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Chapter 207 Tension Pneumothorax

"The patient has been suffering from tuberculosis for more than half a year, and all the symptomatic treatments such as cough and fever are ineffective. Once the surgery was performed, the hemoptysis stopped immediately, and the cough was relieved and less frequent from the next day. The patient reported chest pain, and the symptoms of dryness and heat also tended to improve...


When the daily agenda mainly focused on what to eat next, a magical report was copied to the long table.

The general situation is that, without everyone knowing it, a professor from Rivers University got together with an anatomy lecturer from our school and went to the internal medicine clinic of graduating students to perform surgical treatment on tuberculosis patients, and the results were remarkable.

This graduate, who deeply regretted his partial treatment at that time, truthfully wrote down the entire treatment process that he had witnessed, and at the end he said suspiciously, "Professor Kraft stated that this technique only has the effect of delaying the course of the disease."

The impact of immediate results is always the strongest, and long-term prescription compatibility and collection of folk remedies seem meaningless, even a bit like a clown's juggling.

At first, the clinic's reception volume doubled, but when the second, third, or even dozen cases appeared, the rumors would not be as restrained as the case reports written to the university.

A eloquent article with hundreds of words and various limited descriptions will gradually degenerate into an extremely one-sided but extremely powerful question during the communication - can it be cured?

Can? Then there is no need to say more. For the first time, the footsteps of the White Death were restrained in the face of some reproducible power. It is much more practical than a king's touch or a heavenly father's blessing.

Intuitively, David felt that patients from all around him, in fact the entire New Town or further afield, were pouring into the clinic, and those who received treatment would further spread the news.

Many people who arrive have coughs, but they are not necessarily tuberculosis patients. There are even many completely unrelated diseases that come to try their luck. Various sores, ringworm, sepsis, rashes and ulcers, chronic cough, and seasonal angina.

Among them, infectious diseases account for the largest proportion.

The reason is also very good: since tuberculosis can be treated, let alone other diseases.

This has greatly increased the difficulty of operating the clinic, especially after witnessing the patient suddenly coughing up blood before entering and breathing calmly after coming out. The change in thinking from believing in medicine to believing in metaphysics has been completed.

The "King's Touch" therapy is not a metaphor, but is considered one of the important methods of healing in legends. It is slightly more realistic than the blessing of the Heavenly Father. After all, most people who see the Heavenly Father will not need treatment.

There is still a chance to meet the king.

Now this tendency has been transferred to an unnamed professor.

Some people think that as long as they rush into the clinic, come to the person who cured the white plague, and let him touch the patient's swollen lymph nodes and chest, the disease can be cured without medicine. This part is not small.

If it were now announced that taking a bite could cure tuberculosis, Kraft felt that he would be treated the same as some eminent monk traveling to the West.

Of course, it's not much better now. At first, he could still receive patients with various infectious diseases, research various information and analyze commonalities. After two days, he had to wear a mask and a hooded robe to enter and exit.

The increased flow of people forced Kraft to abandon the other half of the purpose of coming here and spend most of his time and energy on day-to-day assessment, puncture, and gas injection.

According to the half of the soul who came from the other world, tuberculosis specialists in developed areas may not receive such a large number of patients with such typical symptoms every month; underdeveloped areas cannot find such original treatment plans as he has at hand.

It is very difficult to say "no". When a patient who comes with all his belongings and hopes to receive treatment sits in front of him, he cannot say to him, "I have enough tuberculosis patients today, now I have to ask

Something else”.

But sometimes the situation does not depend on personal wishes.

"Your situation is quite special and I cannot treat you the way I do." Kraft put his hands on both sides of the patient's chest and felt an obvious sense of friction and pull.

[pleural adhesions]

Tuberculosis is not a disease that is limited to the inside of the lungs. It will develop outward. The basic structure for artificial pneumothorax, the pleura, is the thing closest to the lungs.

The fibrin deposition in the pleural inflammation exudate is like two pieces of paper smeared with sugar water. The water that is easier to absorb disappears, and the solid content remains solidified. With the relative movement between the two layers, it becomes sticky and stringy, forming a rough inner surface.

When you put your hand on the chest wall, you will feel this rough friction. In severe cases, such as this patient, the two layers of pleura may even be partially bonded together, affecting breathing movements.

At this time, it is impossible to inject air into it.

"But they said you can cure it, and that person just now..." The patient lying on the back of the chair leaned sideways and tried his best to lower his breathing. He could imagine that every ups and downs would pull the pleura that had lost its mobility.

Causes unavoidable pain unless breathing stops.

The inflammation should still be ongoing, so force it to remain stiff and in an uncomfortable sideways position to avoid causing more severe pain.

"I'm sorry, but tuberculosis can also be classified into different grades. There is a fundamental difference between breaking a finger and breaking a leg bone." Kraft was willing to explain a few more words to him, but even for someone like David who had received basic medical education.

It takes a lot of effort to clearly explain the indications and contraindications of artificial pneumothorax. A few more words will not change anything, it will only increase the confusion.

He chose to draw an imaginary circle on his chest, "My medical skills are not enough to help you relieve your pain. May Heavenly Father bless you."

Without any instructions, Kupp skillfully helped the patient up, took him out of the room, and called the next person in from outside.

When he was about to walk away, Kraft stopped him: "Coop, it's enough to have someone outside call the number. You can help Dr. David get the ether bottle later."



Two very synchronized questions rang out, and David looked around uncertainly to find the second person with this name in the room. Although the traditional apprenticeship system is no longer mainstream in the medical field these days, he only followed him for a few days.

It’s a bit incredible to be able to master someone else’s unique technology.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! "Yes, after watching it for so many days and explaining the process many times, you should know which intercostal space you should puncture even with a puncture needle. You guys are the next patient.

"Continue." Kraft soaked his hand in the lime water, and a faint sting penetrated the weak skin on the back of his hand.

Days of non-stop operations have caused the supply of distilled spirits to begin to shrink, and a lot of it has been spent on making ether with unsatisfactory yields. It seems impossible to continue using it to wash hands, so we have to resort to old methods that have been discarded for a long time.

As planned, one person cannot do everything, and it is time to try to start teaching work - not because artificial pneumothorax has been verified to a certain extent, and he really cannot withstand the high-intensity dual mental and physical work.

"Don't worry, I will keep an eye on you." Giving up the seat in the consulting room that originally belonged to David, Kraft stepped aside and happily sat in the auditorium, "Wash your hands first!"

David's mind was blank and he finished washing his hands according to the conditioned reflex he had learned from training. He silently recited "Audio-Visual Touch" and sat on the cushion that was still cold. Kupp stood back in his familiar position as a follower, but this time he wanted to escort him. The object is surgery.

Fortunately, the patient this time was very "standard", and he could basically understand the situation just by imitating the most common operations he had seen in a few days.

Kupp felt a little nervous as he recalled what technique was required to hold the ether bottle, but found no requirements other than a steady hand. This was simple enough for a person carrying a page hammer.

The relieved guard paid attention to David's intermittent consultations. The time, symptoms, nature, one moment and another, were far less coherent than usually listening to Kraft, like telling a story to guide the listener to straighten out the logic. .

When he heard some inconsistent questions, he even felt that he could tell what the next question should and should not be.

【I can fuck me too】

An extremely arrogant idea. Coop quickly pushed it aside. The life of following Kraft gave him a basic concept of these complex academic institutions.

How could a retinue who had become a monk and was rescued from the mud in the salt tide area compare with a bachelor who graduated from the highest university in the kingdom? He looked at the others guiltily, fearing that his stray thoughts would be heard.

And David finally ended the consultation. After Kraft corrected his technique, he completed the physical examination step by step and concluded that he was "suitable for surgery." Then came the "knowledge of needles" step, where he had to find the puncture point. Sterilize the needle.

The patient's nutritional status is good, which is theoretically beneficial to withstand pneumothorax surgery, but this also means that he does not have clear bones and considerable subcutaneous thickness like the first patient.

David broke out in a sweat under the gaze. He walked his fingers back and forth on the chest wall twice and found that the ribs he counted were in different numbers.

There must have been a mistake somewhere, and he should have counted again from the second rib. But in front of everyone, Kraft had just taught him it himself, and he never expected that such a low-level mistake would be made, and he became more and more confused.

Kraft crossed his arms, apparently wanting him to go through it himself, which made David even more panicked.

Based on acquaintances' understanding of Kraft, there is absolutely no malicious intention to make people look bad, but a simple willingness to give enough time to think.

It wasn't until this predicament lasted for five or six deep breaths that Kupp, who was holding the ether bottle, finally felt that he couldn't bear it anymore. He took out a hand and made a rough gesture under the two small spots on the patient's chest, and gestured towards the patient. "five".

"The fifth rib?" David remembered that Kraft did not use "disciple" when introducing this follower.

"That's right." Kupp was convinced. This was an impressive practical content. He mentioned it in passing when he was forced to recite the skeleton. "The apex of the heart is on this line. I have some impressions."

He raised his head and saw Kraft nodding slightly in surprise.

The rest of the process went smoothly under close supervision. After the patient regained consciousness, he thanked Kraft ecstatically and assured Kraft that he would return to the clinic on time.

The diagnosis and treatment continued, and David became more and more skilled in the operation. Just as he was carefully preparing for his third puncture, a burst of anxious shouts and dissuasive noises interrupted the operation.

Before he could scold the apprentice for his poor management, Kraft had already rushed out of the clinic in three steps and two steps at a time. In the densest part of the crowd, he used brute force to push away the idle people who didn't know why but kept pushing in.

The man who was lying stiffly on his side was being supported, his already pale face was drained of all color, he was sweating profusely, the blood vessels on his straight neck were full and protruding, and some kind of rapidly progressing disease was expanding in his body.

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