave it to you."

Nodding to the muscular priest who was already ready to go, Lei Xiao said.

"As you command, my lord."

Bowing slightly, Ye Cang's tight chest muscles trembled unconsciously. The silver skull necklace he wore on his chest shone with a dazzling light under the reflection of the weak magic light ball around him.

Seeing Ye Cang enter the cell and gently close the door, although Al was a little confused, he still focused his attention on Lei Xiao and Ariel again.

Then he said: "Your Highness the Princess, Your Excellency Chensha, I wonder why the two of you are acting together?"

At this time, judging from Orr's confused expression, it was obvious that he had not received the latest information on the border battlefield.

It's no wonder, after all, he spent the whole day with old Calvin exploring the Titan underground temple on the outskirts of the city. He just returned to the city lord's palace and went directly to this underground cell again.

"Don't be impatient, City Lord. Let's talk about something else first."

Smiling slightly, Lei Xiao first briefly described the events on the border battlefield to the other party.

"Your Excellency Chensha and Her Royal Highness the Princess are indeed extraordinary! They actually defeated eight legions of the Holy Night Army with high morale with only 30,000 people with low morale. I am extremely impressed by you!"

After listening to Lei Xiao's description, Orr was stunned for a moment, and a look of surprise and joy suddenly appeared on his slightly weathered and determined face.

As the saying goes, the lips are dead and the teeth are cold, and Orr naturally understands it clearly.

Once the mountain fortress is breached, what irreparable consequences will occur.

However, because Fanyin City is relatively far away from the border area.

In addition, behind the border line, there are also cities headed by Songluo City that are mainly loyal to the eldest prince.

Therefore, Orr thought again and again, and after weighing the pros and cons, like other cities, he found a reason to ignore the subsequent large-scale recruitment order from the Leng Yan Royal Family and did not send soldiers to the front line.

After all, even if all the eight thousand garrison troops of Fanyin City that he had carefully cultivated for many years were sent to the battlefield, they might not be able to withstand the menacing Holy Night Army.

Moreover, heavy troops must be dispatched to always be on guard against that abominable mysterious organization.

All in all, Orr breathed a sigh of relief when he learned that the crisis on the border battlefield had been temporarily resolved.

At the same time, looking at Lei Xiao with a calm expression in front of him, Al's heart also started to stir up a wave of shock.

It only took less than a day to annihilate most of the invading Holy Night Army and completely send them back to their hometown...

What is hidden behind the gentle smile of this young man who is obviously using a pseudonym is undoubtedly the thunderous method that will drink blood with a bright blade.

"To be honest with you, City Lord, the reason why I took action at the auction that day was because there was an irreconcilable life-and-death conflict between me and the mysterious organization."

Lei Xiao smiled slightly and said again.

Needless to say, judging from the information Lei Xiao has obtained so far.

Members of the mysterious organization wearing white metal Gothic masks have killed many alien lords for no reason, and their methods were extremely ruthless.

It is even worse than some local indigenous forces who regard alien lords as their natural enemies.

If these indigenous forces are doing this to protect their dominance from threats, then the members of the lawless mysterious organization are doing this purely for entertainment and fun.

After all, compared to the civilians under the protection of city lords from various places, the lords from other worlds such as Lei Xiao who suddenly arrived had some potential advantages.

Just like the new ownerless weeds on the roadside, even if one or two are killed, no one will hold these strong men of the mysterious organization accountable.

More importantly, Lei Xiao, who accidentally encountered the mysterious organization many times, clearly understood.

This group of guys who do whatever it takes to achieve their set goals are obviously brewing some ulterior secret.

Therefore, no matter from which aspect, for Lei Xiao, who is also a lord from another world.

What he can do is naturally to weaken this mysterious organization as much as possible, which is mainly composed of wanted criminals, fallen nobles and lawless people, and investigate its true details and ongoing secret plans.

There is no doubt that instead of waiting for the other party to realize his threat and then attack, Lei Xiao prefers to strike first.

"Oh? Are you serious about this?!"

Hearing the sound, Al's eyes lit up, as if he had found a confidant, and he took another step closer to Lei Xiao.

"That's right. As for the detailed information, we'll talk about it later."

With a slight smile, Lei Xiao changed the subject and started talking about some of what he had experienced on the border battlefield today.

While the two were chatting, with Al's cooperation, Ye Cang, who had a bright smile on his lips, soon carefully "taken care" of the three prince messengers who were imprisoned in single cells.


"Sir, all my subordinates' tasks have been completed."

Ye Cang bowed gracefully to Lei Xiao, feeling a little unfinished. He gently pushed up the gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose and said again.

"But it doesn't matter."

Nodding slightly, Lei Xiao responded immediately after seeing Al sealing the cell door again.

"Sir, just like what the Lord of Orr said, these people are indeed envoys sent by the three princes, with the purpose of drawing the Lord of Orr into their respective camps."

Ye Cang kept his bowing posture and continued: "And in the end, he was politely rejected by the city lord. In the end, he was knocked unconscious by a mysterious strong man on the way back, and he was brought back here again.


Immediately afterwards, Ye Cang gave some more specific details, which made Orr stunned.

This was the first time he had seen such a miraculous torturer with his own eyes!

"...It is a pity that these envoys sent here are all lower-level personnel in the camp of the three princes. They have rarely even seen the faces of the three princes. Therefore, apart from the mission of this trip, they did not

No other useful information has been obtained.”

Shaking his head helplessly, Ye Cang finally added: "As for the envoys in the cell, my subordinates have not completely made them lose their minds. However, they have to be comatose for at least three to five days, just in case you can use them for others in the future."

"Very good. Although we didn't find any useful clues, it at least proved that what Lord Orr said was true."

Looking at Al who was still amazed in front of him with a smile, Lei Xiao raised his eyebrows slightly and said.

Now that this is confirmed, it means that he is only one step away from successfully conquering Orr!

"That's natural. No matter what, I will never lie in front of Her Royal Highness the Princess and Your Excellency Chensha."

Because Lei Xiao just mentioned the matter of the mysterious organization, Al's attitude towards Lei Xiao was obviously much more enthusiastic, and he nodded repeatedly.

After a pause, Al seemed to have made up his mind, and came to Ariel again, knelt down on one knee and said: "If Her Royal Highness the Princess does not dislike it, I and my fiefdom Fanyin City are willing to become Her Royal Highness the Princess's sharp sword.

Her Royal Highness the Princess is overcoming all obstacles!"

"You shouldn't say this to me, you should say it to that adult."

She slightly raised her eyebrows, seeing Ariel that the time was ripe, and then cast her adoring gaze on Lei Xiao who was not far away.


Looking along Ariel's line of sight, when Al saw Lei Xiao's indifferent face, he instantly felt a huge wave of emotion in his heart.

The proud fifth princess of a country can actually be called "sir". What is the origin of this secretive young man?!

"Ariel, tell this confused city lord everything."

Lei Xiao smiled faintly and ordered again.

"So that's it... I didn't expect that your true identity is actually a lord from another world. It seems that this world is really going to undergo a change."

Nodding thoughtfully, Al, who had white temples and a resolute face, took a deep breath and then knelt down in front of Lei Xiao.

Then he said firmly: "My subordinate Orr Fengchi is willing to swear allegiance to the Lord to the death!"

This chapter has been completed!
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