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Chapter 2829 The strongest man in the past

A stone mirror reflects the entire life of the old man.

At the same time, it also reminded Old Man Xianwu of an incident that happened many, many, many years ago.

That was when he was young, full of vigor and passion, rising from the ancient domain where he was born.

The old man Xianwu, who was only a teenager, once met an outsider who could not remember his face. He taught him some very common cultivation methods and showed him a stone mirror.

"Your whole life will be reflected in this stone mirror."

This is a sentence that Old Man Xianwu has long forgotten, but now he can recall it all with the changes in the stone mirror in his hand.

The mysterious master who couldn't remember his face back then, Old Man Xianwu, had already guessed who he was.

It must be that Ye Qingyun had a brief meeting with his young self in the chaotic years.

"My fate originally started because of this stone mirror, and it will also end because of this stone mirror."

Old Man Nothingness looked resolute, and his heart felt more comfortable than ever before.

Although the oil has run out and the lamp has run out, I still have a sense of returning to the light, and my mind and energy are full of energy.

Maybe it's because of the stone mirror, or maybe it's because Old Man Nothingness's own state of mind has changed dramatically.

When Old Man Nothingness arrived here with a stone mirror in hand, he happened to see the green light shining above the bronze palace door, and four figures appeared in the green light.

Muscle reshaping!

Flesh and blood reconstruction!

In just a moment, the four complete figures were completely formed.

Old Man Nothingness was shocked, and his mind seemed to have been hit hard.

"Old Friend"

These four reshaped figures are exactly the four close friends that Old Man Wu fought side by side with in the past.

They had been turned into seals long ago, but now they are resurrected in this posture.

While Old Man Nothingness was horrified, he also felt angry.

An old friend who should have rested in peace long ago has now been

Resurrected in this way.

This is blasphemy!

Canmingren turned around and glanced at the four ancient warriors who had reappeared, with a look of relief in his eyes.

Click click click!

The pure white mask on his face also had several more cracks.

Coupled with the several cracks that had appeared before, the pure white mask of the dead man was already on the verge of collapse.

But when he saw Ye Ziyun coming towards him with his eyes closed, Can Ming knew it was time to leave.

If I don't leave, I'm afraid I won't even have the chance to finally get away.

"My fate is over, it's time for me to go back there."

Can Mingren sighed, stopped making any further entanglements, and turned into a stream of light and headed towards the distance.

The direction he was heading seemed to be the Forbidden Abyss.

Da Mao immediately appeared, first grabbed Ye Ziyun, and then immediately followed Can Mingren.

"This guy's ten-level supreme path should have been passed on from you."

Da Mao carried Ye Ziyun and said while following Can Mingren.

Ye Ziyun naturally didn't understand this. For him, as long as he didn't have to continue fighting, it would be fine.

The fight was really terrible.

I never want to fight with anyone in my life.

At the same time, Sheng Xiaozi and the others looked at the four figures appearing on the door of the Bronze Palace, and their hearts were a little heavy.

They all could see that the four ancient warriors of the past were reborn in another form.

Their strength has also completely returned to its peak.

But it’s not certain whether I still have memories of the past.

After all, the power of the Dao of Creation is not

Can restore the memories of long-dead people.

Perhaps these four reborn ancient warriors are just four unconscious walking corpses.

At this moment, Old Man Xianwu also rushed to the side of Sheng Xiaozi and the other three.

"Thank you, you three. Let me handle the rest of the matter by myself."

Old Man Nothingness said to the three of them.

Sheng Xiaozi frowned.

"These four people are not old friends from our predecessors. They must have been driven by the Eternal Divine Court. It would be better for us to join forces to suppress them."

Old Man Nothingness smiled.

"No need, I know what to do, and I would like to ask three of you to help me realize this final fate of cause and effect."

"Otherwise, I will not be able to rest in peace even if I am afraid of death."

Sword Master Gu Chen and Yan Zheng looked at each other, but neither said anything.

Sheng Xiaozi looked complicated, sighed and said no more.

They all retreated to a distance, but did not leave.

After all, the seal of the Bronze Palace Gate is still there, and no matter what the outcome is between Old Man Nothingness and the four reborn strong men, the three of them must ensure that nothing happens to the seal.

At this moment, only Old Man Nothingness is left to face the resurrected four powerful men alone.

Looking at the living faces of the four people, Old Man Xian's weathered eyes were full of nostalgia and complexity.

During those long and endless years, he wished many times that these old friends could be alive.

Even if only one person is alive, I don't have to be so difficult and lonely.

How many times had he quietly come to the door of the Bronze Palace and muttered to himself, hoping to hear the voice of his old friend again.

It's a pity not once.

And now.

Seeing the four old friends resurrected, Old Man Xianwu felt particularly painful in his heart.

"You guys, still remember

Do you want me?"

Old Man Nothingness asked in a trembling voice.

The four powerful men all opened their eyes, and their gazes also fell on the old man of nothingness.

But what makes Old Man Niang despair is that the eyes of these four powerful men are particularly empty, with no emotion contained in them at all.

It's really like four walking corpses.

They have no sense of themselves.

The old man of nothingness sighed in his heart.

In fact, he had already guessed that this would be the case, but he still had the slightest hope in his heart.

The power of the Avenue of Creation only resurrected the bodies of these four strong men, but the consciousness that originally belonged to them had long since died.

The Walking Dead is pretty good.

Now the bodies of these four powerful men are probably already completely controlled puppets.

as expected.

Just when the old man Wu was about to test it again, the four strong men turned around and bombarded the bronze palace door together.


A blow from the four powerful men directly shook the entire Bronze Palace Gate.

The power of the seal is greatly affected.

Even though Old Man Nothingness had strengthened the seal before, the four powerful men all had the power at their peak, and a combined attack could be extremely terrifying.

The seal of the Bronze Palace Gate will never be able to withstand several such attacks.

"You were the ones who turned into the seal in the past, but I didn't expect that you are the ones who want to destroy the seal now."

"I have been hanging on for dear life, but I didn't expect that I would have to fight you in the end."

"Is this my destiny?"

Old Man Xuanwu took a deep breath and clenched the Qixuan Huntian Bamboo in his hand.

No hesitation, no fear.

It was very natural to perform the rebirth against death.

The last rebirth against death!

This chapter has been completed!
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