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Chapter 108: Panic and no choice of road

A torch was impromptuly thrown and pierced the front like a javelin.

Quick and powerful steps followed the fire, the metal was turned over in the hand, the palm of the hand held the blade, and the guard and counterweight were used as hammer heads to smash down.

This is a technique used on the battlefield. When two armored knights wearing iron plates meet, if they do not have a blunt weapon such as a hammer to effectively kill them, they can only use the long sword in their hands as a temporary substitute.

It is skillful enough to allow the user to give the cast iron gauntlet enough speed to dent the helmet without scratching the palm of the hand.

Seemingly harmless blunt parts can often produce more effective results than dangerous blades, manifested as the crisp sound of a helmet buzzing after being knocked down, resulting in frontal, parietal and temporal bone fractures accompanied by intradural hemorrhage, external hemorrhage and brain contusion.

Injuries and other serious consequences cannot be achieved with current medical methods, let alone treatment, and even exploration is impossible.

To put it simply, this is used to deal with hard attacks. When William's saber bounces away, the attacker will keenly adjust his moves and use targeted killing methods.

But there is something unreasonable under that layer of face. Even if it had been expected, the feedback coming from it made people suspect that it had hit some kind of non-living inorganic object, which was competing with the rock. It used so much force to counterattack itself that the sword almost broke away.

Finger control, cutting through the thick gloves, the cold and sharp feeling licks the palm.

The extremely hard material seems to be some kind of carapace. It is not as tough as metal. The stress point deforms slightly, and then quickly cracks and collapses around it. The fragments between the bone and the stone are opened and pushed up.

It pierced through the pale skin, but no blood flowed out. The face was really pulled toward the depression like a curtain, and the radial folds completely destroyed the relationship with the image of "human".

The part of the face that had been hidden in the shadows was briefly exposed for a moment, shrinking and dissipating like a phantom, but it was enough to see what was leaked before disappearing.

The matte surface is like a formed shadow, solidified in incomprehensible ways, growing into an arthropod-like structure, and William has no doubt that it will dissolve into the dark background in the next moment - in fact, it does just that, once out of the light

At the most intense point, it can no longer be traced in the shadows. Even if it occasionally crosses the edge, it is impossible to tell whether it is the fluctuation of fire or the body of the carapace creature with a familiar face.

The fierce blow knocked it back, and the face of Walker who was struck in the middle fell back into darkness, while the faces of the other two sailors also retracted. They were indistinguishable and synchronized incomprehensibly, as if they were parts from the same individual.

Just when William thought he could have a moment to breathe, an abrupt sharp corner emerged from the edge of the curved shadow, stretched sharply against the light source, and pierced from a blind corner that was out of sight.

His relaxed consciousness failed to direct his body to respond, and the sense of crisis made his eyebrows itch. The shrinking hole reflected the tip of the shadow, and his belated thinking told him that it was an arthropod. When he got closer, he could see the fine tip of a steel needle at the end.

Thorn, scrape towards the edge of the ear and face.

But the person in front of him moved earlier than it did. He changed his target first, changed his technique again, took back the hilt of the sword, and controlled the ridge of the sword with one hand, like an iron awl, blocking half of William's face.

Retrograde shadow.

The limbs escaped, and the sword blade opened large strips of cracked damage on it, taking enough damage before it retreated into the shadow.

This must have been painful enough. The sound of the carapace's sharp shell hitting the ground rolled away. It was messy and dense, and it was hard to tell how many limbs it had for it to move.

"Wake up!" Kraft grabbed William and took the opportunity to distance himself. He used all his strength to pull him away but couldn't drag him a few steps. In desperation, he pulled on the collar and tried to pull him up from the ground. The sutures snapped.

, after the cloth was torn, a large piece of the right collar was pulled off, and the person was still lying on the spot kicking his legs.

"Get up quickly, or we can't run!"

He wanted to activate his mental senses to explore the movement of the thing, but he could not guarantee that he could evacuate the cave within a limited time, so he could only rely on his eyesight to be alert to the darkness while picking up the torch.

"Wait for me for a while! Wait for me for a while!" William cried and rolled over and crawled away. It took him a long time to stand up from the ground against the wall of the cave. This was so scary. The courage he inspired when he was about to die was shaking.

After coming to God, he disappeared without a trace.

For some reason, the expected pursuit did not follow. After the sound of rapid arthropods hitting the rocks, it probably stabilized its body.

In the invisible darkness, a deep sound resonated through a long cavity, ringing from weak to strong. The compressed air flow gradually advanced in the expanding rigid pipe and transformed into distant vibrations suitable for transmission. It sounded like a

The giant horn, longer than the chimney, was blown by countless people.

From the horrified look on William's face, Kraft realized that this was something worse than probing the limbs in the dark.

"what is that?"

"It's coming, run!" The captain tried his best to use his legs and ran up and down the road. He still had the conscience to call Kraft. But even if he didn't say it, anyone with normal intelligence would understand that he should follow him at this time.


The latter's doubts only lasted for a short while.

A very similar response came from the other side, which was where they came from. Although the voice was so consistent with the voice of the arthropod wearing the face, the completely different volume was enough to rule out the idea of ​​it being an echo.

From an unreachable distance, the sound of the majestic horn can be heard clearly, accompanied by the vibration of cold current and approach.

The previous sound was some kind of imitation, a call, and the thing that answered the call was coming along the cave.

"It's over." William stopped and looked back and forth desperately. The situation was already like this, so it didn't matter wasting time to say a few more words. "You're right, we shouldn't come down."

"Do you still remember the things on the rock paintings at the entrance of the village? These caves are not natural. That thing, the thing that created the caves...it is coming towards us now."

"No one will thank you for being a wise man. Think of something you can do!" Kraft replied casually, sheathing his sword and retracting his free hand into his sleeve. His unexplained movements were quite methodical.

For some reason, William felt that he was not very panicked. Rather than facing death calmly, it felt more like he had the worst option that he was not willing to choose.

"We definitely can't run away from it." He slumped down and sat down. The energy he needed to run was a glimmer of hope. Since he couldn't run away, he would rather die in a more comfortable way.

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguoyuedu to read and catch up on books recently. I can switch sources and read aloud with many sounds. Yeguoyuedu is available for Android and Apple.]

But overall, he still made a profit, and he still had some time for his last prayers.

William emptied the purse and found the double-winged ring amulet he had taken off at the bottom, "O Almighty Lord. I am guilty, all because I was greedy and insisted on going my own way, causing the crew to be harmed by the evil beasts of the pagans. Clara

Dr. Foote is in this position with me."

"But Dr. Kraft is here to save lives. Although he is not a believer, he still begs to open the door of the country to him..."

"I hope the last solution you can think of is not to pray to Father Roush! I have never seen that thing, and now I have to rely on you to find a solution!" The amplitude of the earthquake became larger and larger. Kraft threw away the torch and rushed to William's side to grab it.

Holding his hand, the distance between the two of them was so close that they could be put into a bucket.

"I apologize to you for his previous blasphemy of using your honorable name..."

Krafft was immediately laughed out of anger by William. This prayer was quite thoughtful and he did not forget to bring it with him, "Damn it! I can come to hell to get you in person. Isn't it better than Heavenly Father?"

A feeling of dizziness and nausea interrupted the captain's temporary prayer of holding Heavenly Father's smelly feet. The illusion of weightlessness struck, and the senses were confused.

As Kraft squeezed something in his sleeve before his eyes, he heard the burn of acid reflux and tasted the rumbling crawling vibration. Among the various cross-connected and confusing sensations, only one was the most obvious - falling.

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