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Chapter 2585 Disbanded on the spot


"What light is this? What light is this? Why is it so hot?"

"Can you actually melt my divine body?"

"Damn it! Stop it quickly!!!"

Under the illumination of this dazzling golden light, the Lord of Samsara's body continued to make melting sounds, with fear and horror in his voice.

He has never experienced anything like this, let alone seen such power.

It seems to be very similar to the power of faith that he has collected from many followers of the Reincarnation God Religion, but it is far more powerful than the power of faith of the Reincarnation God Sect.

The power is similar, but the realm is completely different.

Just like the black tiger's move to take out the heart.

What a six-year-old child displays is not the same power as what a thirty-year-old strong man displays.

This is the current situation.

Also the power of faith, the golden light that appeared behind Ye Qingyun completely suppressed the Lord of Samsara and destroyed all the power around the Lord of Samsara from a higher level.

It has no power to resist at all, and will soon be annihilated by this purer and more powerful power of faith.

The entire palace of reincarnation began to collapse at this moment.

This means that the so-called god, the Lord of Reincarnation, will also completely die.

Also affected are the entire followers of the Reincarnation Cult.

From the leader to the ordinary members of the congregation, everyone felt the sharp decline of their own strength at this moment, and an inexplicable panic and panic arose in everyone's mind.

It seems as if some huge crisis is about to befall everyone in their Reincarnation Religion.

"What does this feel like?"

The Holy Maiden of Samsara, who had just sent Ye Qingyun to the Palace of Samsara, was no exception. She looked in pain at this moment, her face was particularly pale, her aura was scattered and declining, and even her figure standing in the air became shaky.

The most violent reaction was her pair of invisible eyes of reincarnation.

At this moment, her eyes of reincarnation seemed to be invisible.

Several needles were inserted and the pain was excruciating.

At the same time, there was a burning sensation, as if the eyes were being burned by fire.


The severe pain and uncontrollable feeling of weakness caused the Saint of Samsara to cry out in pain.

The helmsman who followed her and the tens of thousands of believers were in similar situations.

For a moment, screams and wails filled the air.

It frightened everyone from the Wang Wang Sect, as well as the Onmyoji Sect who were still watching in the sky in the distance.

"What's going on? Why are these people from the Reincarnation Cult suddenly in such pain?"

"Why has the aura on their bodies declined so much?"

"Hiss! Even the Holy Maiden of Samsara looks so painful. Could it be that something happened to the Lord of Samsara they believe in?"

It's nothing if one person is mad.

It's a bit scary when a group of people freak out.

But if tens of thousands of people were crying and howling together, it wouldn't be scary at all.

It’s simply terrifying!

Even the yin and yang envoys headed by the yin and yang sect, and the couple were so shocked by this scene that they were speechless.

There was an indescribable strangeness and uneasiness in my heart.

The fallen dragon god.

The people of the Samsara God Sect were wailing and screaming.

Although nothing strange has happened to the Yin-Yang Sect for the time being, people from the other two major sects are acting like this. Can the Yin-Yang Sect be spared?

The screams of the Saint of Samsara did not last long.

Her body suddenly twitched violently and foam came out of her mouth.

Immediately afterwards.

Her eyes, which were originally dark, suddenly became brighter.

Along with the swirling brilliance, Ye Qingyun's figure actually emerged from the brilliance.

Not only that, but there was also an old man in gray clothes who appeared in a miserable state with Ye Qingyun.

He is the Lord of Reincarnation!

When the Lord of Reincarnation appeared, the suffering of all the Reincarnation Cultists present temporarily stopped.

In the sky and on earth, everyone's eyes were focused on Ye Qingyun and the Lord of Reincarnation.

"Lord Qingyun!!!"

Seeing Ye Qingyun reappearing safely, everyone in the Wangwang Sect naturally became happy.

The people in the Reincarnation Sect stared blankly at the old man in gray shirt.

Their minds were completely confused.

Because the appearance of the old man in gray clothes looked more and more like the Lord of Reincarnation whom they worshiped.

The eyes of the Saint of Samsara have returned to brightness, and she is looking at the old man in gray shirt with surprise and confusion.

"Lord of Reincarnation?"

The next moment, the Saint of Samsara was horrified.

Her eyes told her that this old man in gray clothes with a gray head and a miserable face was the Lord of Reincarnation that she greatly admired and respected.

Because the Saint of Reincarnation has exactly the same eyes as the old man in gray.

The Saint of Reincarnation couldn't believe that she sent Ye Qingyun to the Palace of Reincarnation and let the Lord of Reincarnation punish Ye Qingyun.

But I didn't expect it.

Ye Qingyun not only came out intact, but also brought out the Lord of Reincarnation.

This is simply outrageous.

"The God of Reincarnation!!!"

The Saint of Samsara immediately knelt down in the air, her voice full of piety and fanaticism.

And all the disciples of the Samsara God Sect here also knelt down together with the Saint of Samsara at this moment.

No matter how miserable the Lord of Samsara looks at the moment, since he is the Lord of Samsara, he is an omnipotent god in their minds.

Must return to reincarnation

The Lord showed his utmost piety.

Seeing so many people kneeling down to worship him, the Lord of Reincarnation's already gray face suddenly became particularly ugly, and he even looked a little panicked.

It happened that Ye Qingyun also turned to look at the Lord of Reincarnation, with a half-smiling look on his face.

The Lord of Reincarnation was so frightened that his old legs were shaking wildly.

"No no no!"

The Lord of Reincarnation shook his head and waved his hands at the people below.

"From today on, I am no longer the Lord of Reincarnation, and you should stop worshiping me."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone in heaven and on earth was stunned.

Especially the people of the Reincarnation Sect, who were originally overjoyed by the appearance of the Lord of Reincarnation, but the words of the Lord of Reincarnation immediately knocked them into a valley.

"Lord God!!!"

The Saint of Samsara couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Is the Lord God going to abandon us? Is it because our faith is not pious and firm enough?"

"I just hope that the gods can continue to accept our faith so that the Reincarnation Religion can continue!"

Ye Qingyun's smile became brighter and brighter, but the Lord of Reincarnation felt his head grow bigger after hearing this.

I kiss my mother!

Are those eyes of yours used to vent your anger?

Why can't you see how embarrassed I am?

It's still here making a fuss, you really want to kill me.

I saw the Lord of Reincarnation gritting his teeth, with a look of determination on his face.

It seems that a very difficult decision has been made in the bottom of my heart.

"All the people from the Reincarnation Cult, listen up."

"Now I solemnly declare that the Reincarnation Sect will be disbanded on the spot!"

"No matter who they are, all those who belong to the Reincarnation Cult need not believe in me again!"

"Moreover, I will no longer be the Lord of Reincarnation from now on."

“I want to join the Wangwang Cult!!!”

This chapter has been completed!
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