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Chapter 682 Territory Attack and Defense (Part 1)

Fifteen minutes ago, the Phantom Forest and the Phantom River.

"So, as long as we cross the river in the forest, we can reach the area where the princess's territory is?"

I saw at the front of the huge and well-organized formation, a white knight in pure white knight armor, staring at the rather fast 100-meter-wide river in front of him, muttering to himself.

"There are mountains in the north and rivers in the west. Under the double obstruction, and the forest itself is infested with monsters, so that it is inaccessible. For some capable guys, it is really an excellent place for development."

After muttering to himself, the white knight wearing a fully enclosed white helmet turned to the illusion master Jin Wen beside him and said calmly: "Go ahead and let the vanguard army start crossing the river. We must catch up with the dream demon."

Before the knights captured Kongqing Town, they razed the princess's territory to the ground."

"White Knight, is there something wrong with crossing the river in such a hurry?"

Hearing the extremely firm voice of the White Knight, Jin Wen transformed into a gentle young man wearing glasses. He frowned and said, "It's not too late to wait until the scattered scouts have reported all the surrounding terrain before making plans."

"I also know your concerns, but time is already extremely tight. Even if the princess guest sets some kind of trap, it can't stop the progress of our three legions. It's just a mantis blocking the car."

The white knight waved his hand casually and responded: "Furthermore, the Princess Keqing's subordinates obviously possess an extremely impressive elite combat force. Those scouts did not see each other at all, but they were harvested one after another.

This brought the investigation to a standstill."

"The most important thing is that once the Dream Demon Knights capture Kongqing Town first, our situation will be extremely passive."

After finishing speaking, the white knight waved his hand and ordered to Jinwen: "Okay, tell the vanguard legion to prepare to cross the river. This legion is the most elite, with a large number of heavy infantry holding anti-magic shields and elite magician troops, which is enough to deal with it.

All kinds of traps.”

"Understood, I'll go and deliver the order right away."

Jin Wen, who was well aware of the White Knight's stubborn character, turned around and left without saying another word.

As for Jinwen, who is a master of illusion, the White Knight has already made arrangements for his mission in this territorial attack.

That is, the sheep creates an illusory army and attacks the territory first to test Lei Xiao's depth.

Moreover, in directions other than the main attack, a large number of phantom soldiers were also transformed, using this to show the reality and the reality. Lei Xiao was so anxious that he had to divide his troops to defend in four directions at the same time.

Of course, these all change according to the situation, and there are many preparation plans.

For example, a force of elite soldiers can be invisible, or simply directly transform into the Dream Knight and the Undead Legion, and form a joint force to increase the pressure on Lei Xiao's soldiers and lower their morale, etc.

After a moment, Jin Wen conveyed the order to cross the river to the commander of the vanguard army.

The commander of the vanguard legion, Count Cornel, the lord of Giant Rock City, who had already been impatient to perform meritorious service, immediately signaled a squadron of earth magicians on standby to start using the bridge-building technique.

Neat and loud chanting sounded, and along with the continuously rotating earth-yellow magic arrays, they stretched out in front of the magicians, and then merged into a giant magic array.

Not long after, a large number of deep and heavy earth magic energy particles surged crazily.

A rather majestic earth magic bridge seemed to grow out of thin air, gradually spanning the hundred-meter-wide rapid magic river.

"Brave and fearless warriors of Giant Rock City, our opportunity to make a great contribution has arrived!"

I saw Cornel, who was wearing heavy armor, raising the sharp long-handled ax in his hand, and said with murderous intent on his face: "Tread down the territory of the princess's guests, don't let go of any disobedient who overestimates their capabilities, kill them all!


"Follow your orders! The giant rock will attack, and not even a blade of grass will grow!"

Hearing Cornell's voice, the soldiers of the Pioneer Legion were gearing up one by one, with murderous intent on their faces and the sharp blades in their hands shining brightly. They immediately started to step onto the Magic Bridge one by one according to the queue.

At the same time, at the other end of the Demonic Shadow River, within Lei Xiao's territory.

With two moons in the sky, Lei Xiao, accompanied by several commanders such as Ariel and Rogge, had already climbed onto the wall on the west side of the territory, squinting his eyes and looking into the distance.

If the White Knight leads his army, they will naturally appear in this direction first.

"Of course, in order to successfully reach the territory, the White Knight still needs to deal with an army under my command that appears out of thin air."

Looking at the end of the quiet forest, Lei Xiao raised the corners of his mouth slightly, outlining a firm and awe-inspiring smile.

At this moment, Lei Xiao's words that had been kept flowing rang out, and Bai Zhi's clear voice came: "Lord Qi, the vanguard army of the White Knights has completed building the bridge and has begun to cross the Demonic Shadow River!"


Lei Xiao was full of energy and immediately ordered: "Bai Zhi, Osen, take back your elite soldiers scattered nearby and quickly return to the defensive territory. As for those guarding the upstream dam, please stay in place at a predetermined safe location."

"As you command! Lord!"

The voices of the two third-level squadron commanders came over immediately.

"The first good show after the overture is finally about to take place."

When the two men quickly gathered the soldiers, Donna from Red Arrow Town downstream also received news that the evacuation was complete. The smile on Lei Xiao's face grew thicker, and then he ordered: "Zhu Qi, you can start taking action."

"As you command! Lord!"

On the other side of the conversation, Zhuqi, who was located at the dam upstream of the Demonic Shadow River, immediately heard the voice of someone eager to try.



Along with a loud noise, a large number of turbulent sounds like waves crashing on the shore were continuously transmitted to Lei Xiao's ears.

"White Knight, since you have arrived at the door of my house, I, the master of the house, cannot be negligent and accept my first wave of gifts first."

Lei Xiao raised his eyebrows and murmured to himself.

"Hahaha, in front of His Highness the Great Prince, the opportunity to show off has finally come!"

Accompanied by the sound of neat and heavy footsteps, Cornell was seen bearing the brunt, leading his most elite heavy infantry, advancing menacingly on the Magic Bridge.

"An outsider who is as humble as an ant actually dares to challenge the authority of my traditional aristocracy, Leng Yan. He is really overestimating his abilities! These guys who only know how to beg for mercy have been killed by this city lord with my own hands recently."

The sharp long-handled ax in Cornel's hand flashed with a cold light, and he said in his heart: "You are a despicable outsider, or some shitty princess guest, please let me, Lord Cornel, the Lord of Giant Rock City, come and deliver it to you personally.

Let’s sing the funeral song of the end.”

Just when Cornell, who was full of anger, was leading the team to be the first to cross the bridge.

A change has occurred.

Without any warning, bursts of rushing water from far to near suddenly reached his ears through the fully enclosed heavy armor worn by Cornell.

"What's the noise?"

Standing on the bridge, Cornell was stunned and subconsciously looked to his left, which was the direction from which the sound of rushing water came.

What is different from the sound of the rushing water under your feet is that the sudden sound of the water is obviously more powerful, like a violent giant beast, surging towards here.

Because all this happened so suddenly, Cornell didn't wait for a reaction.

The white knight's rapid and anxious voice came over one after another: "It's a water attack! Cornel, lead the team forward at full speed. There are no soldiers on the bridge behind. Follow me and retreat! The elite magician squadron on standby will be on standby immediately.

Cast a barrier spell to prevent the huge waves from spreading!"


By the time Cornell reacted, he was still looking to his left. A huge wave, with overwhelming power, and countless trees uprooted by the current on the shore, had already appeared in front of this increasingly serious man.

In front of the frightened Lord of Giant Rock City.

In the blink of an eye, the flood beast under the cover of darkness roared and swallowed up all the unprepared Connell and soldiers on the bridge.

Although the many pioneer soldiers on the shore who were preparing to board the bridge began to retreat in panic under the shouts of the White Knight, the panicked escape speed of these soldiers obviously could not keep up with the speed of the huge waves.

For a moment, a large number of soldiers, whose eyes had just filled with panic and whose murderous intent had not yet dissipated, were caught in the huge waves and did not even have time to struggle.

As for the magicians who were preparing to concentrate on casting spells, before they had time to release the magic barrier, they were also swept away by the huge waves. The tiny figures floated up and down in the huge waves and quickly disappeared along the river.

In the process, many soldiers crashed directly into big trees mixed in the waves, and either fainted or died on the spot.

Under the moonlit night, until the huge waves swallowed up all the most elite vanguard troops, the momentum gradually slowed down, leaving only the screams and panic of the soldiers, which still echoed in the huge forest for a long time.

Needless to say, the fate of these traditional aristocratic infantrymen, who were mostly wrapped in heavy armor or plate armor, can be imagined.

At this point, this murderous traditional aristocratic army, which had not yet begun to kill, was destroyed by Lei Xiao's extra army.

"Lord White Knight, the vanguard legion led by Count Cornel has almost completely lost its combat capability!"

Not long after, a young scout with a panicked look on his face and his body mostly wet with water appeared in front of the white knight, rolling and crawling.

"Back off."

The white knight's tone was indifferent and he waved his hand casually.

However, judging from the increasingly intense coercion surrounding the white knight, it is obvious that he is already in an extremely angry state.

Facing the sudden huge wave just now, if he hadn't opened the energy barrier in time and diverted a considerable part of the impact, the losses would have been even more serious.

Standing next to the white knight, Jin Wen, who was dressed as a gentle young man, still had a look of shock on his face.

Judging from such a huge amount of water, it is obvious that Your Excellency Keqing's dam building and water release was not a one-day effort.

"No wonder your Excellency, Ke Qing, looked determined to win last night. In addition to Connell's legion just now, three legions in a row were defeated in his hands, right?"

"This is without even seeing its territory. If we include the cavalry regiment that provoked the fight between the White Knight and the Dream Demon Knight..."

Jin Wen took a deep breath, the shock on his face became more intense, and he murmured in his heart: "I have to say that this young man from another world does have some ruthless thunder methods."

Just when Jin Wen was amazed at this point in his heart.

The white knight on the side asked indifferently: "Have the legions behind the Royal Palace followed?"

After hearing the words of the white knight, Jin Wen immediately nodded and responded: "Yes, I have followed."

"Very good, then let's move on."

The white knight's voice was still as calm as water, and he said: "I will definitely make that princess guest pay a heavy price."

After saying that, the white knight just walked to the front, minding his own business.

"It seems that the White Knight is really angry now."

Looking at the background of the white knight gradually receding, Jin Wen didn't say anything more, but followed him silently.

I saw Jin Wen quickly keeping up with the pace of the white knight, while secretly thinking in his heart: "I have seen this kind of murderous intention hidden in extreme anger in the white knight several times before."

"Every time he appeared in the past, his opponent met with a bad end, even the fifth-level powerhouse. I wonder if your Excellency, Keqing, can withstand this endless anger this time?"

Jin Wen adjusted the black-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose and continued to think: "You know, the White Knight has many trump cards in his hands. Even an old friend like me doesn't understand how many terrible methods it hides.


"Facing the endless anger of the white knight, I wonder how your Excellency, guest minister, will respond? Regardless of other things, the traditional nobles this time are really well prepared, especially in terms of attacking tough battles."

When the fat Roto and Clooney led the rear army and approached the Shadow River again, they were stunned by the sight in front of them.

I saw a mess on the river bank, a lot of sand, mixed with branches and leaves, and even the corpses of soldiers half buried in the sand. It was shocking to see.

Both of them had just heard about the incident where the vanguard army crossed the river and was attacked by water.

In addition to being frightened, a vague and forbidding look appeared on the two greasy and fat faces.

On the one hand, the Dream Demon Knights Legion who hoped to besiege Kongqing Town also suffered heavy losses. On the other hand, they naturally expected that they could kill the princess Ke Qing with their own hands.

Now that the vanguard army that went deep into the forest has been destroyed, their rear army can undoubtedly become the main force attacking the territory.

"Clooney, you are really a crow's mouth, but I like it."

Thinking of this, a trace of anger immediately appeared on Luo Tuo's fat face, and he said with a ferocious smile: "It seems that the head of the princess guest will definitely fall into the hands of this city lord."

"Hey, that's natural."

Clooney obviously didn't expect that his usual glib tongue could be so accurate.

I saw him first swallowing, then nodding and bowing: "In front of Master Luotuo, the territory of Princess Keqing is naturally vulnerable. The villain can't wait to see the other loser kneeling down and begging for mercy."

Looks good."

After the two of them finished speaking, they smiled sinisterly while leading their soldiers, who were also filled with murderous intent, to successfully pass the magic bridge that was re-erected on the river bank.

Then, together with another infantry regiment in front, under the command of the White Knight, they marched towards the depths of the Shadow Forest.

This chapter has been completed!
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