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Chapter 233 Destruction of HydraWinter Soldier and S.H.I.E.L.D. Civil War

Da da da da!

The gun's muzzle spit out tongues of fire.

Under attack, Jarvis immediately activated defense mode.

But with only one body, it only had time to protect the pilot, Miss Potts. As for Mr. Stark beside him, Jarvis could only try his best to open the body of 'Mark 17' and use the broken outer armor to resist

Bullet attack.

Jon frowned slightly.

Snap your fingers.

the world

Time stands still.

He quickly teleported away the defenseless Tony and Potts.

Then, time resumes its flow.

Tony's eyes only felt blurry.

Immediately afterwards, he came to a strange place.

When he raised his head, he met Jon's smiling face.

"It's you..." He opened his mouth.

"Three times, Stark, I saved you three times." Jon put his hands in his pockets, "Tell me, how are you going to repay me?"

Tony was speechless.

Because he felt that Tony Stark's life was more precious than anything in the world.

"Anyway, I will definitely find a way to satisfy you..."

As he spoke, he glanced around.

Seeing Potts falling asleep not far away, Tony felt calm.

Now that he was out of danger, he had the time to calmly think about the current situation. Combined with the threatening video he had received before, a hint of enlightenment arose in his heart.

There is no doubt that there are ghosts in S.H.I.E.L.D.

Tony gritted his teeth.

Nowadays, we are surrounded by enemies on all sides.

No one can be trusted easily!

At this time, Jon said: "If there's nothing else, I'll leave first."

Tony was stunned for a moment, a trace of hesitation flashed across his expression.

"Wait a minute," he said.

Jon blinked, "What's wrong?"

Tony took a deep breath and said, "Mr. Joestar, please help me."

Did I hear you right? That arrogant Tony Stark actually asked for help?

Jon said with a normal expression: "Tell me about it."

Recalling the files he had secretly viewed, Tony said solemnly, "There once was an evil organization called Hydra on Earth.

Although this organization was destroyed by the Allied forces decades ago, the centipede insects are still alive. They are broken into pieces and lurking in every corner of the world.

Now, I suspect there are remnants of them in SHIELD!"

"So?" Jon asked.

Tony said seriously: "So I need your help. Now, I can't believe anyone."

"You know how to find someone."

Jon neither agreed nor refused, just smiled and said: "Stark, you and I are not relatives.

And I have saved you three times.

Is it time to settle our accounts?"

Hearing this, Tony twitched his lips.

I didn’t expect that even a billionaire like him would be called upon for debt.

But once he accepts his weakness, he is invincible.

Tony said very generously: "What do you want? As long as I have it, just take it."


Refreshing enough!

Jon stared at Tony, "I'm not short of money, and I don't care about power or women.


His expression softened slightly, "I am very interested in you personally."


Hearing this, Tony quickly took a few steps back.

Don't be ridiculous, although I am quite playful, it does not mean that my orientation is abnormal.

Jon was like a man, and he could tell at a glance that Tony was thinking wrongly, and said with great disgust: "Stop being narcissistic, with your little talent, you can't catch my eye.

What I mean is that you will become my exclusive researcher from now on, and when I ask for your help, you cannot refuse."

Ah this.

Tony thought for a while and agreed.

"Okay, maybe this is the only way I can impress you."

Jon was very satisfied and stretched out his palm, "Then, it's a deal."

Tony and Jon high-fived, "It's a deal!"

As a result, Jon has talents at his disposal. In addition to Genos, who specializes in biological genes, he also has Tony Stark, who is cursed by wisdom and can rival gods in a mortal body.

So beautiful, so beautiful~

Jon was in a good mood and said: "From now on, I will do my best to protect the safety of you and your girlfriend."

"No, Mr. Joestar, that's not enough. Our agreement is that you help me clean up SHIELD." Tony corrected him seriously.

He thought very clearly that the general environment was unstable, and no matter where he hid, he would be hunted by Hydra. Therefore, for the safety of himself and his lover, he had to act first.

"What do you mean?" Jon asked.

"I can't trust anyone now..."

While talking, the scene from the 'Battle of New York' flashed through my mind.

Tony sighed, "Well, I think there are still some people I can trust. Mr. Joestar, I need you to contact Steve Rogers, the 'Captain America' himself, for me.

If there is one person who is eternally incompatible with Hydra, then that person must be him."

Don't say it so absolutely, little classmate, I'm afraid you haven't heard of the reputation of Captain Hydra.

Jon secretly complained in his heart.

But in fact, what he said was, "No problem."

The substitute ability is activated and the 'directional portal' is opened.

Jon stretched out his hand to grab Steve Rogers, who was performing a secret mission abroad. He was caught in front of him.

"What's going on?" Captain America, who was holding a shield, was shocked.

However, when he saw Tony and Jon's faces clearly, this battle-hardened veteran quickly calmed down.

Asked: "Stark, what happened?"

"Captain." Tony walked up to Steve, "No matter what you are doing, you must stop what you are doing immediately, because there is a problem within SHIELD!"

Hearing this, Steve was silent.

He didn't answer, but looked at Jon, "Mr. Joestar, we meet again."

Jon waved his hand, "No, don't doubt me, I just see the excitement... I have reached a private agreement with Mr. Stark. He works for me, and I guarantee his life safety."

"And eliminate hidden dangers within SHIELD." Tony added.

A trace of helplessness flashed across Jon's face, "Well, there are also hidden dangers within SHIELD."

Steve was noncommittal.

He said to Tony: "What evidence do you have, or..."

Before he finished speaking, Tony smiled bitterly.

"Captain, within a week I received three threat videos from terrorist organizations, and there was also a terrorist attack that almost cost me my life.

I finally escaped, but a team of killers got out of an armored vehicle with the S.H.I.E.L.D. logo and wanted to kill me completely.

Tell me, do I need any more evidence?"

Steve fell silent.

Tony has a special status, apart from the official government.

For the rest, it is indeed difficult to find out his real address.

At this time, Jon interjected: "Stark is right, I also think the atmosphere in your SHIELD is weird. Not long ago, I asked them for the Mind Scepter, and Director Nick Fury couldn't find it.

The whereabouts of the staff are gone, it’s not ridiculous for you to say.”



I dare you to return to the earth this time to ask for the spiritual scepter!

Speaking of this, Jon seemed to have thought of something, and then said: "By the way, speaking of people you can trust, I have another candidate here. She is your SHIELD's ace."

trump card?

Do you mean the green guy who transforms when he gets angry?

A figure appeared in Tony and Steve's minds at the same time.

Jon didn't explain.

Just like dragging Steve just now, he opened another 'portal' and pulled out a figure from inside.

It was Carol Danvers who went to find the Mind Scepter.

But 'Captain Marvel' didn't come alone, she was also carrying an unconscious masked long-haired man in her hand.

The most peculiar thing is that the man has an arm that is not flesh and blood, but a bright silver mechanical arm.

"Where is this?" Carol, who had just finished the battle, suddenly became extremely vigilant.

But when she saw Jon in person, her expression suddenly fell.

Damn, it’s you again...

"Hello, Ms. Carroll." Jon greeted very warmly.

Carol nodded in response.

Sweeping through everyone.

Finally, she set her sights on Jon, "Mr. Joestar, I said, if you want the Mind Scepter, please don't be anxious."

Jon spread his hands and said, "I also said, Ms. Carroll, I am an impatient person, so I want to see how your progress is."

The two were talking.

Steve beside him stared at the unconscious long-haired man in fascination.

The more he looked, the more doubtful his eyes became.

Out of nowhere, he stepped forward and pulled off the mask from the man's face.

A familiar appearance came into view, and Steve's pupils trembled.


The man in front of me is Bucky Barnes, the ‘Winter Soldier’ who fell off a cliff decades ago and was confirmed dead!

"Is this guy an acquaintance of yours?"

Carol glanced at Steve.

Steve subconsciously clenched his shield, "What did you do to him?"

Carol didn't answer.

After a moment of silence, she said: "I heard from Nick Fury that you, Steve Rogers, are a war hero and a concrete symbol of the American spirit. I thought you would be a nice guy.

I didn’t expect that you would actually hook up with Hydra.”


Steve's expression changed, "What are you talking about? How could Bucky be Hydra!"

Carol smiled contemptuously.

"I can still tell who is a friend and who is an enemy.

Boy, are you on the same side as him?"

The huge amount of information made Steve unable to react for a while.

Tony said at the right time: "This lady..."

"Call me ma'am." Carol's eyes turned cold.

Overwhelmed by the momentum of Captain Marvel, Tony had no choice but to change his mind, "Madam, who are you? What does it have to do with SHIELD?"

"Me? Nick Fury and I have known each other for a long time. In other words, I am the original 'Avenger'." Carol said lightly.

Good guy, a veteran suddenly came to me.

Tony's face looked a little strange.

"Okay, let's get down to business."

'Captain Marvel' looked at Jon again, "Anyway, I haven't found the Mind Scepter yet, but the clue lies in this Hydra member."

As she spoke, she shook the unconscious Bucky.

"The clues are in this guy? Then what are we waiting for!" Tony couldn't hold back his temper anymore and slapped the "Winter Soldier" a few times without even thinking about it.

Steve stopped him excitedly, "Wait a minute!"

For a moment, all eyes were on him.

Steve sighed, "Let me do it..."

'If you can't blush when you say goodbye, can you still blush?'

Steve's face turned red.

However, it's not because of shyness, but because of complicated emotions.

An old friend is lost and found again.

As a result, he joined the enemy camp.


That was the villain organization they once fought side by side and vowed to eradicate completely!

Bucky, how could you do this?

Aiming at Bucky Barnes' slightly fat face, Steve raised his hand and slapped it down hard.

"Wake up!"

He shouted that he hated the iron.

I don’t know whether it’s ‘Captain America’’s excellent fanning skills or the inner calling that plays a role.

Bucky woke up slowly.

The warrior's instinct quickly brought him out of his daze.

He struggled to stand up, but was restrained by Carol's force.

Escape to no avail.

The ‘Winter Soldier’ said nothing and glanced at everyone coldly.

Steve was the first to speak: "Bucky, do you still know me?"

Bucky didn't answer, his eyes were as fierce as a hungry wolf.

Jon clapped his hands and said firmly: "Obviously, he has lost his memory."




Steve felt inexplicably more at ease.

If it was amnesia, everything would be explained.

In this way, it is possible for Bucky to return to his lost ways and return to the camp of peace and freedom...

Tony coughed dryly, "Captain, now is not the time to talk about this, we want to ask for clues about the remnants of Hydra!"

"And the Mind Scepter," Jon reminded.

Tony felt helpless, "Okay, there's also the Mind Scepter."

However, no matter how Steve asked, Bucky refused to speak.

No one present was proficient in brainwashing and interrogation, so naturally no useful clues could be found.

The scene was at a stalemate for a while.

Jon suggested, "Why don't you give him to me? I'll make sure he tells you the color of his underwear."

"No!" Tony and others said in unison.

It's obvious that any problem given to me has been solved.

Jon shrugged.

never mind.

Just do whatever you love.

Anyway, it's none of my business.

The three of them looked at each other.

We discussed it for a long time.

Finally, they decided to find a fourth trustworthy person first

—— Nick Fury, Director of S.H.I.E.L.D.!



Nick Fury seemed to be a drowning man on the shore again, gasping for breath for dozens of seconds.

Then, he spat out a mouthful of bloody spit.

At this moment, Sitwell in the office said falsely: "Mr. Director, please pay attention to your health. The whole agency is waiting for you to take charge of the overall situation."

Nick Fury wiped the sweat and blood stains from his head, "Don't worry, I will never die before you bastards die."

Sitwell pushed up the glasses on the bridge of his nose, "We don't want this either. It's your damn vigilance that caused the current situation."

Nick Fury sneered, "Heh, I have nothing to say to the scum of Hydra."

Sitwell shook his head, "Mr. Director, I think you still don't understand the current situation. SHIELD is already ours, and the heroes you rely on..."

As he spoke, he bent his index and middle fingers and made two gestures, "All of them have been sent abroad by us to perform secret missions.

As for 'Iron Man', haha, I believe you will hear the news of his death soon.

This time, it’s real death.”

Nick Fury gritted his teeth, "Don't underestimate them, they are the Avengers."

The conversation changed, "Also, where did you hide the spiritual scepter?"

"The scepter has been safely transferred by us. Please don't worry about this. It is in the hands of a trustworthy person."

Sitwell smiled softly.

"As for you, Director Nick Fury, please stay in the office for the time being and don't move anywhere.

We will have dedicated people to take care of your daily life.

Of course, we won't leave things like weapons and electronic equipment for you.

That’s it~”

After saying that, Sitwell left the office with Crossbones and a group of Hydra members in high spirits.

This chapter has been completed!
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