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Chapter 833 Obstructors, People of the Meteor

"Fifty floor?"

It was hard to climb up the mountain.

As a result, there is a tall tower at the top.

After taking a quick look, Jon raised his forehead helplessly: "Can't you use your money power to install an elevator or something here, Dawu-san."

Hearing this, Dawu suddenly looked nervous.

Fortunately, Rayquaza didn't strike down a path with lightning or anything like that on a whim.

He breathed a sigh of relief and lowered his voice: "Qiao Qiao, how can you be disrespectful to Lord Dragon God?"

Jon shrugged.

Daigo saw it and patiently told him: "Raquaza's power is extremely powerful, so don't take it lightly."

In order to prove it, he took a deep breath and whispered a secret: "Actually, Dewen Company once participated in the operation to capture Rayquaza. Five years ago, the Bellridge family, Dewen Company, Zijin Holdings Co., Ltd., etc.

A series of companies intend to capture the mysterious Pokémon from the Sky Pillar for research."

Jon: "You are so brave!"

"At that time, the Dewen Company was at its peak and lacked any respect for Pokémon. It believed that everything in the world was experimental material that could be used to benefit mankind... That operation was unexpectedly successful."


It’s really not good, Green Caterpillar plus.

Was this caught by humans?

From now on, let’s have dinner at the same table as Suicune.

He asked curiously: "What happened next?"

"Later... a mysterious man broke into the joint research base, broke through all the blockades, and desperately released Rayquaza." Daigo looked like he couldn't bear to look back on the past: "Since then, Rayquaza has lost trust in humans.

During the conflict between Kyogre and Groudon, I also spent a lot of effort to get Rayquaza to temporarily let go of his hatred of humans, but I didn’t expect..."

Jon nodded: "It's normal. If I were Rayquaza, I would kill you all as soon as I got out of trouble."

Daigo smiled bitterly: "I should be glad that you are not the mythical beast that protects Fengyuan."

"I suddenly feel that Rayquaza is right to lose his temper. Otherwise, I will wait for you here, and you can go and apologize to Rayquaza alone." Jon handed the backpack to Daigo: "Inside is my newly developed treasure.

Kame dumplings are available in various flavors, go ahead and apologize, remember to show your belly when you apologize."

After hearing this, three black lines appeared on Dawu's forehead.

Jon spread his hands: "We want to deprive others of their freedom, but also ask others to take action at critical moments to save Fengyuan. Isn't this bullying the honest dragon? To be honest, I can't stand this shameless behavior."

"I... forget it, it doesn't make any sense to say this now." Daigo shook his head: "Right or wrong, what happened cannot be changed. As a champion, the only thing I can do is to pay my respects and ask for Rayquaza's forgiveness."

Dawu was actually wronged.

Five years ago, he was not the champion and did not know Devon's plans.

The result is the end.

He could only face Rayquaza alone to bear the wrath of the Dragon God.

"Yeah, I probably understand. Don't worry, I'm the best at dealing with Pokémon." Jon snapped his fingers and stared directly at Dawu: "As long as you can ask for forgiveness, you will do anything.

Come on, Dawu-san."

Dawu was a little embarrassed when he was stared at, but he still said bravely: "Of course...of course."

"Then there will be no problem on my side." Jon patted Dawu on the shoulder: "Let's go, brother, let's climb the tower together."

A fifty-story tower.

There are layers of mechanisms and traps at every step.

The people who built this tower seemed to want to prevent Rayquaza from being disturbed by the outside world, and the mechanisms and traps were designed very viciously.

That is to say, Qiaoen and Dawu are both "talented and bold", and they can only stay safe and sound by showing off their tricks at the first glance.


The number of ghosts and ghoststones wandering around is increasing again.

"Look, there are murals here." When he reached the 21st floor, Jon seemed to have discovered something and pointed to the wall beside him.

Dawu had already seen all the things inside the Sky Pillar, and he was not surprised and said: "According to legend, the Sky Pillar was built by a group of races called the 'Meteor People'. The 'Meteor People' live in seclusion deep in the Meteor Falls all year round. They are good at

Use dragon-type Pokémon."

"Yeah, I understand this." Jon still pointed at the mural and interpreted: "What I care about more is... this meteorite."


Because I was in too much of a hurry last time, I skimmed through a lot of the content.

Dawu was stunned for a moment, then stared carefully.

Through the faded murals, he tentatively spoke: "Thousands of years ago, a swarm of meteors fell to the earth, awakening Kyogre and Groudon from their slumber. The people of the meteors prayed to Rayquaza to stop the fight between the two mythical beasts. Finally, the dispute subsided,

The people of Meteor built this tower for Rayquaza..."

"The point is below."

Daigo's eyes immediately moved down: "Kyogre and Groudon have awakened again. The aftermath of the battle will affect the stars in the sky. Will the meteor come again?!"

"You found the blind spot, Watson." Jon nodded: "I think that's what it means."

"This..." Dawu frowned.

In fact, he really wanted to say, 'These may have been made up by the ancient people of Meteor,' but when the words came to his lips, he couldn't say anything.

"Wait a moment, I'll make a call." He said softly to Jon, took out the Pokémon Navigator and dialed a number.

We talked for about five or six minutes.

He hung up the phone and sighed: "Regardless of whether the prediction is true or false, I have asked the people at the Astronomical Research Center to pay close attention to the movements outside the sky. Once something falls, they will notify me as soon as possible. It is best to inform me in advance.

Make some preparations."

It can only be said that Da Wu Sang really did his best for Fengyuan.

If his father wasn't still alive, Jon would have thought that Dawu's original name was Bruce Dawu.

Mainly a Gotham loves me...

No, it’s Fengyuan who loves me, and I love Fengyuan.

Anyway, what should be reminded has been reminded, and Jon comforted him: "Don't worry, the prophecy may just be a pleasure to others. In the future, you can also scribble in the mines and inaccessible forests, leaving the troubles to those who come after you."


Dawu was stunned for a moment and blinked: "I can't do that kind of immoral thing."

"Instead of consuming yourself internally, it's better to torture others. It seems that your level of life still needs to be improved." Jon said in a tone of experience: "Don't put too much pressure on yourself. Don't forget that in the final analysis, you are just a person who likes to dig rocks.

Just the second generation of rich people."

"How can you be so comforting?"

Those words made Dawu laugh directly.

"In short, we have to deal with things one by one. The first priority is to appease Rayquaza as soon as possible." He smiled: "I wonder if you have noticed that the surrounding air pressure is getting lower and lower..."

Twenty floors.

Thirty floors.

Forty floors.

After cracking countless mechanisms.

How many wild Pokémon have been defeated.


The two successfully reached the summit.

The top of the Sky Pillar is an extremely wide platform.

At the edge, eight towering stone pillars were erected, with detailed carvings of the "Great Achievements" of Rayquaza.

In the center, there is a huge thing that is all green and looks like emerald.

Dragon God, Rayquaza!


Seeing Jon and Daigo, Rayquaza released his own pressure without saying a word.

Just as Dawu was about to speak, he was caught off guard and was blown away by the strong wind. If Jon hadn't been quick to catch him with his quick hands, he would have probably fallen.

"It seems that our Lord Dragon God is indeed very grumpy." Jon smiled, "And... he seems to be busy."

At this time, Rayquaza moved his eyes over and focused on Jon.

Jon turned around and looked into those amber eyes.

"I know you, you were the human of that day..."

A faint voice sounded in my heart.

Rayquaza's attitude was indifferent and mixed with a hint of curiosity: "Human, what is your name?"

"Mitsuha Miyamizu." Jon directly applied the formula.

But thinking that he might have to deal with Rayquaza in the future, he coughed lightly: "Sorry, sorry, I made a mistake. My name is Qiao Qiao, a trainer who was passing by."

"Trainer? Humph, a guy who hurts Pokémon for his own selfish desires!" Rayquaza was very disdainful.

Perhaps thinking of its own past experiences, it stared: "Selfish, stupid and ignorant!"

Why are you shouting so loudly?

Jon couldn't help but cover his ears.

Of course, since it is telephony, the symbolic meaning of this action is greater than the actual meaning, and it can be said to be basically useless.

Dawu finally regained his balance, and when he saw Qiaoen's actions, a big question mark appeared on his head.

But now is not the time to chat.

He stabilized his mind and bowed to the Rayquaza in the distance: "Dear Lord Dragon God, do you still remember me? I am Fuchiz Dawu, the human being who asked you to come forward to stop the dispute not long ago."

"Ah, deceiver! Of course I remember." Rayquaza said to Daigo that his nose is not a nose and his eyes are not eyes: "Do you know the price of deceiving me!"

As soon as he heard this, Dawu knew that he was going to suffer, and quickly defended: "It's not intentional deception, but the situation has changed!"

With that said, he motioned for Jon to quickly take out the 'secret weapon'.

"A little apology is not a sign of respect!"

Rayquaza stared coldly.

I didn’t want to have anything to do with Dawu and Qiaoen.

However, a strange aroma penetrated its nostrils, and it looked inexplicably dazed.

This wave.

This wave is called food diplomacy.

Before opening the other person's heart, open the other person's stomach first.

Pokémon dumplings that were as clear as crystal were placed in front of Rayquaza.

This gave this mythical beast, which theoretically does not need to eat and can survive only on moisture and small particles in the atmosphere, have the illusion of "moving its index finger".

"What is this?" it asked.

"It's a snack, specially made to apologize to you." Dawu's voice was neither humble nor overbearing: "Please calm down about the last incident."

Rayquaza did not respond.

He stared straight at the Pokémon dumplings on the ground.

Repeat again——

No Pokémon! Can! Resist this temptation (gesture)

Rayquaza had a thought in his mind.

He used the strong wind to lift up the Pokémon dumpling, then put it in his mouth to taste it.

I am certain in my heart.

Those who eat are soft-mouthed and those who take advantage of others are short-handed.

Rayquaza's attitude has softened, which is a good thing no matter how you look at it.

Who can realize it?

Just before Rayquaza was about to throw the Pokémon dumpling into his mouth.

A black figure flashed out from behind a certain stone pillar and shouted: "Wait a minute, Lord Dragon God, they are lying!"

The sudden change made Rayquaza extremely vigilant.

The Pokémon dumpling that was about to enter the entrance also fell heavily to the ground.

"Tsk." Jon frowned.

Isn't this a waste of food?

But he saw a dark figure flashing out and rushing towards Rayquaza, saying something extremely excited.

The more Raquaza listened, the angrier he became.

The surrounding air pressure drops again.

Even champion trainers like Daigo feel a little out of breath.

Jon shook his head, took out the portable oxygen bottle that the two of them had prepared long ago, and said, "Things have changed, Dawu-san."

While Daigo was breathing oxygen, he looked at the stranger over there.

That's a woman.

A girl with short black hair, wearing a cape, looks chic and capable.

For some reason, Rayquaza seemed to trust the black-haired girl very much. After a while of exchange, the eyes he stared at Daigo and Jon became more and more unkind.

Dawu took oxygen for a while and finally recovered. He held on and asked, "Who are you? Why are you here?"

The girl turned around, took out a Poké Ball from her waist, and said, "I, the successor of the Meteor Clan, Shijana, challenge you in front of the great Dragon God!"

Her eyes were burning: "Come on, this is a sacred ceremony dedicated to Rayquaza, you can't refuse."

Jon and Dawu looked at each other.

They all saw in each other's eyes what each other wanted to express: where did the madness come from.


Meteor clan?

Aren't they the people of the Meteor who built this tower?

Dawu thought for a moment.

Looking at the indifferent Rayquaza, and then at Shijana with a hostile face, she nodded slightly: "If this can calm Rayquaza's anger, then I, Fukizu Daigo, accept your challenge!"

"And I, Qiao Qiao, also accept your challenge." Jon continued calmly.

Dawu was stunned.

Jon smiled and explained: "Don't look at me, the people they want to challenge are the two of us."


This girl is really brave.

Shijana didn't think she would lose. She threw two Poké Balls and summoned the Tyrannosaurus and the Tanabata Blue Bird respectively.

Dawu released Metagross.

Jon showed respect and summoned Nidoking directly.


There was a loud noise.

As soon as Nidoking, who was nearly five meters tall, appeared, even Rayquaza couldn't help but take a few more glances.

'What did this kid eat to grow up? He's so strong!'

Dawu was also amazed again and again, feeling that this was a sure thing.

Shijana was the only one with a slumped face and a puzzled look on her face: "Is this Nidoking?"

"Yes, Nidoking." Jon nodded, "If you are ready, we can start at any time."

Shijana snorted coldly, "No need to say more, let's fight."

As soon as he finished speaking, Nidoking rushed out.

Metagross was a little slower and landed behind Nidoking.

Shijana pondered deeply: "The violent flying dragon, the dragon's wave. The Chinese Valentine's Day blue bird, fly to the sky."

"Nidoking, hold on! Take the Ice Fist."

After receiving the order, a wall of light instantly rose in front of Nidoking.

The violent dragon wave was not wasted at all, it all hit the "defended" light wall.

When the light wall shattered, Nidoking stepped forward and aimed at the Tyrannosaurus's head with a 'freezing punch' wrapped in cold air.

Metagross also took advantage of the situation and launched a series of 'Bullet Punch' attacks.

Shijana's pressure doubled.

She found that she seemed to have overestimated her 'home field' advantage.

He also underestimated the strength of his opponent.

This chapter has been completed!
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