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Chapter 558 The Destruction of the Fishman Kingdom (3)

Jinbei has actually been stable for a long time.

Although the War on the Top two years ago was not very impressive, Jinbe actually went to help. It was only because Jon's active performance turned this world-famous war into his own stage that Jinbe was extremely low-key.

The land has not been discovered by anyone.

Of course, the liquidation of the Navy afterwards did not fall on Jinbei.

Because he was a prisoner who escaped from Impel Down City, he kept a very low profile, and could even be said to be reclusive. He usually either stayed on Fish-Man Island to practice, or went out to challenge the Neptunes. His main focus was to live a peaceful life without fighting against the world.

But today Jinbei couldn't sit still.

Because someone spread rumors and framed his good brother.

"Don't let me catch you..."

With a calm face, Jinbei entered the palace from the side door under the leadership of the guards.

He has a very good relationship with Jon and Ace.

After all, we were once all brothers and sisters in the advancing city.

Moreover, before Jon became successful, he also took the initiative to block Magellan from behind and let Jinbe go first. Although Jinbe, who believed in the spirit of chivalry, did not say it, he already regarded Jon as his most important person.

Several people.

Let's put it this way, even if Jinbe was scolded in person, there was a small chance that he would smile and not care.

But if you say something bad about Jon in front of Jinpei, that blue fist bigger than a sandbag will hit your little head...

Neptune knew that there was such a trustworthy and strong man in his country, so he was accustomed to discussing it with Jinbei when it came to big or small matters, and this time was no exception.

However, he did not expect that Jinbei would come so quickly today. Not only that, but his whole body even revealed a ferocity that chose others to devour, which scared Neptune quite a bit.

However, although Neptune was a little mediocre, he had made some progress after staying on the throne of the king for so many years. Suppressing the uneasiness in his heart, he said to Jinbei: "Your Excellency Jinbei, I am really sorry. If it hadn't been for something that happened in the kingdom, it would be difficult to solve.

I really don’t want to disturb you about the bad incident.”

After hearing this, Jinbei said in an old-fashioned manner: "Your Majesty, there is no need to say more. I heard that the Jon Pirates want to collude with Vander Daken to rob Princess Shirahoshi? What on earth is going on?"

Neptune said helplessly: "It's hard for me to believe such a thing, but according to the whistleblower's confession, it should be very close to ten."

"The whistleblower? Who? Where is he? I want to ask him personally." Of course, Jinbei would not believe an empty word. He took a step forward and stared at Neptune with a burning gaze.

Neptune hesitated for a moment, then asked the guards to bring Hody Jones.

Hody Jones was eating hazelnuts in the reception room of the palace when he suddenly heard the call. He quickly put down the food in his hand and returned to the main hall to meet Jinbei.

He knew Jinbei.

Although the name "Haixia" is despised by some murloc supremacists, no one can deny the strength and benevolence of this murloc.

"Hody Jones, is that you!?"

Hody Jones knew Jinbe.

Jinbe also knew Hody Jones.

Before becoming a pirate, he worked as an errand in the kingdom and was considered the predecessor of Hody Jones.

If Neptune couldn't see it, could he still see it?

This careerist must be behind all this!

Hody Jones is feeling bad.

He still thinks everything is too simple.

Unexpectedly, Neptune, an old good-for-nothing, would have asked for help from outsiders when he encountered trouble.

With his mind running fast, Hody Jones forced out an ugly dry smile: "Oh, oh, oh, isn't this Mr. Jinbei? I haven't heard from you for a long time. I didn't expect you to return to Fish-Man Island."

Jinbei's eyes narrowed.

After the war ended, he disbanded his pirate group. In the past two years, except for participating in Whitebeard's retirement ceremony once, he practiced in his own yard and rarely had contact with outsiders.

Although what Hody Jones said was normal, for some reason, he could sense something different from the other person's words.

Jinbe asked: "Hody, what are you afraid of?"

Hody Jones was not willing to admit his guilt, but he still smiled dryly: "Mr. Jinbei, why can't I understand what you are saying? By the way, it was His Majesty Neptune who asked you to come over to help solve the trouble caused by the human pirates, right? "

The more he spoke, the more cowardly he became, and Hody Jones simply told out the set of lies he had just spun.

The most perfect lie is one that consists entirely of the truth, with just a few details hidden.

Are the human pirates coming?


Have you been in contact with Vander Deken?


Isn’t this the end?

I, Hody Jones, don't lie.

Jinbei's thick eyebrows knitted together.

Indeed, he heard nothing suspicious about Hody Jones's testimony.


Staring at Hody Jones, Jinbe asked: "So, how did you know that there was contact between human pirates and the Flying Pirates?"


Hody Jones was shocked, and cold sweat suddenly flowed from his forehead.

In that perfect lie, he only ignored one thing, and that was his own part.

He was silent and his face turned red and white.

Jinbei saw it, and there was indeed something wrong in his mind!

He was trying to expose the true identity of Hody Jones in front of Neptune.

Suddenly, the palace guards hurried into the main hall and hurriedly reported: "Your Majesty, something serious has happened. There are human pirates causing trouble near Coral Hill. The local guards have suffered heavy casualties. Please ask Ryugu City to send support!"

Huh? There really are human pirates!

Jinbei's words immediately stuck in his throat.

He looked at Hody Jones and couldn't help but feel excited.

Didn't this guy lie?


Hody Jones's mood at this time was like a roller coaster, falling from one peak to the bottom, and then climbing to another peak.

He didn't know if the human pirates causing trouble in Coral Hill at this time were the terrifying guys he had seen before.

But no matter who it is.

Thank you.

thanks for all you have done!

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Neptune was already worried and had a tendency to suffer from paranoia. Now after hearing these words, he quickly mobilized his troops: "Let the three princes quickly lead the troops to Coral To put an end to the chaos in Zhiqiu, we must capture the human pirates who are causing trouble!"

After finishing his words, Jinbei came back to his senses and then said: "Your Majesty, I will also go over and have a look."

Neptune was overjoyed and said, "If you, Mr. Jinbei, come to control the battle, then everything will be safe."

Jinbei waved his hand and said it was nothing.

Not talking nonsense, he didn't even bother to look at Hody Jones, and turned around and left the hall.

Hody Jones was so angry.

He was determined to get rid of the troublesome guy Jinbe at this moment, but he was not sure whether he would be Jinbe's opponent after taking the medicine. In addition, there was also the mysterious human strongman who destroyed the Flying Pirates and was watching him from the outside of the island.

Hody Jones said to himself: "A little impatience will ruin a big plan. For the bright future of the fish people, I will tolerate it!"

Let's not mention Hody Jones, who was struggling to survive, but he said that Jinbei left the palace, and without waiting for the three princes to gather their troops, he went on his own and swam to the vicinity of the Coral Hill without any reservations.

Coral Hill is located in the southeast of Fishman Island and is a prosperous port town of Ryugu Kingdom.

However, this harbor pearl has now become extremely embarrassed, with panicked civilians everywhere and stalls that have been knocked over.

Jinbei snorted coldly and followed the source of the confusion.

In a circle of murloc guards lying on the ground, he found a human with a long tongue and several circles in his eyes.

When Jinbei saw it, he felt inexplicably relieved.

Such an unworthy person cannot be Jon's subordinate.

"Hey hey hey hey hey..." Caribu was counting his harvest while laughing wildly.

Caught off guard, he felt like he was being stared at by something.

Turning his head abruptly, he saw a strong dark blue fish-man.

He thought about it for a moment and suddenly his expression changed, "Jinbei!?"

"It seems you know me." Jinbei is not used to Kalibu either. Ever since the Whitebeard Pirates planted their flag on Fish-Man Island, no one has dared to rob it in broad daylight.

From this point of view, Caribu can be regarded as the first.

Although Kalibu was frightened by Jinbei's illustrious reputation, he was able to sail from the first half of the Grand Route to this point. He also had two brushes.

Natural fruits and swamp fruits are his biggest support!

After gathering his thoughts, Caribu flicked his tongue and spoke viciously: "Jinbei, stop meddling in other people's business. Whitebeard doesn't even have any objections. Who do you think you are?"

Jin Ping was so angry that he laughed instead.

Whitebeard was also a senior he admired. How dare a scumbag who appeared from nowhere dare to be so presumptuous?

have nothing to say.

In the world of pirates, fists do the talking after all.

Putting on the classic fish-man karate posture, Jinbei restrained his momentum, and his whole body was like a towering mountain that could not be shaken.

Caribu's heart ached.

He kept a low profile in the Chambord Islands for three whole months before he got a spot for coating. He finally got into the water and came to Fishman Island. He was trying to make some money to make up for the shortfall of being stranded in the Chambord Islands. Unexpectedly, he encountered an enemy as soon as he started to grab it.

Jinbei is nosy.

What a bad time.

Caribu's thoughts are actually the same as those of most pirates.

Pirates are meant to rob.

Someone like Jinbe who respects the spirit of chivalry is a different kind of person.

Caribu knew that things couldn't go well today, so he slapped his thigh and went crazy.

"Jinbei, if I kill you, I will go directly to the palace and grab all the most valuable things!"

Grab, grab, grab, the life of a pirate is so simple and boring.

Jin Ping was unmoved.

It’s not that I can’t reply, it’s that I feel embarrassed.

What level, standing on the same land as me.

Take a look at your move.

Don't do anything false, Jinbe rushes over and punches you.

A simple punch, a punch without any skills, even a child can easily punch it.

Cariboo laughed strangely, not even bothering to defend himself.

He is a user with natural fruit abilities, so he has no need to deal with such normal attacks...

Thinking this, Caribu was knocked away directly.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

I don't know how many buildings were smashed along the road, and it rolled for thirty or forty meters before stopping.

Take a closer look.

Too much air coming out and too little air coming in will make you die before your very eyes.

Jinbe was unmoved and said coldly: "I don't know how high the sky is, there is no need for pirates like you to exist."

Xia, advocating benevolence and righteousness.

A knight can also kill people with a sword.

The fist is Jinbe's sword.

He had absolutely no mercy for a villain like Caribu who had no bottom line, and would only feel annoyed that he didn't kill fast enough or hard enough.

"You...Jinbei...you..." Caribu sighed and looked in Jinbei's direction with difficulty.

Unfortunately, all that could be seen was darkness.

This brutal pirate, known for killing sailors and civilians, finally closed his eyes forever.

Jinbei snorted coldly and walked towards the reindeer-headed pirate ship at the port.

Dare to rob on Fishman Island.

court death!

Jon finally took Amila to find his home.

There's nothing vulgar about it.

Amyra's family is still alive.

Just not living well.

Their family is the most ordinary fish-men, equivalent to civilians in the human world.

Their family members were lost, and they were extremely anxious and tried to search for them. However, due to their modest financial resources, they had no choice but to leave the matter alone.

So when the intact Amila reappeared in front of her family, the ecstasy that fell from the sky almost overwhelmed the whole family!

Jon didn't bother her, said to Amyra, "I'll go shopping for a while," and left without looking back.

It wasn't until he left that the family asked Amyra about Jon's identity.

Amyra didn't hide anything, and when she heard it, several fishmen had complicated expressions.

And Jon is really here for sightseeing.

He walked aimlessly on the street.

When you come across something you are interested in, buy it and put it in your fourth-dimensional pocket.

There aren't many humans on Fish-Man Island, but it's not none, so his buying behavior is not conspicuous.

As he walked, he came to a place called Coral Hill.

This looks like a town.

There was just some chaotic aftermath, and the residents seemed to be in shock, with a lingering look of fear on their faces.

Jon was a little curious, so he stopped a passerby and asked, "What's going on here?"

Seeing that Jon was a human, the fish-man who had just escaped from the human pirates was impatient, but he did not hide it and told the story.

Hearing that the Jinbei Group destroyed the Caribu Brothers Pirates, a smile appeared on his lips.

"I'm at home, let's go see Brother Jinbei later..."

Muttering to himself, a group of soldiers from the Dragon King's Palace came over.

In fact, Jon was on the receiving end of a gun.

Just a moment ago, the human pirates were burning, killing and looting here, but now Jon was leisurely sightseeing, so it would be strange not to receive any special treatment.

Prince Shark, who was leading the team, wanted to conduct a routine inspection and then lead the team back to the palace.

As a result, when he saw Jon, his eyes suddenly straightened.

"Black hair...height, appearance, and clothes match...just without that mark..." Shark Star stared at Jon, holding the weapon in his hand tightly.

"Um..." Jon looked up, "What's the matter?"

He was thinking about whether to grow properly, because the posture of looking up at people is really tiring.

Shark Star was unmoved, but waved his hand and asked his soldiers to call the other two brothers.


The location where Jon and Shark Star were was surrounded by densely packed palace soldiers.

Jon touched his transformed face.

It shouldn't be.

I was pinching my face at random, so I wouldn't have accidentally pinched something to commit a crime, right?

next chapter

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