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Chapter 2695 Crazy Old Nine

Temple of Nothingness.

On top of the nine divine thrones, the eight ancient gods each sat in their own divine thrones.

A sixth child is missing.

The ancient gods were all silent, and their emotions were very complicated.

Only Nuwa, she is now the most relaxed among the ancient gods.

The entanglements and secrets of these ancient gods have nothing to do with me.

It's like staying out of the action and immersing yourself in eating.

As for the four of them, Lao Si, Lao Wu, Lao Seven and Lao Ninth, their current mentality has undergone considerable changes.

Some don't know how to face the boss, second child and third child.

It would be fine if you didn't know the origins of yourself and others before. If you were kept in the dark all this time, you wouldn't have any ideas.

But now.

When the fourth child and others knew how they and others were born, their mentality immediately changed.

I always feel that my peers and my boss are not the same thing.

Although they seem to be in harmony on the surface, these eight ancient gods have been divided into several small groups.

The eldest brother and the second child are of the same mind.

The third child is a loser.

The fourth, fifth, seventh and ninth boys are in the same group.

Nuwa is a melon eater.

There are four small teams of eight people, and the girls' dormitory is nothing more than that.

However, the Old God Boss was very capable of carrying it. He told this matter in order to make the Fourth Brother and the others settle down.

Don't go against yourself again.

This is almost a clear sign telling the four of them that if there is another internal strife like before, then the ancient god boss is likely to take away all the power of the fourth child and the others.

Erase their existence!

Although the Ancient God Boss did not explicitly state this possibility, the Fourth Boss and others had already anticipated it in their hearts.

It was precisely because they realized that the life and death of themselves and others were completely in the hands of the ancient god boss that the fourth child and the others could completely settle down.

In contrast, Nuwa's situation was actually better than the four of them.

Not only was she actively recruited by the Ancient God Boss, but she was also different from the Fourth Ancient God and the others.

"Boss, Ye Qingyun will definitely come to the Temple of Nothingness again. If you want to defend this place, you have to get rid of him, otherwise the Temple of Nothingness will never have peace."

The second ancient god broke the silence in the temple and expressed his thoughts.

Facing the second child's words, the third child chuckled indifferently.

The fourth, fifth, seventh and ninth children didn't respond at all.

Nuwa even acted as if she didn't hear anything.

This made the second ancient god feel a little helpless and sad.

If the boss hadn't told the secrets between the ancient gods, maybe things wouldn't be like this.

But there is nothing that can be done about it.

It has already reached that level, and the ancient god boss can only tell the matter, otherwise even greater secrets will be exposed.

It can only be said that the pressure Ye Qingyun put on their ancient gods was too great.

"Getting rid of Ye Qingyun is not easy."

The ancient god boss said calmly.


His eyes looked at the third ancient god.

Of course the third ancient god understood what this meant, and there was not much expression on his face.

"Of course I can contribute, but I don't like anyone telling me what to do."

What she said was naturally talking about the second son of the ancient god.

After all, in the past, the second child of the Ancient God was very dissatisfied with the third child's attitude, and they often had quarrels.

The face of the second ancient god twitched slightly.

"We, the ancient gods, should work together and there should be no more differences."

The Third Ancient God was slightly startled, as if he didn't expect that the always irritable and irritable Second Brother would actually say such words that took the overall situation into consideration.

It feels like there has been some progress.

The boss of the ancient god looked at the fourth child and the others with a somewhat complicated look.

"You stay in the temple and do not leave."


The four of them nodded in unison.

The ancient god boss looked at Nuwa again


"You also come with me."

He did not let Nuwa stay in the Temple of Nothingness, but wanted to take her with him to deal with Ye Qingyun.

It seems that he is worried, and there seems to be another reason.

At that moment, the eldest, second, and third ancient gods plus Nuwa all left the Temple of Nothingness.

The four of them, Lao Jiu, were left to continue guarding.

After the boss and the others left, none of the four ancient gods who stayed behind in the Temple of Nothingness spoke.

Still remained silent.

But in the end I couldn't help it.

"Tell me, boss, can they deal with Ye Qingyun this time?"

Ancient God Lao Jiu said this carefully.

The other three ancient gods all looked at him.


Lao Wu responded.

The Fourth and Seventh Lao also shook their heads together, obviously not very optimistic about the actions of the Ancient God Boss and the others this time.

"Then if boss and the others fail this time, will they kill us?"

Lao Jiu's words immediately made the other three ancient gods change their expressions.

"Shut up, Old Nine! Stop talking nonsense!"

The fourth child immediately scolded him and glared at him sharply.

But Lao Jiu did not accept this trick.

It seems that since that time when I mustered up the courage to question the boss, Lao Jiu is no longer the same Lao Jiu.

He became nervous.

"Fourth child, what's the use of glaring at me? You are the same as us. The second and third children are the same as the boss."

Lao Jiu said with a strange yin and yang attitude.

"When that time comes, do you think you, the Fourth, can run away? Will you end up with the same fate as us?"

"Lao Wu Lao Qi, do you two think this is the case?"

Lao Wu and Lao Qi looked at each other. Although they didn't speak, they felt in their hearts that Lao Jiu's words made sense.

Since none of them are real ancient gods, maybe one day the boss will take everything away from them.

Then they will cease to exist.

To put it bluntly, there is no difference between who is older and who is younger among them now.

They are just flesh and blood separated from the boss.

The fourth child took a deep breath and tried his best to calm down his emotions.

He is not stupid and can understand the meaning of Lao Jiu's words.

"Since you said there would be such a day, what do you think?"

The fourth child took the initiative to ask.

Lao Jiu looked hesitant, "Since the boss has been hiding the secret of our Temple of Nothingness, since they are not here now, it is better for us to do it ourselves."

"Look what is hidden in this temple of nothingness, so that the boss wants to hide it from us!"

As soon as these words came out, the other three ancient gods were shocked.

They all looked at the ancient god Lao Jiu with incredible eyes.

Good guy!

This Lao Jiu is really different. Everyone knows that he is courageous, but they didn't expect that he is so courageous.

You actually want to take advantage of the boss and others' departure to secretly uncover the secrets hidden in the Temple of Nothingness?

"Lao Jiu, are you crazy?"

Lao Wu looked at Lao Jiu in disbelief.

"I'm so calm now!"

Ancient God Lao Jiu said calmly.

"We have lived for so many years, and the boss has kept the secret of this Temple of Nothingness and our own origins secret."

"I don't want it to be all in vain in the end!"

"Instead of doing this, it is better to let the secrets of the Temple of Nothingness surface. Maybe we can find an opportunity to get rid of the boss's control!"

Hearing this, the fourth, fifth and seventh children couldn't help but feel excited.


It's better to control your destiny in your own hands.

Since none of us are true ancient gods, one day we will all be taken away by the boss.

You can't place your hopes on the boss.

Then we can only be ruthless and dig out the secrets of the Temple of Nothingness.

"How about we give it a try?"

“Just try it!”

This chapter has been completed!
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